坎昆升级前夕 Metis会是本轮叙事中的最大黑马吗?

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 04:51:49 评论:0



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Hybrid Rollups 介绍

MetisDAO是一个与以太坊虚拟机(EVM)兼容的Layer 2扩容解决方案,如同其他的 Layer 2 解决方案一样,通过将 L2 的交易打包并发送到 L1 网络,减轻了以太坊区块链的压力。

但与其他L2不同的是,Metis 采用了创新的 Hybrid Rollups 技术,结合了两种主流的区块链扩容方案:Optimistic Rollup(OP Rollup)和 Zero-Knowledge Proofs Rollup (ZKPs Rollup)。

OP Rollup 通过其欺诈证明机制来处理潜在的不诚实交易,而 ZKPs 则提供了一种更加安全的验证方法,确保只有有效的交易被确认。因此,Metis 的 Hybrid Rollup 有效地减少了欺诈和错误交易的风险。

Metis 的 Hybrid Rollup 使得 Metis 在处理大量交易时既高效又安全,而且整个系统的可扩展性不会受到限制,任何与 EVM 兼容的 DAPP 都可以无缝接入到 Metis 上。这样,Metis 不仅为用户提供了一个高效、安全的交易环境,也为 DAPP 开发者提供了一个便捷的接入平台。

在Hybrid Rollup的实施中,Metis孵化了zkMIPS项目来帮助Hybird Rollup的实施:ZKM,ZKM 从CPU级别实现所有虚拟机(VMs)和应用的零知识证明(ZKP)安全性,并支持多种区块链智能合约引擎,让开发者可以简单应用ZKP进行开发。

ZKM 可以验证所有区块链和非区块链交易,还可以降低Gas费用和缩短提款等待时间,ZKM的提出,是Metis相对于其他L2来说的技术优势之一。

除了其Hybrid Rollup技术以外,本轮Metis发展方向中,最让人眼前一亮的,是其即将上线的去中心化排序器。


排序器是 L2 中负责将交易排序、整理、打包并提交到 L1 网络的角色,目前大多数 L2 项目中(包括Optimism, Arbitrum),都是依赖单一序列器来完成以上工作,这导致了可能存在的3个风险:





为了解决上述问题,MetisDAO计划推出去中心化排序器池(Sequencer Pool),来解决与中心化排序器有关的风险,并增加网络的扩展性,建立一个可持续且以社区为中心的独特Layer2。

Metis 推行去中心化排序器所带来的优势:


2)用户可以通过质押原生代币 METIS 来成为新的排序器节点,同时允许网络参与者对排序器节点进行监督,提高了整个系统的透明度和可信度;

3)从社区可持续发展的角度看,节点质押还有助于减少流通中的 METIS 供应,可能对代币的长期价值产生积极影响;

4)排序器池的推出也意味着流动质押 / 再质押将被引入到 Metis 生态系统中,流动性质押自去年以来已经成为Defi领域中的最重要组成部分之一,占据了Defi中最大一块TVL蛋糕,Metis生态引入流动性质押可以为其生态带来更多的可能性和$Metis用例。






为了鼓励社区参与,Metis 还为排序器节点提供了质押奖励,也就是这些节点除了 Gas 收入(目前排序的主要收入)之外,还能获得额外的 METIS 奖励。





去年 12 月 18 日,Metis 正式推出 MetisEDF (Metis Ecosystem Fund(EDF))发展计划,旨在拨付 460 万枚 METIS用于进一步推动Metis系统的发展和创新。



  • Sequencer挖矿:65.4%(三百万$METIS,该部分资金用于激励排序器节点的挖矿收益,促进社区参与)

  • 生态系统资助:34.6%(一百六十万$METIS,该部分资金用于给到项目方进行开发,协议部署,流动性的提供,对用户的激励等等有助于生态发展的各项措施)

2 月 8 日,Metis 官方宣布推出 Liquid Stake Blitz 计划,该计划旨在将利用总额高达 460 万枚 METIS 的 MetisEDF 生态系统发展基金,加速 Metis 网络上的 LSD 协议和以 LSD 为重点的产品增长。

根据 Liquid Stake Blitz 计划,自 2 月 8 日起至 2 月底,Metis 生态的 LSD 协议将能够在 Metis 社区治理系统内发起提案,并在 3 月进入正式的投票环节。

投票结束后,有限数量的获胜协议可赢得与去中心化排序器节点配对的权利(即白名单席位),进而获得稳定的节点参与资格,并可以收到第一年的 20% 的 MRR (Mining Reward Rate) 挖矿激励。







以 Enki 为例,该协议已于 2 月上旬启动了名为 Fantasy 的创世空投计划,将向社区用户空投 100 万个 ENKI(占供应量的 10% )作为奖励;

此外,Enki 还宣布团队不会保留任何代币,占总供应量 90% 的其他 ENKI 代币将随着时间的推移以各种形式释放,这意味着 Enki 用户可通过将 eMETIS 再质押为 seMETIS,或是通过 METIS/eMETIS 的 LP 配对等各种各样的协议交互活动来继续获得 ENKI 收益。









Metis目前的TVL是$82.82M,从上述Metis TVL自2023年起的变化中,我们可以看出自从2024Metis推出去中心化排序器的设计后,链上TVL有了显著的增长,证明了社区和市场对于这一方向的看好。


1、ENKI:Metis生态上的第一个LSD项目,旨在简化和民主化 Metis 排序器节点生态系统的参与。它使普通投资者能够通过质押 Metis Sequencer 节点来获得奖励,目前正在测试网中,还未正式上线;

2、Hera Finance:一个AI驱动的DEX聚合器,帮助用户找到最优的交易价格。



6、Hermes Protocol:允许用户可以进行无滑点交易的DEX。

7、Net Swap:Metis生态中的首个DEX,让用户可以在 Metis 网络上进行快速、低费用的代币交易。

8、Tethys Finance:Metis生态中的第一个永续交易协议,允许用户使用高达50倍杠杆交易主要代币和METIS

9、Stargate:一条资产跨链桥,由跨链互操作性协议标准 LayerZero Labs 开发,通过Stargate,用户和Dapp可以在多条链之间跨链转移资产。

10、Artemis Finance :一个专为 Metis 去中心化排序器池设计的流动性质押协议,同时也是Metis官方正式宣布合作的两个LSD中的其一。用户可以在 Artemis 上质押他们的 $METIS 代币,并获得流动代币 $artMETIS,自动累计收益且同时用 $artMETIS 进行 Metis 链上交互。

11、WAGMI:一个全方位的Defi解决方案,其流动性池可以自动再平衡动态分配资金,以达到用户交易时能实现收益最大化。其获得了Metis生态基金的200w Grant,同时宣布了与DWF的合作。



作为首个采用去中心化排序器的以太坊 Rollup,Metis以其独特的Hybrid Rollups技术和即将上线的去中心化排序器,为用户和DAPP开发者提供了一个高效、安全的交易环境和便捷的接入平台。

随着 Metis 生态的不断壮大,多个重点项目的推进和后续去中心化排序器的正式上线,在其生态基金的正向激励下,我们有理由相信,Metis生态有望在L2的竞争中占据一席之地,为用户和开发者带来更多的价值和机会。

On the eve of Cancun's upgrade, it has undoubtedly caught the public's eye. So what is driving the development behind this? This paper brings you a comprehensive analysis of the progress from the technical ecological development flywheel to the centralized sorter, and is committed to making readers have a clearer understanding of the ecology. It is an expansion solution compatible with the Ethereum virtual machine, which reduces the pressure on the Ethereum blockchain by packaging and sending it to the network like other solutions. However, it is different from others by adopting innovative technology, combining two mainstream blockchain expansion schemes and dealing with potential dishonest transactions through its fraud proof mechanism, and providing a safer verification method to ensure that only valid transactions are confirmed, thus effectively reducing the risk of fraud and wrong transactions, making it efficient and safe to deal with a large number of transactions, and the scalability of the whole system will not be limited, so that any compatible one can be seamlessly connected to the Internet. It not only provides an efficient and safe trading environment for users, but also provides a convenient access platform for developers. In the implementation of the project, it incubates the project to help the implementation, realizes the zero-knowledge proof security of all virtual machines and applications from the level, and supports a variety of blockchain intelligent contract engines, so that developers can develop with simple applications, verify all blockchain and non-blockchain transactions, and reduce the cost and waiting time for withdrawal. It is one of the technical advantages compared with others. In addition to its technology, the most striking thing in this round of development direction is its upcoming decentralized sorter, which is responsible for sorting, packaging and submitting transactions to the network. At present, most projects rely on a single sequencer to complete the above work, which leads to a possible single point of failure. If the sorter has problems due to attacks or technical failures, the whole network will stop, and the single sorter may have scalability problems. It is difficult to cope with the increasing transaction volume and the ability to resist censorship is low. In addition to the above problems, the centralized sorter also allows the users in the community and chain to become passive participants in the network and cannot share the sorter income with the public chain. In order to solve the above problems, it is planned to launch a decentralized sorter pool to solve the risks related to the decentralized sorter and increase the expansibility of the network. The advantages brought by establishing a sustainable and community-centered decentralized sorter are decentralized. A number of sequencers in the sequencers pool work together. Any sequencers who enter through pledge have the right to see the contents of the transaction pool and have the right to process transactions, so that a single sequencers cannot be manipulated maliciously. This not only improves the speed of transaction processing, but also increases the fault tolerance of the network. Even if a sequencers have problems, the network can operate normally. Users can become new sequencers nodes by pledging native tokens, and at the same time allow network participants to supervise the sequencers nodes, which improves the transparency of the whole system. Brightness and credibility From the perspective of community sustainable development, node pledge also helps to reduce the supply in circulation, which may have a positive impact on the long-term value of tokens. The introduction of sorter pool also means that liquid pledge and re-pledge will be introduced into the ecosystem. Since last year, liquid pledge has become one of the most important components in the field, occupying the largest piece of cake ecology. Introducing liquid pledge can bring more possibilities to its ecology and use the transaction process shown in the above figure. Start the user to start the transaction node, the transaction is forwarded to the node block of the network, generate and receive the transaction, and create the block when the transaction is valid. Finally, it is determined that the multi-party computing nodes merge these blocks and forward them to the main chain of Ethereum. In order to encourage community participation, pledge rewards are also provided for the sorter nodes, that is, these nodes can get additional rewards in addition to the main income currently sorted. This design will encourage more members to participate in the pledge of the sorter nodes, on the one hand, it ensures the power. It will not be over-concentrated, but also strengthen the concept of decentralization. Before the decentralized sorter is officially launched, a community test will be conducted. At present, the sorter pool has already conducted a round of community testing. The first round of the test lasted for one day from the beginning, and nearly users participated in the transaction on the pen chain. The second round of test participants exceeded the user network and performed more transactions on the pen chain. For those who missed the first two rounds of testing, they can pay more attention to the release time of the third round of community testing and participate in the third round of testing in time. The Eco-Incentive Flywheel officially launched its development plan on April last year, aiming to allocate 10,000 pieces to further promote the development and innovation of the system. At the current price, the eco-fund is nearly 100 million US dollars, which is the largest eco-incentive fund in the past two years. The distribution of the fund is as follows: mine 3 million, which is used to stimulate the mining income of sorter nodes, promote community participation, support the ecosystem, and provide 1.6 million yuan for the project parties to carry out development agreements and deploy liquidity. Incentives to users, and other measures conducive to ecological development, the official announced the launch plan on March. The plan aims to accelerate the growth of agreements and key products on the network by using the ecosystem development fund with a total amount of up to 10,000 pieces. According to the plan, from March to the end of the month, ecological agreements will be able to initiate proposals in the community governance system and enter the formal voting session in June. After the voting, a limited number of winning agreements will win the right to pair with decentralized sorter nodes, that is, white list seats. We need to pay attention to the fact that the development of the agreement in ecology is very helpful to reduce the threshold of pledge on the network, which is different from the agreement in Ethereum. For example, the pledge agreement in different ecology reduces the threshold of pledge of sorter nodes, which gives ordinary users more income opportunities. At least the guaranteed mining income provided by the ecological fund corresponds to the need to increase the airdrop reward of future tokens. Take the flywheel effect that enables the ecosystem to achieve positive development as an example. The agreement has started the Genesis Airdrop Plan in early June, which will airdrop 10,000 tokens accounting for the total supply to community users as a reward. In addition, it is announced that the team will not keep any tokens accounting for the total supply, and other tokens will be released in various forms over time, which means that users can continue to gain benefits through various agreement interaction activities such as re-pledging or matching. Small partners who want to participate can use our exclusive invitation. For large financial entities, the tokens they can pledge become the nodes of the sorter. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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