ICC Camp S1正式开启入营 首批已签约项目名单公布

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ICC Camp——创业者的创业明灯

作为一家专注于Web3游戏及相关赛道的创业加速营,ICC Camp将致力于培养和支持Web3游戏行业的杰出创业者,为学员提供系统化的高质量线下课程、引入丰富的行业资源以及提供实质的资金支持。在当下的行业契机下,ICC Camp也将邀请众多来自行业内各大知名机构及企业的创业导师们携手为学员们解读行业趋势,分享成功经验,带来深度见解,为ICC Camp S1的学员们打开Web3游戏生态的新视界,帮助创业者在创新的征途中腾飞。

ICC Camp第一期创业营课程即将开启,创业营为每位入营学员都配备了一位全程跟班导师,从学员入营的第一天开始,导师们将全程提供全面的创业指导服务,为学员提供深度、专业的个性化建议。导师个人也将为学员引入更多优质资源。每位跟班导师都拥有丰富的Web3行业经验,将在与学员的一对一辅导中分享更深入的行业见解。


Kevin Shao - Bitrise Capital创始人,亚洲区块链游戏联盟(ABGA)执行会长,ICC GROUP顾问


Simon Li - Chain Capital 创始合伙人,Kirin Fund 创始合伙人,亚洲区块链游戏联盟(ABGA)执行副会长

毕业于浙江大学,NUS EMBA。

专注于投资全球优质区块链项目,发起并管理多支区块链投资基金,投资案例包括Filecoin,Polkadot,Klaytn, Unifi,Casperlabs,Blockstack等全球知名区块链项目。

Alex Yang - Blockhive Capital创始人


James Fang - PangaCapital合伙人

曾担任Kucoin Ventures的投资总监,擅长Infra领域的项目投资,曾领导完成对Taiko,Polyhedra,Dephinuslabs,Fuzzland等项目的早期投资。

Byrn - GameFi、DeFi、Web3资深投资人


ICC Camp S1导师大名单:


目前,ICC Camp S1已得到众多行业内知名机构的支持与认可,这些机构涵盖但不限于知名crypto交易所、风投机构、公链、云服务提供商、基础设施平台、游戏发行平台、Launch Pad、流量平台、钱包合作伙伴、媒体、社区、KOL、公会、以及Dao组织等。前后已与Gate Labs、Foresight Ventures、KuCoin Ventures、SlowMist、GSR、Bing Ventures、dtcpay、Alchemy Pay、TokenPocket、MixMarvel、Yeeha、Google Cloud、imToken、ABCDE、TZ APAC、RootData、链捕手、PA News、比特币买卖交易网、BlockTempo、DeThings等知名机构达成了战略合作,通过整合各方的资源优势,共同构建一个强大的全球Web3游戏生态网络,助力未来Web3游戏领域杰出的初创团队蓬勃发展。

其中,全球领先的区块链内容孵化平台MixMarvel将为ICC Camp提供一系列的生态支持,包括优秀学员奖学金支持、投资专项计划支持、游戏公链Grant支持以及游戏发行Upchain支持;头部内容发行平台Yeeha将为ICC Camp提供学员平台流量支持;亚洲领先的区块链应用实体TZ APAC将为ICC Camp提供丰厚的专项Grant与生态支持,大力支持ICC Camp的优秀学员项目;顶级审计公司慢雾SlowMist将为ICC Camp的优秀学员们提供独家优惠折扣;Google Cloud也将提供高达10万美金的云服务Credits奖励以及更多的Google生态支持。



 首批ICC Camp S1已签约项目官宣名单如下(排名不分先后,按首字母排序):

1.  ATG X



2.  Bitworld


3.  Buearn

BUEARN是一款创新的健身平台,利用Web 3.0元素,提供个性化的头像和游戏化的锻炼。用户可以在一个充满活力的社区内竞争、连接并获得奖励,而内容创作者可以通过各种收入模式将他们的专业知识货币化。

4.  Camelot Guardian

Camelot Guardian是一款沉浸式的区块链游戏,巧妙地融合了策略、冒险和激动人心的PVE/PVP模式。玩家将在游戏中领导具有各种技能和任务的独特英雄,参与史诗级锦标赛。

5.  D’island

Dislands是一款动态元宇宙游戏,融合了Web3、元宇宙和Arcade Machine,提供了一种开创性的开放世界游戏体验和可持续的游戏内生态系统。

6.  Dragon Ninjia

Dragon Ninjia是一款炫酷的角色扮演冒险游戏,玩家将扮演一名高超的忍者,寻找传奇的龙珠。与成群的敌人作战,面对史诗BOSS。玩家需要收集强大的技能并取得胜利。

7.  GalaxyBlitz

GALAXY BLITZ是一款由区块链技术驱动的科幻SLG Web3游戏。玩家可以在激动人心的PVP模式中体验与其他玩家竞争的乐趣,还可以尝试独特的GVG玩法,该游戏已经上线BNB Chain和Zksync、Conflux Espace。

8.  IDLE

IDLE StoneAge允许玩家将自己的角色设立为英雄,并燃烧链上资源以促进游戏中的角色发展。这款基于区块链的游戏配备了丰富的模式和新颖的经济模型。延续了idle手机游戏的流行,IDLE StoneAge的使命是创建一个沉浸式、轻松但充实的世界,发挥GameFi去中心化的特性。

9.  Imbalance


10. Kolink

Kolink 是 web3 项领域项目营销方式的开拓者,它通过人工智能和智能合约的强大组合,重新定义了推广领域。它旨在通过将网络项目与有影响力的关键意见领袖(KOL)无缝连接起来,成为项目知名度和成功的终极催化剂。

11. Landlord


12. Matchi


13. Majyo Treasure

Majyo Treasure是一款以魔女世界为背景的休闲策略挂机游戏,将在Telegram上发行。游戏的核心玩法以挂机打BOSS为主,玩家通过强化装备,打造自己的策略阵容,挑战不同类型的BOSS赚取收益。游戏还将推出分享砍一刀,PVP等强社交玩法,以及游戏内交易市场。

14. Midnight Falling

《Midnight Falling》是一款基于区块链的肉鸽(Roguelike)手游,在这个充满未知和挑战的世界里,玩家将扮演不同职业的角色,挑战敌人,收集进化药水,不断升级角色的等级和技能,应对越来越强大的对手和关卡。

15. Mirror Realms

Mirror Realms定位是一个美少女题材的竞技博弈游戏,主打3v3休闲竞技与Survive to earn玩法,玩家可以在游戏中购买武器NFT与养成角色,同时结合AIGC游戏可以创造出丰富的角色与武器形象。

16. Richverse

Richverse从BTC-L2的第一个Gamefi开始,作为GameFi 2.0的探索者,基于XR构建全新的SocialFi生态,让比特币生态更有趣。

17. Pixudi


18. Planet Hares

Planet Hares 是首个实现在Web3钱包中运行的3D元宇宙平台,将游戏、品牌社区建设、潮牌IP、原创小说、AI数字人等融为一体,旨在创建Web3首个千万用户级别的元宇宙生态,为不同社区、合作伙伴提供应用场景和服务。

19. Primitive Layer

Primitive Layer旨在通过建立一个跨链逻辑层,用于生成基本构建模块——原始资产,从而改变Web3。这些资产包括基本的元素代币(比如火、土、水、空气),以及代表生物和矿物组件(如DNA和贵金属)的更复杂的代币。这将解决碎片化问题,提升互操作性,促进资源效率,并通过使可组合资产成为标准来重塑行业。

20. Project Bae

Project Bae可以帮助你创建一个属于你自己的Jarvis. X。通过X进化用户体验,用户可以在移动设备上创建一个像Tamagotchi一样生活和进化的人工智能助手。通过与AI Jarvis/Bae互动,用户可以进化并赚取奖励。

21. PunkNinja


22. Real

REAL 是一款基于lbs的社交类休闲web3手游,可以根据玩家地理定位和身边的1:1的建筑,point of interest, 以及其他玩家互动,在REAL生态中可以购买虚拟土地,房屋,景点打卡,收集虚拟资产升级房屋和人物,现实世界探索寻宝,并同时赚取代币奖励,诸多博弈pvp社交小游戏拓展平台也会让玩家乐此不疲,REAL是web3领域里唯一此类产品,和pokemon go类似的玩法也会让大量web2玩家借此进入web3世界。

23. Satoshi Universe

The Satoshi Universe 项目诚邀您踏上一场激动人心的旅程,穿越一个多样产品的广阔生态系统。沉浸于一款独特的基于NFT的卡牌游戏中,探索基于区块链的城市建造游戏,并深入挖掘一个不断发展的传说,所有这些都融汇在一个由唯一代币统一的宇宙中。

24. Spawnpoint (Aptosplay)


25. Star Symphony

Star Symphony是第一款基于区块链构建的Rhythm Battler游戏,是一家前卫的动漫品牌,专注于数字收藏品,汇集了令人惊叹的世界构建和沉浸式叙事,通过音乐与区块链的整合,打造了一种真正独特而引人入胜的用户体验。旨在赋予音乐家、内容创作者以及丰富玩家游戏体验的力量。

26. Surreal Games

Surreal Games 处于iGaming革命的前沿,利用先进的混合现实(MR)技术重新定义游戏体验。Surreal Games专注于社交扑克,创造了沉浸式环境,使得玩家可以在其中建立连接、竞争和社交,前所未有地亲近。通过将MR与Web3原则相结合,构建一个去中心化的游戏生态系统,让玩家有能力塑造自己的体验。

27. Uncharted Lands X

Uncharted Lands X是一款创新的GameFi产品,将探索、交易和Tokenomics结合。玩家将扮演年轻冒险家,亲身体验将村庄打造成繁华贸易中心的旅程。穿越未知领域,收集稀有资源,并参与丰富的贸易网络,推动自己的据点壮大。游戏还创造性地引入社交元素,为玩家带来独特体验。

28. Wheel Of Fate

Wheel Of Fate是一款基于DN404和AI相结合的竞技游戏。玩家可以轮流射击,争夺最后的生存机会,并赢取丰厚的奖励。

29. Xenobunny

XenoBunny通过融合人工智能、跨链技术和非同质化代币(NFTs),重新定义了Web3游戏,邀请玩家在不同区块链上进化Baby Xenobunnies。凭借其独特的陆战和战略卡牌玩法,提供了令人激动的跨链战斗体验和多样化的盈利模式,树立了沉浸式和奖励性的游戏新标杆。

目前还有部分学员项目正在签约,ICC Camp官方后续还会陆续更新公布。期待ICC Camp S1的学员们可以在创业营中得到全面的成长和启发,将所学知识融入实际创业过程中,在Web3游戏的舞台上绽放光芒。


As the pioneer of the industry's entry into the mainstream market, the development of games continues to attract the public's attention, introducing a large number of out-of-circle players and users to the industry. The development of games is not only a track that native practitioners have been paying attention to and studying, but also a breakthrough that many traditional game entrepreneurs are very optimistic about. Although the industry has experienced a cold winter in the past two years, there are still many tenacious entrepreneurs who are trying to survive and constantly improve their games in the depressed market. As a result, the operation mode of products and projects continues to have high-quality game projects, which stand out in the cold winter of the industry. With the rapid rise of blockchain technology, more and more game developers have joined the game field, injecting more fresh and excellent production capacity into it. Nowadays, the global blockchain game market has received more and more attention and continued to grow, and its market value has reached tens of billions of dollars. The bull market has opened and the market will flourish again. More opportunities to benefit, which will also set off a new wave of venture capital in the game industry. Now is the best opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter the market. As an entrepreneurial acceleration camp focusing on games and related tracks, it will devote itself to cultivating and supporting outstanding entrepreneurs in the game industry, providing systematic and high-quality offline courses for students, introducing rich industry resources and providing substantial financial support. Under the current industry opportunity, many well-known institutions and enterprises from the industry will also be invited. Our business mentors work together to explain the industry trends and share successful experiences for the students, bringing in-depth insights for the students to open a new horizon of game ecology and help entrepreneurs take off in the journey of innovation. The first business camp course is about to open, and each student is equipped with a full-time follow-up mentor. From the first day of the students' entry, the mentors will provide comprehensive business guidance services to the students, providing in-depth professional and personalized advice, and personally introducing more quality to the students. Resources Each tutor has rich industry experience and will share more in-depth industry insights in one-on-one tutoring with the students. These five full-time tutors are the founders, the consultants of the executive president of the Asian Blockchain Game Alliance, and have a degree from the National University of Singapore. The digital assets that have long been committed to the investment and research management of financial technology digital currency and the blockchain industry have reached US$ 100 million. They used to be the general manager of Jianan Technology Blockchain Division, a Nasdaq-listed company, responsible for the company's blockchain business. Founding partner of strategic planning and global promotion, founding partner of Asia Blockchain Game Alliance, executive vice president graduated from Zhejiang University, focusing on investing in global high-quality blockchain projects, initiating and managing a number of blockchain investment funds, including the founder of world-renowned blockchain projects, continuous entrepreneurs, six years of encryption industry, first-and second-level investment incubation experience, consulting partner, former investment director, and leading the completion of peer-to-peer projects. Senior investors who have invested in the future entered the industry in, and have been engaged in the field of project investment, infrastructure and other services in the industry trading platform, responsible for investment and business lines, and also responsible for the cooperation between the platform and a platform. The list of mentors who have been responsible for the investment of the following projects has been supported and recognized by many well-known institutions in the industry, including but not limited to well-known exchange venture capital institutions, public chain cloud service providers, infrastructure platforms, game distribution platforms, traffic platforms and wallet partners. Associated media community associations and organizations have reached strategic cooperation with chain catcher Bitcoin trading network and other well-known institutions before and after. By integrating the resource advantages of all parties, a powerful global game ecological network will be built to help outstanding start-up teams in the future game field flourish. Among them, the world-leading blockchain content incubation platform will provide a series of ecological support, including scholarship support for outstanding students, investment in special programs, public chain support for games and head content support for game distribution. The distribution platform will provide students with platform traffic support. Asia's leading blockchain application entities will provide excellent student projects with rich special and ecological support. Slow Fog, the top auditing company, will provide exclusive discounts for outstanding students, and will also provide cloud service rewards of up to US$ and more ecological support. After two months of registration and student interviews, the entrepreneurial camp finally selected an excellent game project from hundreds of project applications and officially entered the camp. These projects are subdivided. The track covers the whole chain of games, the meta-universe game props rental platform, the traffic platform and other first batch of signed projects. The official announcement list is listed as follows: in no particular order, in alphabetical order, the strange adventure urban expedition team started to step into the secret streets and lanes of various national styles to solve various urban tales of mystery and unsolved mysteries, such as black dahlia Hotel and Jack the Ripper Crow Dog and Human Meat Bun Shop, to find secret documents and escape from mysterious forces, thus gaining rich urban reward experience. The characteristics of urban goods and functions are the whole urban life, the magical pet ability belongs to each player's own country, and the tales of mystery and Secret Bitworld are a driven world. Through the blockchain, the unified and interesting heterogeneous token asset standards are realized, thus an autonomous intelligent world is built. It is an innovative fitness platform that provides personalized avatars and gamification exercises by using elements. Users can compete in a vibrant community and get rewards, while content creators can use various kinds of. The income model monetizes their professional knowledge. It is an immersive blockchain game that skillfully combines strategic adventure and exciting mode. Players will lead unique heroes with various skills and tasks in the game to participate in epic tournaments. It is a dynamic metacosmic game that combines metauniverses and provides a groundbreaking open-world game experience and a sustainable in-game ecosystem. It is a cool role-playing adventure game. Players will play a superb ninja to find a biography. Strange Dragon Ball fights against crowds of enemies. Facing epic players, it is necessary to collect powerful skills and win. It is a sci-fi game driven by blockchain technology. Players can experience the fun of competing with other players in an exciting mode and try unique gameplay. The game has been launched and allows players to set up their own characters as heroes and burn the resources in the chain to promote the development of characters in the game. This blockchain-based game is equipped with rich modes and novel economic models, which continues the popular mission of mobile games. It is to create an immersive, relaxed and full world to play the role of decentralization. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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