80倍涨幅面临大量抛压 币安Launchpool新项目Portal将高开低走?

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Portal Gaming=Web3世界的Steam

Portal Gaming是一个专注于Web3游戏的平台,提供一键登入、轻松支付和集中管理游戏内资产(如NFT和账户抽象)等功能。该平台强调社交和多人游戏功能,并支持跨链操作,通过LayerZero等互操作协议实现不同区块链网络游戏的无缝集成。

Portal Gaming网站显示,其已列出200多款游戏,并计划集成更多网络,如Polygon、Avalanche、Solana和Klaytn等。其目标是成为Web3世界的Steam游戏平台,为玩家提供流畅、自由的游戏体验。

Portal Gaming背景

据白皮书介绍,Portal Gaming由开曼群岛的Portal基金会开发,致力于通过连接不同区块链网络的游戏和玩家,构建一个统一的Web3游戏生态系统,其背后团队成员来自顶级游戏工作室,并在多个颠覆性项目中有所建树。

Portal Gaming称,其目前与Space Nation、Oxya Origin、Nine Chronicles等多家知名游戏公司和组织建立了合作关系,进一步扩大了其生态系统的影响力,而Newman Group作为战略投资方,将为Portal Gaming在亚洲市场提供宝贵建议。

此外,Magic Eden表示,未来Portal生态系统中的所有NFT都可以在Magic Eden上使用Portal代币购买。同时,Portal与LayerZero的合作将促进跨链互操作性,为玩家提供更多游戏访问和分发机会。LayerZero、Magic Eden、M80和MWE等合作伙伴的加入,则为Portal带来了更多资源和合作机会。

Portal Coin

Portal Coin作为Portal Gaming平台的通用游戏币和原生代币,不仅具备传统的游戏内支付和交易功能,同时还具备治理功能。据代币经济学显示,Portal coin的最大供应量为10亿枚,在创世之初就会被铸造完成,然后随着时间的推移释放至社区金库,以确保Portal coin的稳定供应和长期价值。


Portal coin被用作支付交易费用,这些费用由Portal节点验证的跨链交易和Portal网络原生费用组成。当玩家支付交易费用时,部分代币会被销毁,而另一部分则会被存入金库。金库中的代币将再分配奖励给节点、游戏开发者,并最终回馈给玩家,以确保Portal coin的流通性和价值稳定。


在Portal网络内,所有交易都支持Portal coin作为游戏内或游戏相关市场的支付选项之一。此外,与通过Portal网络进行的任何跨链交易相关的所有费用均以Portal coin计价。这使得Portal coin成平台游戏生态系统中的重要支付工具,促进了游戏的互通性和便捷性。


Portal coin还引入了质押和投票机制,为玩家和游戏开发者提供了赚取奖励和参与治理的机会。玩家可以通过质押Portal coin来赚取奖励,而游戏开发者则可以通过质押来提高其游戏在Portal Gaming平台上的可见度和关注度。这种激励系统被称为stake-to-scale系统,在促进去中心化游戏分发的同时,还增强了玩家和游戏开发者之间的互动和合作。


Portal coin还可以为链上的游戏代币和游戏资产提供中央流动性,从而获得Portal生态系统作为一个整体的一些经济效益,而这一功能也使得Portal coin成为连接不同游戏和资产的桥梁。



根据币安研究院报告显示,开盘将释放5,000万新币挖矿,私募释放2800万枚,团队释放800万枚份额,加上国库、公募份额、空投等,合计1.6亿枚Portal coin释放到市场,占流通总量的16.82%。

此前,由于空投热度过高,据加密社区用户披露,开盘前Portal链上Claim出现拥挤,Gas费持续飙升超50美元,但对于0.15的私募价格而言,早期投资者目前获利已超20倍,以50美元换1000美元无疑是件美事,而这一丰厚回报在证明Portal项目的潜力和价值的同时,也为市场带来了巨大的抛压。据Scopescan监测,某地址收到约127 万枚PORTAL空投,以此前约3美元的价格,其获得约480万美元的PORTAL空投,而该地址已将PORTA进行兑换、存入多个CEX并发往其他地址。


据此前ai_9684xtpa监测,Portal做市地址的gas费来源地址曾与DWF Labs和Amber Group有过交易,但前者的可能性偏大一些,PORTAL做市商很有可能就是DWF Labs,那么面对上方重重抛压,以“爆拉爆砸”著称的DWF Labs又该如何应对?


Under the background that the encryption market continues to improve, the game ecosystem started the coin-security plate with a super-double increase in opening price, which created the first shot in this bull market. The highest increase in coin-security mining in this bull market exceeded the previous analyst's expectation, and broke through the expectations of most miners at a high price, creating a new round of wealth-making myth world. It is a platform focusing on games, providing one-click login, easy payment and centralization of assets such as accounts in management games. The platform emphasizes that. Social and multiplayer game functions and support cross-chain operation. The website shows that it has listed a variety of games and plans to integrate more networks, such as Hehe. Its goal is to become a world game platform and provide players with a smooth and free game experience background. According to the white paper, it was developed by the Cayman Islands Foundation and is committed to building a unified game ecosystem by connecting games and players in different blockchain networks. Since the top game studio, it has made achievements in many subversive projects, saying that it has established cooperative relations with many well-known game companies and organizations, further expanding the influence of its ecosystem, and as a strategic investor, it will provide valuable suggestions for the Asian market. In addition, it is said that all the people in the future ecosystem can use tokens to buy and cooperate at the same time, which will promote cross-chain interoperability, provide players with more opportunities for game access and distribution, and the participation of partners will bring. With more resources and cooperation opportunities, universal game coins and native tokens as platforms not only have traditional in-game payment and transaction functions, but also have governance functions. According to token economics, the maximum supply is 100 million pieces, which will be cast at the beginning of creation and then released to community vaults over time to ensure stable supply and long-term value. The transaction fee payment and vault mechanism is used to pay transaction fees, which are verified by nodes in cross-chain transactions and network native fee groups. When the player pays the transaction fee, part of the tokens will be destroyed and the other part will be deposited in the vault. The tokens will be redistributed and rewarded to the node game developers and finally returned to the players to ensure the liquidity and value stability. In-game payment and cross-chain transaction pricing are supported as one of the payment options in the in-game or game-related markets in the network. In addition, all the expenses related to any cross-chain transaction through the network are priced, which makes the platform game ecosystem. The important payment tools in the system promote the interoperability and convenience of the game, and the pledge and voting mechanism is also introduced, which provides opportunities for players and game developers to earn rewards and participate in governance. Players can earn rewards through pledge, while game developers can improve the visibility and attention of their games on the platform through pledge. This incentive system is called the system, which promotes decentralized game distribution and enhances the interaction between players and game developers. Cooperation to provide liquidity can also provide central liquidity for the game tokens and game assets in the chain, so as to obtain some economic benefits of the ecosystem as a whole, and this function also makes it a bridge to connect different games and assets, and the price of coins is facing selling pressure. Previously, frequent interaction with users by official accounts successfully introduced a wide range of users, including encrypted and encrypted community users, through viral marketing, which once caused heated discussion on Twitter, and for this reason, the private equity airdrop was greatly affected. According to the report of Coin Security Research Institute, the opening will release S $10,000, and the private placement will release S $10,000, and the team will release S $10,000. Together with the public offering share of the national treasury, airdrops and other total pieces will be released to the market, accounting for the total circulation. Previously, due to the overhigh airdrops, according to users in the encrypted community, congestion fees in the chain continued to soar above US dollars before the opening, but for the private placement price, it is undoubtedly a beautiful thing for early investors to exchange US dollars for US dollars, and this generous return is to At the same time, it also brought huge selling pressure to the market. According to the monitoring, an address received about 10,000 airdrops at the previous price of about US dollars, and the address has been exchanged and deposited in several addresses and sent to other addresses. In addition to private placement, the current released tokens are also in a profitable state, and the market will undertake double selling pressure from private placement and miners. According to the previous monitoring, the fee source address of the market-making address has been traded with and, but the former is more likely, and some market makers are likely to face it. How to deal with Fang's heavy selling, which is famous for its explosive pulling and smashing? According to the market, the price has now fallen back to the nearby private equity and miners' selling, or it will continue. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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