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作者:Bing Ventures 来源:X,@BingVentures



在2024年,我们将见证一个加密货币“超级周期的到来,不仅仅是因为经济因素的循环效应,更是基于传统金融世界与去中心化金融的融合将推动加密市场进入一个前所未有的增长阶段,其中“价值网络效应”(Value NetworkEffect,VNE)将成为衡量加密资产影响力的新标准。



  • 安全性与去中心化的平衡: 在乐观Rollup与零知识Rollup之间,我们见证了一个核心矛盾——如何在保障数据完整性与安全性的同时,维持网络的去中心化本质。这不仅是技术挑战,更是哲学思考,也引发了对于“安全去中心化平衡定理”(Security-Decentralization Equilibrium Theorem)的深入探讨。

  • 用户体验与成本效益的优化:乐观Rollup牺牲交易速度以换取成本效益,而零知识Rollup则在解决高成本难题上努力挣扎。这促使我们思考如何通过“动态优化算法”(Dynamic Optimization Algorithm) 来衡两者,以期达到用户体验和成本效益的最优状态。

  • 混合Rollup的探索:将乐观Rollup和零知识Rollup的优点结合的混合Rollup,标志着对完美去中心化网络架构的不懈追求。这一尝试不仅为实现更高安全性和用户体验开辟了新径,也推动了“混合去中心化框架”(Hybrid Decentralization Framework)的实践发展。


  • MEV生态的膨胀与网络审查: 随着MEV生态的快速发展,网络审查问题日益凸显,尤其是在大型质押服务提供商和MEV参与者之间。这一现象引发了对于“MEV治理机制”(MEV Governance Mechanism) 的探索,旨在寻找平衡生态健康与经济激励的策略。

  • 去中心化与MEV的较量: MEV的兴起对去中心化原则构成了挑战,促使我们重新思考“去中心化价值最大化”(DecentralizationValue Maximization,DVM) 的概念,以及如何在保持网络去中心化的同时有效利用MEV。


  • ZK-EVM的先进实现: ZK-EVM通过实现与以太坊EVM的兼容,同时提升验证效率,为“零知识计算优化”(Zero-KnowledgeComputation Optimization) 开辟了新天地,预示着在保障隐私的同时提升网络效率的可能性。

  • ePBS协议的创新:作为PBS的延伸,ePBS通过引入更加灵活的市场结构,为以太坊网终的去中心化提供了新的强化路径。这一创新不仅是技术上的突破,也是对“协议层面去中心化策略”(Protocol-LevelDecentralization Strategy) 的实践验证。

二、DeFi生态的深度成熟: 资本效率与创新共舞





2024年的LSDFi市场,预计将成为一个竞争与仓新并存的炼金炉,各方参与者通过提供超越常规的收益机制来争夺用户的目光和资本的青睐,从而催生了一个充满活力而又竞争激烈的生态系统。巨头们,如Lido、Coinbase、与Rocket Poo1,将利用其市场优势为自身筑墙,而诸如Puffer Finance这样的新兴力量则在寻找创新的突破口,点燃市场的多样性。





在2024年,DeFi生态的演变正显现出其深度与成熟度,预示着资本效率革命和创新的同步舞蹈,这不仅塑造了财富增长的新方式,更重塑了我们与财富互动的根本。在这一演变中,DeSvn Protocol的出现与发展成为了一种领先的创新示范,它通过将DeFi的核心价值——开放性、透明度和去中心化——与高效的资本利用结合,为DeFi生态注入了新的活力。

首先,“质押衍生品创新模型”(StakingDerivatives Innovation Model,SDIM) 标志着DeFi生态成熟的开始。通过SDIM,资本效率得到显著提升,促进了新兴DeFi应用的发展,为用户带来了前所未有的财务自由度和灵活性。这不仅是流动性与收益的平衡艺术,而是一个全面提升DeFi参与者体验的新范式。在此模型下,通过DeSvn等协议,用户能够享受到高收益率、本金安全以及投资的便捷性,同时享受到来自多个项目方的独有收益加成。

进一步,“跨链流动性解决方案”及“实物与数字资产融合模型”(Physical-DigitalAsset FusionModel,PDAFM)将重新定义DeFi市场的未来走句。这种融合不仅增加了市场的流动性,也为市场稳定性提供了坚实的基础。在这一框架下,协议如DeSvn Protocol成为“DeFi超级应用的先锋(Pioneers of DeFi Super-Applications,PDFSA),通过技术创新和用户体验优化,推动DeFi市场向更广泛的金融服务领域扩展。

随着以太坊生态系统的持续成熟,‘流动性编织(Liquidity Weaving) 和“去中心化金融晶格”(DeFiLattice) 预计将成为新的热门概念。流动性编织通过智能合约和Laver 2技术,实现了不同资产和平台中流动性的无缝连接,构建了一个强大的流动性网络。去中心化金融晶格是个更宏观的概念,它象征着在去中心化的世界里,各种金融服务和产品能够像晶格中的原子一样,通过各种链上协议自由组合和重组,形成一个多样化、高度可定制的金融服务生态系统。


三、比特币技术革新的双刃剑: 创新与适应性的抉择







全球监管环境对比特币的双重影响显而易见,一方面,它给比特币的创新与应用设定了边界,另一方面,它也为比特币的合法化和广泛接受提供了框架。在此背景下,“适应性监管框架’(Adaptive Regulatory Framework,ARF)成为理解比特币如何在全球监管政策中找到自身定位的关键,预示着一个能够平衡监管与创新的未来路径。






未来展望方面,Cosmos生态的多样化应用(dApps) 和生态系统将成为其吸引开发者和用户,提升网络活跃度的关键。尽管面临来自Solana、Aptos等竞争对手的挑战,但Cosmos在IBC体系方面的领先优势,已为其网络实用性添砖加瓦。展望2024年,Cosmos将持续保持其生态多样性和活跃度,特别是在DeFi、Web3、NFT和游戏领域,预计跨链技术的深入发展将为Cosmos开启新的增长空间。同时,随着IBC双络交易量的上升和ATOM价格的稳步增长,Cosmos的市场估值预期将显著提升。






在探究2024年加密钱包的演进轨迹时,我们迎来了一场由安全性与用户体验双重驱动的革命,进而揭示了跨界创新与安全机制新篇章的序幕。随着区块链生态的深层次拓展,以及对隐私与资产保护意识的增强,加密钱包的创新方向正朝着“智能合约驱动的安全架构”(SCDSA) 和“直观交互式用户界面”(IIUI) 进化。此进程中,多重签名、生物识别验证与硬件钱包技术并行发展,旨在提升安全防护能力,同时优化用户的操作体验,实现了安全与便捷的高度统一。


在此背景下,“账户抽象”(AA) 技术的崛起显得尤为重要。AA技术为智能合约钱包带来了功能性的飞跃,包括但不限于批量交易处理、Gas费用代付以及私钥恢复等,彰显了技术创新与市场需求融合的成果。此外,随着多链生态的不断壮大,跨链操作和多链兼容性成为加密钱包发展的关键挑战和转折点。2024年的加密钱包不仅需要在技术层面上突破这一挑战,更票在用户体验上实现革命性进步,确保交易的便捷性与效率。



The author comes from the blockchain technology and market prospect in 2000. We are at a crossroads where diversified innovations and numerous challenges are intertwined. With the breakthrough of technological innovation, the rise of decentralized sorters and the deep maturity of ecosystems, the whole industry seems to be entering a new development stage. The delicate balance between security and decentralization, the user experience and cost-effectiveness and the infinite possibilities brought by technological integration are all things that we need to explore in depth in the next few years. The key theme is that in 2008, we will witness the arrival of a cryptocurrency supercycle, not only because of the circular effect of economic factors, but also because the integration of traditional financial world and decentralized finance will push the cryptocurrency market into an unprecedented growth stage, in which the value network effect will become a new standard to measure the influence of cryptocurrency assets-the breakthrough of innovation and the rise of decentralized sorter, the balance between security and decentralization, and we have witnessed it. A core contradiction is how to maintain the decentralized nature of the network while ensuring data integrity and security. This is not only a technical challenge, but also a philosophical thinking. It also leads to an in-depth discussion on the balance theorem of security decentralization. Optimism sacrifices transaction speed in exchange for cost benefit, while zero knowledge struggles to solve the high-cost problem, which urges us to think about how to balance the two through dynamic optimization algorithms in order to achieve the best user experience and cost benefit. The exploration of state mixing, which combines the advantages of music concept and zero knowledge, marks the unremitting pursuit of perfect decentralized network architecture. This attempt not only opens up a new path for achieving higher security and user experience, but also promotes the double-edged sword effect of the practical development of mixed decentralized framework. With the rapid development of ecology, the problem of network censorship has become increasingly prominent, especially among large pledge service providers and participants, which has led to the exploration of governance mechanism. The strategy of seeking balance between ecological health and economic incentives. The rise of decentralization and competition has challenged the decentralization principle, prompting us to rethink the concept of maximizing the value of decentralization and how to effectively use the breakthrough and integration of cutting-edge technologies while maintaining the decentralization of the network. By achieving compatibility with Ethereum and improving the verification efficiency, the optimization of knowledge computing has opened up a new world, which indicates the possibility of improving network efficiency while ensuring privacy. By introducing a more flexible market structure, the innovation of the protocol provides a new strengthening path for the decentralization of the Ethernet network. This innovation is not only a technical breakthrough, but also a practical verification of the decentralization strategy at the protocol level. The depth of maturity of the two ecosystems, capital efficiency and innovation dance together, and the expansion and intelligent evolution of the data source market. With the advent of the year, the market is standing at the crossroads of growth and innovation, preparing to meet a universe jointly promoted by technological progress and capital influx. In this process of expansion, pledged assets like this will not only be the darling of the market, but also become the key factor to define the new era, which indicates the blueprint for the continuous evolution of ecology. The intervention of centralized trading platform has set off a storm of redefining rules in the arena. The market in is expected to become an alchemy furnace where competition and warehouse coexist. All participants compete for the attention of users and the favor of capital by providing an unconventional income mechanism, thus giving birth to a full of. Vibrant and fiercely competitive ecosystem giants such as Hehe will use their market advantages to build walls for themselves, while emerging forces such as this are looking for innovative breakthroughs to ignite the diversity of the market. In terms of technological innovation, the market will witness the wide application of such cutting-edge technologies, which has brought unprecedented leap in safety and efficiency to the whole ecology, especially the launch of the agreement. It not only improves the capital efficiency of the market through the innovative re-pledge mechanism, but also injects new vitality materials into the whole ecology. Source competition alchemy is showing its depth and maturity in the evolution of ecology in, which indicates the synchronous dance of capital efficiency revolution and innovation. This not only shapes the new way of wealth growth, but also reshapes the foundation of our interaction with wealth. The emergence and development in this evolution has become a leading innovation demonstration. It injects new vitality into ecology by combining the core values of openness, transparency, decentralization and efficient capital utilization. First, it pledges derivatives. The innovation model marks the beginning of ecological maturity, which has promoted the development of emerging applications significantly through capital efficiency, and brought unprecedented financial freedom and flexibility to users. This is not only the art of balancing liquidity and income, but also a new paradigm to comprehensively enhance the experience of participants. Under this model, users can enjoy high-yield principal security and investment convenience through waiting for agreements, and at the same time enjoy the unique income bonus from multiple project parties to further cross-chain liquidity solutions. The case and the integration model of physical and digital assets will redefine the future of the market. This integration not only increases the liquidity of the market, but also provides a solid foundation for the stability of the market. Under this framework, if the agreement becomes a pioneer of super application, it will promote the market to expand to a wider range of financial services through technological innovation and user experience optimization. With the continuous maturity of the Ethereum ecosystem, liquidity weaving and decentralized financial lattice are expected to become new hot concepts. Contract and technology realize the seamless connection of different assets and platform liquidity, and build a strong liquidity network. Decentralized financial lattice is a more macro concept, which symbolizes that in a decentralized world, various financial services and products can be freely combined and reorganized through various chain agreements like atoms in the lattice to form a diversified and highly customizable financial service ecosystem. As an infrastructure project, it not only provides a platform and framework, but also through its concept of team warfare. This model not only promotes the healthy development of the ecology, but also provides a win-win ecosystem for investors, fund managers, project parties and security institutions. In this ecosystem, each participant can enjoy the rich benefits brought by efficient capital utilization while ensuring the safety of capital. The choice of innovation and adaptability of bitcoin technology innovation is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we are faced with a two-way challenge when exploring the future context of bitcoin ecology. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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