万事达U卡 银联U卡 能否保证安全出U不被冻卡

币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 04:30:23 评论:0



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 U卡可分为实体卡和虚拟卡,例如, “银联U卡”和“万事达U卡”等为实体U卡,“dupay”为虚拟U卡。各类卡的费率及使用条件略有不同,详见下图。












 用U卡收U,不走交易所,就不会触发交易所的风控机制。所以收到黑U,也不影响消费和取现。除非,这些U卡的发卡机构有相关的KYT风控措施(Know Your Transaction,了解你的交易。KYT是一种金融机构用来监控和跟踪金融交易是否存在欺诈或可疑活动的过程,可以帮助金融机构识别每笔交易的来源和去向,评估交易风险,采取相应的措施,以及向监管部门报告可疑交易),在此前提下,收到黑U会确实存在卡被冻结的风险。








在 USDT→汇入U卡→套现为¥ 的交易链条中,如果上游的U是外币换来的,那么分为2种情况:


















Introduction The biggest fear of buying and selling virtual currency is how difficult it is to receive black money once it is unfrozen by frozen cards. Friends who have experienced it all know that according to our experience in handling cases, public security everywhere generally have a negative impression on the parties who buy and sell virtual currency. Even if the parties who have been frozen cards are innocent, they will be required to refund the money involved in the case when communicating with the public security organs to unfreeze the bank cards. What's more, they will be labeled as the crime of helping the letter and concealing the crime. Please refer to this article to learn about the trade fair. How to avoid being frozen is a common concern of people in the currency circle, especially those who wander around the currency circle. Recently, a frozen friend consulted Mr. Shao and sent me some information seen on the Internet, as shown in the picture. Can MasterCard, which is used by many people, work? Will it not be frozen if you use the card to make money? So today, I will write a small article to talk about various cards and the advantages and disadvantages of using the card. For friends who have such questions, how to use the card can be simple. Summarized as sending virtual currency including but not limited to the chain address sent from wallet address to MasterCard, users can use the card to swipe their cards directly in China, or they can directly withdraw money from the card on the machine as RMB. Cardholders can bind Alipay, Meituan is hungry, etc., and use the card as a payment tool to spend in China without going through the process of converting virtual currency into legal currency. According to China's relevant policies, virtual currency such as Bitcoin is regarded as a specific virtual commodity. The legal status of currency equivalence cannot and should not be used as currency in the market in China, but the payment method using international cards seems to magically realize the function of equating virtual currency with legal currency. In fact, this is not the case. The virtual currency that users recharge into the card will be settled as foreign currency by the card operator. There is no difference between the use of cards by users in China and other bank cards with international payment functions, because there is an international settlement agreement, and the legal currency cards collected by domestic merchants such as Alipay are still separable. For physical cards and virtual cards, such as UnionPay cards and MasterCard, the rates and conditions of use of physical cards are slightly different. See the picture below for details. The advantages and disadvantages of using cards can be far away from the risk of frozen cards. We often say that although buying and selling virtual currency is not prohibited in China, the risk of frozen cards is really high. If you sell them to others, if the money transferred to you by others is the proceeds of their or their upstream crimes, such as swindling pig-killing or online gambling, money laundering will be involved. The probability of being frozen is very high, so the reason for being frozen is that: first, you use a domestic bank card; second, you receive an abnormal current payment in legal tender, which triggered the bank's risk control system. But the card itself is a foreign bank card, and what is received in the card is not legal tender, which has nothing to do with domestic banks. Of course, it will not be frozen. Then someone will ask if my MasterCard is hacked, what risks will it be frozen? What should I do if the card is hacked? You don't need to turn the way you pass into legal tender. Naturally, there will be no problem of receiving stolen money, but it is really difficult to completely avoid the problem of whether the card will be hacked. However, it is necessary to understand that a concept itself will not be marked as black, only the address will be black. If in a case, the actor will blacken the address related to the case through the currency security and other large exchanges, and if the account received from the hacked address is received, it will be blocked by the exchange. The exchange will not trigger the exchange's risk control mechanism unless the coins in the account can't get in or out, so receiving the black card will not affect the consumption and cash withdrawal, unless the card issuers of these cards have relevant risk control measures to understand that your transaction is a process used by financial institutions to monitor and track whether there is fraud or suspicious activity in financial transactions, which can help financial institutions identify the source and destination of each transaction, assess the transaction risk, take corresponding measures and report suspicious transactions to the regulatory authorities. There is indeed a risk that the card will be frozen after receiving the black meeting. It is rumored that the central bank of China requires MasterCard and other international cards to provide a list of customers with abnormal withdrawals, but it seems that there is no authoritative official news. Can the use of card transactions avoid criminal risks such as the crime of helping the letter to conceal? The reason for the crime of helping the letter to conceal is that the upstream money involved has been received in your bank card, so many people think that the card received does not involve bank card collection, so there is no criminal risk, but it is not the case. All kinds of cards do not support transfer. Accounts can only be consumed or cashed out, so there is no transaction between upstream and downstream through the card itself, which greatly reduces the possibility of illegal transactions. However, there will still be people who use the card to carry out arbitrage business. After the two sides have agreed on the difference between the exchange of legal tender, they will use their own cards to help others collect the difference from the cash withdrawal, which is their own profits. If the fraud proceeds are transferred upstream, the fraud proceeds will be remitted to your card for this whole chain. What is it? Take MasterCard as an example. The monthly card fee management fee, the European charge rate and the cash withdrawal rate are so high that people are willing to give you cash. Isn't it obvious that there is a problem? This trading model also advocates that you are subjectively unaware that no lawyer can save you from the legal risk of illegal trading of foreign exchange. Lawyer Shao has written many articles and done popular science before, and more and more businessmen may be convicted of illegal business. The crime of illegal business involving criminal risks involves introducing others to buy and sell foreign exchange carefully. The crime of illegal business is convicted of illegal business, so I won't go into details in this article. In the transaction chain where the remittance card is cashed in, if the upstream is exchanged in foreign currency, it can be divided into two situations. The exchange of RMB is purely for personal use without the purpose of business. If the administrative illegal act is discovered by the foreign exchange management authorities, it will be punished by administrative fines. If the transaction of collecting unspecified objects at high frequency for the purpose of earning the difference is recognized by the judicial authorities as buying and selling foreign exchange in disguise, it will be classified as non-business. There is still a certain threshold to apply for a card by running a crime card scam, so many white people will go to an agent, but the agent is also a mixed bag. It is also very difficult to defend their rights if they unfortunately meet a liar. For example, the card given to you by a liar is a second-hand card, and the recharge link sent to you in the process of guiding your operation is actually authorized. When you recharge a large amount of money into the card, you will find that it has been magically transferred and written at the end, so go back to the original question of this article. The answer is yes, but it is only for personal use. It is more like a prepaid card in a supermarket that can be 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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