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作者:William M. Peaster,Bankless 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

一股新的力量正在重塑比特币的 NFT 格局。 

在过去的一个月里,这个 Ordinals 系列迅速崛起,迅速成为比特币的旗舰系列,现在可以与其他链上的顶级 NFT 相媲美。 


NodeMonkes 的崛起


NodeMonkes 于 2023 年 2 月首次获得铭文,被誉为第一个 通过Ordinals铸造的原创(即非衍生)10k 个人资料图片 (PFP) 集合 。Bitcoin Punks 和 OnChainMonkeys 都有较早的铭文,尽管这些集合来自已经存在的项目。

从美学上来说,NodeMonkes 系列具有类似于复古视频游戏图形的像素艺术风格,具有大块状像素和夸张、简约的特征。

每个角色都是一只抽象的猴子,有些比其他的更抽象,所以他们的面孔的解释很大程度上留给观众想象。总的来说,这里的风格让我想起了 Nouns,这是以太坊上最具标志性的像素艺术 NFT 收藏之一,但更明确地针对比特币场景进行了定制。

顶级比特币 NFT 系列

NodeMonkes 没有路线图,由匿名二人组创建,于 2023 年 12 月通过荷兰公开拍卖启动,最终每枚 NFT 拍出 0.03 BTC(当时约为 1,260 美元)。 

造币前的几个月的期待,加上最近因 Ordinals、BTC ETF 批准和比特币 L2 的兴趣激增而膨胀的比特币 NFT 场景,为 NodeMonkes 带来了令人难以置信的早期动力。 

现在,它们不仅成为比特币上最大的 NFT 收藏品,而且成为整个 NFT 领域最有价值的收藏品之一。他们目前的 0.81 BTC 底价(比 0.03 BTC 铸币成本上涨了 2,600%)使得这些节点目前的底价仅落后于 CryptoPunks 和 Pudgy Penguins。至于市值,Nodes(约 5 亿美元)目前仅次于“Punks”(约 2B 美元)。 


NodeMonkes 的主要交易中心是多链 NFT 市场 Magic Eden,迄今为止已交易了价值超过 2,795 BTC(+ 1.9 亿美元)的 NodeMonkes。令人印象深刻的是,这个交易量水平已经使该系列跻身有史以来交易量最大的 30 个 NFT 项目之列,并且交易量最近才有所回升。

例如,在过去的一个月里,节点是价值超过 8600 万美元的交易的中心,其中仅在过去 24 小时内就发生了 1100 万美元的交易。事实上,围绕节点的交易已经变得如此疯狂,以至于最近几天它帮助将 Magic Eden 推上了交易量领先的 NFT 市场的领先地位。 


Big NodeMonkes 销售火爆

随着 NodeMonkes 越来越被一些人誉为“比特币的加密朋克”,由于大型 NFT 收藏家的涌入,该系列最近出现了一些大额销售也就不足为奇了。

例如,第一个突破 100 万美元销售大关的 Node 是外星人 #2769,它在周末以高达 16.6 BTC 的价格转售。此次出售也恰好标志着迄今为止加密经济中的第二大 Ordinals 购买。最近的一些其他购买也发生在 8 BTC 以上,即 Nodemonkes  #9255  (10.54 BTC)、  #5605  (9.95 BTC)、  #3315  (9.17 BTC)、  #10  (8.83 BTC)、  #3361  (8.82 BTC)和 #4791  (8.7 BTC)。 

这里最大的收获是什么?资本充足的收藏家正在进入并获得市场上最稀有和最理想的节点。这一行动,加上新 购买的 4,500 ETH CryptoPunk 3100,表明鲸鱼在 NFT 领域重新强势回归。


虽然 NodeMonkes 现在显然超出了绝大多数人的价格范围,但它们的崛起象征着比特币 Ordinals 场景的激增,并且它们催化了人们对 Magic Eden 和其他更 实惠的比特币 NFT 项目的兴趣热潮。 

以太坊有 CryptoPunks,Solana 有 Mad Lads,现在比特币在 NodeMonkes 中有旗舰 PFP 系列。Ordinals 领域还处于早期阶段,随着时间的推移,其他项目完全有可能成为比特币领域的王者,但就目前和可预见的未来而言,这一头衔牢牢掌握在节点手中。让我们拭目以待吧!

A new force is reshaping the pattern of Bitcoin. In the past month, this series has risen rapidly and become the flagship series of Bitcoin. Now it can be compared with the top in other chains. In today's article, we let you know the development quickly and the rise of some things you need to pay attention to. It was first inscribed in June, and it was hailed as the first original collection of non-derivative personal data through casting, and both of them had earlier inscriptions. Although these collections come from existing projects, aesthetically speaking, the series has a pixel art style similar to retro video game graphics, with the characteristics of large blocks of pixels and exaggeration and simplicity. Each character is an abstract monkey, and some of them are more abstract than others, so the interpretation of their faces is largely left to the imagination of the audience. Generally speaking, the style here reminds me that this is one of the most iconic pixel art collections in Ethereum, but it is more clearly customized for bitcoin scenes. There is no road map for the top bitcoin series, which was founded by anonymous duo in January and started by public auction in the Netherlands. Finally, the expectation of each coin was about US dollars at that time, and the recent bitcoin scene, which expanded due to the approval and the surge of interest in bitcoin, brought incredible early impetus. Now they have become not only the largest collection in bitcoin, but also one of the most valuable collections in the whole field. Their current reserve price has risen compared with the cost of coinage, which makes these festivals. The current reserve price is only behind and the market value is about $100 million. At present, the main trading center next to about $100 million is the multi-chain market, which has traded more than $100 million so far. It is impressive that this trading volume level has made this series among the 10 projects with the largest trading volume in history, and the trading volume has only recently rebounded. For example, in the past month, the node was the center of transactions worth more than $10,000, of which only $10,000 was traded in the past hour. In fact, the transaction around the node has become so crazy that in recent days, it has helped to push it to the leading position in the market with leading transaction volume. With more and more people calling it cryptopunk of Bitcoin, it is not surprising that there have been some large-scale sales in this series recently due to the influx of large collectors. For example, the first one to break through the $10,000 sales mark is an alien, who resold it at a high price on weekends. This sale also marks the second place in the crypto economy so far. Some other recent purchases have also taken place in the above, that is, what is the biggest gain here? Collectors with sufficient capital are entering and obtaining the rarest and most ideal nodes in the market. This action, together with new purchases, shows that whales have regained their strength in the field and returned to the overall situation. Although it is obviously beyond the price range of most people, their rise symbolizes the surge of bitcoin scenes and they have catalyzed people's interest in other more affordable bitcoin projects. At present, bitcoin has a flagship series in China, and it is still in its early stage. With the passage of time, other projects may become the king of bitcoin, but for the present and foreseeable future, this title is firmly in the hands of nodes. Let us wait and see. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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