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对于开发人员来说,EYWA 基础设施有助于高效开发任何 dApp 的跨链逻辑。

据 CryptoRank 称,该项目通过私募轮和 IDO 从 ScaleSwap、Gagarin 和其他 Launchpad 平台筹集了1335 万美元。

EYWA 的主要优势:

简单集成:轻松将区块链集成到各种网络中。开发人员创建高效的跨链 dApp 或使用 EYWA 将其扩展到连接的区块链中。



进入新市场:该协议支持广泛的连接网络,包括以太坊、Arbitrum、Avalanche、BNB Chain、Fantom、Optimism、Polygon,并且该列表将继续扩大。

Gasless 交易:得益于 Gasless 功能,EYWA 生态系统用户可以执行任何跨链操作,在原网络中支付任何网络费用。



EYWA 代币。


EYWA 如何运作?

EYWA 由几个关键要素组成,可实现快速、安全的跨链资产交换:

  1. EYWA 跨链数据协议(CDP) ——EYWA 生态系统所有产品的主要传输层。该协议具有开源代码,使团队和开发人员能够专注于开发他们的 dApp。此外,该协议连接位于不同区块链中的智能合约,并确保它们之间的远程调用。

2. 跨链流动性协议(CLP) ——一种使项目能够管理跨链流动性的网络间协议。



EYWA 资产——EYWA 资产的流动性使最终用户能够在不同区块链的 EYWA DEX 上高效进行交易。

流动性聚合器——项目可以进行代币互换,利用整个 DeFi 流动性进行交易。

Zap 交易——一种允许用户快速轻松地将任何代币从一个网络交换到另一个网络上的任何代币的解决方案。

3. EYWA跨链DEX——用于交易EYWA资产的DEX。得益于 HUB Chain Avalanche(中间区块链),任何连接的区块链之间都可以进行跨链交易,并且滑点最小。

4. EYWA 预言机网络——一个无限可扩展的预言机节点网络,通过跨链调用验证区块。由于区块链之间的新调用块是为每个支持的区块链单独组成的,因此网络可以并行验证多个块。

EYWA 资产中的资产和 $EYWA 代币经济

所有 EYWA 资产均由来自不同网络的流动资产支持,这些资产被锁定在跨链交换协议中。EYWA基础设施的主要合成资产包括:

s3CRV — 一种由稳定币池中的原始 Curve 流动性代币支持的衍生品。通过修复 EYWA Portal 智能合约部署在 Avalanche 上,该智能合约是 EYWA 跨链代币桥的一部分。

s3crypto — 由原始 Curve 3crypto LP 代币(ETH/BTC/USDT 池)支持的衍生品。与 s3CRV 类似地部署在 Avalanche 上。

EUSD ——EUSD池中由s3CRV代币支持的稳定币,是稳定币跨链兑换流程的核心。

e3crypto — e3crypto 池中由 s3crypto 代币支持的资产,是 ETH/BTC/USDT 跨链交换流程的核心。


$EYWA — 正如您可能猜到的那样,是 EYWA 的原生代币,或者更准确地说是 EYWA DAO 的治理代币,允许持有者在平台生态系统内做出决策。

目前,EYWA 的总供应量为 10 亿美元 EYWA。其中:

~21.5% — 分配给公共和私人融资轮次

22% — 对于顾问和团队

6% — 用于早期用户空投和追溯(6000 万美元 EYWA)

剩余部分用于 EYWA DAO 金库。

有关 TGE 和代币经济学的更多详细信息,请访问:EYWA CrossCurve 的代币经济学。


目前,EYWA推出了在Curve支持下开发的新DEX—— Cross-Curve 。

新的 DEX 功能包括:





让我们重点介绍一下积分耕作的 4 种主要方式:

DEX 交易:用于进行跨链交易(每 1 美元交易量 -> 转换为 1 点)。

提供流动性:用于接收和持有 EYWA LP 代币:钱包中的 EUSD — 积分将累积(根据连续持有时间,每天 2-5 积分)。

社交活动:用于简单的社交活动,例如在Zealy和Galxe上点赞和订阅。Galxe上已经开展了一项活动,您可以赚取 10,000 点积分 - 所以值得抓紧时间。

推荐计划:通过三级推荐系统邀请朋友,您还可以获得积分(10% - 第一级,6% - 第二级,4% - 第三级)。

因此,EYWA 正在迅速发展,正如 AirdropHunter 首席执行官在最近的 AMA 中提到的那样——最早在 2024 年 4 月就有可能进行空投!

It is an infrastructure consisting of a set of protocols, which allows the connection of various blockchain ecosystems. It enables users to transfer their assets quickly and economically, for example, through cross-chain exchange. For developers, the infrastructure helps to develop any cross-chain logic efficiently. It is said that the project has raised tens of thousands of dollars through private placement and simple integration with other platforms, and the blockchain can be easily integrated into various networks. Developers can create efficient cross-chains or use them to expand them to connected blocks. General liquidity in the chain obtains liquidity in all connected blockchains and shared liquidity pools, avoids the problem of liquidity fragmentation, and has low cost. Shared liquidity reduces the cost caused by impermanence loss of slip points and token fluctuation, and enters new markets. The protocol supports a wide range of connected networks, including Ethereum, and the list will continue to expand transactions. Thanks to the functional ecosystem, users can perform any cross-chain operation and pay any network fees in the original network. In addition, they can make payments in three ways. The token of the transaction subject How does the original token of the original network work is composed of several key elements, which can realize fast and safe cross-chain asset exchange. The cross-chain data protocol is the main transport layer of all products in the ecosystem. This protocol has open source code, which enables teams and developers to concentrate on developing their own. In addition, this protocol connects smart contracts located in different blockchains and ensures remote call between them. Cross-chain liquidity protocol is an inter-network protocol that enables projects to manage cross-chain liquidity. The protocol consists of the following parts: the network bridge allows projects to represent their token assets in other networks by locking their assets in smart contracts and issuing derivative tokens in other networks, so that end users can trade efficiently on different blockchain. The liquidity aggregator project can exchange tokens and trade with the whole liquidity, which allows users to exchange any token from one network to any token on another network quickly and easily. Solution Cross-chain is used to trade assets. Thanks to the intermediate blockchain, cross-chain transactions can be carried out between any connected blockchains, and the sliding point is minimum. An infinitely scalable Oracle node network verifies the blocks through cross-chain calls. Because the new call blocks between blockchains are composed separately for each supported blockchain, the network can verify the assets and tokens in multiple blockassets in parallel. All assets are supported by current assets from different networks. These assets are locked. The main synthetic assets of the infrastructure set in the cross-chain exchange protocol include a derivative supported by the original liquidity token in the stable fontana di trevi, which is deployed on the platform by repairing the smart contract. The smart contract is part of the cross-chain token bridge, and the derivative supported by the original token pool and the stable currency supported by the token are similarly deployed in the upper pool. The assets supported by the token in the cross-chain exchange process of the stable currency are the core of the cross-chain exchange process. Users only need to send a token exchange from the source network. It is easy to sign once and then receive another token on the target network without any further operation. All synthetic asset transactions in the intermediate network will automatically occur. As you may have guessed, the original token or more precisely the governance token allows the holder to make decisions in the platform ecosystem. The current total supply is 100 million US dollars, which is allocated to public and private financing rounds for consultants and teams to airdrop and trace early users, and the rest is used for gold. For more detailed information about token economics, please visit the recent update and potential April airdrop of token economics. At present, new and new functions developed with support have been introduced, including low-sliding-point cross-chain exchange rankings and enhanced recommendation system. How to earn points by airdrop activities and points system? Let's focus on the main ways of point farming. Trading is used for cross-chain trading, and each dollar of trading volume is converted into points to provide liquidity for receiving and holding points in token wallets. Accumulate points every day according to the continuous holding time. Social activities are used for simple social activities, such as likes and subscriptions. You have already started an activity, so it is worth taking the time to recommend the plan. Invite friends through the three-level recommendation system, and you can also get points. The first level, the second level and the third level are therefore developing rapidly. As the CEO mentioned in the recent report, it is possible to make an airdrop as early as June. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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