Arweave 推出的并行计算机方案 AO 有哪些值得关注的细节?

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AO 实际上是一个开放和灵活的数据协议,用于在 Arweave 的协议上存储计算日志。它不是一个永久的账本,也不是一个网络本身。

Arweave 团队在预热了很多天后,终于在发布会中宣布推出名为 AO 的并行计算机方案,他们从构思到开发已有一年的时间,但它最早的历史可以追溯到 Arweave 在四年前提出的基于永久存储的智能合约方案 SmartWeave。这些技术方案的选择和以太坊或其他类以太坊网络差异很大:以太坊从图灵完备的虚拟机作为开始,逐渐扩展疆土;而 Arweave 从提供永久存储的网络起步,然后逐渐加上了计算能力。


这里面有太多值得对比和深挖的技术话题,Arweave 团队也不太可能在一个多小时的时间把所有技术亮点和思路解释完整。在观看发布会后,我整理了这些值得关注的问题和话题。

什么是 AO?

AO是一种超并行计算机,它是一个去中心化的计算环境,允许同时并行运行任意数量的进程。与之前的去中心化计算系统相比,AO既能实现大规模计算,也能实现可验证计算。AO的核心在于它不仅仅增加了可验证计算的数量,而且实现了任意量级的可验证计算,通过构建三个不同的子网络以及以 Arweave 为基础层,实现了高度的并行处理能力和可扩展性。

为什么取名 AO?

取自于 「Actor Oriented」(面向执行体)概念,缩写即是 AO。

计算机科学中有一种并发计算模型叫做 Actor Model,用于设计和实现分布式系统,其中基本单位是「Actor」。Actor Oriented 设计或编程是指采用 Actor 模型为基础的设计或编程方法。这种方法适合于构建高并发、分布式、容错性强的系统。

Arweave 创始人 Sam Williams 认为 AO 是与智能合约系统完全不同的编程范式,而且这基本上是目前世界上所有的分布式系统和 Web2 时代的最佳方案。

GPT4 给我的一个例子: 可以将其比喻成戏剧演出中的演员(Actor)。在戏剧中,每个演员都扮演着一个角色,他们各自独立行动,通过对话(消息)与其他演员互动,但他们不会共享彼此的内部状态(私有状态),每个演员都只能通过观察其他演员的行为(接收到的消息)来作出反应。

补充一个趣事:1973 年提出 Actor Model 的那篇论文的标题是《A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence》,当时是为了研究人工智能的。


AO 由哪几个部分组成?

AO 由三个子网组成,分别是信使单元(Messenger Unit)调度单元(Scheduler Unit)计算单元(Compute Unit),缩写分别是 MU、SU、CU。MU 负责接收处理信息;SU 用来调度和给信息排序;CU 用来处理计算。

AO 和 Arweave 之间的关系是?

「AO 实际上是一个开放和灵活的数据协议,用于在 Arweave 的协议上存储计算日志。它不是一个永久的账本,也不是一个网络本身。」

AO 作为一个去中心化的计算环境,利用 Arweave 的可扩展链上存储作为其永久主机来存储运行过程中的数据。AO 可以允许任意数量的并行进程同时运行,并通过消息传递相互协调,类似于数据中心和互联网上的计算机通过发送数据包来共同工作。

简而言之,AO 构建在 Arweave 的基础层之上,利用 Arweave 提供的链上存储功能来实现其去中心化计算环境的持久化存储需求。

AOS 和 AO 是什么关系? 

Lua 是一种怎样的编程语言?

AO 是并行计算机的架构,而 AOS 是基于这个并行计算机方案中的一台特定的操作系统。开发者可以用 Lua 语言在 AOS 中开发应用(写智能合约)。

Lua 是一种易于上手的高级语言,非常简洁易用。巧的是我差不多在4年前用 Lua 写过一些脚本,的确是一种很容易上手的编程语言。当时我对 Lua 零基础,但需要使用自动化工具 HammerSpoon 中实现一些获取价格和信息的功能,用了没几天就做出来了。如果有 GPT 帮忙,那更不在话下。

AO 有哪些应用?

目前已经组织社区开发了两个应用,分别是去中心化交易所 Bark 和去中心化稳定币协议 astro。Bark已经上线测试网,astro要之后再公开。

everVision 创始人 Outprog 也在发布会中露脸,还被 Sam 频繁提及,他们开发的去中心化交易平台 Permaswap 远早于 AO 立项,之后也有机会在 AO 的架构下进一步开发并扩展。

AO 会很快迭代更新吗?

Sam 表示,预计将来只需要进行类似比特币风格的更新(也就是很低频率)。随着时间的推移,用户的核心功能和权利将保持不变的小幅升级。这里没有「相信我,兄弟」的路线图。只有一个完整且透明的协议,你可以审计并决定是否自己使用。

The author Pan Zhixiong is actually an open and flexible data protocol for storing calculation logs on the new protocol. It is not a permanent account book or a network itself. After many days of preheating, the team finally announced the launch of a parallel computer scheme called "Parallel Computer Scheme" at the press conference. It has been a year since they were conceived and developed, but its earliest history can be traced back to the intelligent contract scheme based on permanent storage proposed four years ago, and the selection of these technical schemes and Ethereum or other similar Ethereum. The network is very different. Ethereum gradually expanded its territory from Turing's complete virtual machine to the network providing permanent storage, and then gradually added computing power. There are too many technical topics worthy of comparison and deep digging, and it is impossible for the team to explain all the technical highlights and ideas in more than an hour. After watching the conference, I sorted out these issues and topics that deserve attention. What is a super parallel computer? It is a decentralization. Compared with the previous decentralized computing system, the centralized computing environment allows any number of processes to run in parallel at the same time, which can realize both large-scale computing and verifiable computing. The core lies in that it not only increases the number of verifiable computing, but also realizes verifiable computing of any order of magnitude. By constructing three different subnetworks, it realizes a high degree of parallel processing ability and scalability for the basic layer. Why is it named after the abbreviation of executive-oriented concept? This kind of concurrent computing model is called for designing and implementing distributed systems, in which the basic unit is design or programming, which refers to the design or programming method based on the model. This method is suitable for building a highly concurrent distributed system with strong fault tolerance, and the founder thinks it is completely different from the smart contract system, and it is basically the best solution for all distributed systems and times in the world at present. Give me an example, which can be likened to an actor in a drama. Actors all play a role. They act independently and interact with other actors through dialogue messages, but they don't share each other's internal state and private state. Each actor can only respond by observing the actions of other actors and adding the messages received. The title of the paper proposed in an interesting year was to study artificial intelligence at that time. What are the parts of the paper link? It consists of three subnets: messenger unit, scheduling unit and computing unit abbreviation, which are responsible for receiving. Management information is used to schedule and order information to deal with the relationship between calculation and calculation. It is actually an open and flexible data protocol for storing calculation logs on the new protocol. It is not a permanent account book, nor is it a network itself as an extensible chain used as a decentralized computing environment. As its permanent host, it can store the data in the running process, allowing any number of parallel processes to run at the same time and coordinate with each other through message passing, similar to data centers and. Computers on the Internet work together by sending data packets. In short, they are built on the basic layer, and the persistent storage requirements of their decentralized computing environment are realized by using the provided chain storage function. What kind of programming language is the architecture of parallel computers, but based on a specific operating system in this parallel computer scheme, developers can develop applications and write smart contracts in languages. It is a very simple and easy-to-use high-level language. What is more, I wrote some scripts almost years ago, which is really an easy-to-use programming language. At that time, it took me a few days to realize some functions of obtaining prices and information with zero foundation, but it took me a few days to make it. If it helps, what applications have been organized by the community to develop two applications, namely, decentralized exchange and decentralized stable currency agreement, which have been put online to test the network before it is made public, and the founders have also appeared in the press conference. It is mentioned that the decentralized trading platform they developed is much earlier than the project, and there is also an opportunity to further develop and expand under the new framework. Will it be updated iteratively soon? Does it mean that it is expected that only bitcoin-like updates will be needed in the future, that is, the core functions and rights of users will remain unchanged and slightly upgraded with the passage of time? There is no trust in my brother's road map, and there is only a complete and transparent agreement. You can audit and decide whether to use it yourself. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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