以太坊坎昆升级倒计时 Layer2进入降费时代

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预计在北京时间3月13日21时55分,以太坊的坎昆升级(Dencun Upgrade)将在主网正式部署,这是以太坊继2023年4月完成上海升级近一年后的一次重大升级。







当前,验证者需要质押32 ETH保证他们会正常处理交易并维护网络的安全运行,正常履职则获得奖励,如果没有履行验证者职责,将会因罚款而损失掉质押的部分ETH。

而没有32 ETH的用户目前可以选择诸如Lido这样的第三方质押平台,以少量的ETH参与到验证者阵营中,但用户没法保证这些第三方验证者不违约,而一旦违约,普通用户也可能受损。





Layer2 网络费用将显著下降


的确,Rollup类Layer2网络显著降低了用户的交易成本:Optimism 和 Arbitrum 的交易费用经常比以太坊主网低约3-8倍,而ZK Rollups具有更好的数据压缩能力,费用更是比以太坊主网低100倍。

3月12日,以太坊的Gas Fee为57 Gwei,价值4.8美元;而同期,Arbitrum网的Gas Fee为0.2 Gwei,折合约0.017美元,而Optimism网络的Gas Fee接近0 Gwei,折合约0.000089美元。


今年3月5日,以太坊主网的Gas费再次飙高,一度升至平均 98 Gwei,这是自2023 年5月上旬以来的最高水平。根据以太坊浏览器数据,用户平均一次交易需要花费87.45 美元的Gas费,而当日NFT的交易平均Gas费达到了147美元。而当日Optimism和Arbitrum的交易费用仍然保持了一贯的平缓,每笔交易费用处于个位数。

即便如此,这些费用对于许多用户来说仍然昂贵。EIP-4844在以太坊坎昆升级中引入将解决此问题。在Layer 2交易费用中,最大的支出项是“调用数据”费用,目前占Layer 2 交易费用总额的 80% 以上。Blob单元“临时存储数据”的机制对短时交易十分有利。

按照测算,Blob的成本将低于0.001 ETH,而Rollups交易费用也将低于0.05 美元。Offchain Labs的开发者预测,假设按照往前的网络流量水平,Layer2网络的Gas费用将会因为坎昆升级立即下降75%。


Binance数据显示,截止3月13日11时,ETH约报4020美元,当日凌晨1时许,受BTC短时抛售影响,ETH 24小时最低价报3828美元;Optimism治理代币OP报4.42美元,走势与ETH趋同,24小时最低价为4.11美元;Arbitrum治理代币ARB报2.06美元,24小时最低价1.90美元。

值得注意的是,ARB将在坎昆升级迎来一大批解锁仓。数字资产追踪器 Token Unlocks 的数据显示,3月16日,Arbitrum 将释放约11.11亿ARB,体量约占流通供应量的76%,截至发稿,这批待解锁的ARB价值22.66亿美元。

其中,Arbitrum将为其团队和顾问解锁 6.735亿ARB,按当前价格计算约为 13.8 亿美元);另外解锁的4.382亿ARB为Arbitrum的早期投资者,当前价值约9.02亿美元。


It is expected that the Cancun upgrade of Ethereum will be officially deployed in the main network on June, Beijing time. This is a major upgrade of Ethereum after it completed the upgrade in Shanghai nearly one year ago. The Shanghai upgrade aims to unlock the pledge and reward for the verifier of the pledge, and the core of the Cancun upgrade is to introduce the data unit of the Ethereum expansion scheme to reduce the transaction cost of similar networks, which means that the cost of the network will drop significantly after the upgrade in Cancun, and some developers predict that the cost will drop, which will directly benefit. Ordinary users who use these online transactions apply nine improved technologies to deploy to the main network. After completing the Cancun upgrade, the network scalability, security and user experience will be upgraded through the improved technologies of nine proposals. According to the official information of Ethereum, these nine proposals will be integrated into the consensus layer and executive layer of Ethereum according to different functions. Many of these functions are directly related to the user experience of Ethereum ecology, for example, it is designed to allow verifiers locked in the network to sign voluntarily. A number of verifiers who quit the current verifier need pledge to ensure that they will handle the transaction normally and maintain the safe operation of the network, and they will be rewarded if they perform their duties normally. If they fail to perform their duties as verifiers, they will lose the pledged part due to fines. At present, users who don't have them can choose a third-party pledge platform like this to participate in the verifier camp in a small amount, but users can't guarantee that these third-party verifiers won't default, and ordinary users may also suffer if they default. Now, verifiers and pledge will be allowed to be smart. Being able to sign the instruction to exit the position in the contract and specify when to execute it is also the core function of Cancun upgrade, which will increase the data storage space of the class and greatly reduce the transaction cost, and also lay the foundation for the subsequent upgrade of the fragmented data structure of Ethereum. This is an initial expansion solution and an intermediate step in the future fragmentation technology route, aiming at enabling Ethereum to provide it, especially in the case of congestion of the main network. Economical and efficient trading ability, which is an important means to expand the capacity of Ethereum, will be realized in the long-term upgrade, and the core of the realization is to introduce fragmented data units, which are designed as a part of the transaction structure of Ethereum, and are more flexible and effective than the current transaction data storage, because it carries the transactions stored in the consensus layer and will automatically delete them within next month. This method will help reduce the storage cost, send the transaction data at a lower cost, and ultimately reduce the cost for users, and the network cost will be significantly reduced. From the short-term and medium-term development of Ethereum, it may be the only expansion solution of Ethereum without trust permission. Because of the high transaction cost of Ethereum's main network, the ecosystem urgently needs to take measures to change. This kind of network has significantly reduced the transaction cost of users and has better data compression ability, and the cost is twice as low as that of Ethereum's main network. The value of Ethereum is US dollars every month, while the network is close to the contract dollar in the same period. About USD comes from the user's calculation of the data platform. If the price of the daily total consumption of Ethereum is calculated comprehensively, the current cost of the main network of Ethereum per second is as high as USD, which is USD. On January this year, the cost of the main network of Ethereum soared once again and rose to the average, which is the highest level since the beginning of October. According to the data of Ethereum browser, users need to spend USD on an average transaction, but the average transaction cost of that day has reached USD, while the transaction cost of that day has remained consistently flat. Even so, these costs are still expensive for many users. The introduction of the upgrade of Ethereum in Cancun will solve this problem. The biggest expenditure item in the transaction costs is to call the above units whose data costs currently account for the total transaction costs. The mechanism of temporarily storing data is very beneficial to short-term transactions. According to the estimated cost, the transaction costs will be lower than the US dollar. The developer predicts that the network costs will be lower than Cancun according to the previous network traffic level. There is no doubt that the upgrade will be beneficial for users to adopt the Ethereum ecology on a large scale, and this kind of ecological prosperity will be further promoted. Data show that the US dollar will be reported at the end of the month, and the lowest price will be reported at the early hours of the day when it is affected by short-term selling. The lowest price will be reported at the dollar governance token, and the lowest price will be reported at the dollar trend and convergence hour. It is worth noting that the upgrade will usher in a large number of unlocked warehouses in Cancun. The data of the digital asset tracker shows that about 100 million people will be released on the month. As of the time of publication, the value of this batch to be unlocked is $ billion, of which $ billion will be unlocked for its team and consultants, and about $ billion will be unlocked at the current price. The current value of the early investors of $ billion is about $ billion. Encryption analysts suggest that the amount of unlocking this time accounts for a large amount of circulation supply. According to the rules, before the unlocking date, nothing will be released at first, but it will be put on the market at one time on the designated issue date to hold the price fluctuations that users need to pay attention to. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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