OpenGov.Watch 专访:Polkadot 具有 Web3 生态中最先进的治理系统

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 04:35:01 评论:0



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Polkadot 的治理在 2023 年 6 月 15 日过渡到了 OpenGov 模型,这个新模型的引入提高了网络治理的频率,增加了国库的活动,也吸引了更多的持有者自发的参与到网络的治理中,这也使 Polkadot 的治理进一步的去中心化。

在 PolkaWorld 第 50 期的专访中,我们邀请到了近期获得 Web3 基金会去中心化未来资助的 OpenGov.Watch,这是一个帮助引导社区更好参与治理的项目。他们的两位联合创始人 Enenkel & jeeper 与我们一起讨论了:

  • OpenGov 的民主性和面临的挑战

  • 分享对 OpenGov 的调研反馈

  • 对国库的资金花费应该保守还是开放?

  • 其他生态的链上治理是怎么样的?

  • 对 DOTA 提案被拒绝的看法


主持人:Kristen, PolkaWorld 生态研究负责人

嘉宾:OpenGov.Watch 联合创始人 Tommi Enenkel & jeeper

Kristen:我们注意到 OpenGov.Watch 这个项目最近获得了去中心化未来的资助。是什么激发了你们对 OpenGov 产生兴趣,OpenGov.Watch 这个项目改进了什么?

Tommi:OpenGov 非常具有开创性。我们将 Web3 构建为一个全球社区,这不仅改革了互联网,也扩展了人类社会的可能性。OpenGov 是一个机制,允许许多人聚集在一起,构建架构,并就某件事情达成共识。比如 Polkadot,它的共识机制就是将许多不同的平行链聚集在一起。OpenGov 能让人们集中起来解决系统中的冲突,构建一个可以满足多数人利益的系统。

OpenGov 非常先进,使我们能够在复杂环境中工作。然而,许多参与者并不懂 “政治”,而是更了解技术和市场,因此有时候在治理中做出错误决定是在所难免的。我们的目标是发现如何优化 OpenGov 的方法,包括它的理念、流程和什么是有效的。我们通过积极监测 OpenGov 活动和促进领导力形成,旨在让人们更容易参与其中,并预防一些问题。

jeeper:我有政治科学和政治社会学的背景,个人非常喜欢 Polkadot,因为它具有 Web3 生态中最先进的治理系统。这也是我喜欢它的原因之一。另一方面,即使你没有很多钱,也可以构建生态并发声。只要你的观点合理,社区就会倾听。这是 OpenGov 最重要的一点。而通过 OpenWatch,我们可以让更多人看到那些 “弱小” 的声音。

Kristen:您认为 OpenGov 能带来真正的民主吗?

jeeper:Gavin 曾提到,目前 Polkadot 并不是刻意要实现民主。但在我看来,我们已经实现了民主,因为弱小的声音可以被看到。我们并不追求文字意义上一人一票的民主,而是更多人参与到生态治理中来。

Tommi - Twitter ID:Alice and Bob


Kristen:我注意到你们在社区对 OpenGov 进行了一些调研,你们收到了什么反馈?

Tommi:我们收到的第一个反馈就是增加功能,使得在提名人池中 Staking 的用户可以参与 OpenGov,因为提名人池子不要求用户有多少 DOT 。而目前单独 Staking 需要至少 600 个DOT,这对于很多人来说是一个门槛。这个需求非常合理。另一个问题是,提案通过后,资金到账需要太长时间,这对依赖这些资金的项目造成了困难。

Kristen:实际上有多少人在 OpenGov 中投票?我看到了几个关于参与治理可以得到奖励的提案,但还没有达成一致。有什么想法可以让更多人参与进来吗?

jeeper:参与投票的占 DOT 总量的 11.12%。关于如何激励人们参与,我不太赞成简单地给投票人奖励。有关奖励的讨论中,有人提出可以不定期给参与过某个提案投票的人空投。还有一些传统的方式可以提高参与度,比如举行政治选举,用户可以将自己的票委托给代表。这样代表可以代表大家的声音。让人们充分了解到他们的声音有影响力。



jeeper:我的态度比较复杂。几个月前,我还是个激进主义者,认为应该尽可能多的支出国库的钱。但对于大额支出,我持保守态度。对于像 Polkadot Decoded 这样引起争议的大额开支,我们应该更加谨慎。

Tommi:我和 Jeeper 有不同的看法。我认为 OpenGov 的好处之一是可以充分讨论不同的意见。我更倾向于聪明地花钱,对于非常好的想法,我们可以花尽可能多的钱,但我会对很多想法持批判态度。


Kristen:Polkadot 的治理与其他生态系统相比如何?他们有类似的链上治理系统吗?他们有像 Polkadot 这样的国库吗?他们的投票和决策过程是否更好?

Tommi:每个生态系统的差别很大。但 Polkadot 还是具有 Web3 生态中最先进的治理系统!我认为 Cosmos 是链上治理发展也非常完善的生态。Cardano 目前还没有治理系统,他们的国库由基金管理,未来会改成链上。而 MakerDAO 则有成熟的民主治理结构和创新的 subDao。

很多生态系统存在争议,尤其涉及到验证人和持币者的权利和责任。例如,像 Cardano、Aptos 和 Cosmos 等生态系统吸引验证人,并赋予他们投票权利。然而,在我看来,验证人更像是服务提供商,而持币者则在维护网络安全方面扮演更重要的角色。相比之下,比特币的设计更加合理。因为在比特币网络中,矿工负责整个网络的安全,具有一定的投票权。对于其他生态系统而言,验证人虽然为网络提供了重要的服务,但持币者具有投票权更为合理。

Kristen:前段时间,DOTA 铭文给 Polkadot 中继链带来百万的线上交易,但即使这样的项目申请国库也面临了拒绝。你对在 OpenGov 中通过提案面临的挑战有什么看法?


Tommi:如何构建你的提案也非常重要。当我第一次看到 DOTA 的提案时,我的第一反应是质疑。但经过深思熟虑后,我认为他们为国库创造了大量收益,应得到奖励。



Tommi:我们计划开始规律地发布报告,包括治理月报和季度国库报告,介绍 OpenGov 发生的事情、通过的主要提案、讨论的热点问题等。我们还会汇集发布关于开发问题的讨论,列出问题清单和解决方案清单。并且为了帮助开发者找到开发方向,我们会列出生态需要的方向提案清单,以及 Bounty 清单,让开发者集中精力解决特定领域的问题。

The author's governance changed to a model on, the introduction of this new model improved the frequency of network governance, increased the activities of the national treasury, and attracted more holders to participate in the network governance spontaneously, which also further decentralized the governance. In the first interview, we invited a project recently funded by the foundation's decentralization future, which helped guide the community to better participate in governance. Their two co-founders discussed with us the democracy and challenges. Challenge, share, research feedback, whether the treasury's capital expenditure should be conservative or open, and what about the chain governance of other ecosystems? Read on to see the topics you are interested in. The host, the person in charge of ecological research, and the guest co-founder have noticed that this project has recently received funding for decentralized future. What has inspired your interest? What has been improved in this project is very groundbreaking. We will build a global community, which will not only reform the interconnection. The network also expands the possibility of human society. It is a mechanism that allows many people to get together to build an architecture and reach a consensus on something. For example, its consensus mechanism is to bring many different parallel chains together, so that people can concentrate on solving conflicts in the system and build a system that can meet the interests of the majority. It is very advanced and enables us to work in a complex environment. However, many participants do not understand politics but know more about technology and market, so sometimes they make wrong decisions in governance. It is inevitable that our goal is to find out how to optimize the method, including its concept, process and what is effective. We actively monitor activities and promote the formation of leadership to make it easier for people to participate and prevent some problems. I have a background in political science and political sociology and personally like it because it has the most advanced governance system in the ecology, which is one of the reasons why I like it. On the other hand, even if you don't have a lot of money, you can build an ecology and speak out as long as you have your opinion. Reasonable communities will listen, which is the most important point, and through us, more people can see those weak voices. Do you think it can bring real democracy? It has been mentioned that we are not trying to achieve democracy at present, but in my opinion, we have achieved democracy because weak voices can be seen. We do not pursue one person, one vote democracy in the literal sense, but more people participate in ecological governance. A political system usually combines many forces and ideas, including democratic elements and political elements to hold money. The power and technical factors of the participants also have a certain influence, and people with good ideas also have power. It is difficult for us to simply describe what is democratic and what is not. This is a very complicated topic. I noticed that you conducted some research in the community. What feedback did you receive? The first feedback we received was to add functions to enable users in the nominee pool to participate, because the nominee pool does not require the number of users, but at present it needs at least one separately, which is very important. It is a threshold for many people, and this demand is very reasonable. Another problem is that it takes too long for the funds to arrive after the proposal is passed, which makes it difficult for projects that rely on these funds. In fact, how many people voted in it? I have seen several proposals that can be rewarded for participating in governance, but I haven't reached an agreement yet. Are there any ideas for more people to participate? About how to motivate people to participate in the discussion about rewards simply giving voters. Some people suggest that people who have voted on a proposal can be airdropped irregularly, and there are some traditional ways to improve participation, such as holding political elections, where users can entrust their votes to representatives, so that representatives can represent everyone's voices and let people fully understand that their voices are influential. Are you more inclined to spend the funds of the state treasury cautiously or freely? My attitude is more complicated. A few months ago, I was an activist and thought that we should spend as much money as possible from the state treasury. However, I am conservative about large expenditure, and we should be more cautious about such controversial large expenditure. I have different views. I think one of the advantages is that we can fully discuss different opinions. I prefer to spend money wisely. We can spend as much money as possible on very good ideas, but I will be critical of many ideas, so I spend a lot of time thinking about everything and hope to give you a comprehensive map so that everyone can clearly look at it from the perspective of the whole ecology. In the future, people will be more confident about the cost of their application. How does the governance compare with other ecosystems? Do they have a similar chain governance system? Do they have a treasury like this? Are their voting and decision-making processes better? Each ecosystem is very different, but it still has the most advanced governance system in the ecology. I think it is the chain governance and the development is also very perfect. At present, there is no governance system, and their treasury is managed by funds, which will be changed in the future. Many ecosystems with mature democratic governance structures and innovations in the chain are controversial, especially involving the rights and responsibilities of verifiers and currency holders. For example, ecosystems such as Hehe attract verifiers and give them the right to vote. However, in my opinion, verifiers are more like service providers, while currency holders play a more important role in maintaining network security. In contrast, the design of Bitcoin is more reasonable because miners are responsible for the security of the whole network and have certain voting rights. For other ecosystems, although the verifier has provided important services for the network, it is more reasonable for the holders of money to have the right to vote. Some time ago, the inscription brought millions of online transactions to the relay chain, but even if such a project applied for the national treasury, it was rejected. What do you think of the challenges faced by the proposal in China? I personally support this proposal. I am surprised that the proposal was opposed. The main reason may be that they are more active in Asian communities such as WeChat, in order to keep the proposal through different channels. It is very important to be active and build credibility, and how to construct your proposal is also very important. When I first saw the proposal, my first reaction was to question it, but after careful consideration, I think they have created a lot of income for the national treasury and should be rewarded. People usually browse the proposal very quickly, so the title and the first few paragraphs of the proposal are very important. You must seize their attention at the first time and adjust the proposal by cutting in from different directions. Finally, can you share the plan for the next few months? We plan to start publishing reports regularly, including monthly management reports and quarterly national treasury reports to introduce what happened. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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