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这里要注意的是,金管局将考虑一系列因素评估“沙盒”申请。 成功成为“沙盒”参与者并不意味该“沙盒”参与者获得金管局的任何认可,或该“沙盒”参与者有资格受到金管局或香港其他金融监管机构的现时或未来监管。在监管制度实施后,有意申请牌照的“沙盒”参与者仍须按日后发牌当局的要求另行提交申请。


• 香港金管局可通过不同形式向公众宣布“沙盒”的参与情况,包括披露获批准的参与者。

• 在获准进入“沙盒”前,任何人不应就其申请状况作出任何公告。获准进入“沙盒”后,如参与者希望就其参与“沙盒”安排作出公告,他们应在发布前征得金管局同意。

• 视乎参与者的具体方案及测试的进展,金管局可以适当地调整“沙盒”的要求。

• “沙盒”参与者在以下任何情况下将被视为退出“沙盒”:



• 金管局将在其认为适当的情况下向公众宣布终止参与者资格。















Author Bitke Source Koala Finance The Hong Kong Monetary Authority officially launched the stable currency issuer sandbox. According to the official statement, the HKMA hopes to convey the regulatory expectations and collect the opinions of participants on the proposed regulatory requirements through the sandbox. Koala Finance will deeply interpret the specific content of this stable currency issuer sandbox and what impact it will bring to the development of the virtual asset market in Hong Kong. First, let us understand a concept sandbox. Box is a new financial supervision term in recent years, especially in the field of financial technology. Sandbox in the field of financial technology mainly means that the regulatory authorities allow financial institutions to test and collect data and user opinions in a risk-controlled and small-scale environment before launching new services and products, so as to speed up the launch of related products and services and ensure that services and products meet the regulatory requirements. The sandbox for stable currency issuers has followed a similar concept. Before the implementation of the regulatory system for stable currency issuers, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority can In order to convey the regulatory expectations and provide guidance to the institutions planning to issue legal tender stable currency in Hong Kong through the sandbox, and let the regulatory authorities collect the opinions of sandbox participants on the proposed regulatory requirements to ensure that the system design meets the regulatory objectives. Participants in the sandbox can test the feasibility of the expected business model and communicate directly with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and understand how to comply with the future regulatory requirements. Next, let's open the sandbox of Hong Kong stable currency issuers to find out how to improve the stability of currency issuers. In fact, it is not difficult for the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to apply for participation in the sandbox. Koala Finance simply combed the application procedures. First, as interested in applying for participation in the sandbox, it can express its intention to the HKMA by sending an email. Second, the HKMA may contact the applicant to obtain more information during the evaluation process. The time required for processing depends on many factors, including the complexity of the business model, the adequacy and quality of the information provided, and the speed and thoroughness of the response to the subsequent questions and requirements of the HKMA. The following factors should be paid attention to in the application through the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Applicants need to have a real will and a reasonable plan to issue legal tender stable currency in Hong Kong. Applicants need to have a specific plan to participate in the sandbox. Applicants need to have reasonable expectations to meet the proposed regulatory requirements. It should be noted that the HKMA will consider a series of factors to evaluate the sandbox application. Success in becoming a sandbox participant does not mean that the sandbox participant has any recognition from the HKMA or that the sandbox participant is qualified to be accepted by the HKMA or Hong Kong. Current or future supervision of other financial regulatory agencies After the implementation of the regulatory system, sandbox participants who intend to apply for a license must still submit another application according to the requirements of the licensing authority in the future. Other precautions: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority can announce the participation of sandbox to the public in different forms, including disclosing that no one should make any announcement on the application status of approved participants before they are allowed to enter the sandbox. If participants want to make an announcement on their participation in the sandbox after they are allowed to enter the sandbox, they should do so. Obtain the consent of the HKMA before, depending on the participants' specific plans and test progress, the HKMA can appropriately adjust the requirements of the sandbox. Under any of the following circumstances, a sandbox participant will be deemed to have withdrawn from the sandbox. If the HKMA thinks that the sandbox participant has failed to act in the expected way as stipulated in the application documents and related materials considered by the HKMA, or if the HKMA thinks that the participant is no longer suitable to stay in the sandbox, or if the sandbox participant decides to withdraw in an orderly manner, it will notify the HKMA in advance that it will be In its opinion, the industry reacted to the announcement of the termination of the participant's qualification to the public under appropriate circumstances. After the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the launch of the stable currency issuer sandbox, the coin technology founded by Chen Delin, the former president of the HKMA, welcomed the launch of the sandbox plan by the HKMA. The coin technology also plans to launch the stable currency of Hong Kong dollars, and its value is equivalent to that of Hong Kong dollars. Koala Finance believes that the stable currency issuer sandbox of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is beneficial to the local virtual asset market. At least five aspects of development are beneficial to promote the development of stable currency market. The sandbox will provide a compliant platform for stable currency issuers and lower their entry threshold into the Hong Kong market, which will attract more institutions to participate in the stable currency issuance, thus promoting the development of the stable currency market and enhancing market confidence. The sandbox will help improve the market's confidence in stable currency. Through the supervision of stable currency issuers, the HKMA will ensure the stability and safety of stable currency, thereby reducing investors' risk concerns about stable currency and promoting virtual capital. The production and trading of stable currency is an important medium of virtual asset trading. The development of stable currency market will promote the growth of virtual asset trading and thus promote the overall prosperity of virtual asset market. Strengthening financial supervision sandbox will provide Hong Kong Monetary Authority with an opportunity to understand the practice of issuing stable currency. By supervising the operation of sandbox, HKMA will accumulate relevant experience and formulate a more perfect stable currency supervision system to promote the introduction of international finance centre status sandbox, which shows that Hong Kong has developed the virtual asset market. An open attitude will attract more international virtual assets enterprises to set up business in Hong Kong, thus enhancing Hong Kong's status as an international financial center. Generally speaking, the launch of the sandbox of the stable currency issuer of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will have a positive impact on the virtual assets market, which will not only accelerate the development of the stable currency market, enhance market confidence, promote virtual assets trading, strengthen financial supervision, and further promote international finance centre's status. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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