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随着Layer 2网络和去中心化人工智能平台的表现日益突出,数据可用性变得更加关键。数据可用性(Data Availability, DA)指的是区块生产者将区块的所有交易数据都发布到网络中,以便使验证者可以进行下载的需求。随之而来,也带来了数据可用性的问题,有两个关键点:安全与成本。一是确保验证机制安全进行,二是降低发布数据的成本。


现在,如果将人工智能与模块化区块链融合,会产生怎样的奇妙效应?0G,也称作Zero Gravity,就是在这样的背景下诞生的首个模块化AI区块链。3月26日,0G宣布在Pre-Seed轮中融得了3500万美元,投资者包括Hack VC、Alliance、Animoca Brands、Delphi Digital、Stanford Builders Fund、Symbolic Capital、OKX Ventures等40多家机构。

0G的首席执行官、联合创始人Michael Heinrich近日介绍了项目理念、当前的开发进展和未来路线图,以及项目成立背后的更多细节。


从官方介绍来看,0G是第一个具有超级可扩展性和去中心化特性的内置通用存储层的数据可用性系统。0G的可扩展性取决于将数据可用性的工作流程分为数据发布通道(data publishing lane)和数据存储通道(data storage lane)的想法。大量数据传输发生在由存储层支持的数据存储通道上,通过良好设计的分区实现水平扩展性,而数据发布通道通过数据可用性抽样的共识保证数据可用性属性,该过程只需要通过共识协议传输微小数据,以避免交易广播的瓶颈。




“我们也可以在其中涵盖更多的技术型的创新。然后,聚焦AI是基础设施的一部分,包括分布式存储网络。人们可以使用它来存储AI模型,使用DA属性来提供分布式的推理追踪(inference traces)和opML案例。这样就实现了一个数据基础设施的全方位解决方案,特别是为AI打造。随着时间的推移,我们在这个领域将会有越来越多的创新。”



作为一家初创企业,0G最开始的融资只是个基础的目标,500万美元,用于发展核心技术。但是当0G选择了Hack VC作为领投方时,大门立刻敞开,0G获得了20倍的超额认购。吸引了超过1亿美元的投资兴趣,0G最终与他们认为最能提供帮助的投资者进行了合作。

“我认为这背后的原因包括:团队的能力;这个领域以及它带来的潜力;初期进入的投资者的质量,他们打开了大门,让其他投资者也想要参与进来。Hack VC 是我们收到的第一个投资意向书,一旦他们投资,很多其他人也迅速跟进。”


谈到项目最初设立的原因,Michael表示,他最初是从斯坦福大学认识 Thomas Yao的,两人是同学,随着时间的推移成为了很好的朋友。“所以我现在认识Yao已经有10年了。他知道我想在Web 3和AI领域建设一些东西。于是他在2022年底给我打了电话,说:‘嘿,几年前我投资了一家名为Conflux的公司,Ming Wu和Fan Long两位非常出色,他们想要在全球范围内启动一些项目,我认为我们四个人可以组成一个非常有实力的团队。’于是我们聚在一起,我花了大约6个月的时间与联合创始人频繁会面。”Michael表示。

With the development of network and decentralized artificial intelligence platform, data availability has become more and more prominent. Data availability refers to the demand of block producers to publish all transaction data in the network so that verifiers can download them, which also brings the problem of data availability. There are two key points: one is to ensure the safety of verification mechanism, the other is to reduce the cost of publishing data, which is ok in the process of gradually separating data availability from the main network. It is found that another bigger long-term trend is the modularization of blockchain, which decomposes various tasks or functions of blockchain into different layers or modules. This separation allows to improve performance, scalability and customization. At present, competitors in the field of modular blockchain are waiting. What wonderful effects will be produced if artificial intelligence is integrated with modular blockchain now? It is also called that the first modular blockchain born under this background announced on March that it has won an investment of ten thousand dollars in the round. Recently, the CEO and co-founder of many institutions introduced the concept of the project, the current development progress and future roadmap, and more details behind the establishment of the project. From the official introduction, it is the first data availability system with super scalability and decentralized characteristics with a built-in general storage layer. The scalability depends on the idea of dividing the workflow of data availability into data publishing channels and data storage channels, and a large number of data transmission. It happens on the data storage channel supported by the storage layer, and the horizontal scalability is realized through well-designed partitions, while the data publishing channel guarantees the data availability attribute through the consensus of data availability sampling. This process only needs to transmit tiny data through the consensus protocol to avoid the bottleneck of transaction broadcasting. More generally speaking, it has three characteristics. We help high-performance start key innovations on the network through the fastest data availability layer in the market. There are three aspects in which high performance focuses on data availability. From the performance point of view, the programmability of the platform has found a way to expand the nodes horizontally in the consensus layer and how to expand the consensus layer itself, which means that we can provide unlimited data availability throughput. At each consensus layer, we can provide about data availability capacity, which is twice as fast as or cheaper than other methods, so we can really achieve the cost and performance of imitation. According to him, the modular blockchain will support a series of high-frequency transactions including games. This is a major breakthrough in this field, and we can also cover more technical innovations in it, and then focus is part of the infrastructure, including distributed storage network, which people can use to store model usage attributes and provide distributed reasoning, tracking and cases, thus realizing an all-round solution of data infrastructure, especially for building. With the passage of time, we will have more and more innovations in this field, in addition to the above two characteristics, it is also feasible. Programmable blockchain and developers can save their entire state through smart contracts and then load the state later. When they do this, they can completely customize the length of storage, the type of data used, the security attributes and how much data backup they want, so it can be programmed according to your needs. These three key innovations distinguish us from other data availability layers in the encryption field. Investment institutions are popular and oversubscribed as a start-up. The initial financing was only a basic goal, with 10,000 US dollars used to develop core technologies, but when we chose to be the lead investor, the door was immediately opened, and the oversubscription was doubled, attracting more than 100 million US dollars of investment interest. Finally, we cooperated with investors who they thought could provide the most help. I think the reasons behind this include the team's ability, the field it brought and the quality of investors who entered the initial stage. They opened the door and let other investors want to participate, which is the first thing we received. Once they invested in a letter of intent for investment, many others quickly followed up, saying that the investment funds received will be mainly used for marketing and engineering development, which are two main purposes, and the funds will be roughly divided equally between these two aspects. When it comes to the reasons for the initial establishment of the project, he said that he first met two people from Stanford University and became good friends with the passage of time, so I have known them for years now. He knew that I wanted to build something in the field of peace, so he gave it to me at the end of the year. I called and said, hey, a few years ago, I invested in a company named and two excellent people. They wanted to start some projects on a global scale. I thought the four of us could form a very strong team, so we got together and I spent about months meeting with the co-founders frequently. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台



0G创立于去年,大约是9个月前左右。现在,与其说是面对一些开发中的挑战,0G的技术团队目前正在做的是专注优化,对于他们来说,所面对的挑战更多的是如何真正优化系统的每个部分。比如,团队研究不同的纠删码(erasure coding)方案,然后找到了一个我们修改过的实现方案,使得速度比我们见过的任何其他方案都快了三倍。

“这不太涉及到挑战,更多的是优化基础设施。我们正在以非常系统化的方式构建它。我们首先从分散式存储网络开始,然后我们添加了纠删码组件,添加了共识层组件,添加了KZG commits,然后作为共识网络的一部分添加了数据可用性抽样。”






就合作伙伴关系而言,0G目前正在与一些加密领域中出色的Layer2合作,比如Polygon。还将合作的有一些与人工智能项目、游戏项目和一些DeFi项目合作。除此之外,Michael透露,0G还将与一些 rollups-as-a-service 提供商进行合作。


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