「符文」就要来了 一场Ordinals的战争就要打响?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 04:09:12 评论:0



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作者:c00k1e 来源:X,@lonelyhorseme

昨天,Ordinals 协议 v.017.0 版本正式发布,包含了大家期待已久的「符文」协议的最终实现方案。


小编为您快速整理了几个关于「符文」的 QA:

现在可以打「符文」了吗?还不可以,「符文」将在比特币区块高度 840, 000 正式激活,预计还有 19 天左右的时间。

第一个「符文」会是什么?第一个「符文」是 Ordinals 协议创始人 Casey Rodarmor「硬编码」(也就是直接写在代码里)的「UNCOMMON•GOODS」,我们可以从比特币区块高度 840, 000 开始打这个「创世符文」。但是必须要注意,「创世符文」是限时不限量的,将从 2024 年的即将到来的这个减半区块打到下一个减半区块,每笔交易打 1 个。Casey 仍在考虑是否实行先前的规划,对 0-9 号也就是全部前 10 个「符文」进行「硬编码」的计划。

「符文」是和 BRC-20 一样被部署以后大家都公平打吗?取决于部署者的设置。既支持部署的时候同时一次性打完,方便项目方做中心化的分发,也支持像 BRC-20 那样部署了以后大家公平铸造。在这一点上,「符文」比 BRC-20 要灵活许多,还支持公开铸造但项目方预留(这样的「符文」Token 会被标记),以及前面提到的「限时不限量」。

第一个被正式解锁的「符文」ticker 为什么会是「ZZZZZZZZZZZZ」?「符文」ticker 的最大长度是 26 字符(Casey 硬编码的「UNCOMMON•GOODS」和此规则无关,另外值得注意的是「•」作为分隔符不算在 12 字符内,这是为了让 ticker 更有辨识度,比如「WO•YAO•DISS•YOU」),但是它是一个随时间(区块)反向解锁的过程,从长 ticker 逐渐解锁到短 ticker。简单来说,在区块高度 840, 000 「符文」正式激活后,所有 13 - 26 字符的 ticker 都可以立即被部署,但「ZZZZZZZZZZZZ」是第一个可以被部署的 12 字符 ticker。12 字符的 ticker 将在区块 840, 000 - 857, 500 被全部解锁,也就是每 17, 500 个区块后,更短 1 个字符的 ticker 将开始逐渐被解锁。所以对于熟悉的 4 字符 ticker,比如 $PEPE,我们需要等待大约 3 年的时间。


这个 ticker 解锁方式和 BRC-20 比起来,完全是反向的。BRC-20 刚刚开放了 5 字符 ticker,如果 BRC-20 在未来的几年也持续开放更长的 ticker 部署,两者会在某个时间点碰到一块吗?这还蛮有趣的。

BRC-20 最近的更新中,不但支持了 5 字符 ticker,还支持了「自发行」,也就是项目方自己部署一把打完,同时还支持了燃烧机制。从短期来看,BRC-20 的这几项更新相比于 Runes 更利于形成炒作,不但方便了项目方的中心化发行,还使老项目方可以整出一些通缩玩法来刺激市场表现,这是 BRC-20 当前的优势。

而 Runes 的优势在于,首先这是 Ordinals 协议层面的标准,用一个不是很恰当的类比就是以太坊上的 ERC 404 和 DN 404 ,前者是不久前「图币一体」热潮的创造者,而后者则是更便宜且完全遵守以太坊标准,朝着正式变成 EIP 而努力的协议。Runes 作为 Ordinals 官方的「亲儿子」,不会有 BRC-20 那样受到 Ordinals 协议变动产生稳定性的问题,而且完全可以在第一时间享受 Ordinals 协议新特性对其带来的可能改进,同时还基于 UTXO,玩家们无需先刻转移铭文然后再发走转移铭文来完成交易,大大节省成本。

更重要的是,Runes 虽然是 Ordinals 协议层面的标准,但其实现本身并不依赖于 Ordinals 协议,它像 Taproot Assets 和 RGB 那样,是独立的。而 BRC-20 的实现是依赖于 Ordinals 协议的,长期来看,BRC-20 的发展就显得被动。

在过去的文章中,小编曾提到过 Casey 对 BRC-20 的不满——产生大量的「垃圾」UTXO。因此, 2023 年 9 月,Casey 发布了「符文」的构想,原生于比特币的未花费交易输出(UTXO)模型,最大限度地减少了「垃圾」UTXO 的产生,从而实现更负责任的 UTXO 管理和更小的链上足迹。

现在,「符文」就要来了。大家常开玩笑说,Ordinals 是一个「吵架吵不停」的生态,而「符文」的上线在即,也意味着这种观念冲突要变成真正的战争,Runes 和 BRC-20 的竞争就要开始了。

Author's source Yesterday, the agreement version was officially released, including the long-awaited final realization scheme of the rune agreement. The rune is online, and the war is about to start. Xiaobian has quickly compiled a few runes for you. Can you type runes now? Not yet? Runes will be officially activated in the Bitcoin block. It is estimated that there will be about a day before the first rune. The first rune is hard-coded by the founder of the agreement, which is written directly in the code. We can start typing this from the height of the Bitcoin block. However, it must be noted that the creation runes are limited in time, and each transaction will be typed from the upcoming halving block in 2008 to the next halving block. We are still considering whether to implement the previous plan, that is, whether the planned runes with all the previous runes are hard-coded will be played fairly after being deployed as before. It depends on the settings of the deployer, which not only supports the one-time typing at the same time, but also facilitates the centralized distribution of the project party, and also supports the later deployment like that. At this point, the fair casting of runes is much more flexible and supports open casting. However, the project party reserves that such runes will be marked and the above-mentioned runes will be officially unlocked in a limited time. Why is the maximum length of runes hard-coded in characters has nothing to do with this rule? In addition, it is worth noting that as separators, it is not included in characters. This is to make it more recognizable, for example, but it is a process of reverse unlocking from long blocks to short blocks over time. After the block height rune is officially activated, all characters can be deployed immediately, but the first character that can be deployed will be completely unlocked after the block, that is, shorter characters will begin to be unlocked gradually after each block, so for familiar characters, for example, we need to wait about years for the rune to go online and the war will begin soon. This unlocking method is completely opposite to that of just opening the character. If it continues to open in the next few years, both will be deployed for a longer time. It's quite interesting to meet a piece at this time. The recent update not only supports characters but also supports self-issuance, that is, the project side deploys one to finish, and also supports the burning mechanism. In the short term, these updates are more conducive to the formation of speculation, which not only facilitates the centralized issuance of the project side, but also enables the old project side to create some deflationary gameplay to stimulate market performance. This is the current advantage, and the advantage lies in the fact that first of all, this is the standard at the protocol level, and an inappropriate class is used. The comparison is that the former and the former in the Ethereum are the creators of the recent upsurge in the integration of maps and coins, while the latter are cheaper and fully comply with the standards of Ethereum. As the official son, he will not be subject to the stability problem caused by the change of the agreement, and he can fully enjoy the possible improvement brought by the new features of the agreement at the first time. At the same time, it is also based on the fact that players do not need to engrave the transfer inscription first and then send it away to complete the transaction, which greatly saves costs. More importantly, although However, it is a standard at the protocol level, but its implementation itself does not depend on the protocol. It is independent like and, but its implementation depends on the long-term development of the protocol. In the past articles, Xiaobian once mentioned that dissatisfaction with the right produces a lot of garbage, so the idea of releasing runes in June minimized the generation of garbage, thus achieving more responsible management and smaller footprint on the chain. Now runes are coming, and everyone often jokes that they are an quarrelsome ecology, and the imminent launch of runes also means this concept conflict. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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