BlobArmy「攻陷」推特:Ordinals OG 发起的 BLOB 有什么过人之处?

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作者: Rebbeca Ren;来源:加密厨房


比如这样 ——

再比如这样 ——

这些「怪诞不经」的图片通常会附带着 #SendBlob 或者 #BlobArmy 之类简短的文字,仿佛一股神秘力量在传播,但对外人而言,这究竟是什么东西,根本无从得知。

其实这就是近期最受关注的比特币 NFT 项目 BLOB,即 Bitcoiners Love Bitcoiners 的缩写 —— 而在计算机领域, BLOB 代表的是 Binary Large Object,即二进制大型对象。

秉承着打造一个以科学家、艺术家、数字朋克,开发者社区领袖以及无私的贡献者为主,兼备编码和艺术特质朋克社区的理念,Ordinals」社区的两位元老 @Elocremarc 和 @nurorealm 创立了 BLOB 项目,并把它设立为免费铭刻(free mint)。

不同状态的 BLOB

为了能够拉拢来中文区最优秀的生态参与者加入 BLOB,项目方在早期的白名单分配中更倾向于选择 Ordinals OG、艺术家、开发者、OG 藏家等,并鼓励大家制作 BLOB 艺术作品在推特上传播 —— 这就是你的时间线被「攻陷」的原因,传播范围之广,着实令人瞩目。

目前白名单已经出炉,一些朋友已经收到了 BLOB 的空投,未收到的朋友可以密切关注,等待公开铭刻(只需要支付 gas fee)的机会。

关于 BLOB 的细节

文件类型与大小:该铭文是一个 HTML 文件,具有 'text/html;charset=utf-8' 的 MIME 类型,文件大小为 1.04 KB。

创建时间与区块信息:该铭文创建于 2024 年 4 月 3 日,5:37 PM UTC,位于区块 837,573 中。

所有权与交易信息:铭文的所有者通过一个特定的比特币地址(bc1pu...hzdxs)标识 @Elocremarc。此外,创建该铭文的交易 ID 为 7be92...6685b,创建费用为 26,849 聪(约为$18.21)。

Sat 编号与名称:该铭文的 Sat 编号为 1749358685368819,Sat 名称为 blobnwtbook,并且其创建区块为 559,486,创建年份为 2019。

关于 BLOB 具备的一些特征(Traits)

  • art: 创建一个模拟风吹效果的动画,通过改变顶点位置来模拟表面在风中波动的效果。

  • taffy: 生成能量流动效果,通过动态改变顶点位置来模拟能量在表面流动的视觉效果。

  • twist: 产生扭曲效果,通过计算与动态球心的距离来对顶点位置进行扭曲,创建更复杂的动态变形效果。

  • compression: 类似于 twist,但是用于产生压缩效果。

  • dance: 通过动态调整球体半径和顶点位置来模拟球体合并和分离的效果,创建一种动态的舞蹈效果。

  • electric: 生成电击效果,通过添加随机抖动和脉冲效果来模拟电流流过表面的视觉效果。

  • knead: 创建一种类似于揉捏或波动的效果,通过周期性地改变顶点位置来实现。

  • live: 结合基本的波动运动和动态生成的「刺」效果,模拟一个生动的、动态变化的表面。

  • mystery: 生成一个包含随机噪声和颜色渐变的神秘图案。

  • cultural: 通过混合不同的颜色和模式来模拟特定文化主题的视觉效果。

  • social: 创建一个模拟社交场合中光泽和动态波纹效果的视觉效果。

  • environmental: 生成一个模拟自然环境,如森林和草地的视觉效果。

  • spiritual: 通过动态图案和颜色渐变来创建一种精神或神秘的氛围。

  • emotion: 生成一个模拟情感波动的视觉效果,通过颜色和动态图案来表达不同的情绪。

  • mental: 创建一个模拟思维活动或心理状态的视觉效果,通过复杂的图案和颜色变化来实现(来源:@ordijingle)。

除了由 Ordinals OG 发起,引发社区热议这些「先天优势」之外,BLOB 背后的创新技术和互动艺术也非常值得关注。

每一个 BLOB 都有独特的动态特性,而不是静态的图片。这是通过将 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 直接嵌入到区块链铭文中实现的。BLOB 的核心在于实时获取和处理区块链数据,它使用递归端点动态检索铭文 ID、元数据等信息,让这些艺术品栩栩如生。

图为 BLOB 跟着鼠标指示进行互动

交互性是 BLOB 的关键所在。通过复杂的脚本,BLOB 艺术品可以对观众的参与做出反应,不断变化和发展,这不仅是一种观赏型的艺术,更是一种全新的互动体验(来源:@sv3nsei)。

在比特币生态中,NFT 项目层出不穷,令人目不暇接。突然间,BLOB 带着一股「怪诞」感横空出世,但惊喜的是,经过深入研究,你会发现它背后蕴藏着独特的技术创新,或许足以让它成为今年最引人瞩目的项目之一。

Author Source Encrypted Kitchen If you are an active Twitter user, your timeline may be blocked by a large number of pictures containing explosive eyes these days, such as this and this. These grotesque pictures are usually accompanied by short words like or, which seems to be a mysterious force spreading, but for outsiders, it is impossible to know what it is. In fact, this is the abbreviation of Bitcoin project that has attracted the most attention recently, and in the computer field, it represents a large binary pair. For example, adhering to the concept of building a punk community with scientists, artists, digital punk developers, community leaders and selfless contributors, and with coding and artistic characteristics, two veterans who founded the project and set it up to engrave different States for free, in order to attract the best ecological participants from Chinese to join the project, they preferred to choose artists, developers and collectors in the early white list distribution and encouraged everyone to make artistic works and spread them on Twitter. This is yours. The reason why the timeline has been compromised is really remarkable. At present, the white list has been released. Some friends have received airdrops. Those who have not received them can pay close attention to the details about the opportunity to wait for the public inscription. The inscription is the type and size of a file. The file size is the creation time and block information. The inscription was created in the block on the year, month and day. The owner of the inscription on ownership and transaction information is identified by a specific bitcoin address. In addition, The transaction of creating the inscription is the creation cost, and the inscription number is the name and the creation block is the creation year. Create an animation simulating the wind-blown effect for some features possessed. Simulate the effect of the surface fluctuating in the wind by changing the vertex position, and generate the energy flow effect. Simulate the visual effect of the energy flowing on the surface by dynamically changing the vertex position, and generate the distortion effect. Distortion the vertex position by calculating the distance from the dynamic spherical center. More complex dynamic deformation effect is similar to but used to produce compression effect. By dynamically adjusting the radius and vertex position of the sphere, the effect of merging and separating the spheres is simulated. A dynamic dance effect is created. An electric shock effect is generated. By adding random jitter and pulse effect, the visual effect of current flowing through the surface is simulated. An effect similar to kneading or fluctuation is created. By periodically changing the vertex position, a vivid movement is simulated by combining basic wave motion with dynamically generated thorn effect. A mysterious pattern containing random noise and color gradient is generated on the changing surface. By mixing different colors and patterns, the visual effect of a specific cultural theme is simulated. A visual effect that simulates the gloss and dynamic ripple effect in social occasions is generated. A visual effect that simulates the natural environment such as forests and grasslands is generated. A spiritual or mysterious atmosphere is created through dynamic patterns and color gradients. A visual effect that simulates emotional fluctuations is generated to express differences through colors and dynamic patterns. The emotion creates a visual effect simulating thinking activities or mental states, which is realized through complex patterns and color changes. Besides these innate advantages, the innovative technology and interactive art behind it are also worthy of attention. Each of them has unique dynamic characteristics instead of static pictures. This is achieved by embedding and directly into blockchain inscriptions. The core is to obtain and process blockchain data in real time. It uses recursive endpoints to dynamically retrieve inscription metadata. Such information makes these works of art come alive. The picture shows the interaction with the mouse instructions. The key is that the works of art can respond to the audience's participation through complex scripts, which are constantly changing and developing. This is not only an ornamental art, but also a brand-new source of interactive experience. In the bitcoin ecology, projects emerge in an endless stream, which is dizzying. Suddenly, it comes out with a weird feeling, but the surprise is that after in-depth study, you will find that there are unique technological innovations behind it, which may be enough to make it one of the most eye-catching projects this year. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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