一文详解链抽象网络Particle Network

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作者:E2M Research 来源:mirror 

随着越来越多的公链以及Layer2出现,当前Web3的体验非常碎片化。不同的链会激励用户专门使用其网络,并需要使用不同的钱包与之交互。与此同时,协议通过优先考虑联合营销活动、TVL 和市场情绪来决定部署哪条链,而不是技术或创新。这造成了孤立且不兼容的生态系统,阻碍了 Web3 的发展。

Particle Network对这个问题的解决方案是链抽象:简化用户与区块链的交互,允许他们使用任何产品和资产,而无需担心管理多个钱包、桥接、底层区块链等。


Particle Network 于 2022 年推出,最初作为钱包抽象服务提供商。经过超过 1700 万次钱包激活和超过 900 个 dApp 集成后,Particle 正在进一步发展,推出了模块化 L1 链抽象网络,构建横跨 EVM 和 BTC 生态的通用结算层。


Particle Network通过Cosmos SDK搭建,可以更好实现模块化设计,保留主权的同时将验证和数据可用性等关键功能外包给专门的生态系统参与者。它还允许我们利用Cosmos 的区块链间通信(IBC)协议来实现互操作性,从而实现廉价、快速的跨链交易执行。

Particle Network具有双重质押系统,将通过 Tendermint 进行的权益证明与EigenLayer 的ReStaking相结合,提高网络安全性。双重质押机制设置了两个不同的运营商池:一个是Particle Network原生代币的委托池,另一个使用EigenLayer的ETH委托池。两个池节点必须单独就有效性达成一致,保证平等参与共识。这种双质押模型通过重新质押的 ETH 提供的安全性来引导网络,显着减少了启动初期对 Particle Network 原生代币的安全依赖。

此外,它还提供了一个独特的数据可用性聚合 (AggDA) 模型,依赖于NEAR DA、Celestia、EigenDA和Avail等提供商。


根据最新消息,Particle Network 的V1测试网预计将于 2024 年第二季度发布,V2主网将于2024年第四季度发布。


  • 通用账户:

  • 这些是自定义 ERC-4337 智能账户实现。通过这些账户,Particle Network简化了所有 EVM 链上智能合约钱包的管理和使用,并允许它们控制比特币和 Solana 等异构区块链上的账户。

  • 通用流动性:

  • 通过多链原子交易执行,统一所有链的流动性。这允许用户与新链进行交互,而无需持有代币。

  • 通用Gas Token:

  • 允许用户使用通用Gas Token 为跨链交易支付 Gas,而不是多链生态系统需要使用不同链的Gas Token(SOL、ETH、MATIC 等)



Particle Network 的通用账户由 Layer-1 提供支持,是 ERC-4337 智能账户实现,可通过自动路由和执行原子跨链交易来聚合所有链上的代币余额。

这些账户(反过来利用 Particle 的通用 Gas 代币和通用流动性)可以理解为分配给现有 EOA 的智能账户实现,该 EOA 源自通过 Particle Network 的模块化智能钱包即服务的社交登录,或标准的 Web3 和比特币(通过BTC Connect钱包。这些账户实现自动使用粒子网络来促进原子跨链交易,使它们能够保持统一的状态。



通用流动性,是指所有链上余额的聚合,由Particle Network协调的原子跨链交易和交换直接驱动。

例如,如果给定用户在 Polygon 上拥有价值 1 ETH 的 MATIC ,但在 Optimism 上执行需要 1 ETH的交易,则粒子网络将通过为其预期交互提供的初始签名来路由和执行跨链交易。这使得价值能够快速从 Polygon 转移到 Optimism,从而用于相关的行动,从而创造出跨越所有区块链的单一平衡的感觉。


使用Particle Network进行跨链交易(UserOperation)的用户流程


鉴于跨链平衡的统一,Particle Network还解决了预期Gas代币的碎片化问题,提供了有凝聚力的体验。

虽然大多数网络共享一系列标准代币(例如 USDT),但每个区块链都需要特定的 Gas 代币,因此要求用户在网络上持有大量不同的代币。为了解决这个问题并进一步实现真正的通用体验,Particle Network 推出了通用 Gas 代币:通用账户中直接可用的一种代币,用于支付每条链上的 Gas 费。因此,跨链交易只需要这个特定的代币来执行,而不需要为它们使用的每个链提供单独的代币。这种动态进一步促进了链抽象的根本目标,即使在用户没有通过自动交换持有通用 Gas 代币时也可以访问,从而允许他们使用任何代币支付 Gas 费用。

BTC Connect

BTC Connect 通过统一用户的比特币账户和基于 EVM 的智能账户,在比特币上实现账户抽象。这是通过将比特币钱包作为比特币 L2 或 EVM 网络上智能帐户的签名者来实现的,使用户可使用现有的比特币钱包直接交互,无需额外的交互或界面。

该设计引入了智能帐户、Paymaster、Bundler 和独特的比特币特定钱包连接模式。后者通过生成要“分配”到目标比特币钱包的 EVM 智能帐户来完成本地比特币钱包连接(通过 UniSat、BitGet 或 OKX)。这样,智能帐户和原始比特币钱包上的所有交互都可以通过比特币钱包的界面进行控制。

用户智能账户的交互可以由账户所有者直接提供资金,也可以由 dApp 本身(通过 Paymasters)预付费。因此,用户可以通过无 Gas 交易或使用其智能账户上的资产(通常是 BTC,但也可以是其他代币,例如在某些情况下 $USDT)支付 Gas 来与协议进行交互。这允许用户在 EVM 网络上访问 AA,而无需下载额外的插件/应用程序或管理不同的密钥。

BTC Connect 扩展了比特币钱包的功能,允许用户使用单个钱包发送本地比特币交易,与 Ordinal 生态系统交互,并在兼容的 EVM dApp 和比特币 L2 上执行逻辑(包括无 Gas 和无弹出窗口交互)。


总之,用户连接的比特币钱包的公钥直接用于执行本机比特币交易,并用于生成 EVM EOA。该 EOA 又用于创建一个智能账户,并以比特币钱包作为其签名者。这使得比特币钱包的签名与 EVM 兼容,允许同一个钱包处理无缝的 AA 驱动的比特币主网和Layer2交易。



  • 通用 Gas 代币:

  • Particle Network 的代币将作为 Particle 通用账户模型中的关键组件,由其模块化 L1 提供支持。通用账户执行的交易(通常是跨链操作)仅依赖于该代币来执行,而不需要多个独立的原生 Gas 代币。

  • 安全性:

  • Particle 网络代币通过其双重质押机制来保护 Particle 的模块化 L1,充当其共识模型的一半。它与重新质押的 ETH 一起质押,以增强网络安全。

  • 治理:

  • 代币持有者将有机会对影响粒子网络基础设施运营的公共治理提案进行投票。


  • 便利性:

  • 如前所述,Particle 的 Modular L1 将通过单个代币统一 Gas 支付,使最终用户与 Web3 交互的体验更加轻松。

  • 调整激励措施:

  • 也许更重要的是,Particle 网络代币将 dApp、其他区块链、开发人员和 Particle 本身变成了增长合作伙伴。该模型避开了钱包抽象工具的典型 SaaS 业务模型,并极大地加速了粒子网络的增长。





王鹏宇是 Particle Network 创始人兼CEO,也是印度和欧美休闲游戏平台 Minijoy 创始人,曾就职于华兴资本、赛富投资,毕业于清华大学。

潘涛是 Particle Network 联合创始人兼 CTO,曾担任同桌游戏 CTO 兼海外业务负责人,印度和欧美休闲游戏平台Minijoy 联合创始人,毕业于清华大学。

2022年5月,获得LongHash Ventures 领投的 150 万美元Pre-seed融资,估值为3000 万美元;

2023年3月,获得ABCDE Capital领投的700万美元种子轮融资;

2023年4月,获得Cobo Ventures战略融资,数目不详。


Particle Network希望通过搭建自己的模块化Layer1来解决当前存在的多链碎片化问题,实现链抽象的目标,使得用户可以在统一的界面下管理不同链上的账户和流动性,而无需下载各类钱包,进行复杂的跨链交易。


With the increasing number of public chains and the emergence of current experience, different chains will encourage users to use their networks exclusively and need to use different wallets to interact with them. At the same time, the agreement will decide which chain to deploy instead of technology or innovation by giving priority to joint marketing activities and market sentiment, which has caused an isolated and incompatible ecosystem to hinder the development. The solution to this problem is chain abstraction, which simplifies the interaction between users and blockchain and allows them to use any product. Products and assets without worrying about managing multiple wallets, bridging the underlying blockchain, etc. Bitcoin was first launched in 2000 as a wallet abstract service provider. After more than 10,000 wallet activations and more than 100 integrations, it is further developed and launched a modular chain abstract network to build a cross-cutting and ecological universal settlement layer network architecture. By building it, we can better realize modular design, retain sovereignty, and outsource key functions such as verification and data availability to specialized ecosystem participants. It also allows us to benefit. The inter-blockchain communication protocol is used to achieve interoperability, so as to achieve cheap and fast cross-chain transaction execution. The dual pledge system will improve network security by combining the rights and interests certification with the dual pledge mechanism. Two different operator pools are set up, one is the entrusted pool of the original token, and the other is the entrusted pool used. The two pool nodes must reach an agreement on the effectiveness separately to ensure equal participation in the consensus. This dual pledge model leads the network to show through the security provided by the re-pledge. In order to reduce the security dependence on native tokens in the initial stage of startup, in addition, it also provides a unique data availability aggregation model, which depends on bitcoin and other providers. According to the latest news, the test network is expected to be released in the second quarter of 2008, and the main network will be released in the fourth quarter of 2008. The network depends on three core modules, which are custom smart accounts. These accounts simplify the management and use of all smart contract wallets on the chain and allow them to control bitcoin and other heterogeneous blockchains. Universal liquidity of accounts on multi-chain atomic transactions unifies the liquidity of all chains, which allows users to interact with new chains without holding tokens. Universal allows users to use universal payment for cross-chain transactions instead of multi-chain ecosystems. Universal accounts of equal bitcoin universal accounts that need to use different chains are supported by smart accounts, which can aggregate the balance of tokens on all chains by automatically routing and executing atomic cross-chain transactions. These accounts in turn use universal tokens and universal accounts. Liquidity can be understood as the allocation to existing smart accounts to realize the social login of the modular smart wallet as a service or the standard and bitcoin through wallets. These accounts realize the automatic use of particle networks to promote atomic cross-chain transactions so that they can maintain a unified state. Bitcoin universal liquidity refers to the aggregation of all on-chain balances directly driven by coordinated atomic cross-chain transactions and exchanges, for example, if a given user has value on the Internet but needs to execute it on the Internet. The particle network will route and execute cross-chain transactions through the initial signature provided for its expected interaction, which enables the value to be quickly transferred from to be used for related actions, thus creating the feeling of a single balance across all blockchains. Bitcoin uses the user process of cross-chain transactions. In view of the unification of cross-chain balance, it also solves the fragmentation problem of expected tokens, providing a cohesive experience. Although most networks share a series of standard tokens, for example, each district Block chains all need specific tokens, so users are required to hold a large number of different tokens on the network. In order to solve this problem and further realize the real universal experience, a kind of token directly available in the universal account is introduced to pay the fees on each chain, so cross-chain transactions only need this specific token to be executed without providing a separate token for each chain they use. This dynamic further promotes the fundamental goal of chain abstraction, even if users do not exchange automatically. It can also be accessed when holding universal tokens, allowing them to use any tokens to pay fees. The account abstraction is realized on Bitcoin by unifying users' Bitcoin accounts and smart accounts based on it. This is achieved by using Bitcoin wallets as signers of Bitcoin or smart accounts on the network, so that users can directly interact with existing Bitcoin wallets without additional interaction or interface. This design introduces smart accounts and unique Bitcoin-specific wallet connection mode, which is divided by generating points. The smart account assigned to the target bitcoin wallet is used to complete the local bitcoin wallet connection. Through or in this way, all interactions between the smart account and the original bitcoin wallet can be controlled through the interface of the bitcoin wallet. The interaction of the user's smart account can be funded directly by the account owner or prepaid by himself, so the user can conduct the agreement through no transaction or using the assets on his smart account, usually but also other tokens, such as payment in some cases. Interaction This allows users to access on the network without downloading additional plug-in applications or managing different keys, which expands the functions of bitcoin wallets, allows users to send local bitcoin transactions with a single wallet, interact with the ecosystem and execute logic on compatible bitcoins, including interactive bitcoins without and without pop-ups. In short, the public key of the bitcoin wallet connected by users is directly used to execute local bitcoin transactions and is used to generate this, which is used to create a smart account and use bitcoin money. As its signer, the package allows the same wallet to handle the seamless driven bitcoin main network and transaction tokens. After the main network is launched, the original project tokens will be issued, and the tokens with the main function of universal tokens will be modularized as the key components in the general account model to support the transactions executed by general accounts. Usually, cross-chain operations are carried out only by the tokens, and there is no need for multiple independent native tokens to pass through its dual security network tokens. The modularity protected by the re-pledge mechanism acts as half of its consensus model. It is pledged together with the re-pledge to enhance network security governance. Token holders will have the opportunity to vote on public governance proposals that affect the operation of particle network infrastructure. Network tokens provide users with many benefits, including convenience. As mentioned above, it will make it easier for end users to adjust their incentives through unified payment of a single token. Perhaps more importantly, network tokens turn other blockchain developers and themselves into growth partners. This model avoids the typical business model of wallet abstract tools and greatly adds. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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