ETHDenver2024热议DePIN未来:OKX Ventures、Filecoin基金会和DMC代表这样看

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一、OKX Ventures 合作人Jeff在DMC & Fog Works参加ETHDenver2024 会议的参展台最新演讲

Jeff Ren是OKX Ventures 合伙人和OKLink CEO,在2022年和Draper Dragon、领沨资本等其他投资人一起投资了Fog Works。



活动的主办方包括DMC、Fog Works,联合主办方 OKX Ventures、Filecoin基金会、IoTeX 和Lighthouse Storage。
Victor,DMC基金会与Fog Works的主席;Zhicong,DMC的首席工程师也是ERC7585的第一作者,原迅雷首席工程师;Jeff Ren,OKX Ventures的合伙人;Felicia,Fog Works的首席市场官;Jenks,Filcoin基金会工程师和Giuseppe,IoTeX的工程师。

DMC正试图开启去中心化数据存储时代,尝试构建去中心化的存储网络。 并释放数据潜力。Fog Works 与其一起共同构建DMC的生态系统,开发了一些DApp。

Fog Wokrs公司开发的Foggie Max是世界上第一台 DePIN 家用服务器,目前我们正在打算推出新的版本 Foggie Max IO。

Max IO可以连接你的任何物联网设备,这里有个非常有趣的问题,随着数字时代的发展,我们一生中总会产生无穷多的照片、视频和文字。你会在哪里存储他们呢?你知道你的数据是如何被他人处理的吗?



这时你可以将世界上首台DePIN 服务器融合到你家里的物联网里,并且在不需要敲代码的情况下生成NFT,通过分享存储空间/你的数据赚取DMC收益。在ETH丹佛的活动现场,输入特殊活动代码,可以享受20%的折扣。
接下来是Foggie Mobile,世界上第一款DePIN移动端app,现场有很多人使用了Foggie Mobile (,你可以在里面备份你的照片,铸造成NFT,并且赚取DMC。也可以免费使用IPFS Pinning和S3服务。这一切都在你的智能手机上,非常方便。

随后OKX Ventures 合伙人Jeff发表了演讲。





我们总想知道作为用户如何去生产、去传输、去存储我们的数据。我们能看到越来越多的机器开始进化和AI的进步,持续了数十年的行为,保护人类的数据安全方面和数据自主权方面变得尤为重要。我认为我们今天讨论的设备创新和 DePIN 赛道总体上为我们提供了了解如何平衡数据重要性和自主权的机会。




最后我再介绍一下 OKX Ventures,OKX Ventures是OKX旗下的一家投资公司。有着12年的运营经验,我们有着最佳使用体验的钱包,支持多种公链、跨链桥及币种。我们邀请所有的生态伙伴通过我们的钱包基础建设与我们进行合作。与各种用户和项目方进行互动。

二、Filecoin基金会开发布道师Jenks在DMC & Fog Works ETHDenver2024会议发表演讲


一是个人或者小型企业总体上缺乏对存储业务的参与。云存储是一个价值十亿美元的市场,并且正在以 20% 的速度增长,因此预计到 2050 年将达到 2 万亿美元。

这是一个巨大的市场,我们的设备能够处理更多数据,能够创建更多数据。需求越来越大。 但我发现我的手机无法容纳我孩子的照片。所以我不断升级我的存储服务,而且非常昂贵。

我正在考虑将 Foggie Max 这样的设备连接到我的手机上。这样我就可以拍摄高质量的视频。

这是我们今天面临的一个问题,大多数企业,包括用户们已经知道使用云需要 100% 的信任。事实上,数据显示,80% 的企业不仅仅使用一种云,他们还制定了多云战略。 为什么? 因为使用云需要100%的信任。您的数据由其他人保管。

现在,当他们滥用权力时,就会造成很大的麻烦。我们想做的实际上是利用区块链网络的力量。因此,3,000 个存储提供商节点,以及目前大约 8 Exa Byte、800 万TB的硬盘空间,我们能够向世界上的企业和企业证明,将您的文件放在去中心化网络上是安全的,您的数据不会更改或被网络中的玩家破坏或更改。并且您还可以保留多个副本。同时您有更多选项可以将数据保存在去中心化存储上。

因此,小型企业,例如已经在该行业存在了10年、20年的IT企业,他们可能从未想过反对任何类型的中心化云,但通过 Filecoin和DMC这样的去中心化存储,他们可以参与经济。

大小还是相差很大的。云可能有超过 2000 Exa 字节,我们有 8 Exa 字节,但我们仍然可以参与经济。因此,Filecoin和DMC希望为全球尽可能多的小型企业提供支持。

第二个问题是,作为一个物种,人类并不擅长保存信息,而且逐年恶化。现在,原因是存储设备越新,寿命越短。我认为硬盘大约有八年、磁带存储可能会持续大约 20 年,但它确实是旧技术,速度非常慢,DVD、CD 可能介于两者之间。



但我们发现,超过 50% 的大学档案已满。这就是为什么马里兰大学、加州大学伯克利分校、哈佛大学的实验室和麻省理工学院等许多大学都将他们的研究数据放在 Filecoin 和DMC上,因为他们认为这是不可变存储和永久存储的更好替代方案。

现在,我想提的例子之一是南加州大学大屠杀基金会。大屠杀基金会实际上是史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格在拍摄电影《辛德勒的名单》后创立的一个基金会。 因此,他向 Shoah 基金会投入了 1 亿英镑,南加州大学也提供了一定的资助。他们所做的就是记录战争罪行或大屠杀幸存者的证词。

这类数据的问题在于你放在互联网上的任何内容,有些团体正在积极尝试否认或销毁他们所提供的信息。 所以他们来找我们,现在我很高兴地告诉你,我们在 Filecoin 上存储了世界各地多个副本的大量数据,并且它们将无法更改。 这样我们就可以永远拥有这些信息。
那么还有一个可以讨论的例子就是AI训练所用到的数据。您可以在自己的计算机上聊天,该计算机具有计算机文件的索引,并且它能够非常轻松地为您找到文件,对吧? 所以这是一个大问题。如果您在云上执行此操作,则基本上会将所有文件放在那里,并允许该服务能够读取您的所有序列。但如果它在您自己的设备上,您知道您可以完全控制它,并且它不与互联网通信,那么你将会知道它是安全的,对吧?

这表明我们仍然不太信任AI。事实上,我对此感兴趣是因为我不太信任AI。人们害怕它。所以Filecoin的用处是,如果你有经过验证且质量非常好的用于训练 AI 的数据,并且训练过程向人们公开,而模型本身也在文件系统中进行验证,那么您可以提高它的信任度。

现在,训练AI的新方法之一是进行数据学习,这意味着同时会有五到六个模型在做事时接受训练。现在,在这个模型中,AI数据模型和数据本身很可能留在设备本身。所以现在就真正进入 DePIN 学习阶段了。因此,Filecoin 的用武之地是我们可以,希望在 Fog Works 的帮助下,我们可以减少设备尺寸并允许较低层设备加入网络并提供此类数据进行训练。

Felicia:真是一场关于AI与DePIN非常精彩的演讲。在这里也很高兴地宣布DMC与Filcoin基金会将Filecoin Station构建到 Foggie Max IO中。

此外,我们很高兴能够集成 Filecoin 支持的存储服务和Lighthouse支持的存储服务,集成到我们的 Foggie 移动和桌面应用程序中,提供增值的去中心化存储解决方案。


3月6日,Filecoin官网宣布与 Datamall Coin(DMC) 达成 DePIN 生态合作伙伴关系。Foggie Max 是世界上第一台 DePIN服务器,将引起储存行业巨大变革。







A partner's latest speech at the exhibition platform attending the conference is that the partner and other investors invested in the event in 2006, including the co-sponsor foundation and the chief engineer of the chairman of the foundation and the first author, the former chief engineer of Xunlei, and the chief marketing officer of the foundation engineers and engineers are trying to open the era of decentralized data storage, trying to build a decentralized storage network and release the data potential to build together with them. State system has been developed, and some companies have developed the world's first home server. At present, we are planning to launch a new version that can connect with any of your Internet of Things devices. Here is a very interesting question. With the development of the digital age, we will always produce countless photos, videos and words in our life. Where will you store them? Do you know how your data is processed by others? We keep sending our information on the Internet and agree with the user rules that we have to agree with, but Internet companies have the ownership of our data. I believe that there are security cameras in your home, and the cameras monitor every minute. However, security companies have the ownership of surveillance videos in our own homes. They will sell the videos to companies for model training or user departments of other companies without permission to analyze user behavior and profile users. At this time, you can integrate the world's first server into your home Internet of Things without typing code. You can earn income by sharing your data in the storage space, and you can enjoy the discount by entering the special event code at the event site in Denver. Next, the world's first mobile terminal is used by many people. You can back up your photos in it and earn them, and you can also use and serve them for free. All this is very convenient on your smart phone. Then the partner gave a speech. Thank you very much for coming to the venue so early. As we all know, this is the Denver conference and it has also been completed. For the summer, I always like to joke that everyone can't wait to jump from winter to summer. We have spent this year discussing the idea and continuity of the project. We are honored to join other investors with capital and collar capital on this journey. At first, I think the team has been building an interesting storage project on the basis of their theory, and his partners have created various software and equipment to enter the track with the support of users. Then we will take it. Next, the development and investment we discuss play a very important role in the process of delivering new blockchain technology to users in the chaotic market. In the last four or five years, we have seen great development in blockchain and track, and let us know that data is playing an increasingly important role in it. We always want to know how to produce, transmit and store our data as users. We can see that more and more machines have begun to evolve and progress for decades. Protecting human data security and data autonomy have become particularly important. I think the equipment innovation and track we are discussing today generally provide us with an opportunity to understand how to balance the importance and autonomy of data, and at the same time, use blockchain technology to authenticate and process data. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. If we look back at the current equipment and technology five years later, we may laugh, but I will participate in it anyway, and some of them can at least As a souvenir, right? Maybe we will feel sloppy and ridiculous when we watch it, but I firmly believe that after five years, we can see a lot of useful equipment Twitter links on this track. Finally, I will introduce an investment company under its control. We have the best experience in using wallets to support a variety of public chains, bridges and currencies. We invite all ecological partners to cooperate with us and interact with various users and project parties through our wallet infrastructure. The development preacher of the Second Foundation gave a speech at the meeting. I want to talk about two problems that are being solved. First, individuals or small enterprises generally lack participation in the storage business. Cloud storage is a billion-dollar market and is growing at a rapid rate, so it is expected to reach one trillion dollars by 2008. This is a huge market. Our equipment can handle more data and create more data. The demand is increasing, but I find that my mobile phone cannot accommodate photos of my children. I'm constantly upgrading my storage service, and it's very expensive. I'm thinking about connecting such a device to my mobile phone so that I can shoot high-quality videos. This is a problem we are facing today. Most enterprises, including users, already know the trust needed to use the cloud. In fact, enterprises that display data not only use one kind of cloud, but also make a cloudy strategy. Why is it that your data is kept by others because of the trust needed to use the cloud? Now when they abuse their power, it will cause great harm. The big trouble we want to do is actually to use the power of blockchain network, so a storage provider node and about 10 thousand hard disk space at present, we can prove to enterprises and enterprises in the world that it is safe to put your files on decentralized network, your data will not be changed or destroyed or changed by players in the network, and you can keep multiple copies, and at the same time, you have more options to save data on decentralized storage, so small enterprises, for example, already exist in this industry. They may never want to oppose any kind of centralized cloud after year, but through decentralized storage like this, they can participate in the economy. There may be more than bytes in the cloud, but we can still participate in the economy, so we hope to provide support for as many small businesses as possible around the world. The second problem is that as a species, human beings are not good at saving information and it is getting worse every year. Now the reason is that the newer the storage equipment, the shorter the life span. I think the hard disk is about. Eight years of tape storage may last for about years, but it is really an old technology. The speed may be in between. What we want to do is that if someone wants to use a device designed to last for only about eight years to store information for more than years, then you need a completely different mechanism to continue to use it. So we pin our hopes on decentralized storage and blockchain technology to ensure that information will not be lost. We have conducted reptile research on the research archives of a famous American university. Archives are very important because people have invested a lot of money and energy, and you want to keep it for the public interest as long as possible. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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