基于 Solana 虚拟机的以太坊 Layer2:Eclipse 项目深度分析

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作者:YBB Capital 研究员Ac-Core 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

Eclipse 背景

Eclipse 创始人 Neel Somani 曾担任 Airbnb 的软件工程师和 Citadel 的定量研究员,于 2022 年创立了基于 Solana 的初创公司 Eclipse。该初创公司获得了 Solana 联合创始人 Anatoly Yakovenko 以及 Polygon(建筑)等机构/个人的支持。 Rollup 区块链与 Polygon 和 Solana 兼容)。根据 CoinDesk 2022 年 9 月 28 日的报告,Eclipse 成功完成了由 Polychain 领投的 600 万美元种子轮融资以及由 Tribe Capital 和 Tabiya 共同领投的 900 万美元种子轮融资,融资总额达 1500 万美元。此外,Eclipse 还获得了 Solana 基金会的开发资助,用于支持 Solana 虚拟机驱动的 Rollup。

创始人 Somani 利用自己的网络以及靠近芝加哥 Solana 总部的地理优势,成功利用 Solana 的虚拟机创建了独特的区块链。他的愿景是让开发人员能够部署由 Solana 虚拟机支持的 Rollups,并计划于 2023 年初在 Cosmos 生态系统中启动公共测试网,以期在未来支持 Aptos 的 Move 语言。

Solana 联合创始人兼 Eclipse 天使投资人 Anatoly Yakovenko 评论道:“Eclipse 为 Solana 通过区块链间通信 (IBC) 与 Cosmos 进行通信铺平了道路。”

Polychain Capital 合伙人 Niraj Pant 表示:“随着大公司和政府开始进入区块链领域,Eclipse 成为促进其用例的关键基础设施,例如 Web2 规模的消费者和金融应用程序。”

Eclipse 架构

以下内容基于官方解释:Eclipse Mainnet是以太坊第一个以SVM为中心的通用L2,结合了模块化堆栈的本质,目标是成为由SVM驱动的最快、最通用的Layer2。该项目的架构涉及使用以太坊作为结算层并内置官方验证桥;Celestia 作为数据可用性层;RISC Zero 用于生成零知识欺诈证明;最终,Solana 的 SVM 作为这个模块化 Layer2 项目的执行环境。下面根据官方描述进行详细解释。

结算层——以太坊: Eclipse将在以太坊上进行结算(即使用以太坊上的嵌入式验证桥),使用ETH进行gas消耗,并在以太坊上提交欺诈证明;

执行层 - Solana 虚拟机 (SVM): Eclipse 将运行高性能 SVM 作为其执行环境,特别是 Solana Labs 客户端 (v1.17) 的分支;

数据可用性层——Celestia: Eclipse将数据发布到Celestia,以实现可扩展的数据可用性(DA);

证明机制——RISC Zero: Eclipse将使用RISC Zero进行ZK欺诈证明(无需中间状态序列化);

通信协议——IBC: Eclipse将通过Cosmos的区块链间通信标准IBC完成与非Eclipse链的桥接;

跨链协议 — Hyperlane: Eclipse 与 Hyperlane 合作,将 Hyperlane 的无许可互操作性解决方案引入基于 Solana 虚拟机 (SVM) 的区块链中。



与其他以太坊 Rollups 一样,Eclipse 使用以太坊作为其结算层。这个过程涉及将Eclipse的验证桥直接集成到Eclipse中,其中其节点必须检查验证桥的正确性和交易顺序的正确性,从而为用户提供以太坊级别的安全性。

L2BEAT 将 Layer2 定义为“完全或部分从以太坊第一层获得安全性的链,这样用户就不必依赖 Layer2 验证者的诚实来确保其资金的安全。” Eclipse验证桥可以在某些故障场景下执行最终的有效性和抗审查性。即使排序器出现故障或开始在 L2 上进行审查,用户仍然可以通过桥强制执行交易,并将以太坊作为交易 Gas 燃烧。

执行层:实现 Solana 的交易速度和规模

为了提高效率,Eclipse 主网采用了 Solana 的执行环境,利用 SVM 和 Sealevel(Solana 构建水平可扩展性的技术解决方案,一种跨 GPU 和 SSD 进行水平扩展的超并行事务处理引擎)。与EVM的单线程操作相比,它的优点是可以在不设计重叠状态事务的情况下执行事务,而不是顺序执行它们。

在EVM兼容性方面,Eclipse主网与Neon EVM合作,允许开发人员使用以太坊工具并在Solana上构建Web3应用程序。根据官方数据,其吞吐量明显高于单线程EVM,达到140 TPS。EVM 用户可以通过 MetaMask 钱包的“Snaps”插件与 Eclipse 主网上的应用程序进行本地交互。

数据可用性:利用 Celestia 的带宽和可验证性

Eclipse 主网将利用 Celestia 来实现数据可用性并建立长期合作,因为以太坊目前无法支持 Eclipse 的目标吞吐量和成本,即使在 EIP-4844 升级之后,每个块平均提供约 0.375 MB 的 Blob 空间(每块限制约为 0.75 MB)。

根据官方数据,对于基于 Rollup 扩展的 ERC-20 交易,按每笔交易 154 字节计算,这相当于所有 Rollups 总共约 213 TPS,而对于 Compression Swaps 按每笔交易约 400 字节计算,总 TPS 约为所有 Rollups 的吞吐量约为 82 TPS。相比之下,Celestia 的 2MB 区块,随着网络证明稳定以及更多 DAS(数据可用性采样)轻节点上线,Blobstream 预计将增加到 8MB。

Eclipse认为,在Celestia DAS轻节点的支持下,考虑到密码经济安全性和高度可扩展的DA吞吐量之间的权衡,Celestia成为当前Eclipse主网的首选。尽管有观点认为使用以太坊的 DA 是 Layer2 的正统方式,但该项目将在 EIP-4844 之后继续关注 DA 扩展的进展。如果以太坊能够为Eclipse提供更大规模、更高吞吐量的DA,那么迁移到以太坊DA的可能性将会被重新评估。


Eclipse 的证明方法类似于 Anatoly 的 SVM 欺诈证明 SIMD(请参阅扩展的 GitHub 链接 2),与 John Adler 避免状态序列化的高成本的见解一致。为了防止将 Merkle 树(哈希树)重新引入 SVM,早期尝试将稀疏 Merkle 树插入到 SVM 中,但每次事务更新 Merkle 树都会极大地影响性能。如果不使用 Merkle 树进行证明,现有的通用 Rollup 框架(例如 OP 栈)就无法作为 SVM Rollup 的基础,需要更具创造性的防错架构。


输入承诺通常是通过提供 Rollup 状态树的 Merkle 根来实现的。Eclipse 的执行器将发布每笔交易的输入和输出列表(包括账户哈希值和相关的全局状态)、生成每笔输入的交易索引,并将交易发布到 Celestia,允许任何全节点跟进,从其交易中提取输入账户自己的状态,计算输出账户,并确认以太坊上的承诺是正确的。


不正确的输出:验证器提供链上正确输出的 ZK 证明。Eclipse 使用 RISC Zero 创建 SVM 执行的 ZK 证明,继续该项目之前证明 BPF 字节码执行的工作(请参阅扩展的 GitHub 链接 3)。这使得我们的结算合约能够确保正确性,而无需在链上运行交易。


Eclipse 与 ETH 和 Celestia 的连接


数据可用性(DA)是 Rollup 成本支出的主要组成部分之一。目前,以太坊L2的数据可用性主要依赖两种方式:Calldata和DAC(数据可用性委员会)。

· Calldata:例如,Arbitrum 或 Optimism 等 Layer2 解决方案将交易数据作为 calldata 直接发布到以太坊高度抗审查的区块上。以太坊价格将数据以及计算和存储归于一个单位:Gas,这是以太坊 Rollup 产生的主要成本之一。为了提高效率,EIP-4844升级引入了Blobspace来替代calldata,为所有Rollup提供每块375 KB的目标;

· DAC:与直接在链上发布通话数据相比,DAC 提供了更高的吞吐量,但用户需要信任一个小的委员会或一组验证者,以避免恶意扣留数据。DAC,包括基于重质押的解决方案,为 L2 引入了重要的信任假设,从而迫使 DAC 依赖声誉、治理机制或代币投票来抑制或惩罚隐藏数据的行为。因此,使用外部DA在某种程度上需要使用DAC。

值得注意的是,Eclipse 利用 Celestia 的 Blobstream(一种权益证明共识网络)来允许 Layer2 访问 Celestia 的 Blobspace。根据压缩方案,这可实现高达 8 MB 的 blob 空间,大致相当于每秒 9,000 到 30,000 次 ERC-20 传输。然而,使用 Blobstream 的 Layer2 将依赖于 Celestia 验证器的证明。如果轻节点检测到 2/3 的 Celestia 验证者扣留恶意数据,他们可以对其进行惩罚。客观地讲,DAC的可信度相对于原生链DA仍有其不足之处,但从创新和市场叙事的角度来看,这样的不足是不可避免的。


正如官方文档中所解释的以及上图所示,Eclipse 演示了通过 Celestia 的 Blobstream(如上所述,基于 DAS 扩展的以太坊模块化 DA 解决方案)向以太坊证明的数据。这使得桥接器能够基于 Celestia 的签名数据根来验证为欺诈证明提供的数据安全性。用户通过原生以太坊桥将资金存入Eclipse,流程如下:


2. Eclipse的SVM执行器(计算SVM结果并输出到新的Eclipse状态节点)和中继器(ETH到Eclipse通道)完成发送方和接收方地址之间的跨链数据交互;



5. 最后,包含后续存款的交易区块完成并通过 Solana Geyser 插件发布。

在这个过程中,每个Eclipse slot都会被SVM执行器通过Geyser发布到消息队列中。然后这些槽作为数据块发布到 Celestia,Celestia 验证器提交这些提交的数据块,以证明交易包含在 Eclipse 链中并对应于数据根。最后,每个 Celestia 数据块都通过 Blobstream 中继到以太坊上的 Eclipse 桥接器合约。


与其他使用欺诈证明的以太坊 Layer2 解决方案类似,从 Eclipse 提取资金到以太坊也需要一个挑战期,允许验证者在无效状态转换的情况下提交欺诈证明。

· SVM 执行器定期提交以太坊上的 Eclipse 插槽纪元(该过程遵循预定数量的批次)并发布抵押品;

· Eclipse的桥接合约执行基本检查,以确保发布的数据格式的完整性(参见参考文章[2]中的欺诈证明设计部分);

· 如果提交的批次通过基本检查,则会生成预定义窗口。如果在此窗口内,批量承诺表明状态转换无效,验证者可以发布欺诈证明;

· 如果验证者成功发布欺诈证明,他们将赢得执行者的抵押品,提交的批次将被拒绝,Eclipse L2 的规范状态将回滚到最后一个有效的批次承诺。此时,Eclipse的管理员有权选择新的执行器;

· 但是,如果挑战期过后,没有任何成功的欺诈证明,执行人将收回其抵押品和奖励;

· 最后,Eclipse 的桥接合约完成最终确认批次中包含的所有提款交易。


Eclipse 目前正处于开发和测试的早期阶段,标志着以太坊上第一个 SVM Layer2。其测试网已经上线,计划于 2024 年第一季度推出主网。以太坊仍然将 Rollups 视为其开发路线图的核心部分。抛开正统之争,这多少意味着以太坊将 Layer2 的广义定义留给了市场,公开赋能的同时也巧妙地引入了各种形式的竞争。Eclipse 利用这一点,通过模块化开发将以太坊的安全性、Solana 的高性能和 Celestia 的 DA 叙述相结合,以形成强大的市场叙述。

回顾以太坊的发展,一个有趣的现象是上一个市场周期,在 DeFi Summer 的炒作下,“DeFi 嵌套”和“DeFi 乐高”的创新和强化激增,导致生态系统爆发式发展。本轮LSD与Re-stake相结合,“质押嵌套”、“质押乐高”组合激增,EigenLayer、Blast、BTC生态的Merlin短时间内TVL迅速提升。如果说嵌套和乐高被认为是市场情绪的主旋律,那么未来模块化也能发挥其独特的嵌套和乐高旋律。


The author and researcher translated the background of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network. The founder used to be a software engineer and a quantitative researcher. In 2006, he founded a start-up company based on. The start-up company was supported by the co-founder and individuals from institutions such as architecture. Blockchain and Harmony were compatible. According to the report on January, successfully completed the $10,000 seed round financing led by the company and the $10,000 seed round financing jointly led by the company, totaling $10,000. In addition, it was funded by the foundation for development. The founder who supported the virtual machine driver used his own network and the geographical advantage close to the Chicago headquarters to successfully use the virtual machine to create a unique blockchain. His vision is to enable developers to deploy languages supported by virtual machines and plan to launch a public test network in the ecosystem at the beginning of the year in order to support them in the future. The co-founder and angel investor commented that it paved the way for communication through blockchain. Partners said that as large companies and governments began to enter the blockchain, The chain field has become the key infrastructure to promote its use cases, such as the scale of consumer and financial application architecture. The following contents are based on the official explanation, which is the first thought-centered generalization of Ethereum. The essential goal of this project is to become the fastest and most universal driven. The architecture of this project involves the use of Ethereum as the settlement layer and the built-in official verification bridge as the data availability layer to generate zero-knowledge fraud proof, and finally as the execution environment of this modular project. Explain in detail that the settlement layer Ethereum will settle on Ethereum even if it is consumed by the embedded verification bridge on Ethereum and fraud proof is submitted on Ethereum. The virtual machine on the execution layer will run high performance as its execution environment, especially the branch data availability layer of the client will publish data to realize the extensible data availability proof mechanism, and fraud proof will be carried out without intermediate state serialization communication protocol. Bridging the Chain Cross-chain Agreement and Cooperation introduces the unlicensed interoperability solution into the virtual machine-based blockchain, and the settlement layer obtains the security and liquidity of the Ethereum. Like other Ethereum, Ethereum is used as its settlement layer. This process involves directly integrating the verification bridge into the network, in which its nodes must check the correctness of the verification bridge and the correctness of the transaction order to provide users with Ethereum-level security. It will be defined as completely or partially obtaining security from the first layer of Ethereum. Chain so that users don't have to rely on the honesty of the verifier to ensure the safety of their funds. The verification bridge can perform the final effectiveness and anti-censorship in some fault scenarios. Even if the sorter fails or begins to conduct the review on the internet, users can still enforce the transaction through the bridge and use Ethereum as the transaction combustion execution layer to realize the transaction speed and scale. In order to improve the efficiency, the main network adopts the execution environment and builds a technical solution for horizontal expansion. Compared with the single-threaded operation, the developed ultra-parallel transaction processing engine has the advantage that it can execute transactions without designing overlapping state transactions instead of executing them sequentially. In terms of compatibility, the main network and cooperation allow developers to use Ethereum tools and build applications on the Internet. According to official data, its throughput is obviously higher than that of single-threaded operation, and users can interact with applications on the main network locally through wallet plug-ins. The bandwidth and verifiability of the main network will benefit. Used to achieve data availability and establish long-term cooperation, because the target throughput and cost that Ethereum can't support at present, even after the upgrade, each block provides an average of about space. The limit of each block is about according to the official data, which is equivalent to all the total contracts, while the total throughput is about all the contracts calculated by about bytes per transaction. In contrast, with the network proving stable and more data availability sampling, light nodes are expected to go online. With the support of light nodes, it is considered that the trade-off between cryptographic economy and security and highly scalable throughput has become the first choice for the current main network. Although some people think that using Ethereum is the orthodox way, the project will continue to pay attention to the progress of expansion in the future. If Ethereum can provide a larger scale and higher throughput, the possibility of migrating to Ethereum will be re-evaluated. The proof mechanism of zero fraud proves that there is no need for intermediate state serialization, and the proof method is similar to fraud. Proof, please refer to the extended link, which is consistent with the view of avoiding the high cost of state serialization. In order to prevent the reintroduction of the tree hash tree, early attempts are made to insert sparse trees into the database, but every time the transaction updates the tree, the performance will be greatly affected. If the existing general framework such as stack is not used for proof, the foundation that cannot be used needs more creative error-proof architecture. Fault proof requires the input of the transaction to promise the transaction itself and re-execute the transaction, which will lead to the loss of proof different from the output specified in the chain. The input commitment is usually realized by providing the root of the state tree. The executor will publish the input and output list of each transaction, including the account hash value and the related global state, generate the transaction index of each input and publish the transaction to allow any whole node to follow up, extract the input account from its own state, calculate the output account and confirm that the commitment on the Ethereum is correct. There may be two main types of errors. The output verifier provides proof of correct output in the chain. Please refer to the extended link for the work of proving bytecode execution before continuing the project with the certificate of creation and execution, which enables our settlement contract to ensure correctness without running the transaction input error on the chain. The verifier posts historical data on the chain to show that the input state does not match the declared state, and then verifies whether there is fraudulent historical data and the connection data availability of sum by using the settlement contract made by Selastia's quantum gravity bridge. At present, it is one of the main components of cost expenditure. The data availability of Ethereum mainly depends on two ways and the data availability committee, such as or other solutions, which publish the transaction data directly to the highly censored blocks of Ethereum. The price of Ethereum puts the data, calculation and storage into one unit, which is one of the main costs incurred by Ethereum. In order to improve the efficiency and upgrade, it is introduced to replace all the targets of providing each block, which provides higher throughput compared with publishing the call data directly on the chain, but users need to trust a small committee or a group of verifiers to avoid malicious withholding of data, including the solution based on re-pledge. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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