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作者:Veronika Rinecker 来源:cointelegraph 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网






德国Fraunhofer工业工程研究所IAO的建筑文化创新研究小组负责人Günter Wenzel表示,公共管理和政府可以从元宇宙及其与元宇宙集成的服务中受益。




Wenzel 表示,在这种情况下,政府机构将不再在实体柜台与公民进行沟通,而是通过虚拟宇宙进行沟通,并且无论身在何处都能够提供绝大多数服务。


测试 VR 和 XR 的公共管理

对于 Wenzel 来说,仍然很难说这是否会让政府服务变得更加高效,因为这取决于用例。


在 2022 年一系列多天的活动中,管理者和利益相关者制定了季度战略,11% 的参与者对研讨会成果更加满意,16% 的参与者发现沟通有所改善,58% 的参与者感受到同事之间的友情更加强烈。



这个名为“扩展现实”的新项目旨在探索扩展现实 (XR) 技术在公共管理服务方面的潜力。下萨克森州还计划进行进一步的科学研究,以提供有关项目工作和与公民沟通方面,虚拟现实与混合现实 (MR) 协作附加值的信息。

这些项目受到了欧盟委员会于 2023 年 7 月 11 日通过的 “Web4 和虚拟世界战略” 的启发,该战略旨在“引领下一场科技转型,并确保欧盟公民、企业和公共管理部门拥有一个开放、安全、可信、公平和包容的数字环境。”


下萨克森州内政和体育部的一位发言人告诉 Cointelegraph,即将开展的扩展现实项目结果将是确定未来头显性能要求的基础。

“在 2024 年和 2025 年,下萨克森州将继续关注使用这些技术的试点项目,因为市场发展非常迅速,而且特别需要首先澄清诸如完全符合 GDPR 等框架条件。”










2023 年,弗劳恩霍夫信息技术与自动化研究所 (IAO) 和弗劳恩霍夫生产工程与自动化研究所与巴登-符腾堡州的虚拟维度中心 (VDC) 合作启动了一个名为 CyberLänd 的大型元宇宙项目。



据 CyberLänd 称,元宇宙是德国维护其技术强国地位的重要机遇。未来,扩展现实、工业业务流程和公共服务的软件解决方案、3D 内容的虚拟化和组合以及去中心化、互操作的数据平台将发挥重要作用。




德国工业部门也正在认识到虚拟宇宙对开发和生产的好处。西门子能源公司已经在使用元宇宙对发电厂进行建模、预测维护需求,并通过最大限度地减少停机时间每年为运营商节省 17 亿美元。2023年,西门子还在德国投资了超过11亿美元,其中一半投资于埃尔兰根的新园区。该园区将作为全球开发和制造中心,以及与工业虚拟世界相关的技术活动中心。

2024 年,西门子还与索尼合作,为工业元宇宙创建了另一个解决方案,将西门子的 Xcelerator 工业软件产品组合与索尼用于创建空间内容的新系统结合起来。新的解决方案将使设计师和工程师能够在无限的沉浸式工作空间中创建和探索设计概念。

同样,宝马正在开发一家由 Nvidia Omniverse 平台提供支持的数字工厂,只有在数字模型的广泛设计和验证之后才会开始物理建设。



公共管理部门看到了改善公民参与、服务交付和员工之间协作的潜力,下萨克森州的 VR 协作室和巴登-符腾堡州的 CyberLänd 项目等早期举措就证明了这一点。同样,西门子和宝马等行业巨头利用元宇宙来增强设计、测试和生产流程。

当然,数据安全、法律不确定性和硬件限制等挑战仍然存在,需要仔细考虑。Fraunhofer-IAO 的 Wenzel 表示,政府、行业和研究人员之间的规划、员工培训以及合作对于成功克服这些障碍至关重要,并补充道:


Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network was once hailed as the next frontier of human interaction. After the initial passion of generate, the metauniverse seems to have lost its motivation, vague promises, unclear financial benefits and expensive hardware hindered its large-scale adoption. However, in Germany, the second wave of interest is brewing, and the state governments and research institutions have seen the potential of metauniverse technology to revolutionize entertainment, social interaction, public management and industrial processes. The metauniverse is based on blockchain, virtual reality and augmented reality Internet of Things people. The emerging virtual space based on industrial intelligence, big data, spatial computing and digital twin technology promises to create new connection and innovation times in many fields and bridge the gap between physics and digital fields. Will this time be different by focusing on public services and practical applications in industry? Germany aims to understand the true potential of the meta-universe. Can the meta-universe change government services? The head of the architectural culture innovation research group of the German Institute of Industrial Engineering said that public management and the government can learn from the meta-universe and its The team is currently exploring the potential of the metauniverse in many fields, especially in the field of public management. We understand the metauniverse as the next evolution stage of the Internet and the superposition of real and virtual spaces. Citizens can get open but secure data exchange and communication with authorities in various metauniverse ecosystems through the connection with public management services, saying that citizens will be able to get from any one through smart phones, desktop computers or glasses. Local access to these services uses encryption technology to protect the access rights and role configuration of trading operations, which means that in this case, government agencies will no longer communicate with citizens at physical counters, but communicate through the virtual universe, and can provide most services no matter where they are. In order to manage the real estate and infrastructure of municipalities or cities, the government can create digital twins of buildings for implementing artificial intelligence auxiliary processes for monitoring and maintenance, as well as demolition, transformation and new construction. It is still difficult for me to say whether this will make government services more efficient, because it depends on the use case. However, a cooperative initiative between the University of Mü nster and PricewaterhouseCoopers of the Ministry of Interior and Sports of Lower Saxony has demonstrated the advantages of using immersive technology in public management. In a series of multi-day activities in, managers and stakeholders formulated quarterly strategies. Participants who were more satisfied with the results of the seminar found that participants felt that communication had improved. The friendship between colleagues is stronger. In addition to the virtual reality collaboration room, the government of Lower Saxony is also conducting another project to test immersion technology. This new project, called augmented reality, aims to explore the potential of augmented reality technology in public management services. Lower Saxony also plans to conduct further scientific research to provide information on the added value of virtual reality and mixed reality collaboration in project work and communication with citizens. These projects were approved by the European Commission on. The strategy aims to lead the next technological transformation and ensure that EU citizens, enterprises and public administrations have an open, safe, credible, fair and inclusive digital environment. A spokesman of the Ministry of Interior and Sports of Saxony told the upcoming augmented reality project that the results will be the basis for determining the performance requirements of the future head-mounted display. In and next year, Saxony will continue to pay attention to the pilot projects using these technologies because the market is developing very fast and it is particularly necessary to first. Clarify the risks and challenges of meta-universe, such as fully meeting the framework conditions. Although there are positive signs, there are still some uncertainties in the use of immersion technology by the public administration of Lower Saxony. As the spokesman said, we should not only recognize the potential of these technologies, but also recognize their limitations and dangers. Integrating them into the planning process requires careful and meticulous methods, and internal risks require special attention to the implementation of necessary hardware and software, which requires strong network security and data protection. The government also aims to assess the impact of the technology on employees' health and data processing methods. The usability and applicability of the technology also pose a further challenge. Although the market provides various solutions, not all of them meet the administrative needs, mainly because of the above-mentioned security and data concerns. Finally, educating employees and citizens and providing them with the necessary skills for long-term sustainable use of immersive technology is the basis for successfully utilizing the potential of the meta-universe, but this is not a simple task. The public administration department will It is necessary to learn which application fields immersion technology is most suitable for. On this basis, the government can also support technological development to ensure an open, safe, credible, fair and inclusive digital environment for citizens, enterprises and public administrations. Regional initiatives drive innovation. The governments of Lower Saxony and other German States are trying to explore the integration of the information technology and automation institute in Flawn and the production engineering and automation institute in Flawn with the virtual dimension center in Baden-Wü rttemberg. A large-scale metauniverse project was launched, which was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Tourism of Baden-Wü rttemberg to explore the political, industrial and social potential of the metauniverse to this southern state. Most importantly, the project team hopes to contribute to a deeper understanding of this complex topic. What role will the metauniverse play in Baden-Wü rttemberg, what actions should the government and enterprises take and how to promote public participation? It is said that the metauniverse is an important opportunity for Germany to maintain its status as a technological power. The virtualization and combination of software solutions for real industrial business processes and public services, as well as the decentralized interoperable data platform will play an important role. However, the establishment of a stable ecosystem requires better cooperation between German industry and its digital technology. Another successful regional initiative using metauniverse and artificial intelligence technology is Heilbronn's artificial intelligence innovation park plan. The metauniverse laboratory will provide various educational opportunities and practices for individuals and companies. Use cases let them learn and experience the meta-universe. Big companies invest in the industrial meta-universe. German industrial departments are also realizing the benefits of the virtual universe to development and production. Siemens Energy has been using the meta-universe to model and predict the maintenance needs of power plants, and by minimizing downtime, Siemens has saved operators hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Siemens also invested more than hundreds of millions of dollars in Germany, half of which invested in the new park in Herun, which will be used as a global development and manufacturing center and a technical activity center related to the industrial virtual world. Siemens also cooperated with Sony to create another industrial meta-universe in. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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