多邻国:AI 如何塑造教育的未来?

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① 多邻国是最有机会利用 AI 快速发展业务的教育公司之一。该公司联合创始人的研究生论文就是关于 AI 如何帮助人类。多邻国也许正是为了这个机会而生的。

② 让人们学习很难,因为游戏、社交媒体等无时无刻不抢占用户的注意力,这就好比“你希望人们吃西兰花,但是它旁边放着有史以来最美味的甜点。”多邻国决定“让西兰花吃起来像甜点一样”。

③ 多邻国达到 100 万 DAU 花了 8 年时间,而从 100 万到 300 万仅用 21 个月,这个过程中 AI 能力功不可没。在技术驱动的教育领域,借助 AI 实现自适应学习和个性化内容正在成为常态。多邻国选择积极整合 AI 功能并取得有效进展,表明它不仅能够跟上当前趋势,而且希望主动参与、塑造教育的未来。

多邻国由卡内基梅隆大学学生 Severin Hacker 和 Luis von Ah 于 2011 年创立。作为来自不同世界和文化的美国移民,他们了解学习不同语言的重要性和必要性,这促使他们创立了多邻国。凭借游戏化的学习体验、强大的品牌效应、多种有益的营销策略以及 AI 的助力,多邻国股价在 2023 年涨幅超过 210%。


订阅业务向 Super Duolingo 的会员收费,提供多种学习和游戏化功能并免除广告,是其最主要的业绩驱动力;广告业务向愿意在 App 上投放广告的广告主收费;英语测试业务向考生收费(该测试可用于留学申请和签证申领等,目前已获全球 4500 多所院校/项目认可);其他业务包括应用内虚拟商品销售等。

多邻国绝大部分收入来自订阅业务,且付费用户集中在美国、加拿大等富裕国家。Luis 的观点是:“这是财富再分配的一种形式。多邻国的基础想法就是找到富人来支付每个人的教育费用。”

作为头部语言学习平台,多邻国自上市以来保持优美的增长曲线,并且凭借广阔的语言学习市场、独到的营销策略与强大的 AI 加持领跑 AI 教育赛道(如感兴趣生成式 AI 赛道的其他明星公司,可点击查看)。它积极融入 AI 等新技术提升学习体验,也在尝试逐步将业务拓展至数学、音乐课程。2023 年,多邻国率先接入 GPT4,并额外推出 Duolingo Max 订阅服务。在 AI 加持下,多邻国订阅收入增长态势十分迅猛。

 1. 多邻国的四个成功要素


多邻国并非第一家瞄准语言学习市场的上市公司。早在 2009 年,语言学习软件公司 Rosetta Stone 即完成 IPO 并募集过亿美元,当时该公司年营收超过 2.09 亿美元。然而在多邻国创始人看来,Rosetta Stone 只瞄准了语言学习市场的一小部分,并向他们收取过高费用。这根本不是一个好生意。

多邻国找到了一种比 Rosetta Stone 更巧妙地切入市场的方法,他们想帮助那些希望学习新语言但却无法为学习软件支付费用的人群。Google 趋势和此后两家公司的发展证明了多邻国创始人的眼光:

多邻国的火爆来自于它既是充满趣味的学习工具,又是一个语言宝藏。完全免费,且提供超过 40 种语言的教学课程,从大语种如英语、法语、日语 ,到小语种和濒危语种如威尔士语、 纳瓦荷语,应有尽有。多邻国也提供各种各样的课程和练习,让用户可以轻松掌握词汇、语法、听力和阅读等技能。

庞大的语言学习市场空间给多邻国发展提供广阔空间。据统计,到 2023 年,全球约有 12 亿人正在学习一门外国语言。2023 年,多邻国月活 8310 万人,对全球语言学习人群的渗透率接近 7%。其中,付费用户 580 万人,对全球语言学习人群的渗透率仅 0.48%。因此多邻国未来可向外进一步扩张吸引更多新用户,向内持续提升用户付费率,提升市场份额的空间仍旧巨大。

另一方面,截至 2022 年,全球在线语言学习市场高达 203.4 亿美元,并预计以 17.9%的 CAGR 于 2031 年达到 895.3 亿美元。由于多邻国每个季度的订阅业务营收增速均远高于 17.9%,因此它有望在未来几年中占据更高的市场份额。




让人们学习很难,因为游戏、社交媒体等无时无刻不抢占用户的注意力,这就好比“你希望人们吃西兰花,但是它旁边放着有史以来最美味的甜点。” Luis 和团队决定“让西兰花吃起来像甜点一样”,他们为此采用了很多的技巧。

再比如连胜机制,代表你持续学习的天数,这个功能非常显著。这样一来,用户为了不失去自己的连胜纪录,就会每天打开多邻国。据披露,目前多邻国有超过 300 万的日活用户连续打卡超过 365 天。



基于用户对产品的认可,多邻国经历了强劲用户和营收双重增长。2023Q3,多邻国 DAU 从去年同期的 1490 万跃升至 2420 万,增幅高达 63%。此外,MAU 同比增长 47% 至 8310 万。同样重要的是,付费用户增长 60% 达到 580 万。这证明了多邻国有效吸引用户和实施盈利策略的能力。

3)借助 AI 持续优化用户体验和参与度

多邻国近几个季度的高速增长主要归功于对 AI 等新技术的持续应用。其借助 GPT4 等大模型能力实时分析用户表现和偏好,从而生成高度定制化的学习路径;此外,自然语言处理等 AI 功能可以提供实时对话练习和即时反馈,有效增加互动性进而提高用户参与度和留存。

AI 在多邻国 APP 中有很多用武之地。例如用户答题正确率低于 80% 则觉得太难,可能放弃用 APP,而如果正确率高于 80% 又会觉得太简单、学不到知识,所以也可能放弃。因此,多邻国要保证题目难度合适,让用户的正确率保持在 80%左右,AI 刚好派上用场。

再比如,多邻国有一个非常复杂的 AI 系统,它会选择何时发送通知以及发什么内容。什么时候发通知最有效?用户最后一次使用产品的 24h。Luis 的原话是:“原因很简单,如果你昨天下午三点有空,今天下午三点应该也有空。这就是耗资数百万美元的 AI 所发现的。”

2020 年 10 月,多邻国带来自研功能——Birdbrain,使得个性化课程的适配度提高。Birdbrain 模型旨在提供更加个性化的学习系统,根据学习者的语言掌握程度对应提供难度匹配的语言材料。随着学习者完成的练习数量越多,Birdbrain 也能更加了解学习者的掌握程度,进而生成合适难度的练习,帮助学习者更高效地提升学习成果。

此后 GPT 模型的火热,多邻国自然也没有错过。2021 年多邻国引入 GPT3 用于生成语言练习内容,相比 Birdbrain 更加智能。只需人为输入指令与要求,GPT3 便可以生成符合要求的语言练习内容。2023 年 3 月多邻国宣布接入 GPT-4,并推出 Duolingo Max 订阅服务,内含全新 AI 功能。多邻国推出这些功能背后的逻辑是希望通过产品实现类似于真人 1 对 1 的教学效果。Roleplay 支持学习者和 AI 模拟在某些生活场景中的互动对话,另外,用户还可以和 Duo(多邻国的猫头鹰吉祥物)聊天, 获取答案正确或错误原因的简单解释以及更多示例。

多邻国达到 100 万 DAU 花了 8 年时间,而从 100 万到 300 万仅用 21 个月,可以说这个过程中 AI 能力功不可没。而当下,在技术驱动的教育领域,借助 AI 实现自适应学习和个性化内容正在成为常态。多邻国选择积极整合 AI 功能并取得有效进展,表明它不仅能够跟上当前趋势,而且希望主动参与、塑造教育的未来。


“人们想要娱乐,而不是被推销。”这是多邻国营销团队的心得,多邻国设法提醒用户这是一个语言学习应用,但同时也非常有趣。多邻国选择让 Duo(多邻国的猫头鹰吉祥物)参与网络潮流,甚至成为网红。

此外,虽然 Duo 在全球都很受欢迎,但多邻国发现,紫色头发的莉莉受到很多中国青少年喜爱,因此关于莉莉的粉丝内容已经在中国社交媒体上广泛传播。之前多邻国有 Duo 的周边产品,而未来莉莉的毛绒玩具和贴纸等周边也将会出现。


当前用户在 TikTok、YouTube 上创建的相关内容远超多邻国自身发布的内容,这种“社交优先”的营销策略十分有效且成本不高,触达人群也很精准,多邻国已经成为 TikTok 上最受关注的品牌之一。截止 2023Q2 社交媒体曝光率同比增长 150%,这推动了多邻国品牌发展和口碑用户增长。

 2. 多邻国的业务现状和未来潜力

近年来,得益于用户数量的不断扩充以及高效的付费转化,多邻国的营收从 2019 年的 0.71 亿美元增长至 2022 年的 3.69 亿美元,CAGR 达到 50.99%,2023 年前三季度收入 3.81 亿美元,同比增加 43%。

虽然多邻国近几年一直处于亏损状态,2022 年由于股票薪酬和员工数量增加以及设备扩建等多重因素,净亏损达 6000 万美元。但是 2023 年前三季度净利润已经达到 395 万美元,同比上年同期净亏损 4564.4 万美元有了很大进步,多邻国已连续两个季度实现盈利。

2023 年 11 月 8 日,多邻国公布 2023Q3 业绩,MAU 同比增长 47% 至 8310 万,DAU 同比增长 63% 至 2420 万。与第二季度相比,MAU、DAU 均呈现显著增长。

而从付费用户转化率来看,多邻国 2023Q3 付费用户达到 580 万,同比增长 60%。2023 年上半年推出针对会员的融合 AI 功能的新产品 Duolingo Max 正有效提升用户体验和教学质量,有望进一步提升付费用户转化率和客单价。

营收和利润方面,多邻国 2023Q3 收入 1.376 亿美元,同比增长 43%。净利润总计 280 万美元,同比前一年同期净亏损 1840 万美元进步显著。2023 年前三季度,订阅业务营收 2.87 亿美元,同比增长 47%,占总收入的 75%,占比逐年增加;广告业务收入近年来均在 3000 万美元左右,营收占比不断降低;英语测试营收 3000 万美元,同比增长 25%,按照目前增速 2024 年这项收入有望超过广告,成为公司第二大收入来源。

此外,多邻国的发展潜力还体现在——研发费用在公司费用构成中始终占最大比例,2021-2022 年公司研发费用率超过 40%,但营销费用率呈持续下降态势。得益于多邻国的社媒营销策略,其在降低营销成本的同时仍保持良好的市场曝光度和用户粘性。

多邻国联合创始人兼 CEO Luis 表示,美国是主要收入来源国家,英国、德国等也对收入做出重要贡献。中国已成为多邻国全球第七大市场,也是年增速最快的国际市场之一。针对中国市场,多邻国于 2022 年推出首门方言课程——粤语课程,至 2023 年 7 月已吸引近 300 万用户。

另外,在第三季度财报电话会议上 Luis 宣布,将在数学和音乐课程领域进行业务扩展,上线相关课程并完善教育产品矩阵。多邻国希望将语言学习的产品经验和 AI 能力扩张至更多新领域,这一举措有望巩固多邻国作为教育资源中心的地位,而不是仅仅专注于语言。

 3.  2023Q4 业绩展望

市场预计,受益于社交营销策略的有效性和 AI 技术对用户体验的持续完善,多邻国的用户、营收、利润增长将延续此前增速,预计第四季度收入将达到 1.48 亿美元,同比增长 42.95%;每股收益将达到 0.15 美元,同比增长142.56%。

此次财报,投资者将重点关注其 DAU、MAU、付费用户数的增速情况,以及下一季度、下一财年收入增长和盈利能力连续性的指引。预计多邻国下一季度大概率会延续当前趋势,多项重要数据(收入、月活和付费用户数)将同比增长 30%-60%。鉴于第三季度财报电话会议上管理层宣布多邻国将扩展到数学和音乐领域,市场也将关注相关新业务的实质进展。

另外据统计,过去 8 个季度财报,多邻国全部季度的营收和每股收益均超预期。而这 8 个季度中 7 个季度财报次日股价均有上涨,涨幅在 4%-34%。

 4.  结论

RockFlow 投研团队长期看好多邻国的增长前景。凭借游戏化的学习体验、坚实的商业模式和对支持世界各地教育的承诺,多邻国有望长期受益于 AI 的发展。

巧合的是,在 2023Q1 财报电话会议上,Luis 表示:“我感到非常幸运,能够领导多邻国成为最有机会利用 AI 快速发展的公司之一。”而他此前的研究生论文,恰恰是研究关于 AI 如何通过多个维度帮助人类。

Focus on multinational countries is one of the most educational companies that have the opportunity to take advantage of the rapid development of business. The graduate thesis of the co-founder of the company is about how to help mankind. Perhaps it is for this opportunity that multinational countries are born to let people learn. It is difficult to grab users' attention all the time because of games, social media and so on. It is like you want people to eat broccoli, but there is the most delicious dessert in history next to it. Multinational countries have decided to make broccoli taste like dessert for thousands of years. In the process of time from ten thousand to ten thousand in only one month, the ability has contributed greatly. In the field of technology-driven education, it is becoming normal to realize adaptive learning and personalized content. Many neighboring countries have chosen the function of active integration and made effective progress, which shows that they can not only keep up with the current trend, but also hope to actively participate in shaping the future of education. Many neighboring countries were founded by Carnegie Mellon University students and American immigrants from different worlds and cultures in. They understand the importance and necessity of learning different languages. This prompted them to set up many neighboring countries with gamification learning experience, strong brand effect, various beneficial marketing strategies and help. The stock price of many neighboring countries rose more than that of many neighboring countries in. It is not only an innovative language learning platform, but also one of the education companies with the healthiest revenue trend. Its revenue mainly comes from four-part subscription advertising English test and other business subscription services, providing members with various learning and gamification functions and exempting advertisements is its main business. Performance-driven advertising business charges advertisers who are willing to place advertisements on the Internet. English test business charges candidates. This test can be used for overseas study applications and visa applications, and other businesses that have been recognized by many universities around the world, including in-app virtual goods sales. Most of the income of many neighboring countries comes from subscription business, and paying users are concentrated in rich countries such as the United States and Canada. The basic idea of many neighboring countries is to find rich people to pay for everyone's education. As a head language learning platform, educational expenses have maintained a beautiful growth curve since its listing, and led the educational track with a broad language learning market, unique marketing strategies and strong blessings. For example, other star companies interested in the generative track can click to view it, actively integrate it and other new technologies to enhance the learning experience, and are also trying to gradually expand their business to mathematics and music courses. Many neighboring countries have taken the lead in accessing and launching additional subscription services. With the blessing, the subscription income of many neighboring countries has increased rapidly. The four successful factors of many neighboring countries, the huge language learning market, provide the development soil. Many neighboring countries are not the first listed companies to target the language learning market. As early as in, the language learning software company completed and raised more than 100 million US dollars. At that time, the company's annual revenue exceeded 100 million US dollars. However, in the eyes of the founders of many neighboring countries, they only targeted a small part of the language learning market and charged them too much. This is not a good business at all. Many neighboring countries found a way to cut into the market more skillfully. They wanted to help. The trend of helping people who want to learn new languages but can't pay for learning software and the development of the two companies since then have proved the vision of the founders of many neighboring countries. The popularity of many neighboring countries comes from the fact that it is both an interesting learning tool and a language treasure, and it is completely free of charge and provides teaching courses in more than one language, from big languages such as English, French and Japanese to small languages and endangered languages such as Welsh and Navajo. Many neighboring countries also provide various courses and exercises so that users can be light. Loose mastery of vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading, and other skills, the huge language learning market space provides a broad space for the development of many neighboring countries. According to statistics, about 100 million people around the world are learning a foreign language in, and the penetration rate of 10,000 people in many neighboring countries to the global language learning population is close to that of 10,000 paying users. Therefore, many neighboring countries can further expand outward in the future to attract more new users, and the space for continuously increasing the user payment rate and increasing the market share is still huge. On the one hand, the global online language learning market reached $100 million by the end of and is expected to reach $100 million by 2008. As the growth rate of subscription business in many neighboring countries is much higher every quarter, it is expected to occupy a higher market share in the next few years, and the gamification learning experience will greatly promote users' growth in learning products or learning itself. The most important thing is to keep users engaged in the learning process in many neighboring countries, so that users can always be immersed in it. In other words, the success of many neighboring countries lies in grasping the essence of learning. The learning style of many neighboring countries is very interesting. Users can complete various tasks and challenges to improve their language skills rapidly. Moreover, it also has personalized learning paths and progress tracking functions to help make learning plans and track progress at all times. It is difficult for people to learn because games, social media and so on always grab users' attention. It is like you want people to eat broccoli, but there are the most delicious desserts and team decisions next to it. Let broccoli taste like dessert. They have adopted many techniques for this. For example, the winning streak mechanism represents the number of days you continue to study. This function is very obvious, so that users will open many neighboring countries every day in order not to lose their winning streak record. It is revealed that at present, there are more than 10,000 daily users in many neighboring countries who punch in for more than days, and many neighboring countries have always tried to make users willing to come back through clever and humorous notifications. At present, many neighboring countries are unique and very interesting in news notification. Users are willing to spread the product on social media and make great recognition and praise based on the recall notice. Many neighboring countries have successfully created interesting language learning experiences. They encourage users to be more active in learning instead of taking it as a chore, which is directly reflected in the increase in the number of users and the promotion of daily activities. On the other hand, the free model of many neighboring countries allows users to use most content and services conveniently, which makes learning easy and effectively motivates some. Users upgrade to paid version on demand. The sharp increase of paid subscribers shows that once users realize the value provided by the platform, they are willing to invest in education. Based on users' recognition of products, many neighboring countries have experienced strong growth in both users and revenues. Many neighboring countries have jumped from 10,000 in the same period last year to 10,000, and the growth rate is as high as 10,000 in the same period last year. Equally important, the growth rate of paying users has reached 10,000, which proves the ability of many neighboring countries to effectively attract users and implement profit strategies by continuously optimizing user experience and participation. The rapid growth of many neighboring countries in recent quarters is mainly 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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