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2024年3月10日,Pershing Square Capital Management 创始人兼首席执行官 Bill Ackman 在 X 平台谈及比特币时表示:



Ackman 最后表示:“也许我应该买一些比特币”。

相对于3年前,Bill Ackman的态度已经发生根本性转变。2021年5月27日,Bill Ackman就曾不看好比特币。

他不会投资于比特币,因为它纯粹是投机性产品。Bill Ackman称,他正在学习加密货币知识,因为这是一种有趣的现象,但他并未投资任何加密货币。

William Albert Ackman,是一位在金融界具有重要影响力的美国亿万富翁对冲基金经理,他的态度转变对比特币而言有着重要的意义。

他不仅是Pershing Square Capital Management对冲基金管理公司的创始人,也是该公司的首席执行官。



Ackman出生于1966年5月11日,成长于纽约。他的父亲是纽约房地产融资公司Ackman-Ziff Real Estate Group的前任主席。


Ackman的职业生涯始于1992年,他与哈佛大学的同学David P. Berkowitz共同创立了投资公司Gotham Partners,该公司最初是以小额投资公共公司为主。





虽然上文提及,Ackman 曾是比特币的怀疑者,但很快他的态度就发生了转变。

2022年11月21日,对冲基金经理 Bill Ackman 在其社交平台表示,自己曾经是一位加密怀疑论者,但在研究了一些更有意思的加密项目后,相信加密技术可以创造出史无前例的业务和技术。


而后,Web3创投基金OP Ventures Fund I宣布完成了一轮规模为5000万美元的融资,Bill Ackman管理的对冲基金潘兴广场是其早期投资方之一,其他投资者还包括Solana联合创始人Raj Gokal、Polygon联合创始人Sandeep Nailwal、以及移动游戏发行商Animoca Brands。

2023年03月26日,Bill Ackman近日在推特上评论了包括硅谷银行和签名银行在内的主要银行倒闭引发的当前银行业危机:“想想最近发生的事件对非系统重要性银行的长期股权资本成本的影响吧,在这些银行中,作为股东或债券持有人的你可能有一天醒来,突然发现自己的投资归零。

这可能是今年Bill Ackman对比特币态度转变的原因之一。

2024年01月16日,比尔·阿克曼的Table Management 就参投专注于去中心化物理基础设施网络的初创公司Digital Infrastructure,该公司完成了1150万美元的A轮融资。

2024年03月10日,正如上文所述,Bill Ackman 在X平台谈及世界上最大的加密货币BTC的价格可能会飙升至远超任何人想象的水平,并表示“也许我应该买一些比特币”。


在金融界的巨浪中,Bill Ackman 的态度转变显得尤为引人注目。



可以说,Ackman 的态度转变可能预示着一个新时代的开始,一个数字资产被广泛接受和整合进全球经济体系的时代。

随着Ackman 这样的金融领袖的态度转变,我们或许可以期待一个更加成熟和稳定的加密货币生态系统的到来。

    The change of the attitude of hedge predators on Wall Street When talking about bitcoin on the platform, the founder and CEO said that the rising price of bitcoin led to an increase in mining and energy use, which pushed up energy costs, led to an increase in inflation and the depreciation of the dollar, which in turn pushed up the demand for bitcoin and the increase in mining, which in turn led to such a cycle of energy demand. Therefore, the price of bitcoin will soar to a level far beyond anyone's imagination. Finally, he said that maybe I should buy some bitcoin. He was not optimistic about Bitcoin since the birth of a fundamental change. He would not invest in Bitcoin because it was purely a speculative product. He said that he was learning cryptocurrency knowledge because it was an interesting phenomenon, but he did not invest in any cryptocurrency. He is an American billionaire hedge fund manager with important influence in the financial sector. His attitude change is of great significance to Bitcoin. He is not only the founder of a hedge fund management company, but also the CEO of the company. Known for his investment style, he is considered as a radical investor in the financial market. His investment strategy and hedge fund management ability have made him an important figure in the financial sector. The legend of Xueba was born in December and grew up in new york. His father was the former chairman of the new york real estate financing company. He graduated from Harvard University with a bachelor's degree in social studies in and graduated with honors in. His career began in. Science co-founded the investment company, which was originally a small-scale investment public company. After three years, the asset management scale reached US$ 100 million. By 2000, it was in trouble because of litigation with the external shareholders of its investment company, and it was also famous for its research on the company. During the financial crisis in 2000, he made huge profits by shorting corporate bonds. His investment philosophy was based on in-depth research and analysis. He often conducted comprehensive due diligence on the target company and then took actions to improve the company's value. The method sometimes leads to conflict with the management of the company, but firmly believes that it is for the best interests of shareholders. His strategy has caused extensive discussion in the investment community. Some people praise him for creating great value for investors, while others criticize his method for being too radical. Up to now, Forbes estimated that his net assets are $100 million. His success and influence prove that his outstanding talent and firm belief in the field of financial investment continue to play an important role in the global financial market, although it was mentioned above. Bitcoin skeptic, but his attitude soon changed. On April, the hedge fund manager said on his social platform that he used to be an encryption skeptic, but after studying some more interesting encryption projects, he believed that encryption technology could create unprecedented business and technology. He said that although most cryptocurrencies contributed to fraud at present, he believed that with reasonable supervision and supervision, encryption technology would have the potential of beneficial social impact, and it might eventually be the same as telephone and Internet. After that, venture capital announced that it had completed a round of financing management with a scale of $10,000. Pershing Plaza, a hedge fund, was one of its early investors. Other investors also included co-founders, co-founders and mobile game publishers. Recently, on Twitter, they commented on the current banking crisis caused by the collapse of major banks, including Silicon Valley Bank and signatory banks. Think about the impact of recent events on the long-term equity capital cost of non-systemically important banks. As a shareholder or bondholder in some banks, you may wake up one day and suddenly find that your investment has gone to zero, which may be one of the reasons for the change of attitude towards Bitcoin this year. On May, Bill Ackerman joined a start-up company focusing on decentralized physical infrastructure network, which completed a round of financing of $10,000. As mentioned above, on the platform, he talked about that the price of the world's largest cryptocurrency may soar to a level far beyond anyone's imagination and said that maybe I should buy one. The attitude change of some bitcoins written in the last wave of the financial world is particularly striking, from being skeptical about bitcoin to considering investment and thinking that the value of bitcoin will be infinite. The hedge fund crocodile on Wall Street seems to be reassessing the potential and influence of cryptocurrency. Looking forward to the future, with the progress of technology and the maturity of the regulatory environment, we may see more financial experts and investors turn to cryptocurrency. The attitude change may indicate the beginning of a new era. In the era when digital assets are widely accepted and integrated into the global economic system, with the change of attitude of such financial leaders, we may be able to expect the arrival of a more mature and stable cryptocurrency ecosystem. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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