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质押平台(Staking Platform)是为用户提供参与数字资产质押的入口和渠道。自以太坊从 PoW 共识机制升级为 PoS 共识机制后,质押平台也收获了一波新的关注度,并吸引了大量新用户的参与。

从质押的目的看,目前常见的质押平台分为两种:一种是帮助用户参与 PoS 机制区块链网络的流动性质押平台;一种是提供常规数字资产质押服务的 DeFi 协议项目平台。两类平台在服务模式、使用方法上或许非常相似,且都能帮助用户增强资产的流动性,但在协议架构的设计和质押服务的最终目的上是不一样的。

对于前者所提及的「质押」,这是 PoS 机制区块链网络上维护网络安全的一种机制——用户通过参与 Pos 机制区块链网络的质押,可以获得资产奖励,而这份奖励,旨在鼓励用户通过参与质押,维护区块链网络完整性和安全性的行为。

对于后者所提及的「质押」,这是 DeFi 协议项目平台提供的一种资产服务——用户将持有的数字资产锁定在 DeFi 项目的智能合约中,旨在为持有的数字资产获得进一步收益,即获取孳息。

值得注意的是,常规的数字资产质押服务,不同的 DeFi 协议项目可以支持不同类型的资产参与质押,甚至还可以质押 NFT。但是旨在帮助用户参与 PoS 机制区块链网络验证的质押平台,通常接受的是既定的、单一资产类型参与质押。

近日,不少资讯平台根据交易功能、用户参与度、资产集聚度、平台可用性、安全性、奖励情况等指标评选出了 2024 年值得期待的质押平台榜单,在不同榜单中上榜频率较高的质押平台有:


Lido 是如今资产规模最大的流动性质押平台,锁定资产市值总量(TVL)已超过 140 亿美元,支持参与以太坊、Polygon 和 Solana 等 PoS 共识机制区块链网络的质押。

Rocket Pool

Rocket Pool  是去中心化的流动性质押平台,支持且专注于参与以太坊质押。它开发有智能节点软件,提供无需许可的协议,支持用户自由选择成为节点运营者(即验证者)。

Coinbase Prime

Coinbase Prime 的锁定资产市值总量(TVL)现已超过 20 亿美元,支持参与以太坊质押。


EigenLayer 是知名的再质押平台,支持且专注于参与以太坊质押。从质押目的上看,也是属于流动性质押,目前有超过 60 万个质押 ETH 被托管在 Eigenlayer 上。


Stader 是一个支持多条区块链的综合性质押平台,支持参与以太坊、Polygon 等 PoS 共识机制区块链网络的质押活动,同时还链接了 40 多个常规数字资产质押服务的 DeFi 项目,如今锁定的资产市值总量(TVL)超过 1.24 亿美元。


Tenderize 是一个提供常规数字资产质押服务的 DeFi 协议项目平台,支持多种数字资产参与质押服务,用户可以获取孳息,并使用通过质押获得的替代资产参与其他自由交易。

上述上榜的质押平台覆盖了多种质押服务模式,包括流动性质押(含再质押)、中心化交易所质押、DeFi 协议项目的质押池形式质押等,但依旧以流动性质押锁定的资产规模最大。自 2022 年 9 月 15 日以太坊完成合并更改共识机制之后,数字资产 ETH 的质押迄今也大多数是通过第三方流动性质押平台完成。


以太坊质押正面临着严重的中心化问题,锁定资产规模排名前列的 Lido、Coinbase 等质押平台几乎已占据了近一半以上的以太坊质押资产。

2024 年 3 月 21 日,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在 ETHTaipei 的活动上再次重申了以太坊质押面临的中心化风险,并在活动演讲中阐释了由以太坊基金会的 Barnabe Monneau 于 2024 年 2 月提出新概念:彩虹质押(Rainbow Staking),以期能够应对以太坊质押日益增长的中心化问题。

彩虹质押(Rainbow Staking)技术框架的核心理念是:将允许各类技术协议服务提供商(Protocol Service Providers)尽可能更多地参与到差异化的协议服务中来,从而提高独立参与质押的验证者数量。

而通过各类协议的整合,彩虹质押(Rainbow Staking)希望能够解决想要参与质押的用户面临的两大挑战:「需要 32 个 ETH 参与质押」的资产门槛和「独立运营节点」的技术挑战。这或许也同时意味着新技术框架的目标旨在降低现有流动性质押物资产(LSD 类资产)的经济价值,让以太坊质押回归质押的初衷。


当下,想要更方便地参与以太坊质押或 DeFi 项目,还可以借助数字资产管理工具(比如区块链钱包)直接参与。

作为最早一批开发上线的以太坊钱包,imToken 始终积极参与以太坊的生态建设。用户可以通过 imToken 以「托管质押」与「非托管质押」两种质押方案参与以太坊质押,同时支持用户随时查看质押详情,并可根据自身意愿和需求随时退出质押。

Pledge platform is the entrance and channel for users to participate in digital asset pledge. Since Ethereum upgraded from consensus mechanism to consensus mechanism, pledge platform has also gained a new wave of attention and attracted a large number of new users to participate. From the purpose of pledge, there are two kinds of common pledge platforms at present: one is the liquid pledge platform to help users participate in the mechanism blockchain network, and the other is the agreement project platform to provide conventional digital asset pledge services. The two types of platforms may or may not be used in the service mode. They are often similar and can help users to enhance the liquidity of assets, but they are different in the design of protocol architecture and the ultimate goal of pledge service. For the pledge mentioned by the former, it is a mechanism to maintain network security on the mechanism blockchain network. Users can get asset rewards by participating in the pledge of the mechanism blockchain network, and this reward aims to encourage users to maintain the integrity and security of the blockchain network by participating in the pledge. For the pledge mentioned by the latter, it is proposed by the protocol project platform. An asset service for users to lock their digital assets in the smart contract of the project, aiming at obtaining further benefits for their digital assets, that is, fruits. It is worth noting that the conventional digital asset pledge service can support different types of assets to participate in the pledge and even pledge, but the pledge platform aimed at helping users participate in the blockchain network verification of the mechanism usually accepts the established single asset type to participate in the pledge. Easy-to-function users' participation, asset concentration, platform availability, security rewards and other indicators have selected the list of pledge platforms worth looking forward to in. The pledge platforms with high frequency in different lists are the liquid pledge platforms with the largest assets at present, and the total market value of locked assets has exceeded 100 million US dollars. The pledge of blockchain network supported by Ethereum and other consensus mechanisms is supported by decentralized liquid pledge platforms and focused on participating in Ethereum pledge. It has developed intelligent node software. The total market value of the locked assets, which allows users to freely choose to be node operators or verifiers, has now exceeded 100 million US dollars. It is supported by a well-known re-pledge platform and focused on participating in the pledge of Ethereum. From the pledge purpose, it is also a liquid pledge. At present, more than 10,000 pledges are hosted on the Internet. It is a comprehensive pledge platform supporting multiple blockchains, supporting the pledge activities of the blockchain network with consensus mechanisms such as Ethereum, and also linking many links. The total market value of a conventional digital asset pledge service project now exceeds 100 million US dollars. It is an agreement to provide conventional digital asset pledge service. The project platform supports a variety of digital assets to participate in the pledge service. Users can obtain fruits and use alternative assets obtained through pledge to participate in other free transactions. The above-mentioned pledge platform covers a variety of pledge service modes, including liquid pledge, pledge in the form of pledge pool for pledge agreement projects of re-pledge centralized exchanges, but it remains the same. The scale of assets locked by liquid pledge is the largest. Since the merger of Ethereum was completed and the consensus mechanism was changed, the pledge of digital assets has been mostly done through the third-party liquid pledge platform. The next step of thinking about the pledge platform is that Ethereum pledge is facing a serious centralization problem, and the top-ranking pledge platform for locking assets has almost occupied more than half of the pledged assets of Ethereum. The founder of Ethereum reiterated the pledge side of Ethereum at the event on January. In the activity speech, it was explained that the new concept Rainbow Pledge was put forward by Ethereum Foundation in January in order to cope with the increasing centralization of Ethereum Pledge. The core idea of Rainbow Pledge technical framework is to allow all kinds of technical agreement service providers to participate in differentiated agreement services as much as possible, so as to increase the number of verifiers who independently participate in pledge, and through the integration of various agreements, Rainbow Pledge hopes to solve the users who want to participate in pledge. The two major challenges need an asset threshold to participate in the pledge and the technical challenges of independent operation nodes, which may also mean that the goal of the new technical framework is to reduce the economic value of the existing liquid pledge assets, so that the pledge of Ethereum can return to the original intention of pledge. If you want to participate in the pledge with digital asset management tools, you can also directly participate in the pledge of Ethereum or projects with the help of digital asset management tools such as blockchain wallets as the first batch of ethereum developed online. Fang Wallet has always actively participated in the ecological construction of Ethereum. Users can participate in the pledge of Ethereum through two pledge schemes: managed pledge and unmanaged pledge, and at the same time support users to check the pledge details at any time and withdraw from the pledge at any time according to their own wishes and needs. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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