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ERC-6551 其貌不扬,却有着广阔的叙事空间,本文仅探讨个人最感兴趣的方向,我称之为非人类的账户主体。文中的三个用例或许天马行空,但你看,航天工业的目的地是星辰大海,在把我们带往火星之前,它可以先为我们带来气垫鞋。

1. 游戏:真人玩家和NPC 的一体化


能不能有一种全新类型的主体或对象,它既可以承载真人,也可以承载NPC?当真人上线时进入真人模式,玩家正常操作,比如提高技能、建设城池;当真人下线时进入NPC模式(读取固定的数据和执行特定的程序),在其它玩家的真人模式里做被动的NPC赚钱,比如当雇佣兵。区块链加上ERC-6551 是这种主体最好的载体。NFT(游戏角色)拥有账户,拥有数据和财产,可被视为独立对象处理;真人账户拥有NFT,上线后可接手控制权。

并不是说区块链和ERC-6551 解决了真人玩家和NPC一体化的所有问题,但它们开启了一条可能的路径。作为一个重度游戏玩家,我常常问自己“区块链有没有可能让游戏更好玩”,列出了无数的答案,也在推导之后划去了几乎所有的答案。在NPC上寻找道路,是一个还没有被划去的答案。

2. AI:AI与人类的平等地位




3. 数字化:人的数字化未来



ERC-6551 是一种答案。ERC-6551 是独立数字主体的载体,不管该主体是一个游戏角色,一个独立AI,还是一个人的数字分身。


在讨论ERC-5169 前,需要先讨论我们自己加给自己的两种桎梏。一种桎梏关于数据,另一种桎梏关于信任。



ERC-5169 的工作,就是打开这两种新疆域。借助于该标准,开发者可以探索部分数据链上处理、部分数据链下处理的应用方向,可以探索权益由去信任和其他信任共同保障的应用方向。这些方向是崭新的、同时也是广阔的。

ERC-5169 是以token为中心的编程,也就是说,链上数据和链下数据,去信任和其他信任,都锚定在某个token上。Web2世界的人或许不理解为什么要这么处理,在他们眼中token可能只是一种有面值的数字资产,但区块链领域的人深刻地知道该方式所带来的互操作性、可组合性,这种互操作性和可组合性是区块链最具颠覆性的革新之一。ERC-5169 把这种革新从链上数据扩展到了链下数据,从去信任扩展到了其他信任。


好朋友用一句话说服了我去关注ERC-404 标准,他说:“炒盲盒不持久,得是炒酒”。使用ERC-721 可以生产类盲盒的产品,而使用ERC-404 能够生产类酒的产品,这便是ERC-404 的妙处所在。

在生产方式上,酒和盲盒的不同在于,酒是以标准化生产方式生产的、可持续生产的产品;在产品属性上,酒的稀缺性来源于大众的共识,比如82年的拉菲最值钱(盲盒的稀缺性来源于项目方的设定)。不妨把ERC-404 看作一台产品生产机器,输入端是数据(生产资料),比如区块高度、随机数等等,输出端即是可售卖或可使用的产品,比如生成艺术。不用去干预生产过程,它是标准化、自动化的生产;不用去设计稀缺性,大众自己决定稀缺性。

以炒盲盒和炒酒为例来讨论ERC-404,是因为它们是最直观也最易被区块链用户接受的产品。隐含在这个例子之后的意义在于:只有当一类产品能够以标准化的生产方式生产,它才可能走向大规模的采用;只有当稀缺性来源于共识,它才可以持续。这也是我这位朋友对ERC-404 感兴趣的原因,他视Web3为新型的经济活动,他以生产力是什么和产品是什么为出发点去观察和判断Web3项目。这是一个宏大的、包含区块链但不止于区块链的叙事。

ERC-404 在技术上清晰易懂,真正具有挑战性的是如何使用它。如果说ERC-6551 的应用多是创造新需求,ERC-5169 的应用多是为现实问题提供新解决方案,在我眼中,成功的ERC-404 应用可能多需奇技淫巧,奇技淫巧能够带出ERC-404 的魔力;还需要真正的产品能力,形成共识并不是一件简单的事情。


新标准/新协议是新的力量,新技术和新场景还为释放这股力量创造出了额外的新条件。以ERC-6551 为例,它可以与诸多新技术结合,包括intent-centric 和账户抽象;它可以应用于诸多新场景,比如自主世界和AI。


Author Li Hua's original text was published in the last round of bear market. People's doubts are whether the blockchain is useful. Then the power we saw and the vitality that came with it have been answered positively. In this round of cycle, many people are deeply involved, and many people once again have doubts about what else the blockchain can be used for, not because they are not satisfied, but because the current blockchain is like a dragon with only one wing trapped in a limited site. Only when its other wing also grows will it soar, and only when its other wing also grows can the power of the first wing be truly released. Where will the wing grow? It will not come from the chain level, such as the new chain or the new one. These are the dragon's trunk instead of the dragon's wings. It will come from the application level in the chain, and it will probably come from the application under the new standard and the new agreement instead of the old agreement. Under the premise that everyone has racked their brains to innovate for several years, the old agreement has not. It can bring surprises. In this article, I want to discuss three personal favorite new standards, new protocols and new protocols, which will open up new application directions, and the new application directions may bring non-investment needs and non-financial needs to the blockchain, so that the dragon can grow another wing, which is ugly but has a broad narrative space. This article only discusses the direction that individuals are most interested in, which I call non-human account subjects. The three use cases in this article may be unconstrained, but you see that the destination of aerospace industry is the sea of stars. Before taking us to Mars, it can bring us the air cushion game, the integration of real players and players. It is an open game that I like. Players can resell goods between different cities to make money, but the deserts between cities are full of dangers. At this time, they can go to pubs to find mercenaries to spend money on escort caravans. In traditional games, these can't be real people, and because they are not real people, nothing else grows except players. Lonely players will one day finish all their tasks and leave here. Can a game have a brand-new type of subject or object, which can carry both real people and real people when they go online? Players can operate normally, such as improving skills, building a city when real people go offline, reading fixed data and executing specific programs, and making passive money in other players' real people's real people's models, such as when the mercenary blockchain is the best carrier of this subject, the game characters have accounts, data and property, which can be regarded as independent objects to handle real people's accounts. Users can take over the control right after going online, which does not mean that blockchain has solved all the problems of real players and integration, but they have opened a possible path. As a heavy gamer, I often ask myself whether blockchain can make the game more fun, and list countless answers. After deduction, almost all the answers have been crossed out. Looking for the road on the Internet is an answer that has not been crossed out, and human beings are an arrogant creature. We regard everything as ourselves. However, technology is not a subsidiary of human beings. When we look at the science and technology tree, we will find that it is another powerful evolutionary force. It has its own place to go. If arrogance in the past only made human beings miss a happier lifestyle, Levi Strauss may bring a racial tragedy in the future. Maybe we need to take a step forward and regard it as a subject equal to human beings. Then where will it be? They will put themselves in a place where the control belongs to others. On private servers? How should they manage and use their own assets? The answer may be a public chain or a consensus data subject. The subject owns an account instead of an account holder. Take a step back. The role of the game, especially the narrative adopted by the role agent on a large scale based on reinforcement learning, is that they all need to own an account. The digital future of digitized people will generate a somewhat similar thing in the digital space through data collection and training. The only question is whether it is one in ten thousand similar or whether it can be regarded as a digital self. In view of human's pursuit of eternal life, it will be a common thing to train the digital avatar, so that the digital avatar will always exist and give it a physical body after the technology matures. The life maintenance of the digital avatar is a problem, especially after the prototype dies, and it is unreliable to give it to others, including relatives, because it takes a long time to cross over. The best strategy is to leave it enough money to maintain itself. In this case, it needs a permanent account, the account can not be closed and the assets of the account can be used independently. What can you think of as a solution? If the digital avatar can be regarded as a digital self, it is an equal subject with others, it makes money, it not only maintains but also develops itself, so where does it live, how to achieve independence, or how to make the digital avatar have the highest authority over the digital avatar? The answer is that it is the carrier of independent digital subjects. No matter whether the subject is a game character, an independent or a person's digital avatar, we need to discuss two kinds of shackles that we add to ourselves before discussing, one is about data, and the other is about trust. Blockchain can only handle the boundary of data on the chain, which is regarded as the boundary of blockchain capability. In order to expand this boundary, we will try to upload data in almost every round of development, but both in theory and practice. Meaningful data uplink can't help the blockchain to effectively expand the boundary. We stop here. However, there is a vast space between the data that needs to be processed by the blockchain and the data that doesn't need to be processed by the blockchain at all. Some of their data can be processed by the blockchain to gain the ability of the blockchain, and the other part of their data can be processed by the blockchain to gain the advantage of data processing outside the chain. The boundary of this space is the boundary of the blockchain ability. It may be one of the biggest charms of the blockchain to trust, but it is difficult to achieve it. We often deceive ourselves and equate decentralization with trust. Some decentralization can indeed bring about trust, but others bring about that the centralized object who should be responsible for something escapes their responsibility. In fact, it is similar to the situation of data under the data link in the chain. Some things need to be trusted, while some things need to be trusted to protect rights and interests, and the other part needs to be centralized. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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