加密史第一个暴富的「大学生」故事:重读 Martti 的中本聪邮件

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2009年,当时还在赫尔辛基理工大学读本科二年级的 Martti Malmi@marttimalmi偶然浏览到bitcoin.org,他给中本聪发邮件写道:「I would like to help with Bitcoin, if there’s something I can do(我想帮帮比特币,如果有什么事是我能做的话) 。」



Martti Malmi,成为中本聪的第一个合作者,也是中本聪最信任的人,并从此被比特币改变了人生。币圈一直有大学生「All in」暴富的传说,那 Martti 必然是这个传说的祖师爷。

上个月, 他公开了与中本聪的电子邮件历史记录(https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/),让我们能以更多的视角去回顾比特币这波澜壮阔的历史。以下是 OneKey 的一些有趣发现。



与当时的创业氛围很不同的是,工作都是邮件沟通,没有人见过老板「中本聪」。而如今加密行业远程工作已经普及,各大加密公司如币安、Paradigm,包括我们 OneKey 等都不同程度的采用了全球协作。

这是中本聪给大学生 Martti Malmi 布置的第一个远程工作任务——FAQ(常见问题解答)。中本聪说目前网站最需要的是一些写作内容,而他「不擅长写作,更擅长写代码」。原文翻译:「你可以考虑在 SourceForge 上搭建一个网站,目前那儿还没内容。如果你能准备一份 FAQ,我可以整理我之前在邮件和论坛里回答的内容给你,这样可以帮你获取所需的信息和灵感。」


中本聪显然是个好老板,认真思考一个毛头大学生 Martti 的建议。这里中本聪像一个产品经理一样,在讨论比特币核心客户端「最小化托盘」和「开机启动」的特性。和当时很多的电脑程序一样,大家都在争夺用户使用,降低「用户流失率」。当然,比特币采用这个「心机」是为了更多人运行全节点,让早期的网络更安全。 原文翻译:

「接下来我计划加入一个让比特币程序能在 Windows 上启动时自动运行,并且可以最小化到系统托盘的功能,这样就能显著增加在线节点的数量。



作为「创业者」,中本聪也不免和 Martti 吐槽那些「连代码都没有」确热度拉满的互联网创业项目。

在下面这篇邮件里,中本聪认为 SourceForge 的功能已经不能满足比特币论坛,需要换个论坛服务提供商。同时吐槽道:「我已经看到一些项目仅凭借论坛的讨论和规划就吸引了大量关注,尽管他们还没有开始编写任何代码。论坛上的讨论为项目提供了一个曝光平台,吸引了新用户,帮助解决支持问题,梳理出最需要的功能。(所以这个论坛很重要)」





终究是 Martti 扛下了所有

在邮件沟通中,中本聪多次表示不想成为抛头露脸的人(尽管最终绝大多数人记住的,还是中本聪)。他鼓励 Martti 使用他的真实姓名和地址。要求 Martti 使用他自己的信用卡 / 身份证办服务器和银行账户。

假如你是 Martti,会不会被吓得「跑路」?


在一些比特币宣传点的说辞上,中本聪还让 Martti 来代发言,同时提醒了一些营销风险。原文翻译:

「在 sourceforge的 网站上,你能发表很多在我自己的网站上不能说的观点。然而,直白地提出『将比特币视为一种投资』这一点,我还是感到有些不妥。这种说法颇有风险,你最好去掉这一观点。如果用户自己有这样的想法当然无妨,但我们不能将其作为一个卖点来宣传。」


把采访任务丢给新人 Martti,似乎也没什么不妥。原文翻译「有个博客作者想要撰写一篇关于比特币的文章,但我目前没空回答他的问题。如果我把他介绍给你,你愿意回答他的问题吗?这样我们可能会获得一个很好的链接资源。」


老板中本聪突然消失一个月,还是 Martti 扛下了论坛运营。原文翻译:「过去一个半月我也忙于其他事务。我刚刚从四月初开始下载我的电子邮件。我大部分事情都处理好了,应该很快会回到比特币的工作中。很高兴看到你在我不在的时候处理了一些事情。祝贺你完成了你的第一笔比特币交易!」


为 Martti 充值信仰

中本聪也预见到了如果比特币进入主流,一定会使用大量的能源。这或许在当时是很「炸裂」的观点:银行系统,比 PoW 更浪费资源。






我们都知道,2010 年 12 月 12 日,中本聪最后一次在比特币论坛上发帖讨论了DoS(拒绝服务攻击)后,就停止了论坛活动。而这并不是中本聪最后一封邮件。


一个月后,在这篇中本聪发给 Gavin Andresen 的邮件(抄送给了 Martti)中,中本聪再次确认他不想参与任何的媒体公关内容与访谈。并且这里可以看到,中本聪十分担忧比特币增长过快,导致各种功能、攻击防御等需求无法被满足。同时他们对舆论的狂热感到担忧,当时出现了一些非官方的比特币代言人进行过度吹嘘,甚至宣传会取代 Paypal 甚至是欧元。他们希望在媒体中更强调比特币是一个前沿的测试,还没到大规模应用的程度。


再过一个月,这是中本聪发给 Martti 的最后一封邮件,安排了一些管理员密码的事宜,便又消失了,这一告别,就是 13 年,且大概率再也见不到了。



Martti 的故事也并非镜花水月,新的一轮牛市浪潮,我们又将见证多少「大学生」传奇?

When I was a sophomore at Helsinki University of Technology, I happened to browse that he sent an email to Satoshi Nakamoto and wrote, I want to help Bitcoin. If there is anything I can do, let me know. This is really a sloppy application email, but since then, the wheel of fate has turned to become the first collaborator of Satoshi Nakamoto and the most trusted person in Satoshi Nakamoto, and it has been changed by Bitcoin since then. There has always been a legend of college students getting rich in the currency circle, which must be the ancestor of this legend. He made it public last month. The e-mail history with Satoshi Nakamoto allows us to review the magnificent history of Bitcoin from more perspectives. The following are some interesting findings. The early operation of Bitcoin is very similar to that of a start-up company, just like most start-up companies in that year. They registered domain names and had a lot of discussions about product features, user interface websites and so on. Unlike the entrepreneurial atmosphere at that time, the work was all email communication. No one had seen the boss Satoshi Nakamoto, but now telecommuting in the encryption industry has become popular. Encryption companies such as Bi 'an, including us, have adopted global collaboration to varying degrees. This is the first remote task assigned by Satoshi Nakamoto to college students. FAQ Satoshi Nakamoto said that what the website needs most at present is some writing content, but he is not good at writing, but he is better at writing code. You can consider building a website on the Internet. There is no content there at present. If you can prepare a copy of what I answered in emails and forums, it will help you get the letter you need. Interest and inspiration Satoshi Nakamoto is obviously a good boss to seriously consider the suggestion of a hairy college student. Here, like a product manager, Satoshi Nakamoto is discussing the characteristics of minimizing the tray and starting up the bitcoin core client. Like many computer programs at that time, everyone is vying for users to use it to reduce the user churn rate. Of course, Bitcoin adopts this idea to make more people run the whole node to make the early network safer. Next, I plan to join a program to enable Bitcoin programs to start up on the Internet. In retrospect, you did point out an extremely critical missing function, which has the potential to greatly increase the number of nodes. If it is not automatically started, it is difficult for us to keep users after their first attempt, just as the secret of the success of the early file sharing network is that it is very important to let the program run automatically and hide it in the system tray by default, although it is still very important because of stability in our first version. It doesn't seem appropriate to introduce this function without guarantee, but now, as the program has become stable enough, this function has become a feature that we must add in the next version to ensure that those users who are willing to try the new version can have a better experience and are willing to continue to use it. As an entrepreneur, Satoshi Nakamoto can't help but complain about those Internet entrepreneurial projects that are not even full of code. In the following email, Satoshi Nakamoto thinks that the function can no longer meet the needs of the Bitcoin forum to change the forum service. At the same time, the provider said, I have seen that some projects have attracted a lot of attention only by the discussion and planning of the forum, although they have not yet started to write any code. The discussion on the forum provided an exposure platform for the project, attracted new users to help solve the support problems and sorted out the most needed functions, so this forum is very important. In the marketing of start-ups, Satoshi Nakamoto is not exactly the kind of extreme geek. He mentioned in this email that official website's propaganda point is a bit anonymous. It's too suspicious to think that they can be known privately. The word anonymous sounds a bit suspicious. I think those who want to be anonymous can still figure it out for themselves without our hype. I made some changes to the homepage. Updating the translation is not really urgent. I tend to continue editing and revising in the later period, so if they want to update, it's best to wait. After all, Satoshi Nakamoto has repeatedly said that he doesn't want to be a publicity figure in email communication. Although most people remember Satoshi Nakamoto in the end, he encouraged to use his real name and address, and asked to use his own credit card ID card to run the server and bank account. If you were scared to run away, I received a donation request of US dollars, but I need your mailing address to let him send it. Yes, his donors want to remain anonymous, so please also protect the privacy of the envelope source. Satoshi Nakamoto also asked future generations to speak and remind them at the same time on some bitcoin propaganda points. There are some marketing risks. On our website, you can express a lot of opinions that can't be said on my own website. However, I still feel a little inappropriate to put forward that Bitcoin is an investment. This view is quite risky. You'd better get rid of this view. If users have such an idea, it's fine, but we can't use it as a selling point to promote it. It seems that there is nothing wrong with leaving the interview task to new people. But I don't have time to answer his questions at present. If I introduce him to you, would you like to answer his questions, so that we may get a good link resource? Satoshi Nakamoto, the boss, suddenly disappeared for a month or left the forum to operate. I have been busy with other things for the past month and a half. I just started downloading my email in early April, and I should return to Bitcoin soon. I am glad to see that you have dealt with it during my absence. Congratulations on completing your first bitcoin transaction. Satoshi Nakamoto also foresaw that if Bitcoin entered the mainstream, it would use a lot of energy, which may have been a very explosive view at that time. It would be ironic if we finally had to choose between economic freedom and resource conservation. Unfortunately, the work proved to be the only solution that I could find to make the peer-to-peer electronic cash system work without a trusted third party. Even if I don't use it as an auxiliary way to distribute money initially, the work proves to be very important for coordinating the network and preventing double payment. If it really starts to consume a lot of energy, I think this kind of energy consumption is still less than the traditional banking activities that it will replace, and its cost will be much less than the bank fees. The bank fees are as high as several billion dollars to pay for all the masonry skyscrapers and useless credit card promotional emails. We all know that Satoshi Nakamoto stopped after posting on the Bitcoin forum for the last time to discuss the denial of service attack. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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