为何Solana近期严重拥堵 交易总是失败?

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 03:18:23 评论:0



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a. Tx 成功执行,没有任何错误。

b. 执行但失败——支付了gas,但执行返回错误。当条件可能未得到满足时,就会发生这种情况,例如他们试图购买的mint已售完,或者由于价格变动非常快而导致滑点超过等等。


c. 丢弃的交易:tx 没有出现在任何地方,在这种情况下,tx 尚未到达区块leader。这是目前大多数用户看到的情况。这是一个网络层问题,而不是共识/执行问题。

2、  现在你可能会问什么是网络层,但稍后我们将讨论这些丢弃的交易,以及为什么它们是 Solana网络最近拥塞的主要原因。


3、你会惊讶地发现,这些失败的交易中只有大约 8% 是由实际用户进行的,其余的都是由链上机器人进行的失败的套利交易。套利者在链上发送垃圾邮件,因为与成功套利的最终回报相比,垃圾邮件的成本微乎其微。


4、例如:他们每天可以向链上发送多次垃圾邮件,这将花费他们几百美元(因为 Solana 的费用较低),而他们只需要完成一笔交易即可赚取超过 10 万美元的利润。


6、事实上,自去年 11 月以来,Solana 的交易失败率一直保持在 50% 左右。如果你回顾一下我上面列出的失败与成功图表,你会发现之前也很类似。

7、现在让我们讨论过去几天 Solana拥塞的主要原因——“从未成功的交易”。正如本文前面提到的,这些交易未能到达区块leader,并且由于网络层的问题而被丢弃。

8、网络层是互联网的通信层,它用于将数据包从一个连接发送到另一个连接。例如 - TCP、UDP、QUIC(由google设计)等。

9、Solana最近升级为QUIC作为其网络层,它有助于在用户和区块leader之间建立连接。由于 Solana 具有连续的区块生产并且没有内存池,因此失去连接将意味着 tx 不会落在区块上。


10、QUIC 使区块leader能够根据特定标准切断某些用户连接或对其进行速率限制。因此,区块leader现在可以在高需求期间断开某些连接。


12、所以你可能会问,如果 QUIC 的一切都设计得这么好,为什么 Solana 这么糟糕?因此,问题在于,尽管区块leader现在可以限制某些连接,但限制连接的逻辑实现得很差并且存在错误。

13、为了更好地理解,让我们想象这样一种情况:每个区块leader都有 X 个可以与之通信的连接。现在在活动高峰期,区块leader开始收到 10-100 倍连接数的请求......


14、这是区块leader可以选择放弃某些连接的时候。然而,目前这些连接不会按照设定的标准被丢弃(比如丢弃所有费用低于 x 的连接),而是随机丢弃......



17、那么这就能解决问题吗?Solana会再次大涨?嗯,不完全是。前面的路还很长,有 3 个原因:

 a、无法保证当前修复措施在防止 Solana



C、网络垃圾邮件问题:Solana 上的交易经济性存在多个问题,并且无法防止不良行为者向链上发送垃圾邮件。


From the user's point of view, there are essentially three things that may happen when they make a transaction, such as successful execution without any mistakes, but failed to pay, but the execution returned an error. This happens when the conditions may not be met, such as the goods they try to buy are sold out or the price changes very quickly, which leads to the slip point exceeding, and so on. The discarded transaction does not appear anywhere, in this case. Not reaching the block, which is what most users see at present, is a network layer problem rather than a consensus implementation problem. Now you may ask what is the network layer, but later we will discuss these discarded transactions and why they are the main reasons for the recent network congestion. First, let us know how the failed transactions come about, because it is very important to understand why the failed transactions are not the main problem. You will be surprised to find that only about these failed transactions are carried out by actual users. The rest are failed arbitrage transactions carried out by robots on the chain. Arbitrators send spam on the chain because the cost of spam is very small compared with the final return of successful arbitrage. For example, they can send spam to the chain many times a day, which will cost them hundreds of dollars. Because the cost is low, they only need to complete one transaction to earn more than 10,000 dollars. Therefore, it is worth noting that these failed transactions do not mean that the blockchain is failing. These are only a few robot transactions that failed because the transaction conditions did not meet. This is not the reason why the user experience is not good now. In fact, the transaction failure rate has remained around since last month. If you look back at the chart of failure and success listed above, you will find that it was similar before. Now let's discuss the main reasons for the congestion in the past few days. As mentioned earlier in this paper, these transactions failed to reach the block and due to network layer problems. The discarded network layer is the communication layer of the Internet, which is used to send data packets from one connection to another. For example, it has recently been upgraded to be its network layer, which helps to establish connections between users and blocks. Because of continuous block production and no memory pool, losing connections will mean that it will not fall on blocks, so that blocks can disconnect some users or limit their rates according to certain standards, so blocks can now disconnect some connections during high demand. This new architecture can prevent downtime during the increase of network activity. Although it may be blocked and unusable, at least it won't be down this time, so you may ask why it is so bad if everything is designed so well. Therefore, the problem is that although blocks can restrict some connections now, the logic of restricting connections is poorly implemented and there are errors. In order to better understand this situation, let's imagine that each block has a connection that can communicate with it. Now it starts at the peak of activity. It is the time when a block can choose to give up some connections. However, at present, these connections will not be discarded according to the set standards, such as discarding all connections with lower fees, but randomly discarding them. In essence, to win, you must send more spam than others, and because there are many robots sending spam to the network through connection requests, it is becoming more and more difficult for ordinary users to establish connections and complete transactions. This is the main point of the problem, such as the sum from. When the team is trying to provide repairs to the network layer, these patches are being released as I write. It is said that some major patches will be released in the next few weeks, so will this solve the problem? Well, it is not entirely that there is still a long way to go. There is a reason why we cannot guarantee the efficiency of the current repair measures in preventing the next congestion problem. Only when we see its actual effect can we know that it is indeed possible to solve these problems, but online spam will not appear until the end of this year. There are many problems in the transaction economy of this issue, and it is impossible to prevent bad actors from sending spam to the chain. Finally, I want to end with such a sentence. I believe that we are struggling to defend the correct trade-off, just as Ethereum has got rid of its due problems. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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