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作者:BitMEX Research;编译:秦晋,碳链价值






不过,对于一些ETF投资者来说,ETF可能无法进行质押,因此质押系统可能会降低以太坊的吸引力或不适合这些投资者。现有的以太坊持有者和认购者可能不太愿意停止认购并将其持有的以太坊转为 ETF,因为他们不想失去收益。与此同时,新的资金可能不愿意投资以太坊ETF,因为他们知道自己得到的待遇不如认购者,因此可能会获得更低的收益,也许这些投资者会选择比特币ETF。一些投资者(即需要交易所上市产品来接触加密货币的投资者)无法直接质押或购买像stETH这样的代币。这一因素的影响有多大还不确定,但如果质押收益率提高,对于一些新投资者来说,错过收益率可能是一个关键因素。


标准退出队列:这是一种先入先出型队列系统,用于质押退出流程。从认购系统的稳定性和安全性角度来看,这被认为是至关重要的,因为它可以防止过多的认购者过快退出。队列以流失限制为基础,流失限制是每个周期(6.4分钟)允许退出的验证者数量限制。流失限制的当前值为14,根据活跃验证者的总数而变化,如果值为14,则每天约有100,000个以太坊。根据目前的以太坊现货价格,这大约相当于4亿美元。从ETF的角度来看,在某些经济条件下,每天的流出量肯定可能大于这个数字(看看GBTC自2024年1月11日以来的情况)。由于队列的性质,想要退出的人越多,等待的时间就越长。目前队伍几乎是空的,所以等待时间只有12小时左右。不难看出,在某些时期,也许是加密货币市场动荡的时期,也许正是人们想要赎回以太坊 ETF 的时候,等待时间可能会更长,甚至长达数月。因此,这对质押以太坊ETF提供商来说是一个潜在问题。
验证器扫描延迟:第二个等待发生在退出队列之后,更多的是一个实现细节,而不是对系统的经济限制。该队列基本上是随机等待,而不是先入先出类型的队列。这种延迟既适用于验证器退出,也适用于正常的部分提款支付。每个槽有16次或每个纪元有 512 次的限制。这一等待时间目前约为9天,与第一个等待时间不同的是,在财务紧张时期,这一等待时间不会大幅增加。不过,9天的等待时间比普通ETF的赎回时间要长得多,普通ETF的赎回时间通常为一到两个工作日。


当然,这些问题是可以解决的。首先,ETF可以只质押一部分以太坊持有量,留下另一部分供立即提现。这会降低收益率,增加产品的复杂性,但对于成熟的产品提供商来说肯定是可行的。可能会有专门从事流动性的团队,这与持有非流动性证券的大型ETF的情况并无完全不同。ETF持有的股票数量相当于9天的日均交易量,可以与9天的退出等待相提并论,尽管两者并不完全相同。此外,以太坊质押ETF的条款和条件可能会被修改,允许在某些情况下延迟赎回过程。然而,考虑到退出队列系统的运作方式,在螺旋式下降的情况下,大量的 ETF赎回有可能实际上会造成更多的退出延迟,这并不是一种理想的产品结构,可以说会造成一种系统性风险。当然,从以太坊的角度来看,无论有没有ETF,这种风险都是存在的,但ETF可能会加剧这个问题。另一个我们喜欢的想法是完全避免以太坊质押ETF,而是发行 stETH ETF。这样一来,赎回问题就完全解决了,或者转移到Lido上。
值得注意的是,ARK/21 Shares已经在欧洲发行了以太坊质押ETP,资产规模达6.4亿美元。ARK在美国申请的以太坊ETF还包括允许对基金的部分资产进行质押的条款。



In this article, we discuss the possibility that Ethereum will be approved in the United States. We pay special attention to the economics of pledge and how the lack of rate of return will weaken the attractiveness of non-pledged Ethereum products to a certain extent. We also study the challenges faced by the implementation of pledged Ethereum, especially the relationship between redemption and Ethereum pledge exit queue system. Although these problems may be solved in the long run, considering that the products are approved, Quasi-competition These problems may take some time to be solved in the United States. Overview Bitcoin launched these products in the United States on, and achieved great success, enabling new funds to enter Bitcoin, which seems to push up the price of Bitcoin. This leads to a question: When will Ethereum be approved like Bitcoin? Large asset management institutions such as BlackRock and Fidelity have submitted applications for Ethereum to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which seems keen to refuse or postpone this. As long as it has the ability to do so, as with bitcoin, the court may eventually force the US Securities and Exchange Commission to take action. As with bitcoin, the US Securities and Exchange Commission may be accused of hypocrisy for allowing Ethereum futures. In our opinion, Ethereum is inevitable at some point, but it is only a matter of timing. The pledge consensus system and related rate of return of Ethereum are a key factor to be considered. Some people think that the pledge of Ethereum will generate income or pledge. This makes Ethereum a kind of securities, so it provides a reason for the US Securities and Exchange Commission to reject Ethereum. This is not the problem we want to analyze. If we are forced to classify some cryptocurrencies as securities and others are not, we may take a simple position of maximizing bitcoin, that is, if there is money, it is securities, if not, it is not securities. Therefore, in our hypothetical system, Bitcoin and dogecoin will not be classified as securities, while Ethereum will be classified. For securities, we will not bring the pledge into it, but our views here are not important. The US Securities and Exchange Commission and the US courts will do what they should do. This is not a question we need to discuss further. In this report, we will pay attention to the economic aspects of the pledge and its possible impact on any one. In our opinion, no matter how the regulatory authorities decide on the pledge yield, it will have a major impact. This is an important economic issue, the attraction of pledge, and the pledge yield of Ethereum. At present, the pledge is the core part of Ethereum from both narrative and economic perspectives. This rate of return is probably a factor to attract investors to invest in Ethereum, and it is also a key factor to distinguish Bitcoin from Ethereum. Although not all Ethereum investors are concerned about the rate of return, the rate of return may be a more important consideration for institutional investors and buyers. Of course, in the long run, the original price of Ethereum may be lower than that of Bitcoin, but the holders of Ethereum. Because you can enjoy the pledge income, you may get a higher return than the bitcoin holders, but for some investors, you may not be able to pledge, so the pledge system may reduce the attractiveness of Ethereum or be unsuitable for these investors. The existing Ethereum holders and subscribers may be reluctant to stop subscribing and convert their own Ethereum because they don't want to lose the income. At the same time, new funds may be reluctant to invest in Ethereum because they know that their treatment is not as good as recognition. Therefore, buyers may get lower returns. Perhaps these investors will choose Bitcoin. Some investors, that is, those who need products listed on the exchange to get in touch with cryptocurrencies, cannot directly pledge or buy tokens like this. The impact of this factor is uncertain, but if the pledge yield increases, it may be a key factor for some new investors to miss the yield. Verifiers can withdraw from the queue and redeem the solution here. It seems obvious that they can directly subscribe for Ethereum. For regulatory reasons and practical reasons related to product redemption, this may not be possible. If you want to withdraw the pledge from the pledge system of Ethereum, you need to go through two queues. We can also consider entering the queue, but from a new point of view, these queues are not so important, because any delay in deploying the pledge will only reduce the yield of the product. In contrast, exiting the queue may be a problem that needs to be considered in the redemption process. There are two kinds of exit queues as follows. This is a first-in first-out queue. The system is used to pledge the withdrawal process, which is considered to be crucial from the perspective of the stability and security of the subscription system, because it can prevent too many subscribers from withdrawing from the queue too quickly. The withdrawal limit is based on the withdrawal limit, which is the number of verifiers allowed to withdraw every cycle minute. The current value of the withdrawal limit changes according to the total number of active verifiers. If the value is, there will be about one Ethereum every day, which is equivalent to about one hundred million dollars according to the current spot price of Ethereum. Under some economic conditions, the daily outflow may definitely be greater than this figure. Let's look at the situation since March. Because of the nature of the queue, the more people want to quit, the longer the waiting time will be. At present, the waiting time is almost empty, so it is not difficult to see that in some periods, it may be the period when the cryptocurrency market is turbulent, and it may be even longer or even as long as several months when people want to redeem the Ethereum. Therefore, this is a potential question for the pledge Ethereum provider. The second waiting for the verifier scanning delay occurs after exiting the queue, which is more an implementation detail than an economic restriction on the system. The queue is basically a random waiting rather than a first-in first-out queue. This delay is applicable to both the verifier exiting and the normal partial withdrawal payment. This waiting time is limited once per slot or once per era. Unlike the first waiting time, this waiting time will not increase significantly during the financial crisis. The waiting time of days is much longer than the ordinary redemption time. The ordinary redemption time is usually one to two working days. If the verifier is discounted, there will be additional delay, which will lead to a longer waiting time. Of course, price reduction is another risk of pledging Ethereum products, which needs to be explained clearly to potential investors. Therefore, quitting the queue system undoubtedly increases the difficulty of implementing Ethereum pledge. Of course, these problems can be solved. First, only a part of Ethereum holdings can be pledged and the other part can be left for immediate withdrawal, which will reduce the yield and increase the complexity of products, but for mature product providers. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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