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PixeLAW 是致力于探索游戏间互操作性的自主世界,诞生于 2023 年 7 月 ETHGlobal 巴黎黑客松期间,并获得 Starknet Best Use 一等奖。PixeLAW 基于全链游戏引擎构建,致力于探索游戏间互操作性的潜在价值,兼具无需许可、可组合性等区块链原生特性,并由此构建一个自主世界。


EVM 作为最小规则集


从最小规则集的视角看,以太坊(这里指所有 EVM 兼容链,以及所有以太坊 Layer 2 共同组成的大以太坊生态)是一个典型的“自主世界”!其最小规则集是“EVM”。只要遵循该规则集(用 Solidity 编写代码),任何人都可以部署任意代码到该“世界”中。换句话说,这个世界中发生的所有事件都是自发的、无需许可的、随机的。

Pixel” 作为最小规则集

“Pixel” 是 PixeLAW 中的最小可编程单元,也是 PixeLAW 的最小规则集,由6个可编程属性组成:App、Color、Owner、Text、Timestamp、Action。在 PixeLAW 上开发游戏,就是对 Pixel 的6个属性进行编程,这是唯一的“限制”,也是该自主世界唯一的“物理法则”。


PixeLAW 作为自主世界的优势


只要遵循最小规则集,你可以在 PixeLAW 上任意创作游戏:

使用一个 Pixel 的石头剪刀布,

使用两个 Pixel 的贪吃蛇,

使用三个 Pixel 的猜数字,

使用九个 Pixel 的井字棋、扫雷、2048、数独、消消乐、拼图游戏等,

使用更多 Pixel 的乐谱共创、国际象棋、大富翁游戏等。



由于全链游戏的逻辑、状态全部存储在链上,释放出了更大的游戏客户端自由度。以 PixeLAW 为例,其客户端可以不局限于像素风,也可以是体素风;可以不局限 PC 端,也可以是移动端;可以一个客户端承载所有游戏,也可以一个客户端只承载特定一款或几款游戏)。简言之,PixeLAW 是客户端自由的(理论上全链上应用都是客户端自由的)。


由于 PixeLAW 优秀的设计和工程实现,其对开发者非常友好。简单来说,在 PixeLAW 上开发游戏,你只需完成合约开发,合约部署、前端开发、UI设计等事宜 PixeLAW 都会帮你搞定。

反之亦然,如果你只是擅长前端开发,缺乏合约开发经验,你依然可以针对 PixeLAW 中的即有游戏,开发一个拥有更好 UI 的客户端,或者只是通过纯前端的方式整合 PixeLAW 中的多款游戏构建出新游戏。


“Pixel”是 PixeLAW 的最小规则集,也是 PixeLAW 中的最小可编程单元。在 PixeLAW 上构建游戏,就是对一个或任意多个“Pixel”,通过编程方式进行有机组合(类似可编程的乐高积木)。

你也可以在 PixeLAW 上对别人已经构建好的游戏,通过编程方式进行有机组合,从而构建出属于你自己的游戏。如此,你将获得一款游戏之上的游戏,这也是“元游戏”探索路径之一。同理,别人也可以通过编程方式,组合你构建好的游戏,从而得到一款属于他新游戏。如此不断循环、堆叠、整合,便是 PixeLAW 的可组合性演化之路,也是 PixeLAW 的元游戏实践之路。

综上,PixeLAW 带来了自主世界的实践路径、自由链上创作的实践路径、全链游戏客户端自由的实现路径、基于元游戏的可组合性实践路径。不论对开发者、创作者、玩家还是整个区块链应用生态而言,都值得更多关注和实践。

PixeLAW 作为多链应用

基于上述原因,我们认为 PixeLAW 存在于更多区块链生态中,是将其价值最大化的更优解。在此之前,PixeLAW 仅存在于 Startnet 生态中(基于 Dojo 引擎开发),Startnet 虽为以太坊二层,但由于其独特的技术路线(ZK Rollup 和 Cairo 语言),对广大 EVM 生态开发者(使用 Solidity 语言)并不友好。

因此,我们(MetaCat)正在基于 MUD 引擎,构建 EVM 兼容版 PixeLAW,将 PixeLAW 带到泛 EVM 生态,与 Web3 规模最大的开发者群体,一起探索自主世界作为区块链最新应用的无限可能性。

可以通过访问 PixeLAW 官网 pixelaw.xyz,来查看基于Dojo 和 MUD 构建的 PixeLAW,同时期待大家探索出更多基于 PixeLAW 的有趣案例,以及其他异构区块链上(比如比特币、Solana)实现的 PixeLAW。

本质上讲,PixeLAW 是一种在区块链上实现“自主世界”的方法论,可以在任意区块链上有任意实现。

PixeLAW 官网:https://www.pixelaw.xyz/

自主世界与 Web3 生态

如前所述,以太坊生态可以看作一个“自主世界”,同理比特币生态也可以看作一个“自主世界”。更近一步,我们也可以将以太坊生态+比特币生态组成的大区块链生态,我们姑且叫它 Web3(虽然不准确,但也足以描述其核心)看作一个更大的自主世界。从这个意义上说,自主世界是跟 Web3 一样的宏观概念,同样可以作为区块链从业者的终极目标!

在这一层面,是以太坊的账户余额模型、还是比特币的 UTXO 模型,是基于 ERC-20 的同质化代币、还是基于 BRC-20 的同质化代币,是基于 ERC-721 的非同质化代币、还是基于比特币 Ordinals 的非同质化代币,是基于 Bitmap 理论的比特币元宇宙、还是基于 ERC 标准的以太坊元宇宙,都不存所谓的门户之争(无论是在技术路线、共识方案、治理模型,还是其他方面)。因为这一切都是:区块链这个大的“自主世界”中的自然涌现,这些涌现共同构成了自主世界。

The author's autonomous world and the minimum rule set. The source of the picture is the autonomous world dedicated to exploring the interoperability between games. It was born during the hacking period in Paris in August and won the first prize. Based on the construction of a full-chain game engine, it is dedicated to exploring the potential value of interoperability between games and has the original characteristics of blockchain without permission, so as to build an autonomous world. There have been quite a few explanations for the autonomous world. For example, the reality on the digital planet infinite game chain is equal to me, and the autonomous world is an open world. There is no fixed task or goal in the world, only the emergence of random events, just like everything that is happening in the physical world, but it has a set of concise and unchangeable rules, referred to as the minimum rule set, as the source of the minimum rule set. From the perspective of the minimum rule set, the Ethereum refers to all compatible chains and the big Ethereum ecosystem composed of all Ethereum. It is a typical autonomous world, and its minimum rule set is that anyone can deploy any code as long as they follow the rule set. Code into this world, in other words, all events in this world are spontaneous and random without permission. As the minimum rule set, it is the smallest programmable unit in the world, and the minimum rule set is composed of programmable attributes. Developing a game on the Internet means programming the attributes. This is the only restriction and the only source of physical laws in this autonomous world. As the advantage of the autonomous world, the creative freedom of unlocking the minimum rule set, as long as you follow the minimum rule set, you can create games at will. Use one rock, scissors, cloth, two greedy snakes, three guessing numbers, nine TIC-tac-toe, mine-sweeping, Sudoku puzzle, etc. Use more music scores to create pictures such as chess monopoly games. The client of the full-chain game is free. Because the logical state of the full-chain game is all stored in the chain, it releases more freedom of the game client. For example, its client can be not limited to pixel wind, voxel wind, mobile end or one. A client can carry all the games, or a client can only carry a specific game or a few games. In short, the client is free. In theory, the applications in the whole chain are client-free and developer-friendly. Because of excellent design and engineering implementation, it is very friendly to developers. In short, in developing games, you only need to complete the contract development contract, deploy the front-end development design and other matters will help you solve it, and vice versa. If you are only good at front-end development and lack contract development experience, you can still aim at it. The goal is to develop a game with a better client or just integrate a variety of games in a pure front-end way to build a new game meta-game. As a composability case, the minimum rule set is also the smallest programmable unit in the game. Building a game on the Internet is to organically combine one or any number of programmable Lego bricks. You can also organically combine the games that others have built on the Internet to build your own tour. In this way, you will get a game on top of a game, which is also one of the exploration paths of meta-games. Similarly, others can also combine the games you have built through programming to get a new game that belongs to him. So the continuous cycle of stacking and integration is the path of composability evolution and the path of meta-game practice. In summary, it brings the practice path of independent world, the practice path of creation on the free chain, the free realization path of the full chain game client, and the composability practice path based on meta-games, regardless of development. Creators, players and the whole blockchain application ecology are worthy of more attention and practice. As a multi-chain application, based on the above reasons, we believe that existing in more blockchain ecosystems is a better solution to maximize its value. Before that, it only existed in the ecology. Although the engine-based development is the second floor of Ethereum, because its unique technical route and language are not friendly to the majority of eco-developers, we are building a compatible version based on the engine, which will bring pan-ecological and largest-scale development. Explore the infinite possibilities of the autonomous world as the latest application of blockchain together by visiting official website. At the same time, we look forward to exploring more interesting cases based on and other heterogeneous blockchains, such as Bitcoin. Essentially, it is a methodology to realize the autonomous world on the blockchain, and official website's autonomous world and ecology can be realized at will on any blockchain. As mentioned above, Ethereum ecology can be regarded as an autonomous world, and so can Bitcoin ecology. It can be regarded as a further step of an autonomous world. We can also call it a big blockchain ecology composed of Taifang Ecology and Bitcoin Ecology. Although it is not accurate, it is enough to describe its core as a larger autonomous world. In this sense, the autonomous world is the same as the same macro concept, and it can also be the ultimate goal of blockchain practitioners. At this level, is the account balance model of Ethereum or the bitcoin model based on the homogenized token or the homogenized token? There is no so-called portal dispute whether the non-homogeneous token based on bitcoin or the non-homogeneous token based on bitcoin is the theoretical bitcoin metauniverse or the standard ethereum, whether in the technical route consensus scheme governance model or other aspects, because all these are natural emergence in the big autonomous world of blockchain, which together constitute the autonomous world. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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