OKX 香港执行董事 Frank:RWA 赛道的机遇、风险与未来

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4 月 6 日,在 2024 香港 Web3 嘉年华期间举办的《解锁 RWA:洞察区块链时代的机遇、挑战与合作》圆桌论坛活动圆满收尾。OKX 香港执行董事 Frank Zhang 与 ZA 银行总经理 Devon Sin、VDX 首席战略官 Paolo Chen、Credora 联合创始人 Darshan Vaidya 等业内资深人士就 RWA(Real World Asset On-Chain)领域的机遇、风险管控策略及传统金融与去中心化金融生态的融合等议题展开了深入探讨。


作为 OKX 香港的执行董事之一,Frank 负责监督领先的虚拟资产平台 OKX 香港的业务增长和运营。此外,他还领导交易所的业务战略,旨在为香港市场提供行业领先的虚拟资产服务,同时遵守香港虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)制度下的严格监管合规标准。过去,Frank 在传统金融领域拥有超过十年的经验,曾在大和资本、中信里昂证券和 Liquidnet Asia 等知名金融机构工作,并领导了这些公司复杂算法交易策略的设计和实施。

活动期间,嘉宾们共同探讨了 RWA (Real World Asset On-Chain)领域的发展机遇。Frank 表示:“传统金融生态系统已有超 600 年的历史。在过去 600 年里,人们通过对传统金融本质的理解与科学的运用让世界变得更高效。但随着技术创新的进步,RWA 的发展显然是趋势,人们可以借助技术进一步提高效率,进一步节约相关成本。当然,目前一些传统金融公司已非常成熟,并不一定需要增设有关 RWA 的业务,但另一些公司则很可能通过布局 RWA 赛道提高自身的发展空间和竞争力。”


在提及 RWA 平台如何应对风险因素时。 Frank 认为,对于 RWA 平台来说,实施各种强有力的措施以减轻风险、增强投资者信心,为 RWA 赛道的长期稳定发展来讲非常重要。平台应具备强大的安全基础设施、智能合约审计、自我监管(如 POR)、符合监管要求、完全透明、适当的投资者沟通、持续监控和事件响应、保险覆盖等。


另外,Frank 在参与讨论 RWA 未来应用场景与相关创新方向时表示,以下的三个领域可能会吸引创新者的兴趣:

一是将资产上链的协议标准化。标准化协议将实现不同 RWA 平台之间的无缝集成和互操作性,这将促进跨平台资产的高效转移和交换。

二是加强安全和隐私措施。随着区块链技术的进步,如改进的共识机制(例如权益证明)、隐私保护技术(例如零知识证明)和先进的密码学,将增强 RWA 平台的安全性和隐私性。这将增强投资者信心,减轻网络安全风险,并解决与数据保护相关的监管问题,促进 RWA 在传统金融生态系统中的采用。

三是将 AI 和数据分析应用于 RWA 平台。这将实现高级数据处理、风险评估和预测建模。AI驱动的算法可以分析大量数据,识别模式,并为投资决策、风险管理和资产估值提供有价值的见解。这种集成将提高运营效率,改进投资策略,重塑传统的金融分析。

而关于  RWA 相关创新在香港市场的发展情况,Frank 分析说:“香港有潜力在全球采用RWA平台和技术方面发挥重要作用。作为全球三大金融中心之一,香港拥有卓越的连通性、资源、人才、成熟的金融基础设施和法规、大量的Web3 公司和创意。同时,香港还拥有成熟的投资者基础,这为采用RWA提供了有利和坚实的环境。更重要的是,香港是通往亚洲和其他地区的门户,其战略位置和强大的国际联系可能将帮助RWA平台大规模的进入亚洲市场。



The Roundtable Forum on Unlocking Insights into Opportunities, Challenges and Cooperation in the Blockchain Era held during the Carnival in Hong Kong on April was successfully concluded. The executive director of Hong Kong and the co-founder of the general manager, chief strategy officer and other industry veterans conducted in-depth discussions on issues such as the opportunity and risk control strategy in the field and the integration of traditional finance and decentralized financial ecology. As one of the executive directors of Hong Kong, he was responsible for supervising the business growth and operation of the leading virtual asset platform in Hong Kong, and he also led the exchange. Our business strategy aims to provide industry-leading virtual asset services for the Hong Kong market and at the same time abide by the strict regulatory compliance standards under the Hong Kong virtual asset service provider system. We have more than ten years of experience in the traditional financial field in the past, and have worked in well-known financial institutions such as CLSA in Daiwa Capital and led the design and implementation of complex algorithm trading strategies of these companies. During the activities, the guests discussed the development opportunities in the field together, indicating that the traditional financial ecosystem has a history of over years. In the past years, people have made the world more efficient by understanding the essence of traditional finance and using science. However, with the development of technological innovation, it is obviously a trend. People can further improve efficiency and save related costs with the help of technology. Of course, some traditional financial companies are very mature at present and do not necessarily need to add related businesses, but others are likely to improve their development space and competitiveness by laying out the track. When talking about how the platform responds to risk factors, they think that For the platform, it is very important to implement various powerful measures to reduce risks and enhance investors' confidence. For the long-term and stable development of the track, the platform should have a strong security infrastructure, intelligent contract audit and self-supervision, such as meeting regulatory requirements, completely transparent and appropriate investor communication, continuous monitoring and event response insurance coverage. We expect more institutions to explore and adopt solutions based on blockchain technology for all operations. On the one hand, this model can combine the advantages of traditional finance, such as regulatory expertise and established customer relationship, with the efficiency and innovation of blockchain platform, and can promote the virtual asset industry to form a set of best practice standards, and promote seamless integration between traditional finance and virtual assets, data sharing and asset transfer. In addition, when participating in the discussion of future application scenarios and related innovation directions, it is indicated that the following three areas may attract the interest of innovators. First, the assets will be wound up. Protocol standardization protocol will realize seamless integration and interoperability between different platforms, which will promote the efficient transfer and exchange of cross-platform assets. Second, with the progress of blockchain technology, such as improved consensus mechanism, such as proof of rights and interests, privacy protection technology, such as zero-knowledge proof and advanced cryptography, will enhance the security and privacy of platforms, which will enhance investor confidence, reduce network security risks and solve regulatory problems related to data protection. The third is to apply sum data analysis to the platform, which will realize advanced data processing, risk assessment and prediction modeling-driven algorithms, which can analyze a large number of data identification patterns and provide valuable insights for investment decision-making, risk management and asset valuation. This integration will improve operational efficiency, improve investment strategies and reshape traditional financial analysis. According to the analysis of the development of related innovations in the Hong Kong market, Hong Kong has the potential to play an important role in adopting platforms and technologies around the world. As one of the three largest financial centers in the world, Hong Kong has excellent connectivity resources, mature financial infrastructure and regulations, and a large number of companies and ideas. At the same time, Hong Kong also has a mature investor base, which provides a favorable and solid environment for adoption. More importantly, Hong Kong is the gateway to Asia and other regions, and its strategic location and strong international ties may help the platform to enter the Asian market on a large scale. Disclaimer: This announcement is for reference only. Legal advice should not be regarded as an offer to buy, sell or hold virtual assets. Holding virtual assets, including stable currency, is risky, and the market fluctuation may be large. You may even lose the value of all assets. You should carefully consider whether you are suitable for trading or holding virtual assets according to your financial situation and risk tolerance, and you will not provide any investment or asset advice. You must take full responsibility for the investment decisions you make and will not be responsible for any losses. Your track record does not represent future results. If you have any questions about your specific situation, please consult your legal, tax and investment experts. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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