EIP-4844 Blob市场将如何改变以太坊?

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作者:Primev、0xEvan 来源:mirror 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


  • 我们的研究深入研究了新兴的 EIP-4844 Blob 市场,该市场的运作方式与 EIP-1559 Gas 定价类似,但缺乏用于 Blob 包含的直接区块构建者小费机制,可能会导致不可靠的 Blob 交易体验和包含挑战。

  • 我们注意到,虽然 blob 交易很大(约 125 kB)并且比同等的 calldata 便宜,但它们显着增加了以太坊区块的大小,但为区块带来了增量竞价能力。

  • 我们证明,这个新市场的容量可以吸收当前汇总数据需求,并将标准区块空间天然气成本降低 15-20%,从而释放更低成本的 MEV 机会。

  • 我们观察到,在网络活动增加时,blob 交易可能会导致区块传播减慢一百毫秒的量级,这可能会导致区块构建者审查 blob,以维持 mev-boost 中的竞争性投标。

  • 我们评估“预配置出价”可以缓解这些挑战,而 blob 预配置可以增强 EIP-4844 的功能,为 L2 用户提供增强的交易体验,并为汇总提供稳定的包含体验。

  • 我们将在 Holesky 测试网上进行实验,收集区块构建器数据,并使用 mev-commit 将中继设置为 blob 预配置提供者,并且我们邀请 PBS 参与者参与。


EIP-4844 通过引入 blob 市场扩展了以太坊的数据可用性功能。这个新兴市场使用类似的 EIP-1559 Gas 价格机制来定价和燃烧 Blob 基础 Gas 费用。然而,与类型 2 交易不同,没有直接的方法来竞标构建者提示以纳入 Blob 市场。由于缺乏优先费,因此很难对 blob 包含进行准确定价。此外,由于 blob 是规模最大的以太坊交易之一,因此包含区块的 blob 预计在网络中传播的速度会更慢。如果构建者接受一个区块中的许多 blob,他们目前面临着更高的区块重组风险,并且经济上理性的构建者有时会选择审查 blob,以保持区块构建延迟较低,这可能与 mev 峰值相关。

我们提出了与 blob 相关的区块构建和 mev-boost 数据收集工作,以及使用mev-commit的 blob 预确认提供者实验,并邀请 rollups、中继、区块构建者和提议者社区参与。我们对 EIP-4844 中 Blob 相关行为的见解表明,L1 Blob 预确认可以增强 Blob 市场的能力,为 L2 用户提供更好的交易体验,在新兴 MEV 条件下可靠地包含 Rollup,并为以太坊提供更稳定的以 Rollup 为中心的未来。

了解 Blob 市场


EIP-4844引入了一种称为 blob tx 的 type3 交易(tx)。携带 Blob 的交易就像常规交易,但通过 Blob 数据、KZG 承诺和证明进行了增强。与标准以太坊交易相比,Blob 非常大(约 125 kB),并且比同等数量的调用数据便宜得多。calldata 的定价为每非零字节 16gas,并且大小可变,而 blob 数据的定价为每字节 1.04gas,固定大小为131,072gas。


Blob Gas 机制

Blob的基础Gas定价采纳了类似EIP-1559的拥堵费用机制,主要区别在于,blobGas的目标是目标blob计数,而不是EIP-1559的目标Gas利用率。目标blob计数定为3(相当于0.375 MB),每个区块的最大值为6(0.75 MB)。最低blob基础Gas费被设定为1 wei。




基于历史rollup calldata活动在type3 tx区块空间的使用,我们发现blob市场的价格能够舒适地吸收所有rollup容量,而不会使blob市场价格超过最小blob基础Gas费。


尽管Rollups正在向以太坊发布更多数据,但大多数区块仍低于目标,这确保了 Blob Gas 价格保持在较低水平。






Rollup 对区块中使用的 Gas 量有重大影响,他们是当今以太坊区块空间最大的 Gas 用户。2023 年,Rollups 在以太坊上存储了创纪录数量的交易数据,如下所示:




在黑天鹅需求的情况下,这种情况可能会进一步加剧。最近在 2023 年 12 月,由于交易量巨大,铭文垃圾邮件导致 Arbitrum 排序器离线约一个小时。随着 Arbitrum 排序器恢复运行并开始发布积压的已保存状态,排序器垄断了区块空间,导致Gas 价格飙升至 140 gwei 以上,并消耗了整个区块 90% 以上的 Gas,导致网络对大多数用户无法使用持续几个小时。


Blob 市场挑战:审查制度


EIP-4844 将每个信标块的带宽要求增加了最多约 0.75 MB,42m 气体以在每个信标块中容纳最多 6 个 blob。与永久存储的 calldata 不同,blob 会在信标节点中保留一小段时间(截至 2024 年 2 月 18 天),以保持网络存档状态的增长易于管理。

此外,blob 交易有两种网络表示形式——对于区块构建器来说是 blob tx,对于验证器来说是 blob sidecar。blob sidecar 的存在是为了向前兼容。

Blob 在通过共识层之前必须首先通过执行层传播。这意味着构建者(而不是验证者)对blob 包含拥有最终决定权。提议者只能根据 mev-boost 动态下的承诺或证明无效性排除 blob 交易。



最近对验证器计时博弈的研究强调,延迟优化可以从战略上使节点运营商受益,通过延迟区块提案来实现利润最大化。作者解释说,这不利于连锁店的健康。Blob 事务在 Blob sidecar 传播时增加了可变的延迟,从而使计时游戏进一步复杂化。

Blob 事务相当于最大可能的事务大小。因此,包含这些交易的区块传播速度会更慢,从而使区块构建者在赢得 mev-boost 出价方面的竞争力降低。因此,这会激励区块构建者暂时甚至无限期地审查 blob,以便他们可以以更高的频率提交 mev 出价。

ethpanda团队一直在使用Xatu在测试网上进行真实的延迟测试。哨兵放置在 NYC、FRA、BLR 和 SYD 区域,以使用共识客户端 Prysm、Nimbus、Lodestar 和 Lighthouse 来表示真实的延迟测量。2024 年 2 月 20 日包含 Holesky blob 数据的数据快照表明,整个 mev 管道产生了不小的延迟。

区块构建者赢得 mev-boost 投标拍卖后,提议者必须等待 blob sidecar 传播,然后才能验证区块中包含的 blob。下表显示,在约 800 个 Blob Sidecar 的样本大小中,单个 Blob Sidecar 传播的最短时间约为 400 毫秒。

表 1. Blob 传播与槽的 Blob 数量


下表显示了等待更多 blob sidecar 到达时的延迟差异。第 50 个百分位 (p50) 表示 2 blob 块和 6 blob 块之间的延迟差异约为 225 毫秒。

表 2. 按块中 Blob Sidecar 总数分组的第一个和最后一个 Blob Sidecar 之间的时间差


这种 Blob 传播延迟给区块构建者带来了额外的区块重组风险,因为他们用 Blob 填充了区块,而几乎没有经济收益。构建者可能会选择排除/审查 blob 事务以避免潜在的重组。如果一个区块包含大量 MEV,经济上合理的建设者将需要通过汇总来适当补偿这种风险。

关于 Blob 市场包容性竞价用户体验

验证者计时游戏研究指出,在 mev-boost 竞价过程中,较大的出价与后期的较大区块相关。随着出价和 Gas 价格的上涨,更大份额的 ETH 在后续时段中被销毁。如果基本费用增加而 mev 提取保持不变,那么建设者对提议者未来收入的竞标就会减少。

在预期容量超过当前需求的 blob 市场中,被销毁的 blob 基本费用将仍然非常小,在数十或数百 wei 左右。Rollups 必须认识到,尽管支付了足够的基本费用,但他们的 Blob 交易可能不会被包含在内。低基础费用的 blob 市场意味着 blob 需要高出很多倍的出价才能激励建设者参与交易。在这种情况下,必须重新提交 Blob 交易,并增加费用,从而导致用户体验不佳。

此外,由于 EIP-4844 下的初始 Blob 市场不会有包含小费机制(例如 Blob 优先 Gas 费),这进一步加剧了用户体验问题,因为 Rollup 无法直接对 Blob 交易进行竞价。

我们看一个示例交易,并计算假设 10 wei 基础 blob 气体的等效 blob 成本。请注意,此示例假设存在有效的包含竞价机制,以便能够首先对 blobspace 进行竞价。


Calldata - 129,998字节(129,429非零字节),约消耗2,094,140气体,在10.56 gwei(10.55 gwei基础价格 + .01 gwei优先费)的情况下,费用为.022 ETH。

Blob - 128,000字节,约消耗131,072气体,在1 gwei(10 wei基础价格 + .99999999 gwei优先费)的情况下,费用为0.000131072 ETH。

计算得出的结论是,如果 Rollups 使用 Blob 市场,由于 Blob 基本费用较低,他们可以提交潜在 100 倍的出价,同时仍节省超过 150 倍的成本。较低的 blobbaseFee将允许汇总提供更具竞争力的包含出价,同时仍然节省成本。纳入费需要与该区块中现有的 MEV 机会具有竞争力,以补偿潜在的建筑商重组风险,因此即使出价高 100 倍也可能不够。也就是说,在没有 blob 预先确认的情况下。

使用 mev-commit 进行 Blob 预确认

在这种计时游戏中,blob 预确认的主要作用是制作提供者预先确认的 blob 列表,可在 mev 管道中使用。在 mev-commit 上,每个 preconf 提供者都会向 txs 发出自己的承诺。然后,提供者可以向其他人(例如区块生成器、中继器、定序器)授予对此数据的访问权限。preconf 列表对 mev 管道中其他参与者的数据可用性允许块构建器并行发送匹配的执行负载。可以利用这个概念来创建预配置的 blob 包含列表,或者让 type3 块空间由中继协作构建。

凭借预先确认的 blob 的高级知识,区块构建者可以在槽位开始之前开始使用 blob 构建未来的区块。这创造了定价基础,并为强大的期货市场奠定了基础,为汇总提供了更可靠的包容性和区块空间价格稳定性。此外,mev-commit preconf 出价为 rollups 提供了更可靠的价格发现机制,因为 rollups 可以实时更新其 preconf 出价,而无需重新提交整个 blob tx。

最后,捆绑 blob 并使用预配置投标允许汇总建立联盟。预配置出价可以应用于 Blob 交易包或聚合 Blob,允许 Rollup 与其他 Rollup 共享其投标能力和包容性,从而帮助稳定和发展以太坊 Blob 市场。


总而言之,我们表明,Rollups的经济性正在变得更好,而新市场的出现则带来了从计时游戏到缺乏小费机制等额外考虑因素。虽然现在跳到我们强调的问题的解决方案阶段还为时过早,但我们可以轻松地与 PBS 参与者进行实验,因为 mev-commit 在 Holesky 测试网上处于活动状态。Primev 将收集有关 blob 对区块构建和提议者延迟的影响的数据,并希望揭示有关潜在行为模式的见解。

虽然经济和用户体验是预配置 2 类交易的主要驱动力;看起来 rollup 的包容性、可靠性和稳定性以及以 rollup 为中心的生态系统将成为在 EIP-4844 下预配置 blob 的重要原因。我们还将尝试使用 blob 预配置中继,它可以利用 blob 预配置和区块构建器协调来改善 Holesky 测试网上的 blob sidecar 延迟传播。我们邀请社区伸出援手并参与此实验,因为它将为整个社区提供潜在的解决方案。

Our research has deeply studied the emerging market, which operates in a similar way to pricing, but lacks a direct block builder tipping mechanism for inclusion, which may lead to unreliable trading experience and inclusion challenges. We have noticed that although the transactions are similar and cheaper than the same, they have significantly increased the size of the Ethereum block, but brought incremental bidding ability to the block. We have proved that the capacity of this new market can absorb the current situation. Summarize the data demand and reduce the natural gas cost of standard block space, thus releasing the opportunity of lower cost. We observe that when the network activity increases, the transaction may slow down the block propagation by the order of 100 milliseconds, which may lead the block builder to review and maintain the competitive bidding in progress. We evaluate that the pre-configured bid can alleviate these challenges, and the pre-configured function can provide users with an enhanced trading experience and provide a stable inclusion experience for the summary. We will conduct it on the test network. The experiment collects the data of the block builder and uses relay as a pre-configured provider, and we invite participants to participate in the introduction, which expands the data availability function of Ethereum by introducing the market. This emerging market uses a similar price mechanism to price and burn the basic expenses. However, unlike the type transaction, there is no direct way to bid for the builder's prompt to be included in the market, so it is difficult to accurately price the inclusion due to the lack of priority fees. In addition, it is one of the reasons for the largest Ethereum transaction. It is expected that this containing block will spread more slowly in the network. If the builders accept many of a block, they are currently facing a higher risk of block reorganization, and economically rational builders sometimes choose to review to keep the block construction delay low, which may be related to the peak value. We put forward the pre-confirmed provider experiments related to the block construction and data collection work and the use, and invited the relay block builders and proposer communities to participate in our opinion table on the related behaviors. Ming Pre-confirmation can enhance the ability of the market, provide users with a better trading experience, reliably contain and provide a more stable future for Ethereum under the emerging conditions, and understand the market lumpy trading. The transactions carried by the so-called transactions are just like regular transactions, but enhanced through data commitment and proof. Compared with standard Ethereum transactions, it is very similar and much cheaper than the same amount of call data. The pricing is per non-zero byte and the size is variable, while the pricing of data is per. The fixed size of bytes is the basic pricing mechanism, which adopts a similar congestion charge mechanism. The main difference is that the target is the target count instead of the target utilization rate. The target count is set to be equivalent to the maximum value of each block, and the basic fee is set to be the highest price that the sender is willing to pay for the basic fee when submitting the transaction. All these fees will be burned, which is similar to that in the transaction. If users want to pay extra fees to encourage them, they only need to submit one. Covering the non-part of the transaction leads to no direct way to submit the market capacity including tips to the builder. We reviewed the historical activities from June to June to demonstrate the market capacity. We paid attention to the most active transactions in the Ethereum and used historical data to simulate the real-time market. Although this market is still growing and not online on the main network, we used the historical data of the whole year to evaluate its potential. Based on the use of historical activities in block space, we found that the market price can comfortably absorb all. Capacity without making the market price exceed the minimum base fee. Although more data are being released to Ethereum, most blocks are still below the target, which ensures that the price is kept at a low level. The situation with more blocks is more frequent, which means that in addition to the lower cost factor in the market, the gas price is more economical than calculation, which brings additional cost savings on two levels. The market can not only comfortably absorb the current data availability demand, but also release the non-market ones. Block space has reduced the gas cost, which has improved the bidding ability of users, Seeker builders and verifiers in proportion, and unlocked new opportunities excluded due to price. More data availability is needed, which has a significant impact on the amount used in the block. They are the largest users in the block space of Ethereum today, and have stored a record amount of transaction data in Ethereum every year. As shown in the following daily average chart, the prices of other users are directly affected. In the case of black swan demand, this situation may be further aggravated. In recent years, due to the huge transaction volume, the sorter was offline for about an hour. As the sorter resumed operation and began to publish the backlog of saved status, the sorter monopolized the block space, which led to the price soaring above and consumed the whole block, resulting in the network being unusable for most users for several hours. In the next section, we will show that even if there is no such surge in demand. How the game and censorship may also affect this market? The spread of censorship challenges the bandwidth requirements of each beacon block by up to about gas to accommodate up to 100 differences from permanent storage in each beacon block, which will remain in the beacon node for a short period of time until the year, month and day to keep the growth of network archiving status easy to manage. In addition, there are two network representations of transactions, which are for the block builder and exist for forward compatibility through the consensus layer. Before, it must be spread through the executive layer, which means that the builder, not the verifier, can only exclude the proposer who has the final decision according to the dynamic promise or proof of invalidity. The recent research on the timing game of the verifier emphasizes that the delay optimization can strategically benefit the node operator and maximize the profit by delaying the block proposal. The author explains that this is not conducive to the chain store's health affairs, which increases the variable delay when spreading, thus making the timing game. Further complicating the transaction is equivalent to the maximum possible transaction size, so the block containing these transactions will spread more slowly, thus reducing the competitiveness of the block builder in winning the bid. Therefore, this will encourage the block builder to review it temporarily or even indefinitely so that they can submit the bid at a higher frequency. The team has been using the test network to conduct real delay testing. Sentinels are placed in the sum area to show the real delay measurement by using the consensus client sum. The data snapshot containing data on the date of the month shows that the whole pipeline has caused considerable delay. After the block builder wins the bid auction, the proposer must wait. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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