深入英伟达盈利中心 反思一个正被“忽视”的Web3.0赛道

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图1 英伟达2024年会计年度*第四季度财报示意图
来源:Quarterly results, appeconomyinsights.com


黄仁勋在上周对Lauren Goode的专访中提到:“我们正在建设一种新型的数据中心。我们称之为人工智能工厂。按照当今数据中心的构建方式,很多人共享一组计算机并将他们的文件放在这个大型数据中心中。” 根据英伟达最新的财报显示,英伟达的数据中心业务包含AI芯片,其收入的一半以上来自云服务商,且营业利润率再创历史新高(61.6%),这一增长得益于英伟达采用了轻资产+“卖铲子”模式(图2)。

图2 以H100为例,英伟达采用了轻资产+“卖铲子”模式
来源:欧科云链研究院 OKG Research, Vision Capital

围绕数据的不仅有英伟达,根据微软公司的最新年报(图3),其利润中心也并不是他们的明星产品Office,而是Intelligence Cloud业务,它主要用于数据的存储和处理。

图3 微软2023财年财报表


当我们从Web2升级到Web3.0时,核心逻辑并未改变。在Web3.0中,当所有数据都是开源的,任何人都可以通过区块链浏览器查询到链上的交易和数据,尤其是当像GameFi、DeFi、DeSci和DePIN这样的创新应用出现时,大量用户将会把目光放在新应用上。而这些应用的每一次交互,均会产生链上数据,链上数据变得唾手可得,也因此链上数据相关的商业模式和潜在利润会被我们所忽视。就像我们会集中目光在微软的Office产品上面,忽略了反而是有关于数据的Intelligence Cloud为微软取得了最大收入。




图4 OKLink链上数据业务版图





图5 AI与Web3行业技术栈
来源:欧科云链研究院 OKG Research

不过,链上数据也具有特殊性:去中心化且开源。 也因此,相比于英伟达的“数据中心”,在Web3.0中,并不存在“中心”这一概念。然而,那些能够搭建自己的链上数据系统或以Web3.0的术语来说,建立自己的“生态”的企业,将会在行业中拥有绝对优势。目前,行业上主要存在两种主要的商业模式。




图6 Web3.0链上数据赛道产业版图
来源:欧科云链研究院 OKG Research





Recently, NVIDIA released its financial report for the fourth quarter of 2008, which exceeded Wall Street's expectations and performed well in the delayed trading of the US stock market. By analyzing NVIDIA's financial report, we found that the main source of its profit was the data center business, which grew by more than 100 million US dollars in the fourth quarter of fiscal year. However, we may sometimes view NVIDIA's business from a single perspective, which does not fully show NVIDIA's business core logic and founders. Huang Renxun's ambition What is a data center for Invista? How does NVIDIA's light assets and extreme pursuit of data inspire data to be assets? Through this article, we will find out what the fourth quarter financial report of NVIDIA's fiscal year is. Source Note: What is the data center that brings huge income to NVIDIA due to different fiscal year regulations of various companies? Huang Renxun mentioned in an exclusive interview with him last week that we are building a new type of data center. We call it an artificial intelligence factory. According to the construction method of today's data center, many people share a set of computers and put their files in this large data center. According to NVIDIA's latest financial report, NVIDIA's data center business includes chips, and more than half of its revenue comes from cloud service providers, and its operating profit rate has reached a record high. This growth benefits from NVIDIA's adoption of the light asset shovel model. Tu Tu takes NVIDIA as an example. Source: Ouke Cloud Chain Research. According to Microsoft's latest annual report, NVIDIA's profit center is not their star product, but business. It is mainly used for data storage and processing. Microsoft's fiscal year financial report source Microsoft official website public information will also be the core profit point. When we upgrade, the core logic has not changed. In China, when all data are open source, anyone can query the transactions and data on the chain through the blockchain browser, especially when it is like this. When innovative applications appear, a large number of users will focus on new applications, and every interaction of these applications will produce data on the chain, and the data on the chain will become readily available. Therefore, the business model and potential profits related to the data on the chain will be ignored by us, just as we will focus on Microsoft products and ignore them. On the contrary, it is about data that has made the biggest income for Microsoft. Similarly, the business of these two technology companies in the data sector is also worth pondering. The biggest income boards of Microsoft and NVIDIA. Blocks don't directly produce data, but they are all related to data. In the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, the most profitable business in NVIDIA is the data algorithm layer, not the application layer, or in Huang Renxun's words, we try not to serve a certain industry as much as possible, but we are very good at artificial intelligence computing, which is the characteristic that the industry is weak enough for the bottom, so that NVIDIA can serve many industries. At present, the application needs a lot of computing resources and storage space for high-performance data processing and analysis. Delta's data center can provide powerful computing power and large-scale storage facilities, while in the middle chain, the data field and others all expand their own commercial version based on the data on the chain. The business model of Tu Tu, which directly cuts into the data track on the chain, is just like that of NVIDIA, which tries not to serve a certain industry as much as possible. In other words, it can provide value for all public chain ecosystems. The more public chains are accessed, the greater their commercial value, which means that the stronger the company's data processing ability is. The source of business layout is different, that is, data is no longer mastered and controlled by a centralized platform, and users have more opportunities to effectively manage their own data, which endows individuals with the sovereignty and control over data. In China, data is no longer just used in a passive way, but has become an important asset for users to participate in innovative value exchange and co-construction and sharing. This change has spawned a series of new data processing, verification, privacy protection and analysis methods, which has brought new opportunities and possibilities to users. Who will establish their own leading position in the data system? In addition to the business exploration of single track such as data analysis and data privacy protection on the chain, from the system point of view of the industrial chain, it can be roughly divided into hardware layer, data algorithm layer, large model layer and application layer. For Invista, the theme of data center grasping computing, hardware layer, data algorithm layer and large model layer are all involved, so it has gradually created a leading position that competitors can't reach, and similar industrial chains can also be regarded as blockchain layer. Service layer, application layer, etc. For example, in the blockchain layer, blockchain browser is the basic tool for querying data on the chain, supporting data analysis, research reports, consulting services, etc., and solving the problem of data expansion has become a hot track solution, providing higher transaction throughput and lower transaction costs, which is very important for building scalable applications and handling large-scale data. In the service layer, digital identity wallets and so on are also inseparable from the verification, tracking and path visualization of data on the chain, aiming at different lines in the application layer. Industry and field needs to provide customized data services and solutions, such as the combination with the financial industry and on-chain data analysis tools. The business around on-chain data can run through the whole industry chain. technology stack source Ou Ke Yunlian Research Institute, however, on-chain data is also decentralized and open source, so compared with NVIDIA's data center, there is no concept of center. However, those who can build their own on-chain data system or establish their own life in new terms. State-owned enterprises will have absolute advantages in the industry. At present, there are two main business models in the industry. The first is to build their own ecosystem around a public chain, which is well known in the industry. The successful examples of this model include the Ethereum ecosystem, on which many decentralized applications and intelligent contract platforms based on Ethereum attract a wide range of developers and users to participate. The other model is currently ignored, that is, directly cutting into the data on the chain to build a data system. The commercial value of online data open source is often overlooked, but some enterprises have already laid out the online data track in the industry a few years ago, for example, a multi-chain browser is used as the data query entrance, and online data tools suitable for end institutions are continuously introduced along the compliance direction required by the current industry to meet the needs of users at different ports. This model focuses on providing high-quality and reliable online data services and meeting the needs of different industries and users through the continuous development and innovation of data tools, especially after the industry tone changes from barbaric growth to compliance development, financial institutions are interested in capital. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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