新闻周刊丨比特币市值占比达到2021年4月以来最高水平 符文狂热推高比特币交易费用

币圈资讯 阅读:30 2024-04-22 03:39:06 评论:0



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数据显示,RuneStone在Magic Eden市场的成交额目前为2249枚BTC,在OKX Web3钱包市场的成交额目前为2810枚BTC,两个市场的总成交额累计达5059枚BTC。截至发稿时地板价为0.075枚BTC。


比特币即将减半,但除了这一激动人心的事件外,一项名为符文的新协议也引发了市场关注。该协议由比特币开发者Casey Rodarmor推出,旨在通过UTXO模型实现更高效的令牌发行。预计符文将在推出后成为下一个热门话题,已有代币PUPS在BRC-20市场上交易额飙升。然而,符文狂热活动也导致比特币交易费用上涨,7天内的平均交易费用已从4.11美元上升至12.17美元,甚至超过了以太坊的费用水平。这一发展显示了市场对新技术和协议的追捧,以及对比特币网络拥堵的担忧。





灰度ETF全球主管David LaValle表示,他100%有信心基于除比特币和以太坊之外的其他加密货币的交易所交易基金(ETF)最终将可供投资者使用。

▌塞浦路斯监管机构将FTX EU牌照暂停期限延长至9月30日

塞浦路斯证券交易委员会 (CySEC) 再次延长了 FTX (EU) Ltd 牌照的暂停期限,FTX (EU) Ltd 是现已倒闭的加密货币交易所FTX在塞浦路斯当地子公司,最新一次牌照暂停将持续至2024年9月30日。据悉,塞浦路斯证券交易委员会最初于2022年11月暂停了FTX EU牌照,此后多次延长暂停期限。尽管FTX EU已经进入破产程序,但塞浦路斯监管机构强调,只要牌照被暂停,该交易所就不能“提供/开展投资服务/活动,与任何人进行任何商业交易并接受任何新的交易”。


在香港监管机构原则性批准现货比特币和以太坊 ETF 后,其他亚洲监管机构可能也将采取类似行动,韩国、日本和新加坡或将效仿香港批准虚拟资产 ETF。加密货币 ETP 发行方 21Shares 研究助理 Karim Saber 表示,支持比特币的韩国反对党在 4 月份选举中获胜,可能会导致监管机构最早在今年批准比特币 ETF;加密货币 ETP 发行方 ETC Group 首席执行官 Tim Bevan 预计日本和韩国可能会在未来 6 到 12 个月内批准此类产品。

▌塞浦路斯监管机构将FTX EU牌照暂停期限延长至9月30日

塞浦路斯证券交易委员会 (CySEC) 再次延长了 FTX (EU) Ltd 牌照的暂停期限,FTX (EU) Ltd 是现已倒闭的加密货币交易所FTX在塞浦路斯当地子公司,最新一次牌照暂停将持续至2024年9月30日。据悉,塞浦路斯证券交易委员会最初于2022年11月暂停了FTX EU牌照,此后多次延长暂停期限。尽管FTX EU已经进入破产程序,但塞浦路斯监管机构强调,只要牌照被暂停,该交易所就不能“提供/开展投资服务/活动,与任何人进行任何商业交易并接受任何新的交易”。


根据美国司法部的说法,45 岁的 Charles O. Parks III 涉嫌盗窃价值 350 万美元的云计算服务,通过所谓的“加密劫持”计划挖掘价值 100 万美元的加密货币。加密劫持涉及使用他人的计算力为自己挖掘加密货币。根据官方政府发布的信息,Parks 涉嫌诈骗两家“知名”云计算提供商,进行电信欺诈、洗钱和非法货币交易。Parks 将于 4 月 16 日首次出庭联邦法庭,他于 4 月 13 日在内布拉斯加州被初次逮捕。


美国参议员Elizabeth Warren和Chuck Grassley要求调查美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席Rostin Behnam多次会见前 FTX 首席执行官Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF)一事。Warren、Grassley 就 SBF 向 CFTC 施压,要求Behnam对其办公室与SBF之间的所有会议和通信进行盘点,Behna此前曾告诉国会,他多次会见SBF及其团队,以处理该公司向该机构提交的申请。据悉,CFTC确认已收到Warren、Grassley的信函,但拒绝进一步置评。




▌Trust Wallet:iOS的iMessage存在高风险漏洞,建议禁用直到漏洞被修补

Trust Wallet在X平台发文表示,发现针对iOS用户的iMessage高风险漏洞,可以不点击任何链接就侵入用户的iPhone,建议尽快禁用iMessages,直到Apple修补此漏洞。


由加密货币做市商B2C2创始人领导的代币化公司PV01已根据英国法律完成了首次代币化债券销售,标志着朝着在区块链轨道上创建债券市场(包括企业债务)的目标迈出了关键一步。该资产是4月8日发行的单张价值500万美元美国国库券的以太坊区块链代币化版本,一周后赎回,做市商B2C2、BlockTower Capital和Keyrock投资了PV01的“概念验证”发行。该公司“希望”在“未来几个月”促进一家加密货币公司的代币化公司债券销售。


据 SolanaFloor 在 X 平台发文表示,目前 87.4%的 Solana 网络验证者已更新至 V1.17.31。这一更新的完成将有助于解决 Solana 网络上持续的拥塞问题。此前消息,负责处理 Solana 拥堵问题的 Anza 在 X 平台发文建议 MainnetBeta 验证者一般使用 V1.17.31 版本。此版本包含改进的功能,将有助于缓解 Solana 网络上持续存在的拥堵问题;并将在 V1.18 版本中继续进行改进。


Tether宣布新的公司框架:Tether Data – 对技术部门的战略投资;Tether 的技术部门专注于人工智能和点对点平台等新兴技术的开发和战略投资。 Tether Finance – 数字资产服务部;Tether Finance 准备率先利用区块链技术构建不可阻挡的金融基础设施,包括即将推出的数字资产代币化平台,从而促进数字资产的主流采用。 Tether Power – 可持续比特币挖矿和能源部门;Tether 的采矿和能源部门正在涉足可持续的比特币采矿业务,采取负责任的做法,以确保世界上最强大的货币网络的完整性。



尼日利亚阿布贾联邦高等法院再次推迟了币安高管Tigran Gambaryan的保释申请听证会,他目前仍被关押在 Kuje 惩教中心。法院原定于 4 月 18 日举行听证会,现已将听证会日期改至 4 月 22 日。 在法庭开庭期间,经济和金融犯罪委员会 (EFCC) 告诉法庭,Gambaryan的律师于 4 月 16 日提交了一份针对其保释申请的额外宣誓书。高级律师E. Iheanacho强调了辩方提出的新观点,在追求正义的过程中需要时间做出适当的回应。


币安首席执行官Richard Teng表示,今年的比特币减半是独一无二的,因为它发生在比特币和更广泛的加密生态系统中发生的一系列其他重大事件之中。除了激发了机构兴趣和参与的 ETF 突破之外,当今加密领域的另一个主要趋势是比特币网络上的 Layer 2 和 DeFi 活动的繁荣,这得益于 Ordinals 协议和比特币铭文的流行。 Teng指出,从历史上看,比特币的价格在每次减半事件后的六个月内都会上涨。 每四年减半一次,并将给予矿工的比特币奖励数量减少一半。 他表示,新币供应量的减少可能是市场对每次事件做出反应的原因。不过,他指出,进一步增长的空间取决于一系列因素,包括整体市场情绪和采用率。 他补充说,比特币 ETF 的批准已经推动了比特币的需求并扩大了其影响范围。


德意志银行 (DB) 在周四的一份研究报告中表示,预计未来几天内比特币奖励减半已经被市场部分消化,这种加密货币在减半后不太可能出现大幅反弹。报告指出,预计比特币价格将继续保持高位,原因是市场对未来现货以太坊ETF获批、未来央行降息以及监管变化的预期,此外,随着Layer2解决方案和DeFi活动的激增,增强了网络的实用性,整个比特币生态系统和更广泛的加密货币领域的前景开始变得异常有利。


彭博ETF分析师Eric Balchunas在X平台称,美国现货比特币ETF市场规模高于整个香港ETF市场,根据Dune数据显示,当前美国现货比特币ETF市场规模约为543亿美元,而据彭博ETF分析师James Seyffart披露数据称,中国香港整个ETF市场规模约为500亿美元,中国大陆ETF市场规模约为3250亿美元,而美国ETF市场规模约为9万亿美元。


据 Bitcoin Magazine 披露,Coinbase 已发布比特币减半商业广告,其中称:比特币推动货币前进(Bitcoin moves money forward)。




以太坊再质押协议 EigenLayer 在 X 平台宣布,所有 Liquid Staking Token (LST)上限均已取消,LST 再质押现已开放,可通过 EigenLayer 应用上的 EigenPod 重新质押 ETH。

▌Pyth Network推出PRCL/USD喂价服务

去中心化预言机服务 Pyth Network 在 X 平台宣布推出 PRCL/USD 喂价服务,并将在超过 55 个区块链上提供。


据 DefiLlama 数据显示,以太坊于 2831 美元附近存在约 5067 万美元链上借贷清算额度。







贝莱德全球基本面固定收益策略主管Marilyn Watson表示,该公司预计美联储今年将降息两次左右,因为经济数据富有韧性且劳动力市场“出人意料强劲”使得美联储无法更快地放松政策。“我们在今年年初确实预计利率会更高更持久,” Watson说。“我们确实仍然认为今年很可能会有一些降息,但我认为目前来看降息两次左右可能是相当合理的。他们有可能在6月降息。”




Golden Weekly is a weekly summary column of blockchain industry launched by Bitcoin Trading Network, which covers a week's key news, mining information projects, dynamic technology progress and other industry trends. This article is one of the news weekly, which takes you through the headlines of blockchain industry events this week. The market value of Bitcoin has reached the highest level since June. According to the data, the long position of centralized exchange on Saturday exceeded US$ 100 million, but the position of Bitcoin was only US$ 100 million, although most encrypted assets did belong to traders. Risk category, but Bitcoin can be said to be the cryptocurrency with the least risk, with the largest market value and a good record adopted by institutions. On the other hand, things like dogecoin are more speculative. dogecoin has dropped from a high point on Friday to a low point on Saturday. In recent days, the dominant position of Bitcoin, that is, the share of the market value of Bitcoin relative to the total market value of all cryptocurrencies, has jumped to the highest level since June. The total turnover shows that the turnover in the market is currently the turnover in the wallet market. The total turnover of the first two markets has reached RMB. As of press time, the floor price is RMB. Rune fever has pushed up the transaction cost of Bitcoin. Bitcoin will be halved. But in addition to this exciting event, a new agreement called Rune has also attracted market attention. The agreement was launched by Bitcoin developers to achieve more efficient token issuance through models. It is expected that rune will become the next hot topic after its launch. The transaction volume of existing tokens has soared in the market, but the rune fever has also led to bitcoin transactions. The average transaction cost has risen from USD to USD, even exceeding the cost level of Ethereum. This development shows the market's pursuit of new technologies and protocols and concerns about bitcoin network congestion. Fiji's central bank prohibits cryptocurrency from being used for payment or investment. Fiji's central bank has issued a warning to the public to prohibit cryptocurrency from being used for payment or investment. Fiji's central bank said that it has not issued a permit to provide cryptocurrency investment or virtual asset transactions to any individual or entity. The global director of certifiable gray scale will be approved for cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin and Ethereum. The global director of gray scale expressed his confidence that exchange-traded funds based on cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin and Ethereum will eventually be available for investors to use. The Cyprus regulator extended the suspension period of the license to March, and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission extended the suspension period of the license again, which was the latest suspension of the license of the local subsidiary of the now closed cryptocurrency exchange in Cyprus. It is reported that the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission initially suspended its license in January and extended the suspension period several times since then. Although it has entered bankruptcy proceedings, the Cyprus regulator stressed that as long as the license is suspended, the exchange cannot provide investment services, conduct any commercial transactions with anyone and accept any new transactions. The regulators in South Korea, Japan and Singapore will follow Hong Kong's example in approving spot bitcoin, and the regulators in Hong Kong will approve spot bitcoin and ether in principle. Other Asian regulators may also take similar actions, and South Korea, Japan and Singapore may follow Hong Kong's example in approving the issuer of virtual assets cryptocurrency. The victory of the Korean opposition party, which the research assistant expressed support for Bitcoin, may lead to the regulator's approval of the issuer of bitcoin cryptocurrency as early as this year. It is expected that Japan and South Korea may approve such products in the next to next month, and the Cyprus regulator will extend the suspension period of the license to the Cyprus Certificate on May. The Securities and Exchange Commission has once again extended the suspension period of the license, which is the latest suspension of the license of the local subsidiary of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange in Cyprus. It is reported that the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission initially suspended the license in January and has extended the suspension period several times since then. Although it has entered bankruptcy proceedings, the Cyprus regulatory authorities stressed that as long as the license is suspended, the exchange cannot provide investment services, conduct any commercial transactions with anyone and accept any. According to the US Department of Justice, a man in Nebraska, USA, was arrested for stealing $10,000 worth of cryptocurrency. According to the so-called cryptohijacking plan, he was suspected of stealing $10,000 worth of cryptocurrency. Cryptographic hijacking involves using other people's computing power to mine cryptocurrency for himself. According to the information released by the official government, he is suspected of defrauding two well-known cloud computing providers for telecom fraud, money laundering and illegal currency transactions. He was arrested for the first time in Nebraska on April, and the US senator asked to investigate the meeting of the chairman. The US senator and the chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission asked to make an inventory of all meetings and correspondence between his office and the former CEO. He had previously told Congress that he had met with his team many times to handle the application submitted by the company to the agency. It is known that the letter has been confirmed, but he refused to comment further. The US Internal Revenue Service has released an important news that may affect cryptocurrency investors. The agency previewed the draft tax table in the future, which aims to stipulate how to report the brokerage sales of digital assets. It is said that the new table will help calculate the taxable gains or losses when brokerage digital assets transactions, and may include filling in personal token codes and providing wallet addresses, although the preview is still in the initial stage and may be based on the final tax regulations. However, this move is regarded as a step towards solving the uncertainty and confusion of cryptocurrency investors. It is expected that this new regulation will play a key role in promoting the standardization of cryptocurrency tax practice. Now, the public has been invited to express their opinions on the draft form. It is not clear when the final version will be released. There are high-risk vulnerabilities in blockchain applications. It is recommended to disable them until the vulnerabilities are fixed. It is posted on the platform that high-risk vulnerabilities against users can be invaded without clicking any links. Users' suggestions should be disabled as soon as possible until this loophole is fixed. Tokenization company tokenizes US$ 10,000 Treasury bonds and plans to consider corporate bond tokenization. Tokenization company led by the founder of cryptocurrency market maker has completed the first sale of tokenized bonds in accordance with British law, which marks a key step towards the goal of creating a bond market including corporate debt on the blockchain track. The asset is the Ethereum blockchain tokenized version of a single US Treasury bill worth US$ 10,000, which was issued on January, and redeemed the market maker and invested in the proof-of-concept issue one week later. The company hopes to promote a cryptocurrency company in the next few months 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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