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作者:Jason Di Piazza、Jonah Burian 编译:Block unicorn

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 最近批准了比特币现货 ETF,这代表着机构采用区块链技术的关键进步。

有了熟悉的、受监管的、流动性强的 ETF 包装,数字资产投机的技术障碍现在已大大缓解。这些基金的资产持续增长(以及越来越多的投机)清楚地证明了这一点。







2019 年至 2022 年间,全球在线购物者增长了约 10 亿。电子商务目前占全球零售额的近 20%,每年超过 4.2 万亿美元。

到 2024 年,全球云计算收入将达到近6800亿美元,而去年新数据中心的支出将超过2000亿美元。

游戏已经是最大的娱乐类别,预计总收入将以近 8% 的复合年增长率增长,预计到 2027 年广告收入将翻一番。



方便、快捷、廉价且先进的界面可提高客户满意度,推动良性增长循环。这些网络效应导致市场主导地位和整合。Facebook、谷歌、Instagram、Netflix 和 YouTube 就是典型的例子。

数字化参与的这种演变是有据可查的。但从客户体验的角度来看,克里斯·迪克森的《Read Write Own》是一部阐释性的作品。他熟练地讲述了在线用户关系、体验和主要参与模式,同时强调了区块链的变革潜力。

用商业术语来说,这种占主导地位的参与模式简称为“即服务”。在这里,直接所有权被快速、高效和廉价的按使用付费或基于订阅的访问所取代 - 所有这些都通过增强的界面和精心设计的客户体验(例如,亚马逊的1-Click)实现。














  • 共识算法:这些是管理全球分布式计算机(节点)之间集体协议的基本规则。它们维护区块链的完整性和可信性,在没有中央权威的情况下促进透明且不可变的交易记录。共识算法就像一个社区,每个家庭(节点)都投票同意一项决定,确保公平、信任和平等。

  • 代币经济学:融合传统市场机制(如稀缺性、价值增值、联盟、治理和效用),打造新的数字经济前沿,其中战略激励支撑每笔交易,培育促进网络增长和安全的行为。代币经济学应该调整财务成果,并激励有利于和确保整个网络增长的行动。

  • 智能合约:这些是数字自我执行的法律。它们根据预定义的规则自动执行协议条款,无需中介或人工监督。它们可以处理多步骤流程、有条件交易和多方之间的协议。

  • 不可篡改:区块链本身的基本特征,是这些技术的组合产生的,而不是单独的一个类别。不可篡改确保一旦交易或数据被添加到区块链中,就无法更改或删除,从而提供安全且值得信赖的来源。






The US Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved bitcoin spot, which represents a key progress in the adoption of blockchain technology by institutions. With the familiar technical obstacles of supervised and liquid packaging digital assets speculation, the continuous growth of assets of these funds and more and more speculation have been greatly alleviated, which clearly proves this point. However, for institutional investors, sensational media reports and regulatory review of asset price fluctuations will lead to even arbitrary and capricious. In addition, it is claimed that the value of blockchain depends entirely on the emergence of killer applications, ignoring its basic principles. Value creation and exchange without intermediaries are killer applications themselves. Imagine the digital environment liberated from the restrictions and fees imposed by middlemen. This environment indicates a new era of innovation, efficiency and accessibility. In order to realize this vision, we seek to clarify the unique construction structure of blockchain and pave the way for this new digital future. Network effect to oligopoly. When we are all eager for greater convenience and affordability, a more integrated digital life has emerged. From to, global online shoppers have increased by about 100 million. At present, e-commerce accounts for nearly one trillion dollars of global retail sales every year. By, global cloud computing revenue will reach nearly one hundred million dollars. Last year, the expenditure of new data centers will exceed one hundred million dollars. Games are already the largest entertainment category. It is estimated that the total revenue will increase at a near compound annual growth rate. It is estimated that the advertising revenue will increase by. Doubling the popularity of smart phones means that enterprises can enter the global market quickly and economically, and the scale is a commodity. Product differentiation is paying more and more attention to developing excellent customer experience. Convenient, fast, cheap and advanced interfaces can improve customer satisfaction and promote a virtuous growth cycle. These network effects lead to market dominance and integration of Google and Google, which is a typical example. This evolution of digital participation is well documented, but from the perspective of customer experience, Kerry. Sdic Sen's is an explanatory work. He skillfully tells the online user relationship experience and the main modes of participation, and at the same time emphasizes the revolutionary potential of blockchain. In business terms, this dominant mode of participation is simply called as a service, where direct ownership is replaced by fast, efficient and cheap pay-per-use or subscription-based access, all of which are realized through enhanced interfaces and well-designed customer experiences such as Amazon, but participation in today's digital ecosystem is still needed. It is necessary to balance convenience and personal privacy. Digital sovereign individuals in the data-driven world promote the data-driven economy, use the details of their lives to give autonomy to algorithms that give priority to profit rather than privacy. The data generated by our online activities have become the currency to fund innovation and promote value creation. However, in today's Internet, a few dominant platforms control these data and monopolize value-added, concentrating wealth and influence, and building a digital ecology that benefits everyone needs a new one. The coordination engine gives priority to open development, users agree to data portability and fair compensation for online value creation. The blockchain technology provides a clear blueprint for the general digital coordination layer. By eliminating the intermediary blockchain, it restores complete control over our data and the value obtained from our online activities. They change the digital landscape by adjusting the community around common incentive goals and values. Fair distribution and user authorization are basic realities, not just ideal adjustment incentives. In our current digital ecosystem, the hardware owner essentially controls the software running on it and determines the distribution and access terms of the end users. This covers everything from personal computers to smart phones to large data centers, but the data centers are expensive. Running large centralized facilities can improve efficiency, which also concentrates the influence on a few large hardware owners, and challenges the traditional dynamics between hardware and software by using distributed computing blockchain, which will give control. Distributed in the whole network, the influence is transferred from the center to the periphery, which is similar to the shared digital notebook blockchain that everyone can see and use but no one controls. The direct peer-to-peer interaction allows strangers to create and gain value, creating a more inclusive, cooperative and prosperous digital environment. However, the peer-to-peer model needs trust and coordination. When properly adjusted, incentives are the basis for shaping human behavior and coordination. When they are connected with economic security, they create a self-reinforcing ecosystem blockchain architecture. In essence, incentive mechanisms and property rights are embedded through consensus algorithms, token economics and smart contracts. These tools are defined as follows, which can ensure that participants get rewards for their actions that contribute to network security, efficiency and overall value. Consensus algorithms are the basic rules for managing collective agreements among distributed computer nodes around the world. They maintain the integrity and credibility of blockchain without central authority. The algorithm of promoting transparent and unchangeable transaction records consensus is just like a decision that every family node in a community votes to ensure fairness, trust and equality. Token economics integrates traditional market mechanisms such as scarcity, value-added alliance governance and effectiveness to create a new digital economy frontier, in which strategic incentives support each transaction and foster behaviors that promote network growth and security. Token economics should adjust financial results and encourage action smart contracts that are conducive to and ensure the growth of the whole network. Some are digital self-enforcing laws, which automatically enforce the terms of the agreement according to predefined rules without intermediary or manual supervision. They can handle multi-step processes, conditional transactions and agreements between multiple parties. The basic characteristics of blockchain itself are the combination of these technologies, not a single category, which cannot be tampered with, ensuring that once transactions or data are added to the blockchain, they cannot be changed or deleted, thus providing a safe and trustworthy source. In general, these basic innovations. It laid the foundation for the blockchain to completely change the potential of countless fields, echoing Henry Ford's observation. If asked, people would prefer faster horses to unimaginable cars at that time. Today, many people fail to grasp the revolutionary potential of the blockchain. There are striking similarities between the Ford automobile revolution and the blockchain revolution. The challenges are not only technical but also perceptual. Despite the potential, the success of the blockchain still faces obstacles, including scalability, regulatory acceptance and combating powerful vested interests. However, this is not just to create faster horses. It aims to promote a huge transformation to ensure that all parts of the world. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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