比特币剑指新高 熊牛转换中头部机构调研了哪些项目?

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 04:43:31 评论:0



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代表性研报机构:Messari、LD Capital、头等仓、ABCDE Capital、MT Capital、Penta Lab。

其它:Delphi Digital、Nansen、SignalPlus、Binance Research、LK Venture、DappRadar、Galaxy Digital、Metrics Ventures。




2月:Axelar(AXL)的各项数据于2023年Q4获得全方位增长、波卡2023 Q4报告:DOT的流通市值季度增长111%。

1月:一文全面了解Manta Network、2023 DePIN 报告解读:AI 融合新方向、亚洲项目将加速涌现。



11月:Cosmos Hub Q3研报——ATOM跌幅21.0% 通货膨胀率14%、全同态加密项目速览。

10月:Solana 2023年第三季度发展状况、Messari发布Moonbeam Q3简报。


Covalent是一种去中心化的数据基础设施,使用户能够无缝访问原本无法访问的区块链数据。 Covalent 索引了整个区块链历史,并以标准化和真正可互操作的方式转换了这些数据。用户可以利用统一的 API 来查询给定区块链上的几乎任何数据。


Messari指出,随着世界朝着多链未来的趋势发展,Covalent 将在链上数据索引器领域发挥重要作用。它将为用户提供一种安全、快速和统一的方法来查询来自平行网络的数据。

2、LD Capital

了得资本LD Capital是亚洲最早专注于区块链领域价值投资的机构之一。凭借产业资源优势和专业的投研团队,LD Capital先后发现并投资了Qtum、Vechain、Eos等项目,均实现了100倍以上的回报。


1月:厚积薄发的新公链——Sui的近期发展、LD Capital宣布成立Solana生态基金 、Mina的人事变革能否带领项目复苏?


12月:Mobile 7天十倍 DePin赛道破圈在老钱入局前夕、简析模块化区块链Celestia。


9月:近期Crypto Bot热潮,是一时繁荣还是新投资风口?、Livepeer(LPT)行情再次启动,能否突破前高?

8月:THORChain匿名——揭秘Terra LUNA的隐影、GMX V2的改动与影响、一文了解CyberConnect现状 、Linea:ConsenSys强势背书,能否在竞争激烈的L2突出重围?

7月:浅析基于GHOSTDAG协议的POW公链Kaspa、订单簿原生链先驱Injective、Inverse Finance:置之死地而后生?、解析Pendle在质押业务上的创新与挑战



二级市场观察项目:Fusionist(ACE)、ZRX、0x Protocol、HIFI、STORJ、Chainlink(LINK)、Aave、Bluzelle、TRB。

LD Capital投资的Solana生态项目:Render Network、Star Atlas、OpenOcean、Divvy 、Larix。







10月:全方位解读模块化区块链Celestia、MMORPG链游Big Time。

9月:链游公会Yield Guild Games。

8月:UBI经济学 Worldcoin。

4月:全链互操作性协议 LayerZero。


Pandora 是今年2月2日上线的 NFT 碎片化项目,其核心技术是 ERC 404 代币标准。用户可以在 Uniswap V3购买项目同名代币 PANDORA 以获得 ERC 404 代币,相当于碎片化持有其 NFT——Pandora Replicants,此外也可以直接在 OpenSea 购买 Pandora Replicants。

4、ABCDE Capital




1月:为什么我们投资B² Network?



10月:我们为什么投资Surf Protocol?

9月:我们为什么投资BeWater 、Particle如何结合zkWaaS构建以意图为中心的模块化访问层?、我们为什么投资GasZero?、我们为什么投资Gravity?

3月:我们为什么领投Web3开发平台Particle Network?、我们为什么投资Polyhedra Network?、为什么我们要投资ZK硬件加速项目Cysic?




BitSmiley 是比特币生态系统的 MakerDAO+Compound,通过解决当前比特币生态系统中最重大的差距——稳定币和借贷基础设施,为比特币 DeFi 提供全面的解决方案。除了提供以 BTC 超额抵押的 bitRC20 格式的稳定币外,BitSmiley 还促进基于 BRC20 的点对点借贷。此外,它还建立了基于贷款框架的保险和CDS衍生品。

Babylon 是一个为去中心化世界设计安全协议的项目。Babylon 的使命是通过三种创新的安全共享协议扩展比特币的规模,以确保去中心化世界的安全:比特币质押协议、比特币时间戳协议和比特币数据可用性协议。


5、MT Capital

Momentum Capital(简称MTCapital)是一家专注于Web3领域的新兴加密基金,由一群自2016年开始专注于Web3方向的资深投资管理者组成。总部位于硅谷心脏palo alto,致力于投资全球具有潜力的区块链和加密货币项目。



1月:bitSmiley — 比特币原生稳定币协议开拓者、关于 Origin与Olympus DAO的对比分析、坎昆升级为以太坊生态再次注入新活力。


12月:Messari Crypto Theses 2024重点押注Solana与AI+DePIN赛道、DeSci赛道现状及未来前景、Jito—重塑Solana质押市场格局、Solana生态全面爆发前夜、Chainflip 原生跨链交换市场的新锐竞争者。

11月:应用链迁移和经济模型更新推动DYDX飞轮增长 、Stacks Nakamoto升级在即,为比特币生态注入新动力。


Chainflip 是一个跨链流动性网络,可以实现不同区块链之间的跨链交易。它类似于 Uniswap,但允许用户在没有任何包装代币、特殊钱包或专用软件的情况下在主要区块链之间进行交易。


6、Penta Lab

 Penta Lab是一家新锐加密行业研究机构,也是一家独立的第三方研究所,致力于为客户提供精准、实证、敏锐、技术和人工智能的加密资产研究。 独立性是Penta Lab的核心价值观。


3月:AINN更新 - 继续领跑Web3与AI创新融合,为万亿AI生态提供基础设施。

2月:Synthetix——去中心化衍生品赛道龙头、Vertex Protocol——整合三大主流Defi产品有望成为永续合约DEX龙头、dYdX-V4版本发布,DEX龙头未來可期、GNS大涨33%原因探究、GMX:衍生品去中心化交易所龙头创新不足增速惨淡、Shrapnel - 首个链上3A级第一人称视角射击游戏(FPS)大作、Pendle Finance - 收益代币化赛道龙头、Ajna Protocol ——DeFi借贷赛道的下一个Aave、Gains Network——独具创新的高杠杆低费用永续加密合约交易平台。

1月:Penta Lab首篇深度研报:挖掘PENDLE大涨40%创新高。

潜力项目:Shrapnel、Vertex Protocol。

Shrapnel是一款AAA级FPS游戏,其中基于技能的竞争、创造性的建模工具和真正的数字所有权都由区块链技术提供支持。作为竞争性多人第一人称射击游戏,SHRAPNEL 捆绑了一套丰富的玩家创建工具,将战斗、创建、管理和连接结合到玩家拥有平台并决定其未来的社区中。


Vertex 是一个去中心化衍生品协议,用于在订单簿上交易现货和永续合约。凭借行业领先的交易引擎和综合货币市场,Vertex 的跨保证金产品套件专为专业人士和初学者设计。





Author Bitcoin Trading Network Recently, Bitcoin soared to the highest level, hitting the US dollar, which was the same as the high point of the last bull market. However, as far as the upward trend of Bitcoin is concerned, it is very likely to continue to hit a new high. Since the beginning of last year, many projects have swept away the gloom of the bear market and gained a high increase. Many of these projects were mentioned in the research report of the head organization of the encryption industry, and most of the reports were issued before the currency rose. In addition, the hottest track since the beginning of the year was also reported in the research report of the organization that thought it represented. It is recommended and has issued two project reports before the announcement of the launch. This shows that the institutional research report is more authoritative and valuable than the general or investors. So in the current round of bear-to-bull market, the head research institutions have focused on which tracks and projects are promising but not yet broken out. Bitcoin Trading Network has selected the most representative experts from dozens of industry institutions and sorted out some of their respective research objects in the past year. Results The research project of the head organization combs the first-class warehouse of representative research organizations. Others are a blockchain database startup company headquartered in new york, USA, which uses open source tools to build a blockchain database. The data information stored in it includes the historical management framework of capital development and supply plan of each blockchain project, and the data of the theme month of the annual research report gained all-round growth in 2008. The article "Monthly growth of circulation market value reported by Boca" comprehensively understands the report, interprets the new direction of integration, and Asian items. The purpose is to accelerate the emergence of the report summary on data availability in the theme month of the annual research report, and explain in detail the cross-chain infrastructure, the decline of the monthly research report, the inflation rate, the homomorphic encryption project, the glance of the development in the third quarter of the month, and the release of the briefing potential project. It is a decentralized data infrastructure that enables users to seamlessly access the blockchain data that were originally inaccessible, index the entire blockchain history, and convert these data in a standardized and truly interoperable way. Users can use a unified query to a given area. Almost any data project on the blockchain has received a total of $10,000 in financing. It is pointed out that with the development of the world towards a multi-chain future, it will play an important role in the field of data indexers on the chain. It will provide users with a safe, fast and unified method to query data from parallel networks. Capital is one of the earliest institutions in Asia that focus on value investment in the blockchain field. With the advantages of industrial resources and professional investment and research teams, it has successively discovered and invested in such projects, and all of them have achieved more than doubled annual returns. Theme The recent development of the new public chain with a thick monthly accumulation can the personnel change of the ecological fund be announced to lead the project to recover? The theme of the annual research report is that the track is broken ten times a month. On the eve of the entry of the old money, a brief analysis of the modular blockchain monthly double narrative computing power leasing platform is mentioned. Is the recent upsurge in the month a temporary boom or a new investment market restarted? Can it break through the change and influence of the hidden shadow revealed anonymously in the previous high month? A brief analysis of the current situation and whether strong endorsement can be highlighted in the fierce competition. The pioneer of the original chain of the public chain order book based on the agreement is dead, and the innovation and challenge in the pledge business are later analyzed. The monthly loan agreement with no clearing interest as collateral is the first-class warehouse of the ecological project invested in the second-tier network. The first-class warehouse is a blockchain investment research institution dedicated to exploring high-quality projects and investment opportunities for users. The theme of the annual research report is the theme of the annual research report of the aggregator based on the token standard. The detailed explanation of the sci-fi mecha's wind chain and the all-round interpretation of the modular area. The potential project of the full-chain interoperability agreement of the monthly economics of the block chain chain tour association is a fragmentation project launched on May this year. Its core technology is the token standard. Users can buy tokens with the same name in the project to get tokens, which is equivalent to holding them in fragments. In addition, they can also directly buy the builder's fund, which was co-founded by Du Jun, co-founder of Firecoin, and the founder of Metropolitan Capital. The theme month of the annual research report shows why we lead the investment month and why we invest from the perspective of the primary market. Why do we invest in the theme month of the annual research report? Why do we invest in the month? Why do we invest in how to combine and build a modular access layer centered on intention? Why do we invest in the month? Why do we invest in the development platform? Why do we invest in the hardware acceleration project month? Why do we invest in the perpetual contract trading platform month? Why do we invest in the automated financial reporting platform? Why do we invest in the security solution? The potential project we want to invest in is the bitcoin ecosystem, which provides a comprehensive solution for bitcoin by solving the most important gap in the current bitcoin ecosystem. In addition to providing stable currency in the form of over-mortgage, it also promotes peer-to-peer lending. In addition, it has established insurance and derivatives based on the loan framework. It is a project to design security protocols for the decentralized world. Its mission is to expand bitcoin through three innovative security sharing protocols. The scale of the project is to ensure the security of the decentralized world. The bitcoin pledge agreement, bitcoin timestamp agreement and bitcoin data availability agreement have reached 10,000 US dollars in the round. The abbreviation is an emerging encryption fund focusing on the field. It is composed of a group of senior investment managers who have been focusing on the direction since 2000. Headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, it is committed to investing in the blockchain and cryptocurrency projects with global potential. The theme of the annual research report is the dismantling and comparative study of the monthly track. Contrastive analysis of Cancun's upgrade to Ethereum ecology, which injects new vitality again. The theme of the annual research report is to focus on betting on the current situation and future prospects of the track and reshape the pledge market structure. On the eve of the full-scale ecological outbreak, the new competitors in the original cross-chain exchange market applied chain migration and economic model update to promote the growth and upgrading of the flywheel. The project is to inject new power into the bitcoin ecology. It is a cross-chain liquidity network that can realize cross-chain transactions between different blockchains. It is similar to but allows users to do so without any responsibility. How to package tokens, special wallets or special software? Trading projects between major blockchains have a total of US$ 10,000. It is a cutting-edge encryption industry research institution and an independent third-party research institute dedicated to providing customers with accurate evidence, keen technology and artificial intelligence. The independence of encryption assets research is the core value. The annual research report theme monthly update continues to lead and innovate to provide infrastructure for trillions of ecology. The integration of the three mainstream products is expected to become the leader in the release of sustainable contracts and the leader in the decentralized exchange of derivatives in the future. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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