复盘 AI 板块领头羊Render Network(RNDR)的2600%涨幅飞升之路

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 04:42:32 评论:0



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AI赛道持续火热,相关概念币种还在飞涨。而将于3月18日举行的英伟达 GTC 大会更是放大了AI投资者的热情。

本轮AI行情中,Render Network(RNDR)可谓颇具赛道领头羊的身姿。不仅币价升至历史新高的10.784美元,而且去年至今也以2600%涨幅也名列板块前茅。

对于普通投资者来说,26倍的收益还是十分可观的。今天,比特币买卖交易网就来复盘绩优币Render Network(RNDR)是如何炼成的,并以期从中找到一些高爆币的共通性。







Render Network是基于去中心化GPU的渲染解决方案提供商,旨在将希望执行渲染作业的用户与拥有空闲GPU来处理渲染的人联系起来。所有者可以将他们的GPU连接到渲染网络,以便使用OctaneRender接收和完成渲染作业。

在母公司 OTOY 的支持下,RNDR 团队总部位于洛杉矶,团队成员遍布世界各地。

项目运行原理方面,简单来说就是目标对象使用RNDR 来交换 GPU 提供商(节点运营商)的 GPU 计算能力。

RNDR 利用手动和自动工作证明系统相结合,或者在本例中为渲染证明,以便在付款和艺术品发布之前验证所有艺术品是否已成功渲染。利用以太坊区块链固有的安全属性,专有资产在上传时进行哈希处理,并逐个发送到节点进行渲染。

所有 RNDR 付款均在渲染期间存储在托管中,并在委托艺术家手动验证成功作品后释放给节点运营商。


项目分别在2018年通过ICO完成116万美元以及在2021年完成3000 万美元战略融资。目前项目市值为21.45亿美元,币价为5.63美元。


RNDR 能在一年左右的时间中收获约26的涨幅收益,其背后有着多重因素。

首先,外部大环境的整体向好。比特币价格飞涨对山寨币有着极大的带动作用,同时去年至今金融市场上的主线叙事都是AI板块,RNDR 作为老牌AI项目,有着长期的项目建设经历以及成熟的业务产品。因此在外部利好的东风之下,更容易起飞。


其次,AI的主要考验和商业需求就是算力。而RNDR 的服务功能刚好是可以帮助解决算力的庞大需求。Render Network 允许在大型分布式对等网络上分发和处理基于 GPU 的复杂渲染作业。这使创作者能够以前所未有的规模和价格进行计算,并提供比任何现有云提供商更强大的隐私保证。

项目运行原理方面,目标对象使用RNDR 来交换 GPU 提供商(节点运营商)的 GPU 计算能力。RNDR 利用手动和自动工作证明系统相结合,或者在本例中为渲染证明,以便在付款和艺术品发布之前验证所有艺术品是否已成功渲染。利用以太坊区块链固有的安全属性,专有资产在上传时进行哈希处理,并逐个发送到节点进行渲染。

所有 RNDR 付款均在渲染期间存储在托管中,并在委托艺术家手动验证成功作品后释放给节点运营商。


最后,团队对项目的持续建设也是一大诱因。去年11 月,Render Network正式宣布已成功完成对 Solana 的升级,这意味着这个去中心化渲染领域的龙头企业已经正式从 Polygon 生态迁移到 Solana 生态。

此次迁移涉及到近一年多来Render社区审核通过的多项 RNP 提案(Render Network Proposals)的付诸实施,不仅包括 Layer1 生态的迁移,还包括新代币(RENDER)的发行以及新的 Burn and Mint Equilibrium(BME)代币经济模型的实施,对整个 Render 生态及所有 RNDR(即将升级并更名为 SPL 代币 RENDER)利益相关方都将产生深远影响。

除此之外,Render 还在进行更多的创新升级,比如最新的 007 号提案计划引入 FEDML 云平台、引入其他各种计算客户端,如 Beam、io.net 和其他云平台。此外,去年12月份的 Solana Breakpoint 2023 大会上,Render 还宣布为用户提供多渲染器,新增了 Maxon 的 Redshift、Physical 和 Standard 等渲染器。



The author bitcoin trading network track continues to be hot, and the related concepts and currencies are still soaring, and the NVIDIA conference to be held on May has even amplified the enthusiasm of investors. In this round of market, it can be said that it is quite the leader of the track. Not only has the price of the currency risen to a record high of US dollars, but it has also been among the best in the sector since last year. For ordinary investors, the double income is still very considerable. Today, Bitcoin trading network will resume trading, and we hope to find some high explosions from it. The currency's commonness, flying against the wind, staged a wave of large increase, which has been blowing since the beginning of the year. At that time, the out-of-circle encryption industry sector also ushered in the first wave of explosion. After experiencing a shock callback, it rose all the way, and finally achieved high returns in this month. According to the data, the price at the beginning of the year was about US dollars, and then it reached a stage high in February, respectively. When many investors thought that the narrative of the sector had come to an end, it rose again and finally reached a new historical level on March this year. The high dollar distance has risen as high as about the beginning of last year. The current market value is about 100 million dollars. The supply of circulation has reached a decentralized rendering solution provider, which aims to connect users who want to perform rendering jobs with those who have leisure to handle rendering. Owners can connect their computers to the rendering network to receive and complete rendering jobs. With the support of the parent company, the team headquarters is located in Los Angeles, and the team members are all over the world. In short, the project operation principle is the target pair. For example, the computing power of the operator of the exchange provider node is combined with the manual and automatic proof of work system, or in this case, the proof of rendering is used to verify whether all works of art have been successfully rendered before payment and art release. The proprietary assets inherent in the Ethereum blockchain are hashed at the time of uploading and sent to the nodes one by one for rendering. All payments are stored in custody during rendering and released to the nodes after the successful works are manually verified by the entrusted artist. In order to prevent malicious actors in two user groups from rendering all the assets on the network from being watermarked until the payment is paid successfully, the operator can download the unwatermarked rendering at this time and all the payments are managed until it is manually verified to be correct. The project was successfully rendered by completing $10,000 in and $10,000 in strategic financing in, respectively. At present, the market value of the project is $100 million. Behind the high income, the combination of internal and external factors can gain about the increase and income in a year or so. There are multiple factors behind it. First, the overall external environment is improving, and the soaring bitcoin price has a great driving effect on the counterfeit currency. At the same time, the main narrative in the financial market since last year is that the plate, as an old project, has long-term project construction experience and mature business products, so it is easier to take off under the favorable external east wind, and the news that the founder will attend the NVIDIA conference and deliver a keynote speech recently has also stimulated its currency price. Secondly, it is a major test and commercial need. The service function of seeking for computing power is just to help solve the huge demand for computing power, allowing the distribution and processing of complex rendering jobs based on the large-scale distributed peer-to-peer network, which enables the creators to calculate at an unprecedented scale and price and provides stronger privacy guarantee than any existing cloud provider. In terms of project operation principle, the target object is used to exchange the computing power of provider nodes and operators, and the manual and automatic work proof systems are used to combine or render in this case. Proof in order to verify whether all artworks have been successfully rendered before payment and artwork release. The proprietary assets of the Ethereum blockchain are hashed at the time of uploading and sent to nodes for rendering one by one. All payments are stored in custody during rendering and released to node operators after entrusting artists to manually verify the successful works. In order to prevent malicious actors in two user groups from rendering on the network, all assets are watermarked until the payment is successfully paid. Finally, the team's continuous construction of the project is also a big incentive. Last month, it was officially announced that it had successfully upgraded the project, which means that the leading enterprise in the decentralized rendering field has officially moved from ecology to ecology. This move involves the implementation of many proposals approved by the community in the past year, including not only the ecological move, but also the issuance of new tokens and the implementation of the new token economic model, which will affect the whole ecology and all stakeholders who are about to upgrade and rename themselves tokens. In addition, more innovations and upgrades are being carried out. For example, the latest proposal plans to introduce the cloud platform and other various computing clients, such as and other cloud platforms. In addition, it was announced at the conference last month that it would provide users with a new summary of multi-renderers. As far as the current increase is concerned, Times is obviously a high level, but for the encryption industry, there are not a few that have increased by as much as 100 times. Therefore, we can still look forward to it. If the narrative can continue, the spring will surely last longer. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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