
币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 03:18:07 评论:0



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作者:Qiao Wang,AllianceDAO;翻译:比特币买卖交易网xiaozou








· 稳定币坚定地处于加密无关阶段。这一阶段最重要的用例是货币对冲和跨境支付。

· 其他RWAs,如国债、股票、房地产和奢侈手表等,都处于加密原生阶段。最重要的用例就是实现多样化。






多年来,我们亲身体验了在线支付的魔力,我们经常使用USDC为初创公司提供资金支持。我们也知道,许多初创公司使用USDC/USDT来支付员工工资或供应商款项。但一年前,当AllianceDAO的Felipe告诉我们关于哥伦比亚的p2p稳定币市场的情况时,我们对这一领域产生了特别的兴趣,在那个市场上,人们在现实生活中的购物中心见面,用比索兑换Tron USDT。










多样化是一种简单但已被证实的需求。全球最大的对冲基金Bridgewaters将其全部理念(全天候投资组合)建立在这样一个理念之上:将不相关的收益来源组合在一起,可以产生更高的经风险调整后的收益率。他们已经成长为对冲基金领域最大的资产管理公司,这一事实证明了投资者对多元化的需求。同样的道理,BTC ETF需求强劲,因为它为TradFi资产配置者提供了一个不相关的收益来源。

RWAs是加密原住民对多样化需求的回答,使他们能够获得不相关且波动性较小的新收益来源。RWAs之于加密原住民,就像BTC ETF之于TradFi资产配置者。

2023年,MakerDAO在不到一年的时间里将其RWA投资组合从几乎为零增长到40亿美元,这让我们感到震惊。如今,其中的大部分是美国国债。最近,贝莱德与Coinbase共同推出了1亿美元的美国国债代币化计划。Ondo持有2亿美元的美国国债。Franklin Templeton也有一只3亿美元的链上美国国债基金。比赛开始了。



反对这些产品的一个常见的经济学论点是,加密原生资产和收益率提供的回报率更高。现实情况是,这些加密原生资产和收益率太过相似了。例如,Ethena实际上只是一个ETH beta,因为ETH上涨时基差会变宽。另一方面,股票和房地产都是不相关的收益源,可供3万亿美元的链上财富开发利用。





In the past, people thought that stable coins and other token real-world assets were encryption applications that could attract the general public. Ten years ago, they talked endlessly about remittances. A few years ago, with the emergence of intelligent contract chains, our industry began to imagine that Wall Street would use online stock settlement instead of the first wave of stable coins, which had never been adopted by ordinary people or encryption agnostics. They must be adopted by encrypted aborigines first, for example, stable coins first passed. The crypto-aborigines have found the product market fit. These crypto-aborigines arbitrage across exchanges and need a safe haven from the fluctuation risk of crypto-assets. Once the stable currency infrastructure is built and tested in actual combat, the crypto-irrelevant use cases can be followed up, including remittance payment and inflation hedging against fast-inflating currencies such as Turkish lira and Argentine peso. These use cases were not crypto-native from the beginning, but chain and anecdotal evidence show that these use cases have grown very rapidly in the southern hemisphere. Soon, others may take the same route. The reason why US Treasury bills can run on the chain is that after the Federal Reserve raised the interest rate from to, the crypto-aborigines want to obtain a stable rate of return. Many of these crypto-aborigines are crypto-startups that need diversified vaults. The crypto-unrelated use cases have also begun to appear here. The crypto-new banks that support the former US debt countries to save are now competing to provide their customers with a safe rate of return on US debt. This two-stage crypto-native mining is adopted. In hindsight, it is not surprising that it is easier for any encryption product to be first adopted by those who are already familiar with encryption technology and have the necessary infrastructure, such as self-preservation wallets. The question now is where are the various types of today's adoption curves in these two stages? What are the most important use cases? The simple answer is that the stable currency is firmly in the encryption-independent stage. The most important use cases in this stage are currency hedging and cross-border payment, such as national debt. Stocks, real estate and luxury watches are all in the original stage of encryption. The most important use case is to realize diversification, stable currency hedging and payment. The annual online settlement amount of stable currency is trillions of dollars, which dwarfs and is equivalent to the automatic clearing center system. As long as you think about it a little, you will realize what an amazing achievement this is in just a few years of development. It is equally striking that the total supply of stable currency is about hundreds of millions of dollars, in other words, every beauty. The number of yuan's annual turnover in the chain is the second. If there is no borderless and license-free account book, these data are impossible to realize. A common ideological criticism of stable coins and usual is that they are not really encrypted original assets, so pragmatism is very different from ideology. The idea of allowing traditional assets to flow freely in such a borderless and license-free account book is that the market attaches great importance to judgments based on experience and people can have reasons. It is believed that most of this online transaction volume comes from speculative activities rather than real-world use, such as currency hedging and cross-border payment. We will never know what the clear subdivision between speculation and actual use is, but even if only the trillion-dollar transaction volume does come from real-world use every year, it will be an astronomical figure. In addition, our anecdotes are consistent with the data. For many years, we have experienced the magic of online payment. We often use it to provide funds for start-ups We also know that many start-ups use it to pay employees' salaries or suppliers' money, but when we were told about Colombia's stable currency market a year ago, we became particularly interested in this field. In that market, people met in real-life shopping centers and exchanged pesos. In the next few months, we paid attention to a number of start-ups related to stable currency, which provided services to users in Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, the most striking of which were. But most companies that have released products have at least shown early signs of product market fit. I mean, the monthly growth has nothing to do with team popularity. In contrast, most encryption startups outside this vertical field have not yet achieved anything. The founder of an African payment startup that we provide financial support told us that stable coins are everywhere in his home, and his sister saved her tuition for nearly one year with stable coins, which saved her from the experience in Ganace. Then she paid her master's tuition in Sweden with a debit card backed by stable currency. His brother often exchanged money from Ganace to Canadian dollars through stable currency. His parents in Ghana often used stable currency to send money to their relatives in Nigeria through the agency network. The founder of another African stable currency startup we supported told a painful story of life and death. A hospital in South Africa refused to accept a patient from Mozambique until the payment was settled. It can only be accepted after the calculation, but the payment method in French currency cannot be settled. Because it is a cross-border settlement between Mozambique and South Africa, and it is outside the normal business hours of banks, patients and hospitals use stable currency for settlement. This is not a one-time event, because patients in neighboring countries often go to South Africa for medical treatment because of poor or no medical infrastructure at all. These are examples of people using stable currency to solve important problems in their lives. This is the encryption irrelevant order adopted by stable currency. Other diversified stable currencies are only the first and most prominent category, and other assets have also come to the chain. Now there are trillions of dollars stored in the chain, which accounts for about the global wealth. This is another amazing data. The holders of these wealth can do two things with them. They can simply use them as a means of value storage or exchange them for other things. So far, in the history of cryptocurrencies, when they exchange cryptocurrencies, they mostly exchange them for another kind of addition. Secret assets hope to sell at a higher price or generate some income. The problem with these encrypted assets is that they are highly correlated and highly volatile. Diversification is bound to occur when the category of encrypted assets reaches a mature scale compared with other asset categories. It is a simple but proven demand. The world's largest hedge fund bases its all-weather investment portfolio on this idea, which can generate higher risk-adjusted income by combining unrelated income sources. The fact that they have grown into the largest asset management company in the hedge fund field proves investors. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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