构建一个更安全的 Polkadot 跨链交互生态

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加入 PolkaWorld 社区,共建 Web 3.0!

Acala 上周公布 Sinai 升级,这是一个支持所有 L0、L1、L2、Lx 的流动性协议,旨在聚合 Web3 生态中所有的流动性!但随着流动性和 DApp 本质上变得多链,跨区块链安全变得至关重要

为此,Acala 提出 "哨兵"(Sentinel)机制,这是一种跨链安全机制,它通过采取预先的安全措施来保护跨链操作的完整性,防止潜在的安全威胁。哨兵的第一个版本将通过可配置的速率限制功能来增强跨链资产的安全性,即控制资产跨链转移的速度,以减少风险。

查看下文,了解什么是 Sentinel 以及它会为 Polkadot 生态带来什么!


在 Polkadot 生态系统中,不同的区块链(称为平行链)通过互联网络相互连接,形成一个复杂的网络。在这样的环境中,确保每个链的安全性对整个系统的稳定至关重要。Sentinel 是一个关键的解决方案,它结合了先进的技术和主动的安全策略,旨在保护这些互联区块链间的操作,即跨链操作的安全。

什么是 Sentinel?

Sentinel 是一个在开放运行时模块库(ORML)中的创新项目,旨在提高区块链网络的安全性和功能性。在 Acala 团队的领导下,Sentinel 被构想为一整套全面的工具和模块。这个项目的开始是推出了一个名为 orml-rate-limit 的模块。这个初始版本的产品,为建立一个专注于跨链交互的强大安全框架奠定了基础。

Sentinel 的当前作用是为平行链提供治理能力,使它们能够配置和实施细致的安全措施。这是通过将 Sentinel 与其他必要的模块(如 orml-xtokens 模块)无缝集成来实现的。这种集成促进了受控的 XCM 转移,并通过限制传输速率来减少潜在的安全风险。这种能力体现了 Sentinel 在加强数字生态系统安全方面的直接作用。

然而,将 Sentinel 仅定义为其首个特性(如限速)是不够全面的。Sentinel 的目标和愿景远不止于此。Sentinel 计划在未来的版本中引入更多样化的模块和扩展功能。这些新增功能将被精心设计,旨在应对不断演变的安全挑战,并适应区块链技术的不断变化。Sentinel 的发展将按阶段进行,每一次更新都将增强其安全功能,并为社区带来更多的服务


限速是一种广泛认可的安全措施,在维护数字平台的完整性方面起着关键作用。通过将限速措施集成到开放运行时模块库(ORML)中,Sentinel 解决了平行链安全基础设施中的一个重要问题,为平行链提供了一个急需的保护层。这一限速功能确保即使在出现安全漏洞的情况下,合法用户仍然能够进行资金转移,虽然可能会有一些延迟。

在 Sentinel 的设计理念中,保持安全性和可用性之间的平衡非常重要。我们要实现系统既安全,又易于使用。


Sentinel 是一个开源项目,其开发过程体现了开源社区合作的力量。Sentinel 作为 Substrate 开放运行时模块库(ORML)的一部分,可在 GitHub 上找到,任何人都可以访问、查看和贡献代码。我们鼓励广泛的社区参与,以共同推进项目的发展。

Acala 团队致力于使 Sentinel 对所有平行链都可用,我们希望整个 Polkadot 生态系统的安全性可以得到加强!这是该模块的链接:https://github.com/open-web3-stack/open-runtime-module-library/


虽然 Sentinel 项目还在早期发展阶段,但已经显示出对区块链安全未来的积极影响。Sentinel 的限速模块是其首个特性,它为构建一个更加复杂和全面的安全套件奠定了基础。

随着 Sentinel 的进一步发展,它将持续致力于保护区块链网络的互连结构,确保这些网络不仅能够抵御外部威胁,还能发挥其广泛的潜能。

Join the community to build an upgrade announced last week. This is an agreement to support all liquidity, which aims to aggregate all liquidity in the ecosystem. However, with the mobility and nature becoming more and more important, the security of multi-chain cross-regional block chains has become crucial. Therefore, the sentry mechanism is proposed. This is a cross-chain security mechanism, which protects the integrity of cross-chain operations and prevents potential security threats by taking advance security measures. The first version of the sentinel will enhance the security of cross-chain assets through configurable rate limiting functions, that is, control assets. The speed of production cross-chain transfer to reduce risks. See below to understand what is and what it will bring to the ecology. The blockchain field is constantly innovating and developing. With the passage of time, blockchain technology and its application have become more and more complex. With the increase of this complexity, the blockchain ecosystem is facing more security challenges, and it is more important to protect these systems from attacks or other security issues. In the ecosystem, different blockchains are called parallel chains, which are interconnected through the Internet to form one. In such an environment, it is very important for the stability of the whole system to ensure the security of each chain in a complex network. It is a key solution. It combines advanced technology and active security strategy to protect the operation between these interconnected blockchains, that is, the safety of cross-chain operation. What is an innovative project in the open runtime module library to improve the security and functionality of blockchain networks? Under the leadership of the team, it was conceived as the beginning of a set of comprehensive tools and modules. The initial version of the product has laid the foundation for establishing a strong security framework focusing on cross-chain interaction. Its current role is to provide governance capabilities for parallel chains so that they can configure and implement detailed security measures. This is achieved by seamlessly integrating with other necessary modules, such as modules. This integration promotes controlled transfer and reduces potential security risks by limiting transmission rate. This ability is reflected in strengthening the security side of digital ecosystem. However, the direct function of the surface will only be defined as its first feature, such as speed limit, which is not comprehensive enough. The goal and vision are far more than this. It is planned to introduce more diversified modules and extended functions in future versions. These new functions will be carefully designed to meet the evolving security challenges and adapt to the changing development of blockchain technology. Each update will enhance its security functions and bring more services to the community. Speed limit is a widely recognized security. Measures play a key role in maintaining the integrity of the digital platform. By integrating speed-limiting measures into the open runtime module library, an important problem in the security infrastructure of parallel chains is solved, which provides a much-needed protection layer for parallel chains. This speed-limiting function ensures that legal users can transfer funds even in the case of security loopholes, although there may be some delays. It is very important to maintain a balance between security and availability in the design concept. The system is safe and easy to use. This is a community-driven project and an open source project. Its development process reflects the power of open source community cooperation. As a part of the open runtime module library, anyone can access, view and contribute code. We encourage extensive community participation to jointly promote the development team of the project. We are committed to making it available to all parallel chains. We hope that the security of the whole ecosystem can be strengthened. This is a link summary of the module, although the project is still early. The speed-limiting module, which has shown a positive impact on the future of blockchain security, is its first feature. It lays the foundation for building a more complex and comprehensive security suite. With the further development, it will continue to work to protect the interconnection structure of blockchain networks and ensure that these networks can not only resist external threats but also play their broad potential. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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