比特币区块还能变「土地」?「非任意」元宇宙 Bitmap 应该怎么玩?

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作者: Rebbeca、Navigator;来源:加密厨房

在过去的 2023 年,基于隔离见证、Taproot 升级这两项技术创新而诞生的 Ordinals 理论及协议,出乎意料地推动去中心化共识最强的比特币开始超越其「价值存储」的单一叙事,Ordinals Protocol、和以其为基础或受其启发的 BRC20、Runes Protocol、Atomical Protocol、DMT 数字物质理论、NAT 非任意代币、Bitmap 等理论、协议、代币标准、项目层出不穷,正在为数字化、智能化的未来构建去中心化价值网络的基石。

3 月 11 日比特币破 7 万美元创下历史新高之日起,BIT FM 在前述先锋的探索实践的基础上正式开启「比特原生叙事」系列,和 Navigator Labs、加密厨房等诸位同道一起推进比特币原生叙事研究,共同壮大比特原生叙事运动。


今天我们将介绍 Bitmap,比特币生态第一个非任意的元宇宙项目。

1. 什么是 Bitmap? 

在 2022 年 12 月,Casey Rodemer 创建了 Ordinals 协议,让我们能够在比特币网络上存储数据,这是一次革命性的突破,意味着比特币已经不再仅仅是一种价值储存手段。这次升级使用户能够在比特币的最小单位 Sat(聪)上铭刻数据,从而产生了一种新的资产类别,即 Ordinal Artifact。Bitmap 属于这一类资产,永久存储在比特币区块链上,没有人可以篡改或毁坏。

Bitmap 的构想是由 Bitoshi Blockamoto 于 2023 年 6 月提出:将比特币的每一个区块看成虚拟世界中的一个「数字区域」(digital district),而区块内的各个交易被视为该「数字区域」里的各个「地块」(parcels), 每笔交易的具体数据点和特征决定了「地块」的性质 —— 这意味着,每个数字区域都是独特的,「非任意」(Non-Arbitrary)的,因为它们是基于每个区块上不同的信息产生的,而不是被凭空造出来的。

在下图中我们可以看到每一笔交易以一个 parcel 的状态来显示,无数个大大小小的 parcel 最终构成了这一块 bitmap。

它是「数字物质理论」(Digital Matter Theory,DMT)在比特币生态的一个重要应用,也是 DMT 里众多数字物质种类之一,以 NFT 形式存在。关于数字物质理论,可以参考我们之前的文章:《数字物质理论是什么?DMT 十问帮你捋明白

换句话说,Bitmap 是比特币生态第一个非任意的元宇宙项目,它的运作原理是利用比特币区块链的数据来构建一个数字世界的地图,并通过将区块数据转化为虚拟世界中的数字景观,为用户提供了参与元宇宙建设的机会。

Blockamoto 在 GitHub 的 repo 里是这样介绍他的构想的:

「Bitmap 是一个共识标准,允许任何人声明比特币区块的地理空间数字资产。这个过程是通过第一个使用序数铭文标准将 blocknumber.bitmap 铭刻到聪上来实现的。这个过程是公平且去中心化的,通过花费一些能源来将任意比特币区块转变为元宇宙的一部分。平台可以将这些区块数据解析到 3D 领域,并向区块所有者授予建造访问权限,从而为开源开发创造了一个新的范式。Bitmap 理论将比特币数据景观映射到空间类似物,揭示了持久元宇宙的基础。要拥有一块持久的比特币元宇宙(称为位图),必须通过 District-theory.md 和 Parcel-theory.md 拥有有效的 Bitmap 地块铭文。」

2. Bitmap 上的数据为什么特别? 


在之前的图中,我们可以看到每个方块都是一笔交易, 都有自己独特的非任意资源字符串。因此,开发人员们在创建任何的全栈应用程序时都可以将 Bitmap 视为基石,通过共享这样一个静态的基础级别的基石,各个应用程序间可以实现“相互操作”的机会,并具有跨界实用性。这样就允许用户在探索元宇宙的不同世界时保持对资产和身份的自主管理。

3. 怎样持有 Bitmap?

比特币区块链上的任何区块都可以被铭刻 Bitmap,它遵循 Ordinals 理论和协议,只有第一个在区块上铭刻的人才是这个 Bitmap 的拥有者。

那如何进行铭刻呢?在确认你想用到的区块之后,将区块号+.bitmap (例如选中了第 800000 个区块,就是 800000.bitmap)复制到一个提供铭文服务的平台,如 UniSat 或 OrdinalsWallet 的铭刻服务,你也可以一次铭刻多个区块(如下图),然后选择下一步,进行付款。这样铭刻就完成了。

注意,Bitmap 只能在已开采的区块上铭刻,而目前已开采的区上写入已经被锁死,只有在新区块上蹲守机会。比特币平均每 10 分钟就会开采出一个区块,大家可以抢在第一时间去写入自己的 Bitmap(但不推荐,以为有很多机器人也在蹲守机会),另一个简单可行的方式是在 Ordinals Wallet 这样的二级市场上进行购买。

4. Bitmap 和之前的元宇宙有什么区别?

Bitmap 挑战了数字领域传统所有权概念,旨在数字空间中建立社区和协作精神。它是完全去中心化的、参与者自主的,不像 Decentraland 或 Sandbox 那样的元宇宙由一个项目方主导和引领发展。

Blockamoto 只是提出了 Bitmap 的铭刻规则,并不负责分发 Bitmap,参与者们需要做的就是按照这个规则来铭刻和认领(claim)自己的 Bitmap。自去年中被提出以来,这个想法被越来越多的人接纳,以至于已开采的 80 多万个区块都已经被认领。

Bitmap 为区块所有者提供了为元宇宙积极做贡献的机会。通过拥有一个区块,用户可以获得一个平台,可以在自己拥有的空间上进行构建,在元宇宙中培育充满活力和社区驱动的环境。

5. Bitmap 未来还有多少空间? 

根据 Ordinals Wallet 的信息,目前 Bitmap 是该平台交易金额第二大的资产(如下图),过去七天交易了 2.86 个 BTC(约 208,761 美元)。自 Bitmap 出现到现在,Bitmap 在主要平台总成交额近 1500 个 BTC,目前地板价 0.0035 BTC,比去年铸造成本上涨了 100 多倍。

随着比特币生态的不断壮大,越来越多的项目加入其中,夺走了 Bitmap 的 C 位,但考虑到它在构建「非任意元宇宙」中扮演的基石地位,其未来价值不容小觑。自 2009 年比特币诞生以来,目前已开采了 830000 多个区块,这意味着差不多每 10000 人才拥有 1 个 Bitmap。如果我们将 Bitmap 视为去中心化全球元宇宙的基础,那么它们实际上是相当稀缺的。

Author's Source Encrypted Kitchen In the past year, based on two technological innovations, namely, isolation, witness and upgrade, the theory and agreement that came into being unexpectedly promoted decentralization. Bitcoin, with the strongest consensus, began to transcend its single narrative of value storage, and theoretical agreements, such as non-arbitrary tokens, based on or inspired by it. Token standard projects are emerging one after another, which is the cornerstone of building a decentralized value network for the future of digitalization and intelligence. Since Bitcoin broke through 10,000 US dollars on March and hit a record high, On the basis of the pioneer's exploration and practice, the original narrative series of Bits and the encrypted kitchen were officially launched, and all of you worked together to promote the research on the original narrative of Bitcoin and jointly expand the original narrative movement of Bits. Preface The theory of digital matter is being more and more applied to the digital asset issuance of Bitcoin ecology, and a digital world based on non-arbitrary value is being rapidly built. Today, we will introduce the first non-arbitrary meta-universe project of Bitcoin ecology, and what created the agreement in June. It is a revolutionary breakthrough that allows us to store data on the bitcoin network, which means that bitcoin is no longer just a means of value storage. This upgrade enables users to engrave data on the smallest unit of bitcoin, thus creating a new asset category, that is, assets belonging to this category are permanently stored in the bitcoin blockchain. The idea that no one can tamper with or destroy it is due to the idea that every block of bitcoin is regarded as a digital area in the virtual world in June. Each transaction in the digital area is regarded as each plot, and the specific data points and characteristics of each transaction determine the nature of the plot, which means that each digital area is unique and non-arbitrary, because they are generated based on different information on each block, rather than being created out of thin air. In the following figure, we can see that each transaction shows countless large and small ones in a new state, which finally constitutes this block. It is an important application of digital matter theory in Bitcoin ecology. It is also one of the many kinds of digital matter in the world. For the theory of digital matter, please refer to our previous article, What is the theory of digital matter? Ten Questions to help you understand, in other words, it is the first non-arbitrary meta-universe project of Bitcoin ecology. Its operating principle is to use the data of Bitcoin blockchain to build a map of the digital world and provide users with opportunities to participate in the construction of the meta-universe by transforming the block data into a digital landscape in the virtual world. The idea is that a consensus standard allows anyone to declare the geospatial digital assets of bitcoin blocks. This process is achieved by being the first to use ordinal inscription standard to engrave on Congcong. This process is fair and decentralized. By spending some energy to transform any bitcoin block into a part of the meta-universe, the platform can parse these block data into domains and grant the block owners access to build, thus creating a new paradigm for open source development. Theory will be better than Mapping the special currency data landscape to the spatial analogy reveals the foundation of the persistent meta-universe. To have a persistent bitcoin meta-universe called a bitmap, it is necessary to pass through and have effective data on the inscription of the block. Why can the blocks on the special bitcoin be regarded as historical timelines? They are composed of real-time transaction details and permanent data strings. The data of these blocks are directly extracted and analyzed from the real-time main network data of the bitcoin core. In the previous figure, we can see that each block is a transaction. Yidu has its own unique non-arbitrary resource string, so developers can regard it as the cornerstone when creating any full-stack application. By sharing such a static foundation level cornerstone, all applications can realize the opportunity of interoperability and have cross-border practicability, thus allowing users to maintain their own management of assets and identities when exploring different worlds of the meta-universe. How to hold any block on the bitcoin blockchain can be engraved. It only follows the theory and protocol. The person who has the first inscription on the block is the owner of this one. Then how to engrave it? After confirming the block you want to use, for example, if you select the first block, you can copy it to a platform that provides inscription service, such as or. You can also engrave multiple blocks at once, as shown in the following figure, and then choose the next step to make payment, so that the engraving is completed. Note that you can only engrave on the mined block, but writing on the currently mined area has been locked, and you can only wait for the opportunity in the new block. Bitcoin mines a block every minute on average, and everyone can write their own in the first time, but it is not recommended to think that many robots are also waiting for opportunities. Another simple and feasible way is to make purchases in such a secondary market. What is the difference from the previous meta-universe? It challenges the traditional concept of ownership in the digital field, aiming at building a community and collaborative spirit in the digital space. It is a completely decentralized participant, and the meta-universe is not dominated and led by one project party. Leading the development is only the proposed inscription rule, which is not responsible for distributing. What participants need to do is to engrave and claim their own according to this rule. Since it was put forward in the middle of last year, this idea has been accepted by more and more people, so that more than 10 thousand blocks that have been mined have been claimed, providing the block owners with an opportunity to actively contribute to the meta-universe. By owning a block, users can get a platform to build on their own space and cultivate vitality and society in the meta-universe. How much space is there for the area-driven environment in the future? According to the information, it is currently the second largest asset traded on this platform. As shown in the following figure, about USD has been traded in the past seven days, and the total turnover on the main platform has been nearly one month. At present, the floor price has increased many times compared with the casting cost last year. With the continuous growth of bitcoin ecology, more and more projects have joined it and taken away the position. However, considering its cornerstone position in building a non-arbitrary meta-universe, its future value should not be underestimated since the birth of Bitcoin in. At present, many blocks have been mined, which means that almost everyone has one. If we regard it as the basis of decentralized global metauniverse, they are actually quite scarce. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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