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3EX |  全球首家一站式AI交易平台 | AI对话式生成策略 |











  • 自动执行预设交易指令:帮助用户根据预先定义的条件自动执行买卖操作,减少手动监控的需求。

  • 交易策略脚本创建:用户可以通过平台提供的工具来定义自己的交易策略,实现交易的自动化。

  • 模拟历史盈亏:用户能够测试自己的交易策略在历史市场条件下的表现,从而优化策略。


  • 自动化程度:通过3EX平台,用户能够实现交易的自动化,相比全手动的传统交易方式,这大大提高了交易的便捷性和效率。

  • 策略测试和优化:3EX提供的模拟历史盈亏功能,使得用户在实际投入资金之前,就能测试和优化自己的交易策略,这是传统交易难以实现的。

  • 易用性:3EX通过简化交易策略的创建和执行,使得即使是没有复杂技术背景的用户也能轻松上手,这提高了交易的可访问性。

3EX AI交易平台简介

3EX作为全球首家一站式AI交易平台,通过整合GPT的强大AI能力,为数字资产交易领域带来了革命性的变革 ,体现了3EX对于创新技术在金融领域应用的深远洞察和积极实践。


  • AI策略创建与执行:用户可以通过简单的对话形式,轻松创建交易策略脚本,模拟历史盈亏,自动触发交易信号,并执行交易指令,实现7×24小时的自动化数字资产投资 。

  • AI交易跟单系统:为了惠及更多投资用户,3EX还提供了AI交易跟单功能,让带单老师和跟单用户互惠互利,通过一键跟单,用户即可享受AI交易策略带来的时代红利 。

  • 全面支持和服务:3EX不仅提供了一站式AI交易服务及多种交易功能,还提供“24/7”多语言客户服务,致力于为全球用户提供安全、高效、便捷、智能的数字资产交易体验 。


  • 简化交易流程:用户通过与AI的对话就能创建和执行交易策略,这大大简化了交易流程,降低了交易的复杂性和门槛 。

  • 24/7自动化交易:利用AI技术的能力,3EX平台可以实现全天候自动监控市场,根据预设策略及时执行交易,确保用户不会错过任何盈利机会 。

  • 透明和公正的跟单系统:通过AI跟单系统,用户可以复制成功的交易策略,而这些策略的业绩水平和交易信号都是清晰、公正透明的,帮助投资者识别高效、盈利的策略 。



3EX AI交易平台提供了强大而灵活的工具和功能,使得用户能够轻松入门并优化自己的交易策略。以下是使用3EX平台的几个关键步骤:

注册和设置3EX AI交易账户

  1. 访问3EX官网:首先,用户需要访问3EX的官方网站并点击注册按钮。

  2. 填写注册信息:提供必要的注册信息,如电子邮件地址、用户名和密码。对于需要额外验证的地区,可能还需要提供手机号码。

  3. 账户验证:通过邮箱或手机收到的验证码完成账户验证,确保用户的账户安全。

  4. 设置安全措施:为了保护账户安全,建议用户设置双因素认证(2FA),增加账户的安全级别。


  • 模版策略:3EX平台为用户提供了多种策略模版,用户可以根据自己的交易偏好选择合适的模版。这些模版覆盖了不同的交易风格和市场条件,为用户提供了良好的起点。

  • 指标应用:用户可以在创建交易策略时应用不同的市场指标,如MA(移动平均线)、RSI(相对强弱指数)等,来帮助判断入场和退出的最佳时机。

  • 文字描述:3EX允许用户通过简单的文字描述来定义交易策略。平台的AI技术可以理解这些描述,并据此自动生成交易指令。


  • 选择盈利策略:用户可以在3EX平台上浏览不同的带单专家及其交易策略的历史表现,包括收益率、风险等级等关键指标。

  • 一键跟单:确定跟单选择后,用户可以简单地点击“跟单”按钮,自动复制该带单老师的交易策略。这一过程不需要用户深入了解复杂的交易知识和策略。

  • 管理和调整跟单策略:虽然跟单过程是自动化的,用户仍然可以根据自己的风险偏好和市场变化,随时调整跟单策略或停止跟单。

3EX AI交易平台的未来展望

3EX AI交易平台自推出以来,凭借其创新的技术和用户友好的服务在加密货币交易领域获得了显著的成就。展望未来,3EX计划继续在AI交易技术上进行创新,进一步优化用户体验,并在全球加密货币市场中扩大其影响力。


  • 技术进步:3EX将持续探索最新的人工智能技术,如深度学习和自然语言处理,以进一步提高其AI交易算法的准确性和效率。这包括优化现有的交易策略生成和执行机制,以及开发新的模型来更好地预测市场动态。

  • 用户体验优化:为了提供更加个性化和便捷的交易体验,3EX计划进一步优化其用户界面和交互设计。这可能包括增强其移动应用的功能,提供更多定制化的交易提醒和报告,以及简化注册和交易流程。

  • 全球扩展:3EX将继续拓展其全球用户基础,通过本地化策略和合作伙伴关系进入新的市场。此外,平台也将遵循全球各地的监管要求,确保提供合规、安全的交易环境。


  • 市场效率提升:随着AI交易技术的普及和完善,加密货币市场的交易效率和透明度将得到提升。AI的应用有助于更快地发现价格不一致和套利机会,促进市场的健康发展。

  • 投资门槛降低:AI交易平台,如3EX,通过提供易于使用的交易工具和策略,使得普通投资者也能够轻松参与加密货币交易,降低了市场参与门槛。

  • 市场参与者多样化:AI交易的发展将吸引更多的投资者和机构进入加密货币市场,包括那些寻求高级算法交易解决方案的专业投资者,从而增加市场的深度和流动性。



3EX AI交易平台,作为这一技术在加密货币交易领域的先行者,已经展示了AI在提升交易体验、降低入门门槛以及实现高效资产管理方面的巨大潜力。通过其一站式服务,从策略制定到执行,再到跟单交易的功能,3EX为用户提供了一个全面、便捷且高效的交易环境。

在这个不断变化的市场中,投资者需要不断学习和适应新的技术和策略,以保持竞争力。3EX AI交易平台的出现,为所有级别的投资者打开了一扇窗,使他们能够利用最新的AI交易技术来优化自己的交易策略和提高盈利能力。无论是经验丰富的交易者还是刚入市的新手,3EX都提供了必要的工具和资源,帮助他们在这个充满机遇和挑战的市场中取得成功。


Website: https://www.3ex.com或 https://www.3ex.global

Twitter(EN): https://twitter.com/3exglobal

Twitter(CN): https://twitter.com/3EX_ZH




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092234370403

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/3EX.Exchange/

Medium: https://medium.com/@3ex

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/3EXGLOBAL

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@3EXGLOBAL?feature=shared

The dialogue generation strategy of the world's first one-stop trading platform is the world's first one-stop trading platform, which realizes the strategy through dialogue, customizes the parameters, adjusts the profit and loss analog signal execution strategy with single key, and helps the agent pull new ones to help users make money. Introduction In the world of digital currency, the cryptocurrency market has attracted the attention of many investors with its huge growth potential and volatility. The emergence of various cryptocurrencies in the market provides investors with diverse choices, but it also brings complicated choices. In this environment, such as sharp price fluctuation and uncertainty of investment decision, obtaining timely and accurate market information and formulating effective trading strategies have become the most concerned issues for investors. As the world's first one-stop trading platform, the trading platform provides one-stop trading services to help users cope with the challenges of the cryptocurrency market, and provides suggestions for investors through a series of user-friendly tools and functions, including but not limited to trading strategy scripts, creating historical profit and loss simulations and automatically triggering trading signals. These tools are designed to simplify the trading process, help users make more sensible trading decisions without in-depth and complicated market analysis, and further provide investors with the convenience of copying successful trading strategies through the transaction documentary function, allowing users to follow experienced traders to achieve stable profits in the cryptocurrency market. This function is especially suitable for investors who want to reduce the market research burden and quickly enter the transaction. The basic concept of trading refers to the application of artificial intelligence. Technology to assist the process of trading decision-making and execution, improve the efficiency and effect of trading. For example, the automation of trading can be realized through automated trading scripts and strategies. The application of trading on the platform is mainly reflected in providing a series of tools and services to support users' trading activities, including but not limited to automatically executing preset trading instructions, helping users to automatically perform trading operations according to predefined conditions, reducing the need for manual monitoring, and creating trading strategy scripts that users can communicate with. Through the tools provided by the platform, users can define their own trading strategies and realize the automation of trading, and simulate the historical profit and loss. Users can test the performance of their trading strategies under historical market conditions, so as to optimize the comparison between strategic trading and traditional trading. The degree of automation in the platform enables users to realize the automation of trading, which greatly improves the convenience and efficiency of trading. The function of simulating historical profit and loss provided by strategy testing and optimization makes users real. It is difficult for traditional transactions to test and optimize their trading strategies before investing money internationally. By simplifying the creation and implementation of trading strategies, even users without complex technical background can easily get started, which improves the accessibility of transactions. As the world's first one-stop trading platform, it has brought revolutionary changes to the field of digital asset trading through its powerful ability of integration, reflecting the profound insight and product of the application of innovative technologies in the financial field. With practical characteristics and advantages, strategy creation and execution users can easily create trading strategy scripts through simple dialogue, simulate historical profit and loss, automatically trigger trading signals and execute trading instructions, and realize hourly automation. In order to benefit more investment users, the documentary system for digital assets investment transactions also provides a trading documentary function, so that teachers and documentary users can enjoy the dividend of the times brought by trading strategies through one-click documentary users, which not only provides one-stop support and service. Trading services and various trading functions also provide multilingual customer service, and are committed to providing users around the world with a safe, efficient, convenient and intelligent digital asset trading experience. How to help users achieve more efficient investment returns and simplify the trading process? Users can create and execute trading strategies through dialogue with, which greatly simplifies the trading process, reduces the complexity and threshold of trading, and automates trading. The platform can realize all-weather automatic monitoring of the market and timely execution of trading according to preset strategies. A transparent and fair documentary system ensures that users will not miss any profit opportunities. Through the documentary system, users can copy successful trading strategies, and the performance level and trading signals of these strategies are clear, fair and transparent, helping investors identify efficient and profitable strategies. Through its innovative one-stop trading service, it not only provides powerful trading tools and services for senior currency users and blockchain practitioners, but also opens the door for ordinary users to enter the digital asset trading market, making everyone. Everyone has the opportunity to succeed in this fast-developing field. How to use the trading platform to conduct encrypted currency trading? The trading platform provides powerful and flexible tools and functions so that users can easily get started and optimize their trading strategies. The following are several key steps to use the platform to register and set up trading accounts, visit the official website that users need to visit first in official website, and click the register button to fill in the registration information, providing necessary registration information such as email address, user name and password. The area that needs additional verification may also need to provide mobile phone number account verification, and complete account verification through the verification code received by email or mobile phone to ensure the security of users' accounts. In order to protect account security, users are advised to set up two-factor authentication to increase the security level of accounts, and create and optimize trading strategy templates. The strategy platform provides users with a variety of strategy templates, and users can choose appropriate templates according to their trading preferences. These templates cover different trading styles and market conditions. It provides users with a good starting point indicator. Users can use different market indicators, such as the relative strength index of moving average, to help judge the best time to enter and exit when creating trading strategies. Text descriptions allow users to define the technology of trading strategy platform through simple text descriptions, and can understand these descriptions and automatically generate trading instructions accordingly. Users can enjoy trading dividends and choose profit strategies by using the documentary function. Users can browse different experts with orders and their exchanges on the platform. The historical performance of easy strategy includes key indicators such as rate of return, risk level, etc. After one-click documentary selection, users can simply click the documentary button to automatically copy the trading strategy of the teacher with the documentary. This process does not require users to have a deep understanding of complex trading knowledge and strategy management and adjustment of the documentary strategy. Although the documentary process is automated, users can still adjust the documentary strategy at any time according to their own risk preferences and market changes, and look forward to the future of the documentary trading platform. Since its launch, the trading platform has achieved remarkable achievements in the field of cryptocurrency trading with its innovative technology and user-friendly service. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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