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地球之战的开始源于五个名为平行线的派系相互对抗,他们相信自己对这颗星球的能源拥有合法主权。Parallel是一款科幻风格的交换式卡牌游戏(TCG),玩家领导其中一个派系,并通过使用一副包含单位、效果和遗物的牌组,释放强大的友军、武器和法术,来击败其他平行线。这款游戏拥有引人入胜的故事情节和类似《魔法风云》(Magic:The Gathering)的异世界艺术风格,还加入了Web3的元素,因此在Web3游戏领域取得了巨大成功,并荣获2023GAM3奖年度游戏大奖。

2023年第三季度,YGGYGG Web3游戏峰会(W3GS)博览会上展示Parallel游戏的进展,并为YGG社区收购了一些NFT和代币。 YGG合作让我们看到了世界可以有多么不同,”Parallel创始人Kohji Nagata说。菲律宾在游戏、区块链和加密货币方面的热情和氛围与我们以往所见的完全不同,而YGG已经为我们打开了大门。

YGG的电竞团队YGG Elite已经在游戏中活跃,团队队长Disi和最近招募的Sequinox正在竞争排名榜,且Disi参加了ParagonsDAO的第一个Parallel赛事。YGG社区还组织了几场Bootcamp,以帮助参与者提高游戏水平

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity中,玩家控制着可爱的称为Axies的怪物,这些怪物可以战斗、收集和交易。Axie Infinity: OriginsAxie宇宙的卡牌战略游戏,具有实时战斗系统、免费的初始Axies,以及可以通过铸造RunesCharm进行提升。在202311月,Axie创始团队Sky Mavis重新发布了怀旧版本的Axie Classic,并添加了两个新的游戏模式:Cursed ColiseumGrand Tournament,这两种模式允许玩家获得稀有的Mystic Axie和其他奖励。

作为Yield Guild Games的首家合作伙伴,Axie InfinityYGG合作了许多项目,包括Guild Advancement ProgramGAP)和Superquests,以及帮助YGG成员顺利在Web3游戏中游玩的任务系统。Superquests的导师SpamandriceYGG GAP的大使 Kookoo两人代表YGG EliteAxie Infinity: Origins中游玩。

W3GS上,YGG全球发展总监Angel Pui宣布,YGG现在是Origins的正式培训合作伙伴。在Origins Season 7发布的同时,YGG推出了一款在游戏中的培训器,一款新的专注于Gem StoreEvolution EraSuperquest,以及更新版的初级Superquestskookoospam。

看到Superquests的系统真是太棒了,”Sky Mavis的联合创始人兼首席增长官Jeffrey “Jihoz” Zirlin说道。“Kookoo 和 spam是很好的教育工具,YGG公会成员对Origins的兴趣有了明显提升,尤其是对于游戏中零件进化的部分。


Pixels是一个开放世界游戏,玩家可以探索Terra Villa市区,种植农作物,收集资源,制作物品,完成任务,并建立社区。随着游戏进行,可以解锁的资源、食谱和蓝图可以帮助玩家们影响 Pixels世界。Pixels与许多NFT项目有互操作性,包括Bored Ape Yacht ClubOnChainMonkeyPudgy PenguinLazy Lionsmfers,这使得玩家可以在Pixels世界中以他们自己的NFT作为身份进行探索。

GAM3奖的最佳休闲游戏 Pixels 2023年获得大量关注,并成为首个每日活跃用户超过100,000Web3游戏,这是自Axie Infinity之后首次达到这一水平的Web3游戏。YGG积极响应了社区的需求,将Pixels添加到GAP第三季和第四季的轮动游戏列表中。Pixels GAP游戏列表中仅次于Axie受欢迎程度的游戏。

“我们热爱和YGG共事”,Pixels的创始人Luke Barwikowski说,“YGG非常擅长创建好的激励结构。YGG基本上把这件事情承包了,导致我们一切都变得非常顺利。YGG的人真正理解我们的游戏,甚至他们的理解远超市场对我们的认知。因此,他们能够创建出非常好的激励结构,以此帮助我们挑选出对生态系统有价值的用户。这让我们很方便,因为我们的工作量变得很少。YGG对游戏有非常清晰的认知。YGG知道我们游戏中的优良用户行为是什么,所以对我们来说,只需要说 没问题就这么办。我曾与其他人合作过,协调起来要费更多的功夫。

Pixel这款游戏一直是YGG公会成员中的首选虚拟聚会地点,YGG和其他公会之间已经组织了许多游戏内的见面活动。作为Pixels中最活跃的公会之一,YGG社区深度参与了Pixels最近的玩赚空投活动,这使玩家有机会在官方发布前赚取PIXELYGG还在202312月购买了一些 Pixels 土地。

"根据我的理解,我认为YGG正在努力成为一个公会的公会,类似一个聚集公会的平台,这正是我们在Pixels系统内想要的组织,"Luke补充道,我想与YGG合作一起促进Pixels游戏内子公会(subguild) 的繁荣。

My Pet Hooligan

My Pet Hooligan 是一款动作射击游戏,由AMGI Studios开发,这是一个由来自迪士尼、皮克斯和工业光魔(ILM)等公司的创作者组成的团队。玩家操控名为Hooligans的叛逆兔子,来捍卫家园免受邪恶的暴君Meta ZuckBot的侵害。伴随My Pet Hooligan引人入胜的游戏玩法、迷人的光影效果和可交互式游戏环境,玩家可以在与其他玩家对战、与朋友进行滑板连击、用涂鸦破坏墙壁等游戏模式中制造混乱。该游戏可在Epic Games商店中获得。

YGGAMGI Studios的早期合作伙伴,在各种方面都提供了广泛支持,特别是在2023My Pet Hooligan公开发布之前。该游戏荣获GAM3奖的最佳动作游戏,并在GAP以及其他几个YGG活动中亮相,包括为期一周的游戏焦点计划,AMAWeb3社区峰会(W3CS)。

YGG计划在更多的游戏焦点节目和社区直播中展示My Pet Hooligan,这些直播均由Mae-zing领导——YGG游戏测试员计划的负责人。YGG还将在即将到来的GAP5季中继续发布My Pet Hooligan的任务。

AMGI Studios 的 COO Luke Paglia说:“自My Pet Hooligan的早期开始,YGG一直对我们鼎力相助。我们在YGG的社区活动中经常被特别提到,对此我们非常兴奋和感激,我们将继续扩展和开发MPH内容。我们知名度和粉丝数量的日益增长也要归功于YGG等合作伙伴的大力支持。

Sipher Odyssey

即将上线的Sipher Odyssey是一款跨平台的动作角色扮演游戏,结合了科幻和奇幻元素,玩家们将在Sipheria梦幻般的世界中展开战斗,揭开其中的黑暗秘密。这款战利品射击游戏中增加了类似Roguelike的元素,通过快节奏的战斗提高了游戏难度,玩家需要在危险的副本中进行策略规划、即时决策。游戏还包含卡牌的游戏元素,比如Boost Deck System,玩家可以通过控制他们的强化道具,将战利品制作成游戏内物品。

YGG最早在2021年就与Sipher合作,收购了一些游戏中可克隆的NFT,并参与了其种子轮。最近,YGG为其社区提供了early access(早期名额),有几名公会成员加入了Sipher的封闭Alpha测试。YGG将成为Sipher内的一个公会,并且YGG对这款以移动端为主的游戏充满期待,特别是在东南亚这个以web3移动端玩家闻名的地区。



BLOCKLORDS是一款由MetaKing Studios开发的中世纪战略游戏,这是一个由来自育碧和EA的顶级设计师和开发者组成的团队。游戏中玩家可以通过各种玩法塑造周围的世界,比如耕种、战斗和统治王国。玩家可以效忠于一位领主,也可以选择不效忠任何人,甚至登上王国的宝座,拥有决定发展、结盟和战争的权力。这款游戏可以在Epic Game Store获得。

YGGBLOCKLORDS中的一个活跃公会,拥有一些游戏早期的NFT,包括五个独特英雄,YGG将会利用这些英雄来宣布一片领土的主权。最近,YGG创始人代币持有者有机会参与即将到来的LRDS代币空投。社区还在几次YGG AMAs和社区直播中展示了BLOCKLORDS,并且YGG期待在未来为BLOCKLORDS带来更多活动。

BLOCKLORDS创始人兼CEO David Johansson说:我们与YGG一起的成长经历是非常惊人的。YGG对项目的支持和热情对我们来说是无价的,他们的行业经验和对玩家群体的理解也是很强的。我们看到我们的社区之间的交融是非常良性的,并且我们对未来合作的期待非常高。

Nine Chronicles M

Nine Chronicles M 是一款完全基于区块链的奇幻 MMORPG,玩家可以探索九个神秘的领域,在迷人的世界中与怪物战斗。玩家可以收集资源,制作物品,变得更强大,最终与游戏中的传奇boss战斗。玩家还可以在竞技场中互相对抗,并投入NCG以获得额外奖励。

Nine Chronicles M是一个积极通过活动和合作吸引玩家参与的游戏,也在W3GS博览会上进行展示。在峰会期间,YGGSKYGGYGG的电竞和游戏生态合作伙伴DAO)还宣布与Nine Chronicles M合作支持其游戏内公会系统。这将使公会能够像类似于游戏的验证者或节点一样运行,奖励将分享给公会成员。YGG 和 SKYGG期待为通过YGG-SKYGG公会服务器玩Nine Chronicles M的玩家提供福利。

Nine Chronicles M的发行方Planetarium Labs的首席执行官JC Kim表示:“与YGGSKYGG合作是对Nine Chronicles M的一个重要的转折点。这两家公司的参与是为了培养一个以社区为中心的玩法,这与我们想建立一个分布式游戏生态系统的目标相吻合。我们的合作将会让公会作为游戏生态系统的关键元素,为玩家提供一个更加社区化、以社区为中心的游戏体验,将web3游戏体验提升到一个新的水平。

Star Atlas

27世纪,有一个广阔的宇宙等待探索。在大型战略多人在线游戏Star Atlas中,玩家们踏上太空冒险之旅。太空航行者可以探索未知领域,争夺领土,或参与银河治理。玩家可以找到一个家园,追求财富,或成为游戏中三个派系中的主要人物。

Star Atlas是一款在Epic Games Store上未发布游戏中最受期待的游戏,并且是GAM3 Awards的人气奖两年连续获奖者。YGGStar Atlas的早期支持者,并且建立了长期合作关系,目前拥有价值100万美元的游戏资产,其中包括多种太空飞船和不同稀有度的资产。Star Atlas参加了W3GS并且是GAP列表中的特色游戏

YGG与其生态系统中的特定游戏公会合作,通过YGG的社交渠道推广游戏中的活动。Rome是YGG专门致力于Star Atlas的首批公会之一,也是该游戏中最活跃的社区之一。YGG计划与罗马密切合作,未来将定制每周以Star Atlas为特色的活动。

“与Gabby和整个YGG团队在过去的一年共事是一个极大的乐趣”,Michael WagnerStar Atlas的联合创始人和CEO如是说,“YGG多次证明了对Web3游戏赛道的投入,以及对先驱者和开发者的大力支持。我很高兴看到最新的RomeYGG合作的进展,并且很想看到YGGGalia Expanse中发光发热。”

Nifty Island

Nifty Island是一款沙盒游戏,旨在激发玩家的创造力,让他们设计自己的岛屿、进行地形塑造、建造房屋、种植树木,甚至扮演他们的NFT头像。在Nifty Island,玩家可以与其他玩家玩各种迷你游戏,探索其他岛屿,并收集Blooms以在市场上购买物品。开发人员计划在游戏完全推出后奖励玩家加密货币和NFTNifty Island目前处于公开测试阶段,对所有人免费游玩。

这款游戏在YGG公会成员中越来越受欢迎,并最近被列为Game Spotlight Kick-off AMA的特色游戏。这是其中一场基于社区的岛屿游览直播,YGG公会计划未来会有更多类似活动。YGG团队还忙于开发以YGG为主题的游戏内3D资产,其中已经有一座YGG建筑可通过Blooms进行铸造。YGG计划为公会成员开放更多围绕用户生成内容(UGC)的机会。

“Nifty Island旨在让玩家在一个开放的游戏世界中挑战他们的创造力极限,YGG社区在我们的游戏中创造的内容展示了这一愿景的实践,” Nifty Island联合创始人Charles Smith说道。YGG等链游先驱者一起创造,对推动这一领域发展至关重要,我很期待我们继续携手努力,共同挖掘web3游戏的全部潜力。

With the exciting year, the community continues to show its support for the potential games in the ecosystem, some of which have been diligently developed in the encryption winter, and are committed to providing gameplay and functions that excite both casual players and hardcore players. The following summarizes the nine most noteworthy games this year, ranging from prize winners to the earliest partners and games with great influence in the ecology. The beginning of the Earth War originated from five factions called parallel lines. Confronting them, believing that they have legal sovereignty over the planet's energy is a sci-fi style exchange card game. Players lead one faction and use a deck containing unit effects and relics to release powerful friendly weapons and spells to defeat other parallel lines. This game has a fascinating storyline and an exotic artistic style similar to magic storms, and has also added new elements, so it has achieved great success in the game field and won the annual game award in. In the third quarter, we showed the progress of the game at the Game Summit Expo and bought some tokens and cooperation for the community, which made us see how different the world can be. The founder said that the enthusiasm and atmosphere of the Philippines in game blockchain and cryptocurrency are completely different from what we have seen before, and the e-sports team has opened the door for us. The team leader has been active in the game, and the recently recruited community is competing for the rankings and participated in the first event. Several games have also been organized to help us participate. Players improve the level of the game. In the game, players control cute monsters, which can fight, collect and trade. It is a card strategy game of the universe. It has a real-time combat system, free initial and can be upgraded through casting. In May, the founding team re-released a nostalgic version and added two new game modes. These two modes allowed players to get rare and other rewards as the first partners and cooperated with many projects, including and helping members to smoothly. The mentor and ambassador of the task system for playing in the game represent playing in the game. The director of global development announced that it is now a formal training partner. At the same time, a new training device for playing in the game was launched. A new system focused on harmony and an updated version of the primary song and the system seen was really great. Co-founder and chief growth officer said that harmony is a good educational tool, and the interest of guild members has been obviously improved, especially for the part evolution in the game. Open-world gamers can explore urban areas, plant crops, collect resources, make items, complete tasks and build communities. As the game progresses, recipes and blueprints can unlock resources, which can help players influence the world and have interoperability with many projects, including and this enables players to explore the best casual game in the world as their own identity. In 2008, it gained a lot of attention and became the first game with daily active users exceeding this level, which is the first time since then. Actively responding to the needs of the community, it will be added to the list of rotating games in the third and fourth seasons, which is second only to the popularity of the games in the list. The founders we love and work with say that they are very good at creating a good incentive structure, and basically they have contracted this matter to people who have made everything very smooth for us. They really understand our games and even their understanding far exceeds the market's cognition of us, so they can create a very good incentive structure to help us choose the ecology. The system has valuable users, which makes us very convenient, because our workload has become less and we have a very clear understanding of the game and know what the good user behavior in our game is, so it is only necessary for us to say that there is no problem and do it. I have worked with others and it takes more effort to coordinate. This game has always been the first choice for guild members, and many in-game meeting activities have been organized between virtual meeting places and other guilds as one of the most active guilds in the community. I participated in the recent air-drop activities to earn money, which gave players the opportunity to earn money before the official release and bought some land in June. According to my understanding, I think I am trying to become a guild similar to a platform for gathering guilds, which is exactly what we want in the system. I added that I want to promote the prosperity of sub-guilds in the game together with cooperation. It is an action shooting game developed by the team players composed of creators from Disney Pixar and Industrial Light Magic. Defending the homeland from the evil tyrant by controlling the rebellious rabbit named, accompanied by fascinating gameplay, charming light and shadow effects and interactive game environment, players can create chaos in game modes such as playing against other players, skateboarding with friends, destroying walls with graffiti, etc. The game can be obtained in stores, and early partners provided extensive support in all aspects, especially before the public release in 2008, the game won the award for the best action game and several others. Appearing in the event includes a week-long game focus program and community summit program, which will be shown in more game focus programs and community live broadcasts. These live broadcasts will be led by the person in charge of the game tester program and will continue to be released in the upcoming season. Since the early days, we have been helping us greatly. We are often mentioned in community activities, and we are very excited and grateful for this. We will continue to expand and develop the content, and our popularity and fans are growing day by day. Thanks to the strong support of other partners, a cross-platform action role-playing game will be launched soon, which combines sci-fi and fantasy elements. Players will fight in a fantastic world to uncover the dark secrets. This trophy shooting game adds similar elements, which improves the difficulty of the game through fast-paced fighting. Players need to make strategic planning in dangerous copies, and the game also contains card game elements, such as players can control their reinforcement. Props make trophies into in-game items. They first bought some games with cooperation in, and participated in its seed wheel. Recently, they provided early places for their communities. Several guild members joined the closed test and will become an inner guild. They are full of expectations for this mobile-based game, especially in Southeast Asia, a region famous for mobile players. Since its inception, they have been striving to create a more meaningful and rewarding game world, but it is an easy-to-use and difficult-to-master game, and it is committed to guiding players to drive the game economy. Therefore, we are very excited and cooperative. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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