Tide Capital:比特币减半你需要知道的6个Big Ideas

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在比特币区块高度 #837188,距离第四次减半还有 20天的日子,比特币在此站上 $70,000 大关,市场情绪发生了微妙的变化,面对即将到来的减半,是会重演减半行情还是引发新的叙事,多空双方正在激烈博弈。

Tide Capital 在官网发布最新研报《比特币减半你需要知道的6个Big Ideas》,阐述了推动比特币价格的六个最重要线索和判断。

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2023年1月,比特币开发者Casey Rodarmor发布了Ordinals协议,允许用户将数据嵌入比特币区块链中,从而在比特币上创建NFT和代币类资产,开启了比特币生态的新玩法。上线至今,Ordinals总铭刻次数超过了6000万。



符文:协议预计在减半时上线,Runestone 有望成为核心资产

符文协议 (Runes Protocol) 由Ordinals创始人Casey Rodarmor提出,作为BRC-20协议的改进升级版,旨在提供高效率、高兼容、高扩展的比特币资产发行和管理框架,预计将在比特币减半时正式上线,因此成为减半炒作的主流概念之一。

符石 (Rune Stone) 由Ordinals浏览器Ord.io创始人Leonidas推出,通过对112,383个比特币地址空投NFT完成了初始发行,当前市值超过3亿美元。符石已成为符文协议的代表性资产,越来越多的项目开始对持有符石的用户进行空投,符石拥有巨大的想象空间,未来的应用和玩法值得期待。此外,符文协议上线后,持有符石的用户可以将其转换为同质化代币。总的来说,符石Rune Stone具有「符文协议」+「空投资产」+「发币预期」的叙事,有望成为比特币减半行情的核心资产。

Meme:蓝筹NFT mfers发币,12小时从0到2亿美元市值

3月30日,蓝筹NFT项目mfers创始人sartoshi发行了代币mfercoin,在白皮书中表示mfercoin是一个没有内在价值、没有获利预期、没有规定用途的Meme coin,并将80%的代币都注入了流动性池中,其余20%的代币将空投给mfers社区。


完整版研报34页,阐述了比特币生态、Meme、AI、Solana、以太坊等机会,请登录 Tide Capital 官网下载完整版研报。

Tide Capital

Tide Capital是一家研究导向的数字资产投资和交易公司。我们研究宏观和基本面,捕捉从加密资产趋势到金融周期的Beta和Alpha机会。秉承价值驱动的理念,我们致力于投资具有显著增长潜力的早期项目。同时,我们评估市场周期来指导投资决策,积极参与公开市场交易以获得回报。

There are still days before the height of the bitcoin block is halved for the fourth time. The market sentiment has undergone subtle changes. Will the upcoming halving repeat the halving market or trigger a new narrative? The two sides are playing a fierce game in official website to release the latest research report on halving bitcoin. You need to know the six most important clues and judgments to promote bitcoin prices. Please visit official website to download the full version of the research report bitcoin. The second halving will be completed soon, and the annual selling pressure will be reduced by $100 million. The block reward will be reduced from $100 to $100, and the annual output of bitcoin will be about 10,000 before halving the selling pressure. After halving the selling pressure, the selling pressure of bitcoin will be reduced by half, which is equivalent to reducing the selling pressure of bitcoin by $100 million. Bitcoin has experienced a total of two halves in its history, respectively, in the year, month, year, month, and year, the common point is that it has risen sharply. At present, it is less than a day before the first halving, and the impact of the halving of the market has a great probability of continuing to fluctuate upward. Bitcoin spot gets funds to accelerate the inflow, which helps Bitcoin to continue to rise. After the spot is approved, it will bring in tens of billions of dollars of off-site funds to help Bitcoin continue to rise. In the past bull market, it was usually more than once. However, the number of pullbacks in this bull market is not large, and the pullback is not large because of the continuous inflow of off-exchange funds. After the first gold was launched, gold ushered in a long bull increase in recent years, which exceeded that of gold. Compared with gold, it is safer to store, more convenient to transfer, faster and has superior value storage characteristics. At present, the market value of gold is trillions of dollars, and the market value of bitcoin is only trillions of dollars. Bitcoin is still twice as far from gold, and the introduction of bitcoin is more popular than that of gold. Far ahead of the inscription: When the original innovation of Bitcoin is halved, it is expected to start the third wave of craze. In September, Bitcoin developers issued an agreement to allow users to embed data into the bitcoin blockchain, thus creating a new way of playing bitcoin ecology. Up to now, the total number of inscriptions has exceeded 10,000, and there have been two waves of craze. The first wave began in June, when the leading tokens rose to more than twice in two months. The second wave began in June, when they rose to online inscriptions trading market. More Inscriptions The inscription of rising assets is the original innovation of bitcoin ecology, which has brought more users and developers to the bitcoin community. Various new applications and games are constantly emerging. When bitcoin is halved for the next time, the market will focus on returning to the bitcoin ecology again. Inscriptions will also start the third wave of craze. The rune agreement is expected to become the core asset when it is halved. The rune agreement was proposed by the founder as an improved and upgraded version of the agreement, aiming at providing high efficiency, high compatibility and high expansion of bitcoin. The asset issuance and management framework is expected to be officially launched when bitcoin is halved, so it has become one of the mainstream concepts of half hype. The rune stone was launched by the founder of the browser, and the initial issuance was completed by airdropping a bitcoin address. At present, the rune stone with a market value of more than 100 million US dollars has become a representative asset of the rune agreement. More and more projects have begun to airdrop the rune stone for users, and the future application and gameplay of the rune stone are worth looking forward to. It can be converted into homogeneous tokens. Generally speaking, Fu Shi has the narrative of the rune agreement to airdrop assets and the expectation of issuing coins, which is expected to become the core asset of the bitcoin halving market. The blue chip issuing hours range from to billion dollars. The founder of the blue chip project issued tokens, which in the white paper indicated that it has no intrinsic value, no profit expectation and no specified purpose, and injected all the tokens into the liquidity pool. The rest of the tokens will be airdropped to the community project, which set off a craze in the encryption community in. After the well-known blue-chip project is launched, the market value of from to 100 million dollars will be realized within hours with the spontaneous support and dissemination of the community. For the future community, the full version of the research report page expounds opportunities such as Bitcoin Eco-Ethereum. Please visit official website to download the full version of the research report. It is a research-oriented digital asset investment and trading company. We study macro and fundamental aspects to capture opportunities from encrypted asset trends to financial cycles. Adhering to the value-driven concept, we are committed to investing in early projects with significant growth potential. At the same time, we evaluate the market cycle to guide investment decisions and actively participate in open market transactions to obtain returns. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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