Web3.0+DeFi双重叙事 $Alita日内涨幅近30%登陆GATE涨幅榜

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 04:43:37 评论:0



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在$Alita的经济模型中,总量定为777.777亿枚,设定了具体的交易滑点及分配比例,以确保流动性和市场营销的支持。这样的设计不仅促进了Alita Swap去中心化交易所内的流通和治理,也为用户和项目方提供了丰厚的激励。Alita Swap平台作为生态系统的核心,所有参与者均需购买和持有$Alita,这创建了一个强大的共识基础。随着越来越多的项目方加入,预计底池中的$Alita总量将会达到显著数目,进一步减少了市场上的可用供应量。这种独特的持币奖励计划和无损交易机制,不仅促进了用户持币行为,也大大降低了市场上的抛售压力,从而有力地支持了$Alita价格的稳步增长。



Alita Labs反哺生态赋能$Alita

5000万美元投资基金成立Alita Labs,专注于推动和扩大ALITA生态系统。这一战略投资将为那些致力于创新和推动ALITA生态系统发展的项目提供强有力的支持和资源。通过这一投资基金,Alita不仅能够吸引更多的创新项目和团队加入其生态,也为自身的持续发展和创新提供了强大的资金支持。Alita Labs将着重关注Web3.0 Massive Adoption、DePIN、AI当前最受瞩目的三大赛道。目前已经对一系列Web3.0创新项目进行了战略性投资,其中包括但不限于Alienworlds、Altlayer、Bitsika、FIO Protocol、Skyark chronicles、Fusionist、Litentry、Manta、Mint.club、Pixel、Ronin、Capitalise、Figment.io等20余个项目。



Alita强大而活跃的社区也是支撑其成功的关键因素之一。在 Telegram 上,仅Alita中文社区的活跃人数为 4474 人,总的活跃人数与其他项目相比并不算多。然而,实时在线的活跃活跃人数已超过 14.3%,这表明该社区的活跃人数相当多,这种社区的聚集力以及方与KOL的推动,是为$Alita的持续上涨提供了源源不断的动力,社区的反馈和建议也成为团队不断优化和改进的重要参考。



$Alita的当前成就只是一个开端。随着Alita生态的进一步发展和完善,以及Alita Labs孵化项目新创新的不断引入,$Alita在Web3.0和DeFi领域的领先地位预期将更加稳固,绘制了一条$Alita持续增长的轨迹。投资者和市场观察者可以期待$Alita带来更多的市场惊喜,因为它正处在释放其全面潜力的旅途上,$Alita的故事仍在书写中。

According to the market, the price has broken through the dollar mark as of March, and the increase within an hour is close to this remarkable achievement, which makes it stand out from the crowd. What is even more amazing is that since the price was first launched on the decentralized exchange on March, it has achieved an amazing increase of times. In the vast universe of cryptocurrency, every price jump is not accidental, and there is deep logic and unique value hidden behind it, which can stand out from many projects in a short time to achieve such a remarkable market table. It has been proved that the enthusiastic response of its market and the high confidence of investors are behind its unique economic model, solid ecosystem support and the combined effect of its keen insight into future trends and forward-looking strategies. A powerful ecosystem empowers the complexity and diversity of the market in the rise of harmony, and it is difficult to avoid the chaotic environment. Therefore, an aggregation platform in the field is needed to end the separatist regime. For this reason, the ecosystem is centered on this ecosystem in time, not only the circulating digital currency, but also the cross-chain connection. As one of the core functions of the ecosystem, the mobility platform, robots and other multi-component ties together build a comprehensive service complex, which provides great convenience for users' assets to flow across chains through its innovative cross-chain mobility scheme. It allows assets to be freely transferred between different blockchain networks. This unprecedented smooth experience not only greatly attracts users, but also lays a solid foundation for the application and circulation of robots among chains. With the aim of improving the service capacity of ecosystem once again, relying on advanced technology, it can not only meet the daily needs of users, but also provide in-depth financial technology services, identify investment opportunities and manage risks. The actual application scenarios and economic models with unique values have been further expanded. In the new economic model, the total amount is set at 100 million pieces, and the specific trading slip point and distribution ratio have been set to ensure the support of liquidity and marketing. This design not only promotes the circulation and governance in decentralized exchanges, but also serves the purpose. As the core of the ecosystem, households and project parties provide a rich incentive platform, which all participants need to buy and hold, creating a strong consensus foundation. With more and more project parties joining, it is expected that the total amount in the pot will reach a significant number, further reducing the available supply in the market. This unique incentive plan and lossless trading mechanism not only promote users' behavior of holding coins, but also greatly reduce the selling pressure in the market, thus effectively supporting the steady growth of prices. The economic model shows a unique perspective and drives the growth and stability of its long-term value through a series of innovative mechanisms. The core of this model is the transaction slip mechanism and the destruction strategy. They significantly reduce the total circulation in the market by extracting a specific proportion of each transaction for destruction, which not only enhances the scarcity and further enhances its value, but also carefully adjusts its parameters to meet the specific market positioning and ecological requirements optimizes its effect. In addition, some of them are locked in the foundation for a long time. It not only shows the commitment to the long-term development of the project, but also effectively relieves the pressure of market supply, avoiding potential price fluctuations and feeding back ecological empowerment. The establishment of a million-dollar investment fund focused on promoting and expanding the ecosystem will provide strong support and resources for those projects committed to innovation and promoting the development of the ecosystem. Through this investment fund, not only can more innovative projects and teams join its ecology, but also provide strong financial support for their own sustainable development and innovation. At present, we have made strategic investments in a series of innovative projects, including but not limited to more than one project, market reaction and community support. A strong and active community is also one of the key factors supporting its success. Compared with other projects, the total number of active people in the Chinese community alone is not much, but the number of active people in real-time online has exceeded, which shows that there are quite a lot of active people in this community. The promotion of harmony has provided a steady stream of power for the continuous rise of the company, and the feedback and suggestions from the community have also become an important reference for the continuous optimization and improvement of the team. The current achievements of the conclusion are only the beginning. With the further development and improvement of ecology and the continuous introduction of new innovations in incubation projects, it is expected that a track of continuous growth will be drawn more steadily, and investors and market observers can expect to bring more market surprises because it is on the journey of releasing its full potential, and the story is still being written. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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