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作者:Konrad Kopp 来源:medium

模块化智能账户引入了智能账户的新范例,可实现可扩展性和面向未来的需求。然而,模块化帐户比整体或集成帐户更复杂,并且其安全性需要更多的关注,特别是在安装第三方模块时。去年,有关模块化帐户安全性的讨论一直在进行,例如围绕删除delegatecall 的辩论。这场争论是围绕ERC-2535 钻石代理与智能账户的使用以及相关的安全问题而产生的。除此之外,围绕安全的公开辩论相对较少。




模块化账户已经存在了一段时间,2023 年之前的主要例子是Safe。随着时间的推移,不同的模块被构建和使用,例如Gnosis Guild 构建的Zodiac 模块集。这些模块大部分是由 DAO 和机构构建的,例如Yearn。因此,主要方法是单个实体为其自己的用例构建和使用模块。

这样做的好处是,除了由模块构建者选择和签约的模块审计员之外,不存在对外部各方的信任依赖。然而,在 ETHDenver 2023 上,我们提出了可定制钱包的想法,该钱包允许用户在智能账户模块的支持下轻松添加和删除其账户中的功能。虽然这一产品愿景已经发展到包括嵌入式钱包的兴起以及使用模块构建更强大、更无缝产品的潜力,但仍然存在一个核心问题:为了加速模块化智能账户创新,我们需要一种更具可扩展性和可组合性的构建和组合方式。使用模块。

一种想法是将模块构建者的角色与模块使用者的角色分开。这可能会将我们引向“模块商店”,类似于 iOS、Android、Vscode 或 Raycast 上的现有应用程序或扩展商店。这意味着开发人员或团队可以构建一个或一组模块,其他开发人员可以使用这些模块来为其产品提供支持,或者用户直接安装在他们的帐户上以启用新颖的钱包功能。然而,这在模块的使用者和构建者之间引入了信任依赖。


到目前为止,有两种新兴的模块化帐户安全方法:证明注册表和模块许可系统。尚待进一步深入探索的替代方法包括基于链下监控的断路器或交易共同签名。后者的一个例子是Argent Shield,它提供了一种向您的帐户添加可信共同签名者的方法。




  • 允许代表账户执行的模块可以执行任意执行,例如将所有资金转出账户

  • 执行验证的模块可以允许帐户执行任何执行

  • 使用 delegatecall 调用的模块可能会自毁帐户

  • 对帐户具有存储访问权限的模块(当使用 delegatecall 调用时)可以接管帐户或将其砖化

  • 执行验证的模块可以对帐户发起拒绝服务攻击

  • 挂钩其他进程的模块可以对帐户发起拒绝服务攻击

  • 卸载期间,模块可能会恢复或导致 OOG 恢复,从而可能导致模块“无法安装”

  • 卸载期间,模块无法充分清理其配置,从而导致意外行为,甚至可能在重新安装时失去对帐户的访问权限

以上是模块可能出现的一些漏洞示例,但也可能出现许多其他漏洞。此类漏洞的一个例子发生在 Yearn Treasury Safe 上。总而言之,Yearn 构建了一个自定义 Hook(称为 Guard),但忘记正确初始化它。由于不幸的事件组合,攻击者能够从 Hook 中删除交易白名单,从而有效地拒绝对保险箱提供服务。幸运的是,Yearn 找到了一个聪明的方法来移除 Hook,但这一事件却险些导致金库永久堵塞。






在 Rhinestone,我们一直在开发模块注册表,这是一个无需许可的注册表,我们获得了以太坊基金会的资助,并且 Biconomy 等模块化帐户构建器正在集成该注册表。Safe {Protocol}还包括在使用第三方模块时为用户提供安全性的注册表,并且 Safe 团队还一直在与不同的审计公司(例如OpenZeppelin、 OpenZeppelin、 Acee 区块链安全和 Hats 金融。




模块权限系统最初由ERC-4337 的合著者Yoav 提出,并从操作系统权限中获得了一些灵感。总的来说,这个想法是模块被授予在运行时强制执行的权限。例如,对帐户具有执行权的模块可能只能在一段时间内从帐户中转出一定数量的价值。



总体而言,权限系统是增强帐户安全性的一种有用方法,但它的目的只是解决一组非常具体的漏洞,即模块可以在帐户上触发的执行。扩展这个想法以验证更多种类的权限的问题在于,其中许多权限在链上运行时验证是不可行的。例如,如果挂钩执行恢复的模块,帐户无法在运行时确定它是否因有效原因而恢复(不应执行执行),或者是否恢复以拒绝向帐户提供服务(在这种情况下,应忽略该情况) )。这只能在离线审计代码时进行验证。




目前,模块化账户有两个标准:ERC-7579和ERC-6900。ERC-7579 采用最小的方法来标准化模块化帐户,允许帐户具有互操作性,而不会抑制帐户构建者的创新,包括引入新的安全方法。ERC-6900 对账户架构更具规范性和固执己见,特别规定了账户的大部分工作。



这两个标准经常在安全方面进行讨论和比较。然而,这是一个有缺陷的比较点。安全性对于这两个标准的实施至关重要,而不仅仅是标准本身。然而,ERC-7579 不会代表帐户构建者做出固执己见的安全选择,因为上述安全系统尚未在生产中使用。因此,在致力于建立一个特定的安全系统之前,我们认为我们应该首先促进创新和实验,以便我们以后可以在需要时标准化具体的实施。在 ERC-7579 的背景下,这将通过扩展来完成。ERC-7484就是一个例子,这是 ERC-7579 的注册表扩展,帐户可以选择遵守该扩展以利用证明注册表。此外,目前正在开发许多许可挂钩,可以将其安装在任何 ERC-7579 帐户上以获得额外的安全性。考虑到安全方面的创新和未来标准化,ERC-7579 可以只专注于一件事:解决供应商锁定和生态系统碎片化问题的基本互操作性,而不会扼杀模块化帐户创新。

由于这种可选性,ERC-7579 帐户可以轻松实现权限系统,无论是直接在帐户中还是作为挂钩模块。ZeroDev Kernel v3 是一个(至少部分)追求前者的帐户示例。后者通常更适合未来,因为它允许对权限系统进行更改和添加(例如新的权限类型),而不需要更改帐户(并且可能需要更改标准)。在这方面,Safe v1.5引入了模块回调挂钩,使权限系统能够监管哪些执行模块可以在帐户上触发。最后,将安全解决方案构建为模块还允许外部开发人员(而不仅仅是帐户构建者)贡献和构建安全解决方案,从而带来更多的选择。

值得注意的一点是,ERC-7579 引入了模块类型:验证器、执行器、钩子、回退处理程序,未来的扩展可能会引入新类型。这本身就是一个非常原始的许可系统。其原因是不同的模块类型被授予不同的访问权限,这些权限由帐户强制执行。例如,只有执行者可以调用帐户来触发执行。这意味着在 ERC-7579 的上下文中,验证器声明其执行权限是毫无意义的,因为它无法创建执行。因此,在 ERC-7579 上,仅在钩子中构建复杂的模块安全系统也变得更加可行,因为这些系统总是在执行器调用帐户时被调用。虽然这有额外执行成本的缺点,



The author's source is modular smart account, which introduces a new paradigm of smart account, which can achieve scalability and future-oriented needs. However, modular account is more complicated than whole or integrated account, and its security needs more attention, especially when installing third-party modules. Last year, the discussion on the security of modular account has been going on, for example, the debate about deletion. This debate is about the use of diamond agents and smart accounts and related security issues, and in addition, it is about security. There are relatively few debates. The purpose of this blog post is to outline the different methods to protect modular accounts and the potential advantages and disadvantages of each method. Setting the scene Modular accounts have existed for some time. The main example years ago was that different modules were built and used over time, such as the set of modules built. Most of these modules were built by institutions, for example, so the main method is that a single entity builds and uses modules for its own use case. The advantage of this is that besides modules. There is no trust and dependence on external parties except the module auditor selected and signed by the builder. However, in the world, we put forward the idea of customizable wallet, which allows users to easily add and delete functions in their accounts with the support of smart account module. Although this product vision has developed to include the rise of embedded wallet and the potential of using modules to build more powerful and seamless products, there is still a core problem. In order to accelerate the innovation of modular smart accounts, we need a more. An idea of using modules is to separate the role of module builder from that of module user, which may lead us to an existing application or expansion store similar to or on the module store, which means that developers or teams can build one or a group of modules that other developers can use to support their products or users can install directly on their accounts to enable novel wallet functions. Trust dependence is introduced between users and builders of modules, so solving module security is one of the main unlocking points to accelerate the innovation of smart accounts. The key problem is how to reduce trust dependence and allow users or developers to obtain the guarantee of module security before installing or using modules. So far, there are two emerging modular account security methods to prove that the registry and module licensing system need to be further explored, including circuit breakers based on offline monitoring or transaction sharing. An example of the latter is that it provides a way to add a trusted co-signer to your account. Before studying these methods in depth, we will first check what known security problems exist in order to evaluate the advantages of each method. The discussion of security issues around modular account security focuses on ensuring the integrity and allowed operations of the module. Although this may happen before installation and during use, it should be noted that this blog is not built in the way of the account itself. Some potential security problems that may arise are that modules that are allowed to be executed on behalf of the account can be executed arbitrarily in roughly the order of severity. For example, modules that transfer all funds out of the account to perform verification can allow the account to perform any module that performs use calls, which may self-destruct the account. Modules that have storage access rights to the account can take over the account or brick it when using calls. Modules that perform verification can perform verification on the account. A module that launches a denial-of-service attack and hooks other processes can launch a denial-of-service attack on an account. During the uninstallation, the module may recover or cause recovery, which may cause the module to fail to install. During the uninstallation, the module cannot fully clean up its configuration, which may even lead to unexpected behavior and may even lose access to the account when reinstalling. The above are some examples of possible vulnerabilities of the module, but many other vulnerabilities may also occur. An example of such vulnerabilities occurred in the last chapter. Custom called but forgot to initialize it correctly, because of the unfortunate combination of events, attackers can delete the white list of transactions from it, thus effectively refusing to provide services to the safe. Fortunately, we found a clever way to remove it, but this incident almost caused the permanent blockage of the safe. An overview of the two main methods that have been explored so far is to prove the registration center and the module licensing system. Next, we will expand these contents further and weigh their relative advantages, especially with different classes. Advantages related to other vulnerabilities One of the main ways to verify the security of modular accounts in the registry is to use the certificate registry on the chain to allow accounts to obtain security guarantees about the modules to be installed or used. This allows users or application developers to determine their trusted certifiers, such as some auditors, and verify this trust on the chain. Conceptually, this is somewhat similar to verifying the audit reports of the contracts you will interact with and use, but there are two key differences. Non-technical users can use this. Solution verification runs on the chain, which makes it much more difficult to fool people. For example, impersonating an auditor actually proves that the registry is a trusted entity, such as the chain storage of assertions made by the auditor. In order to make such proof, the auditor will compile some data, such as an audit report, and post it on the chain to link it to the proved module. Then when the user or developer wants to install or use the module, the account will query the chain registry and determine whether the trusted entity has been certified. It is clear that the module is safe. In practice, we can customize the data according to our use case smart account module and include more relevant data, such as standardized module list and risk score. Now we have been developing the module registry, which is a license-free registry. We have obtained funding from the Ethereum Foundation and the modular account builder is integrating the registry, including the registry that provides users with security when using third-party modules, and the team has been reviewing with different companies. Generally speaking, the module registry has two functions: firstly, the module will not intentionally use the account, and secondly, it will ensure that the module runs in its proper way and cannot be used to use the account even if it is used in a non-compliant way. Therefore, the module registry can solve all the potential vulnerabilities discussed. Nevertheless, this solution also faces some challenges, including building and maintaining the registry that can be used safely by any account to adjust incentives to fully motivate the prover to ensure that the module can safely choose the appropriate default certificate trusted by the account. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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