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作者:Denise Schaefer 来源:blockchain capital 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网



为了让加密消费产品吸引主流,它们的信息传递需要关注即时且可识别的价值,类似于亚马逊购物体验的便利性或使用 PayPal 在线支付的简单性。围绕这些产品的信息传递必须简单且相关。本文探讨了如何与消费者进行有效沟通。


  • 人们希望解决方案能够无缝融入他们的日常生活。

  • 他们不懂复杂的行话。

  • 他们通常对为他们使用的产品提供动力的技术不感兴趣。 

  • 他们不关心产品如何运作;他们关心产品如何运作。他们关心为什么要使用它们(即产品能为他们做什么)。


这方面有很多先例。Apple 不会宣传 iPhone 的底层技术。他们宣传用户如何从拥有它中受益。同样,Spotify 也不关注其算法的复杂性。相反,他们强调其提供的个性化、点播音乐流媒体体验。 

加密货币引入了消费者体验的变革模型,超越了传统的 web2 框架。可组合性、代币化和去中心化等功能有可能彻底改变我们使用数字产品和服务的方式。可组合性通过可定制和可互操作的应用程序增强了消费者体验。代币化提供了独特的所有权和可转让性。去中心化使用户能够直接参与生态系统并拥有所有权,从而培育更多参与的社区和公平的经济模式。



Sling是一个利用区块链技术在 29 个国家/地区实现快速、经济高效的汇款的平台。它通过向人们而不是账号发送资金来强调人为因素。Sling 正在通过一种由加密技术独特支持的解决方案来满足对更无缝的全球交易的真正需求,但感觉就像是一个活泼的 web2 应用程序。 

借助 Sling,用户无需了解底层技术即可享受区块链带来的好处,例如即时支付、降低交易成本以及消除传统银行业务障碍。用户以当地货币将资金加载到 Sling 中,Sling 会自动将其转换为 USDC。这个过程是在幕后战略性地进行的,消除了通常与加密交易相关的复杂性。


Sling 的网站主页

Sling 的营销重点是消费者的体验及其服务的实际好处。虽然他们的网站上提到了区块链和 USDC,但它们并未被定位为主要卖点。

通过简化国际汇款流程并强调好处,Sling 的信息吸引了普通消费者最看重的东西:便利性。

另一个例子,Worldcoin的 World ID 是一种安全数字身份验证的创新方法。为了创建世界 ID,人们与称为“Orb”的虹膜扫描设备进行交互以进行生物识别验证。此扫描可确保每个 World ID 对于个人而言都是唯一的。该 ID 作为钱包存储在区块链上,确保其安全、防篡改且可跨不同平台和服务访问。 

为了直观地传达其在创建更加互联和安全的在线世界方面的效用,Worlcoin 将 World ID 称为“互联网的护照”。


世界币网站以世界 ID 为特色

Worldcoin 的营销重点强调了 Orb 在安全、保护隐私的数字身份验证方面的创新用途,强调其在不存储个人生物识别数据的情况下确保每个人的唯一身份的作用。安全和隐私是中心主题,凸显了他们打算如何创建一个人人都能访问的包容性、开放的金融网络。 


最后,Blackbird是一个忠诚度和会员平台,旨在在餐厅与其最忠诚的顾客之间建立更深层次的联系。Blackbird 允许客户为他们经常光顾的餐厅创建 NFT 会员资格。这些 NFT 可以解锁各种奖励,例如赚取 $FLY 代币、短信礼宾服务以及用餐时的“厨房惊喜”。这种方法为食客提供了新的参与度和价值。聪明的是,他们的 UI 中没有提到 NFT 这个术语。

通过使用加密货币轨道,黑鸟正在分散餐厅忠诚度计划。它允许用户赚取积分,不受单一系统的限制;然后,用户可以灵活地在公共区块链上交易 $FLY 代币和会员累积的 NFT。该系统代表了传统忠诚度计划的转变,为客户提供了更灵活、更有价值的奖励形式。

此外,Blackbird 与 Privy 的合作简化了用户体验,只需一个电话号码即可访问自我托管钱包,即使对于那些以前从未使用过加密货币钱包的人也是如此。

Blackbird 为用户提供了一个明确的用例,同时为数字时代餐厅和顾客的互动方式制定了新标准。





Historically, the encryption market has attracted three specific groups of financial traders, digital asset collectors and technical experts. With the recent technological progress, cryptocurrency is entering a new competitive environment where traditional consumers can participate, but even if companies turn their attention to more mainstream audiences, many companies are still using encrypted marketing information and strategies that were only effective for niche audiences before. In order to make encrypted consumer products attract mainstream, their information transmission. Need to pay attention to the immediate and identifiable value, similar to the convenience of Amazon shopping experience or the simplicity of using online payment. The information transmission around these products must be simple and relevant. This paper discusses how to communicate effectively with consumers. First, let's look at some advanced facts about the psychology of mainstream consumers. People want solutions to be seamlessly integrated into their daily lives. They don't know complicated jargon. They are usually not interested in the technology that powers the products they use. We don't care about how products work, they care about how products work, they care about why they should be used, that is, what products can do for them. In short, the marketing needs of encrypted products around consumers are more similar to traditional marketing. Our goal should be to make their use second nature, but users don't understand the blockchain foundation. There are many precedents in this respect that will not be publicized. They publicize how users can benefit from owning it, and they also don't pay attention to the complexity of their algorithms. On the contrary, they are strong. The personalized on-demand music streaming media experience cryptocurrency has introduced a change model of consumer experience, which transcends the traditional framework. The functions of composability, tokenization and decentralization may completely change the way we use digital products and services. Composability enhances the consumer experience through customizable and interoperable applications. Tokenization provides unique ownership and transferability. Decentralization enables users to directly participate in the ecosystem and have ownership, thus cultivating more. The answer for cryptocurrency companies is to learn to communicate these benefits by contacting people. The existing product is a platform that uses blockchain technology to realize fast, economical and efficient remittance in 20 countries and regions. It emphasizes human factors by sending funds to people instead of accounts. It is meeting the real demand for more seamless global transactions through a solution supported by encryption technology, but it feels like a lively application. With the help of users, the program can enjoy the benefits brought by blockchain without knowing the underlying technology, such as instant payment, reducing transaction costs and eliminating traditional banking obstacles. Users will automatically convert their funds into local currency. This process is carried out strategically behind the scenes, eliminating the complexity and privacy usually associated with encrypted transactions. The marketing focus of the homepage of the website is on the consumer experience and the practical benefits of its services. Although blockchain and its services are mentioned on their websites, they are not. Being positioned as the main selling point attracts what ordinary consumers value most by simplifying the international remittance process and emphasizing the benefits. Convenience is another example of an innovative method of secure digital authentication. In order to create a world, people interact with the so-called iris scanning device for biometric authentication. This scanning can ensure that each one is unique for individuals. It should be stored as a wallet in the blockchain to ensure its security, tamper resistance and accessibility across different platforms and services. Communicate its effectiveness in creating a more interconnected and secure online world. Passport World Currency website, which will be called the Internet, focuses on the innovative use of digital authentication in security and privacy protection, and emphasizes its role in ensuring everyone's unique identity without storing personal biometric data. Security and privacy are the central themes, highlighting how they intend to create an inclusive and open financial network that everyone can access, and the information they convey. Always focus on the mission of creating a more humane economic system. Although curious readers can find a detailed explanation on how it uses blockchain technology, this is not the first thing you see. The focus is on its value, privacy, security and ownership. Finally, it is a loyalty and membership platform designed to establish a deeper connection between restaurants and their most loyal customers, allowing customers to create memberships for restaurants they frequent. These can unlock various rewards, such as earning tokens and SMS gifts. Guest service and kitchen surprise during dining provide diners with new participation and value. Cleverly, this term is not mentioned in their books. By using cryptocurrency, Blackbird is dispersing restaurants in loyalty programs. It allows users to earn points without being limited by a single system, and then users can flexibly trade tokens and members accumulated in the public blockchain. This system represents the transformation of traditional loyalty programs and provides customers with more flexible and valuable reward forms. The cooperation simplifies the user experience, even for those who have never used cryptocurrency wallets before, and provides a clear use case for users. At the same time, it sets a new standard for the interaction between restaurants and customers in the digital age. Imagine a world where people use encryption products without knowing it. The future of consumer encryption products lies not in their ability to show their technological advantages, but in their ability to seamlessly integrate into daily life. This concept is in line with the success story. Although the technology has potential complexity, it has been widely accepted by users at a record speed. When consumers see the practical value of the new technology, this magical moment highlights the advantages of user-centered and the importance of direct message transmission. Adopting this method will not only expand the appeal of encryption-based solutions, but also pave the way for them to integrate into the structure of daily activities, heralding a new era with blurred boundaries between traditional services and encryption services. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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