从专门针对虚拟货币处置商的骗局 再聊聊虚拟货币司法处置

币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 04:32:50 评论:0



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这也给我们提个醒,作为个人一定要控制好自己的欲望,无欲则钢,少欲则铁,全欲则泥;作为商事主体,处置公司想要保护自己,一定是在合法合规的轨道内play game。一旦越轨,风险骤至。







I wrote a shallow article before and forgot where the link is, mainly because I feel the evil in human nature. The general view is that for thousands of years, no matter China or foreign countries, almost every society can't escape crimes such as theft, fraud, murder, arson, etc. It seems to be carved into some human genes and will explode as soon as it is activated. Whether it is an enlightened monarch or a brutal ruler or a representative elected by citizens, the transformation of the above crimes will eventually end in failure. From the eyes of legal practitioners, virtual currency disposal is actually counted. It is a relatively small or subdivided field, and it is greatly influenced by policies, which is more influential than the new regulations of teaching and training industry on New Oriental. However, it is such a subdivided field, and many areas that even legal practitioners have never heard of are now targeted by scammers and have customized some scams for virtual currency disposal. Liu Lv also learned about this situation from the tips of Chengdu Public Security Bureau. Yesterday, WeChat official account, the official of Chengdu Public Security Bureau, issued a police warning to be alert to criminals. Illegal and criminal activities are carried out on the grounds that the public security organs dispose of virtual currency. It is mentioned that there are criminals and intermediaries who claim to have connections and can obtain public security authorization to dispose of the virtual currency involved, or even fake the signature of the person in charge of the public security organs to forge false contracts to trick third-party disposal companies or individuals into paying the funds for margin activities to engage in fraudulent activities. Chengdu police also specially reminded the public security organs to handle the virtual currency seized in criminal cases and investigate it in strict accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law and related handling procedures. After the end of the case, it was transferred to the procuratorate and finally decided by the people's court according to law. From this police tip, Liu Law briefly talked about the fact that the current market for judicial disposal of virtual currency is really chaotic. The judicial disposal of virtual currency is one of Liu Law's research fields, and I have made a lot of output in terms of articles and live video broadcasts. At present, China judicial organs need to return the virtual currency to the victim in criminal cases except the original currency. The common way to convert virtual currency into legal tender is RMB dollars. Who will do this step? The disposal of property involved in traditional criminal cases must be handled by judicial organs, mainly courts, but the disposal of virtual currency has become very unique. The main reason is that the ten ministries and commissions involved in the two universities and one department issued a notice in 2006 on further preventing and handling the speculation risk of virtual currency trading, which clearly stipulated the exchange between legal tender and virtual currency exchange business. Business and so on belong to illegal financial activities, which also leads to the public security organs dare not take the initiative to exchange virtual currency and legal tender, even for handling cases. In fact, the normal work and business needs of public security organs should be illegal in reason, but I am sorry to inform you that no exception has been made so far to allow any organ or individual to exchange virtual currency and legal tender, but the case still needs to handle virtual currency, after all, it still has property attributes Whether the stolen and cheated virtual currency is worth 10,000 yuan or 10,000 yuan, the judiciary must prove it. Therefore, the judiciary does not come forward, but entrusts a third-party company in the market to realize the virtual currency. After charging a certain fee, these companies remit the realized legal tender into the financial account of the judiciary, which objectively promotes the handling of criminal cases. It is also because there is no unified ratio between different judicial organs entrusting different third-party companies at the national level or the ministerial level. For example, the establishment of a register of qualified third-party companies, although it is said that since 2000, provincial governments or provincial offices and public security departments have successively issued regulations on the disposal of virtual currency by investigation organs, these regulations are too general in general, and it is difficult to stipulate the details, especially how to entrust the disposal company. As a result, there are many ways to choose a third-party disposal company. In the face of huge handling fees, the market price of virtual currency that needs to be disposed of is around several hundred million, and some people really find it difficult to sit still and rent-seeking. There are two swindlers in the transaction, which are primitive but effective. No matter how outrageous or strange the demand is, there is supply. Whoever can design a scam against a third-party disposer must have a better understanding of the virtual currency judicial disposal market. The swindler's tactics are simply old-fashioned and completely old-fashioned. He lied about the relationship resources of the public security and then defrauded the disposer to pay the activity fund deposit. In fact, there are many such scams in the field of criminal defense, and some even lawyers are involved. Why are they so old-fashioned? The Bureau can also deceive the third-party disposers. After all, they are people who often do business with public security organs. But this is the reality. The evidence is this article of Chengdu Public Security. This also reminds us that as an individual, we must control our own desires. If we have no desire, we must be steel, if we want less, we will be iron, and if we want to be the main body of business, we must protect ourselves. Once the risk of deviance suddenly reaches three, what should we do in the judicial disposal of virtual currency? Finally, Liu Lv talks about what Chengdu Public Security said about him. It is certainly unrealistic for us to say that the handling of the virtual currency involved in the case is transferred with the case according to the law, and it is finally disposed of by the court. Perhaps the criminal procedure law is well studied, but the practical experience is still a little less. The vast majority of the current judicial disposal of virtual currency is completed in the public security investigation stage. Interested friends can refer to the public of the same name who wants a lawyer in Liu Zheng. Here I will briefly say a few things. If the value of virtual currency defrauded by suspects in a suspected fraud case is still 1,000 yuan, It's 10,000 yuan or even 10,000 yuan, which is not only related to the sentencing of the court in the future, but more urgent is the consideration of whether the criminal filing standard is enough to get a guarantor, whether to arrest or not, and even how to write a prosecution opinion and an indictment in judicial documents. In addition, the virtual currency market is really heartbroken. Nowadays, it only takes less than a month for Bitcoin to reach 10,000 dollars from 10,000 dollars. If the market value of the virtual currency stolen by the suspect was 1,000 yuan when the criminal filing was initiated, it rose to 10,000 yuan when the court decided It is entirely possible or otherwise, the criminal case was worth 10,000 yuan at the time of filing, but it was only worth 1,000 yuan at the time of judgment. In addition, there are many other factors, and Liu Law will not repeat them one by one. These factors are superimposed and created that the current virtual currency is basically disposed of by the investigation organ first, but in practice, it means that it is not necessarily true that the judicial disposal of virtual currency is not only the field of concern of the judicial organs, including the public security law, but also the attention of banks, central banks, foreign exchange and even tax departments. Of course, there are also the hidden subject fraudsters in this 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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