CoinShares:后减半时代的 BTC 矿工经济学

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 03:39:54 评论:0



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原文标题:Upcoming Demand for Bitcoin Block Space and Its Impact on Mining Revenue,作者:Matthew Kimmell

译者注:或许与之前所有减半周期不同的是旷工收入结构的改变,这是由 BTC 未来价格空间和比特币生态发展现状等因素共同造就的。

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用户正在选择使用外部软件,使他们能够以不同的角度看待比特币。其中一种就像戴上万花筒眼镜,让用户看到以独特的碎片形式分散的比特币供应,而不是它们实际上的同质化单位的流动海洋。另一个例子是读取可以附加到交易的数据文件,让用户声称拥有与他们收到的硬币所绑定的各种媒体的所有权(想想 NFT 就能明白这一点)。以及,一些人将许多交易中的某些标准化消息解释为外部资产的发行或支出,观察链上的任何此类交易,并为完全独立的记录系统创建所有权跟踪(想想侧链或者基于主链的 L2、L3…)。





Counterparty、Colored Coins 和 Mastercoin(后来更名为 Omni)等项目是更广泛的加密货币领域中的重大创新,并引领了首次代币发行(ICO)和去中心化交易所(DEX)以及其他几种先驱技术的诞生和流行。然而,它们未能在比特币社区中获得广泛的采用和接受。不受欢迎的文化、可扩展性和其他技术问题,加上这些用例在比特币之外的生态快速增长所带来的竞争环境,这些诸多因素遏制了他们的成功。这些项目的采用从未真正起飞,甚至逐渐淡出了人们的视线。

然而,对外部资产的需求再次上升。新的尝试并没有解决过去阻碍项目发展的挑战,但今天的市场时机使得情况有所不同。如今,人们对比特币的认识已经大大普及,风险投资也越来越多,而且,尽管听起来很愚蠢,但 meme 币投机热潮也无疑是这一趋势的重要贡献者。

无论出于何种原因,或者是否可持续,我们都看到一些新的比特币代币项目带来了显著的交易需求增长。例如 BRC-20 资产,自 2023 年 3 月推出以来,已花费超过 1.8 亿美元(4.8k btc)费用用于发行和转账。这些交易占所有比特币交易的近三分之一(30%),自发布以来所产生的费用占比特币网络总费用的 17%。

这与减半时的费用市场尤其相关,因为一种名为 Runes 的新标准正在推出,其具有明显的前期需求和日益增长的关注。

对未来 Runes 代币的需求市值超过 12 亿美元,已经是所有 BRC-20 资产的一半,而且市场自 11 月左右才开放。请注意,Runes 代币的发行必须使用比特币交易,并且当 BRC-20 资产首次发行时,费用水平飙升至每笔交易超过 16 美元,每天超过 300 BTC。

潜在的影响是,当 Runes 代币发布时,比特币上将有大量的交易需求用于发行外部资产,而它们恰好在减半的同一区块高度。与此同时,其他标准也不会随着 Runes 的推出而放弃,BRC-20、Taproot Assets 和 RGB 的更新仍在进行中。

如果这些交易需求与 BRC-20 首次发布时相似,那么费用很可能达到每天 150 比特币,这样一来就抵消了减半导致的挖矿收入缩减的整整三分之一。

然而,Runes 不会是唯一建立交易需求的催化剂。


Ordinals 协议公布了一种方法,让用户自愿同意一个追踪系统,用于追踪比特币的最小单位,称为聪(等于0.00000001 或 10^-8 btc)。根据 Ordinals 协议,每个单元都被赋予了一个有序编号。通过采用这样的标准,比特币的每一个细分都会沿着连续的数字线进行标记和识别,从第一个铸造的聪一直到最后一个被铸造的聪。换句话说,当以这种方式看待比特币单位时,每个聪都成为一个单独的不可替代单位。

通过选择加入,用户还可以选择通过将任意数据文件附加到任何单元来为其可识别的聪嵌入额外的唯一性。这些文件称为铭文。用户可以将铭文与他们拥有的任何聪混合在一起,同时保留在比特币网络上传输和存储此类修改后的聪的能力,类似于普通的 BTC。



据我们所知,迄今为止一个聪的拍卖最高价为 24 万美元,其铭文名为 “创世纪猫 (Genesis Cat)”,被誉为具有文化和政治意义的 1/1 艺术品,它是一系列类似铭文的一部分,旨在象征和支持恢复比特币协议中先前被移除的功能。另一个没有附加铭文的聪以 165,100 美元的价格售出,因其来源可以追溯到比特币的第一个难度期,因此被宣传为稀有供应单位。


鉴于减半在比特币历史上是一个完全可预测且稀缺的事件,因此在收集聪和铭刻第一个区块的铭文方面必然会出现竞争。预计减半后对第一批铸造的聪的需求将非常有价值,以至于 Foundry USA 矿池甚至计划如果他们足够幸运地赢得区块,则将与矿工分享其收益。它可能是短暂的,但这种激烈的竞争几乎肯定会导致费用飙升。


非典型需求的另一种可能性是交易加速器。Marathon 在 2 月下旬推出了一款名为 Slipstream 的产品,通过让用户选择直接与 MARA Pool 进行通信和支付交易,从而为避开比特币的内存池(原生交易等待室)开辟了一条途径。与其他矿池相比,该产品在赚取费用方面没有提供可持续的优势,但仍有几个成功的例子。

尽管 Slipstream 等加速器并未广泛流行,但只要有足够的需求,它们就有可能以间接的方式提高手续费。如果交易直接提交到矿池,则不会提前为任何其他比特币用户所知。因此,用户可能会发现他们的交易,下一个要处理的交易实际上必须继续等待,因为那些直接提交到池子里的交易被偷偷地包括在内。这可能会让消费者对应该附加多少精确的手续费来鼓励及时处理交易感到困惑。随着足够的交易流向这些加速器,出现了一个手续费的多边市场,一个是作为比特币协议的一部分公开的,另一个则是隐私的。



MEV 是比特币区块空间需求的另一个新兴维度。MEV 是指矿工有机会通过操纵区块内的交易顺序来赚取额外利润的情况。以前,MEV 主要是比特币的一个潜在特性,由于其更严格的特性和更简单的交易模型,这种特性通常受到限制。然而,由于比特币软件的变化,以及一些用户进行比特币交易的方式改变,MEV 的可能向量将变得更加明显,正如我们在这篇文章中提到的。以下是简要说明:

  1. 收藏品:某些铭文和聪的高价值标签,以及市场技术的低效率,导致通过购买或者 “狙击” 和转售定价错误的市场物品,以及为了追逐更高价值的聪而牺牲费用,从而获得额外的费用

  2. **代币化资产 (Runes、BRC-20、RBG、Taproot Assets,以及可能的其他资产)**:上述协议提供了同质化资产,从而为矿工开启了参与前置交易和套利交易以获得额外奖励的大门。

  3. 比特币插件:随着越来越多外部平台,或所谓的 “Layer2” 的兴起,并使用比特币来结算价值,矿工可能能够利用早期设计中的漏洞和额外的激励来获得更高的收入。

再次减半意味着区块奖励的再次减少,以及交易费用对矿工重要性的相对增加。这可能会为矿工提供额外的动力,从而推动与交易选择相关的利益,并寻求多样化的收入方式。作为高度竞争行业中的雇佣军,我们认为,MEV 战略至少会被尝试。





展望未来,目前的交易费用水平预计将占减半后挖矿收入的 14% 左右,这一数字已经是过去几年的数倍。但是,我预计这个百分比将会变得更高,在某些区块中将远远超过 50%。回顾 2023 年底的两个月期间,这主要是由于对铭文的高需求所推动的,平均费用水平占将减半后挖矿收入的 30%。如果只是重复这个平均值(每天 193 BTC),就将可以覆盖掉因减半影响的 43%。


Perhaps what is different from all previous halving cycles is the change of absenteeism income structure, which is created by factors such as future price space and the current situation of bitcoin ecological development. The key points of image source generation are that halving bitcoin will reduce miners' main income sources, which will lead miners to invest in more efficient machines and prepare for production losses. It is expected that transaction costs will also increase significantly due to the atypical use of bitcoin block space. These costs are becoming digging. The more important part of mine income may even offset the income reduction caused by halving the block reward. Due to the revival of non-monetary use cases, projects based on bitcoin network, such as online market collectibles and multi-layer platforms, the demand for transactions has surged recently. These projects have also paved the way for other new income strategies, such as miners' extractable value and transaction accelerator. These strategies have taken advantage of major changes in the bitcoin trading market, and transaction costs are likely to become the main source of miners' income in the next halving period. It is very possible and reasonable that the upcoming increase in transaction demand may make up for nearly half of the impact of halving the fee income. Everyone is waiting for the half of the bitcoin block reward. Although many people in the community are celebrating, the miners are more worried because they are facing a sharp decline in mining income, so as the story usually develops, the miners have been actively preparing for the decline in production, installing more efficient machines to reduce debt and optimistically hoping to beg for the bitcoin market. The market price has skyrocketed, but what if I told you that other factors of mining income this time may significantly or even completely offset the impact of halving? The insignificant transaction fee in history is likely to increase, and coincidentally, at the exact moment when halving takes effect, the exact block begins to increase. My prediction of the substantial increase in fees is based on the motivation behind many changes in bitcoin transactions. With the new way of using bitcoin block space, new fields of users, developers and enterprises are forming their non-goods. Currency use cases are bringing higher differences to the expense market. As we know, the simple peer-to-peer electronic cash system is taking more complicated settlement forms. This is not the first time, but it is happening at an unprecedented speed, so that these auxiliary use cases are becoming real players in the expense market. Users are choosing to use external software to enable them to look at Bitcoin from different angles, just like wearing kaleidoscope glasses to let users see the supply of Bitcoin dispersed in a unique fragmented form. Instead of their actual homogeneous units, another example is to read data files that can be attached to transactions, so that users can claim ownership of various media bound to coins they receive. This can be understood if you think about it, and some people interpret some standardized messages in many transactions as any such transactions in the observation chain of the issuance or expenditure of external assets and create ownership tracking for completely independent recording systems. Think about side chains or main chains. This is very important. This is also controversial, but this is not the content of this article. We will not discuss whether bitcoin is right or wrong, good or bad. This article will focus on the less transaction costs in mining income and how the unusual demand vector of bitcoin transaction may offset the income loss before and after halving. The unusual vector homogenization token standard of bitcoin transaction demand. The initial efforts to introduce new assets into bitcoin were creative but rough. The early experiments were actually popular ethereum applications. The program and Ethereum itself laid the foundation, and at the same time highlighted some challenges that eventually stifled the adoption of Bitcoin, and later renamed it. The project was a major innovation in the broader cryptocurrency field and led to the birth and popularity of the first token issuance and decentralized exchange and several other pioneering technologies. However, they failed to be widely adopted and accepted in the Bitcoin community, and the unpopular cultural scalability and other technical problems, coupled with the rapid ecological development of these use cases outside Bitcoin. The competitive environment brought about by growth has curbed their success. The adoption of these projects has never really taken off or even faded out of people's sight. However, the demand for external assets has risen again. The new attempt has not solved the challenges that hindered the development of projects in the past, but today's market opportunity has made the situation different. Nowadays, people's understanding of Bitcoin has been greatly popularized, and venture capital has become more and more. Although it sounds stupid, the upsurge of currency speculation is undoubtedly the focus of this trend. No matter for what reason or whether it is sustainable, we all see that some new bitcoin token projects have brought about significant growth in transaction demand. For example, assets have spent more than 100 million dollars on issuance and transfer since their launch in June. These transactions account for nearly one-third of all bitcoin transactions, and the expenses incurred since their release account for the total cost of bitcoin networks, which is particularly relevant to the cost market when it is halved, because a new standard called is being launched, which has obvious early-stage needs. Summing up the growing concern, the demand for future tokens has a market value of more than 100 million US dollars, which is already half of all assets, and the market has only been opened since June. Please note that the issuance of tokens must use bitcoin transactions, and when the assets are first issued, the cost level will soar to more than US dollars per transaction, which will exceed the potential impact every day. When contemporary coins are released, there will be a large amount of transaction demand for issuing external assets in Bitcoin, and they will just halve the height of the same block. At the same time, other standards will not follow. If these transaction requirements are similar to those when they were first released, the cost is likely to reach bitcoin every day, which will offset a full third of the reduction in mining income caused by halving. However, it will not be the only catalyst collection agreement to establish transaction requirements. A method is published to allow users to voluntarily agree to a tracking system. The smallest unit used to track bitcoin is called Congping or each unit is given an orderly number according to the agreement. By adopting such a standard, every subdivision of Bitcoin will be marked and identified along a continuous digital line, from the first casting Cong to the last casting Cong. In other words, when looking at bitcoin units in this way, each Cong becomes a separate and irreplaceable unit. By choosing to join, users can also choose to embed additional uniqueness for their recognizable Cong by attaching any data file to any unit. These files are called inscriptions. Users can mix inscriptions with any Cong they own while retaining the transmission and storage of such modified Cong on the Bitcoin network. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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