Frax Finance的多重新叙事:重点发力Layer2 Fraxtal 多个产品尚未形成“吸血效应”

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3月22日,Frax Finance创始人Sam Kazemian发布Frax未来路线图,计划在未来一年内推出23个L3,并在2026年底实现超1000亿美元Fraxtal TVL的目标。作为老牌算稳,Frax Finance已从原先单一的货币协议建立起了多元产品矩阵,业务涵盖LSD、借贷、跨链桥、RWA和L2等多个热门赛道。本文将回顾Frax Finance的最新进展和市场数据。

扩大稳定币竞争力,计划今年重点发力L2 Fraxtal

从今年的市场动态来看,Frax Finance不仅仅局限于资产发行,其正加速产品功能和叙事路线的迭代升级。

一方面,Frax Finance于今年1月中旬正式上线FXB(Frax债券)模块,正式完成了FRAX v3的设计和所有新功能的部署。该版本旨在消除对USDC的依赖,创建一个新的去中心化稳定币机制,并正式进入RWA赛道。其中,FXB是一种到期时可无需信任地转换为1个FRAX稳定币的实用代币,以FRAX稳定币计价,简单来说允许持有者以折扣价购买未来稳定币FRAX,债券收益率将与类似期限的美国国债收益率相对应,且具有特定的时间戳。从Frax Finance多个更新版本来看,其叙事实现了从算稳到LSD再到RWA的多维升级。

另一方面,类似于此前Uniswap协议的费用开关提案,Frax Finance也正计划为代币持有者这类奖励机制,近期名为“重新激活费用开关”提案就提出向veFXS持有者分配75%的协议费用收入。而Kazemian也在最新路线图中提议,建议重开协议费用开关,将50%的收益流向veFXS,另外50%用于回购FXS及其他Frax资产,并提议将FPIS到veFXS的转换率降低67%,以新的转换率1 FPIS -> 1.33 veFXS,期限四年。据DeFiLlama数据显示,截至3月22日,Frax Finance的年收入预计4793万美元。而为加速扩大资产覆盖范围,Frax Finance近期在NEAR上推出FRAX稳定币,且在最新规划中透露还将发行frxTIA和frxMetis等新资产。

此外,前有dYdX开发Layer1区块链dYdX Chain、Synthetix部署SNX Chain、MakerDAO计划推出Newchain等,后有Frax Finance也将发链作为新打法。今年2月,Frax Finance宣布推出了基于OP Stack构建的模块化Layer 2区块链Fraxtal,旨在成为由技术论文驱动的区块链,鼓励其他人在其平台上构建和发展。

相比其他Layer2,Fraxtal采用了独特的区块空间激励机制(称为Flox)用于区块空间激励机制(称为Flox),可根据Fraxtal链的使用情况奖励FXTL积分,也可通过质押veFXS获得,这些积分可被代币化。FXS是Fraxtal的定序器质押代币,用于捕获排序器收入。Fraxtal是Frax Finance2024年发展的重点,未来包括FRAX、sFRAX、frxETH(以及新的Frax资产)在内的所有Frax资产都将优先在Fraxtal上发行。而作为唯一一个在市值前200的项目中拥有4个独立代币/资产的协议,未来随着Fraxtal的成熟,所有的Frax资产都将可以作为Fraxtal上的Gas代币使用。

值得一提的是,Frax Finance还瞄准了Layer3,该赛道被普遍认为是可为Layer2带来强大应用构建能力,具备爆发空间。Frax Finance计划在未来365天内推出23个官方L3,以启动Fraxtal Nation社区。目前官方已构建了2个L3,剩余预计在未来几个月内完成。据官方介绍,L3链不仅可以通过Flox获得FXTL积分,且23个L3链插槽是为官方合作伙伴保留的,他们将获得Fraxtal核心开发人员的额外支持,并分配大量的FXTL。


从多项数据来看,虽然踩着热点的Frax Finance在稳定币赛道的竞争力有限,但在LSD和RWA赛道具备较大的增长空间。

从稳定币赛道来看,CoinGecko数据显示,截至3月22日,Frax Finance的稳定币FRAX以6.4亿美元市值排名第八,但仅占整体市值的0.4%。虽然仅此于去中心化稳定币赛道的DAI,但只有后者市值的零头。就当前稳定币市场格局来看,龙头的垄断地位是很难被打破的。

Frax Finance的多重新叙事:重点发力Layer2 Fraxtal,多个产品尚未形成“吸血效应”

从LSD竞争来看,DeFiLlama数据显示,截至3月22日,LSD赛道的总TVL达486.62亿美元,其中Frax Ether(frxETH)以近10亿美元占比达2.09%,较年初增长了42.5%。与排名首位的Lido的超345亿美元相比,Frax Ether仍有较大差距。但Frax Finance官网显示,截至3月22日,frxETH的APR达4.08%,超过同时期的stETH、rETH和cbETH等,相对更高的质押收益率或将吸引更多资金进入。

另从RWA布局来看,Frax Finance官网显示,截至3月22日,旗下利用美国国债收益的质押金库sFRAX的质押总量超2838.8万枚。根据DeFiLlama数据显示,截至3月22日,RWA赛道项目总TVL超40.1亿美元。相比stUSDT和Ondo Finance等排名靠前的RWA项目的收益率,sFRAX的利率为5.4%,具备一定优势。

Frax Finance的多重新叙事:重点发力Layer2 Fraxtal,多个产品尚未形成“吸血效应”

热点赛道的布局也让Frax Finance整体锁仓量出现一定增长。DeFiLlama数据显示,Frax Finance的TVL自年初以来上升了30.6%,但在受近期费用开关消息影响后短暂冲高后出现下滑。但对治理代币FXS价格并未提到明显提振作用,CoinGecko数据显示,FXS较年初下跌了15.6%。

总的来说,在各家稳定币竞争日益激烈的当下,Frax Finance通过集成多个产品套件探索差异化发展路,但能否真正构建自身增长飞轮还有待时间验证。

The author released the road map for the future on March, and the founder plans to launch 10 in the next year and achieve the goal of exceeding 100 million US dollars by the end of the year. As an old brand, it has established a multi-product matrix business from the original single currency agreement, covering loans, cross-chain bridges and other hot tracks. This paper will review the latest progress and market data to expand the competitiveness plan of stabilizing the currency. From this year's market dynamics, it is not limited to asset issuance, and it is accelerating the iterative upgrade of product functions and narrative routes. On the one hand, the bond module was officially launched in the middle of this year, and the design and deployment of all new functions were officially completed. This version aims to eliminate dependence on, create a new decentralized stable currency mechanism and officially enter the track. Among them, it is a practical token that can be converted into a stable currency without trust when it expires. Simply speaking, it allows holders to buy future stable currency bonds at a discount price. The yield will correspond to the yield of US Treasury bonds with similar terms and have a specific time stamp from. According to several updated versions, the narrative has been upgraded from stable to multi-dimensional. On the other hand, the fee switch proposal similar to the previous agreement is also being planned for token holders. Recently, the proposal called reactivating the fee switch proposed the income of the agreement fee distributed to the holders, and it was also proposed in the latest road map that the income from reopening the agreement fee switch should be used for repurchase and other assets, and the conversion rate obtained should be reduced to a new conversion rate for four years. In order to accelerate the expansion of asset coverage, the stable currency was recently launched in the world, and it was revealed in the latest plan that new assets will be issued and waited. In addition, the development of blockchain deployment plan was launched before, and then the hair chain was also used as a new way of playing. This month, it was announced that the modular blockchain based on construction was launched, aiming to become a blockchain driven by technical papers, encouraging others to build and develop on its platform, which is called use. The incentive mechanism in block space is called reward points according to the use of the chain, and these points can also be obtained by pledge. The pledge of tokens can be used to capture the income of sequencer, which is the focus of annual development. In the future, all assets, including new assets, will be given priority to be issued on the market as the only agreement to have an independent token asset in the project before the market value. With the maturity of the future, all assets will be used as tokens on the market. It is worth mentioning that it is also aimed at. The track is generally considered to be able to bring strong application construction ability and explosive space. It is planned to launch an official in the next few days to start the community. At present, the official has built a remaining chain, which is expected to be completed in the next few months. According to the official introduction, the chain can not only get points, but also a chain slot is reserved for official partners. They will get additional support from core developers and allocate a large number of hot topics to attract funds to flow in. Although there is a certain gap compared with the same track products, according to many data, However, the competitiveness of those who are stepping on hot spots in the stable currency track is limited, but they have great room for growth. From the stable currency track, the data show that the stable currency ranked eighth with a market value of US$ 100 million as of March, but it only accounts for the total market value. Although this is only a fraction of the market value of the decentralized stable currency track, the monopoly position of the leading company is difficult to be broken from the current stable currency market structure. Re-narrative focuses on making efforts, and many products have not yet formed a blood-sucking effect. From the competition point of view, the data is obvious. It shows that the total amount of the track as of March reached US$ 100 million, of which nearly US$ 100 million accounted for an increase from the beginning of the year, and there is still a big gap compared with the top-ranked US$ 100 million. However, official website shows that the pledge rate of the track as of March exceeds that of the same period and will attract more funds to enter. From the layout, official website shows that the total amount of pledges in its pledge vault using the proceeds of US Treasury bonds as of March exceeds 10,000 pieces. According to the data, the total amount of track projects as of March exceeds US$ 100 million, which ranks higher than that of the The interest rate of the project's yield is a multi-narrative with certain advantages. The focus is on the blood-sucking effect of multiple products. The layout of the hot track also makes the overall lock volume increase. The data shows that it has risen since the beginning of the year, but it has declined after a brief surge due to the recent news of the cost switch, but it has not mentioned the obvious boost to the price of governance tokens. The data shows that it has fallen from the beginning of the year. In general, it is necessary to explore the differentiated development path by integrating multiple product suites at the moment of increasingly fierce competition among various stable currencies, but it remains to be verified whether it can really build its own growth flywheel. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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