0xai 团队:为什么我们看好 Bittensor?

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作者:0xai,AI创作平台 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

Bittensor 到底是什么?



0xai 团队、Jacob 和 Vitalik 在小组讨论中



Bittensor 飞轮模型

Bittensor 通过飞轮模型实现了这一目标。验证者评估生态系统中人工智能产品的质量,并根据其质量分配激励,确保高质量的生产者获得更多的激励。这刺激了高质量产出的不断增加,从而提升了Bittensor网络的价值并增加了TAO的升值。TAO的升值不仅吸引了更多优质生产者加入Bittensor生态,同时也增加了操纵者操纵质量评价结果的攻击成本。这进一步强化了诚实验证者的共识,增强了评价结果的客观性和公平性,从而实现了更有效的竞争和激励机制。




以子网质量评估为例,根网络验证器对每个子网输出的质量进行评估和排名。将64个Validator的评估结果进行汇总,通过Yuma共识算法得到最终的评估结果。然后使用最终结果将新创建的 TAO 分配给每个子网。


  1. 根网络验证者可能无法完全代表所有 TAO 持有者,他们提供的评估结果也不一定反映广泛的观点。此外,一些顶级验证者的评估可能并不总是客观的。即使发现了偏见,也可能不会立即纠正。

  2. 根网络验证器的存在限制了 Bittensor 可容纳的子网数量。要与集中式人工智能巨头竞争,仅拥有 32 个子网是不够的。然而,即使有 32 个子网,根网络验证器也可能难以有效监控所有子网。

  3. 验证者可能没有强烈的意愿迁移到新的子网。短期内,验证者从排放量较高的旧子网迁移到排放量较低的新子网时可能会失去一些奖励。新子网的排放最终能否赶上的不确定性,加上追求过程中奖励的明确损失,削弱了他们迁移的意愿。

Bittensor 还计划升级机制来解决这些缺点:

  1. 动态 TAO 将评估子网质量的权力分散给所有 TAO 持有者,而不是少数验证者。TAO持有者将能够通过质押间接确定每个子网的分配比例。

  2. 没有根网络验证器的限制,活跃子网的最大数量将增加到1024个。这将大大降低新团队加入Bittensor生态系统的门槛,导致子网之间的竞争更加激烈。

  3. 较早迁移到新子网的验证者可能会获得更高的奖励。尽早迁移到新的子网意味着以较低的价格购买该子网的 dTAO,从而增加了未来接收更多 TAO 的可能性。


接下来,我们来探索一些领先的子网,并观察 Bittensor 如何激励这些子网的输出。


子网3:Myshell TTS

可以通过在GitHub上创建一个帐户来贡献myshell ai/MyShell TTS 子网的开发。

发行量:3.46% (2024年4月9日)

背景: Myshell是Myshell TTS(文本转语音)背后的团队,核心成员来自麻省理工学院、牛津大学、普林斯顿大学等知名院校。Myshell旨在创建一个无代码平台,让没有编程背景的大学生轻松创建自己想要的机器人。Myshell专注于TTS领域、有声读物和虚拟助理,于2023年3月推出了首款语音聊天机器人Samantha。随着产品矩阵的不断扩大,目前注册用户已超过百万。该平台托管各种类型的机器人,包括语言学习型、教育型和实用型机器人。

定位: Myshell推出这个Subnet是为了汇聚整个开源社区的智慧,打造最好的开源TTS模型。换句话说,Myshell TTS 并不直接运行模型或处理最终用户的请求;相反,它是一个用于训练 TTS 模型的网络。


Myshell TSS架构

Myshell TTS 运行的流程如上图所示。矿工负责训练模型并将训练好的模型上传到模型池(模型的元数据也存储在Bittensor区块链网络中);验证者通过生成测试用例、评估模型性能并根据结果评分来评估模型;Bittensor 区块链负责使用 Yuma 共识聚合权重,确定每个矿工的最终权重和分配比例。


目前,Myshell也在其平台上推出了demo,供用户试用Myshell TTS中的模型。



未来,随着 Myshell TTS 训练的模型变得更加可靠,将会有更多的用例上线。而且,作为开源模式,它们将不仅仅局限于Myshell,还可以扩展到其他平台。通过这种去中心化的方法来训练和激励开源模型不正是我们在去中心化人工智能中的目标吗?

子网5:Open Kaito

可以通过在GitHub上创建一个帐户来贡献Open Kaito的开发。

发行量:4.39% (2024年4月9日)

背景:Kaito.ai背后的团队是Open Kaito团队,其核心成员在人工智能领域拥有丰富的经验,之前曾在AWS、META和Citadel等一流公司工作。在进入Bittensor子网之前,他们推出了旗舰产品Kaito.ai——一个Web3链下数据搜索引擎,在2023年第四季度推出。利用人工智能算法,Kaito.ai优化了搜索引擎的核心组件,包括数据收集、排名算法和检索算法。它已被认可为加密社区中的一流信息收集工具。

定位:Open Kaito旨在建立一个去中心化的索引层,以支持智能搜索和分析。搜索引擎不仅仅是一个数据库或排名算法,而是一个复杂的系统。此外,一个有效的搜索引擎还需要低延迟,这对构建分散版本提出了额外的挑战。幸运的是,通过Bittensor的激励系统,这些挑战有望得到解决。


Open Kaito的运行流程如上图所示。Open Kaito 并不是简单地分散搜索引擎的每个组件,而是将索引问题定义为矿工验证器问题。也就是说,矿工负责响应用户索引请求,而验证者则分发需求并对矿工的响应进行评分。

Open Kaito 并不限制矿工如何完成索引任务,而是关注矿工最终输出的结果,以鼓励创新解决方案。这有助于在矿工之间营造健康的竞争环境。面对用户索引需求,矿工努力完善执行计划,以更少的资源获得更高质量的响应结果。

子网6:Nous Finetuning

可以通过在GitHub上创建一个帐户来贡献Nous Research/finetuning 子网的开发。

发行量:6.26% (2024年4月9日)

背景:Nous Finetuning背后的团队来自Nous Research,这是一个专注于大规模语言模型(LLM)架构、数据合成和设备内推理的研究团队。其联合创始人曾担任Eden Network的首席工程师。

定位:Nous Finetuning是一个专门用于微调大型语言模型的子网。此外,用于微调的数据也来自Bittensor生态系统,具体来说是子网18。

Nous Finetuning的运行过程类似于Myshell TSS。矿工基于来自子网18的数据训练模型,并定期发布这些模型以在Hugging Face上托管;验证者评估模型并提供评分;同样,Bittensor区块链负责使用Yuma共识来聚合权重,确定每个矿工的最终权重和发行量。






Cortex.t中的矿工利用Bittensor生态系统中的其他子网来处理最终用户的请求。他们还使用GPT 3.5 turbo或GPT 4来验证输出结果,以确保对最终用户的可靠性。验证者通过将其与OpenAI生成的结果进行比较来评估矿工的输出。








从上面的例子可以看出,Bittensor 表现出了高度的包容性。矿工的生成和验证者的验证发生在链下,Bittensor 网络仅根据验证者的评估向每个矿工分配奖励。适合矿工验证器架构的人工智能产品生成的任何方面都可以转换为子网。



  1. 由于子网定位相似而导致资源冗余和重复。现有32个Subnet中,有多个Subnet专注于文本转图像、文本提示、价格预测等热门方向。

  2. 存在没有实际用例的子网。虽然价格预测子网作为预言机提供商可能具有理论上的价值,但预测数据的当前性能还远远不能被最终用户使用。

  3. “劣币驱逐良币”的例子。某些顶级验证者可能没有强烈的意愿迁移到新的子网,即使某些新子网表现出明显更高的质量。但由于缺乏资金支持,短期内可能无法获得足够的排放量。由于新子网上线后的保护期只有7天,如果不能快速积累足够的排放量,可能会面临被淘汰、下线的风险。


开放张量基金会验证器(OTF)实施了一些临时措施来缓解这种情况。作为拥有 23% 质押权(包括委托)的最大验证人,OTF 为子网提供了争夺更多 Staked TAO 的渠道:子网所有者可以每周向 OTF 提交请求,调整其在子网中 Staked TAO 的比例。这些请求必须涵盖“子网目标和对Bittensor生态系统的贡献”、“子网奖励机制”、“通信协议设计”、“数据源和安全”、“计算要求”和“路线图”等10个方面,以方便OTF的最终决策。

然而,要从根本上解决这个问题,一方面,我们迫切需要推出dTAO(Dynamic TAO),旨在从根本上改变上述不合理的问题。或者,我们可以呼吁持有大量 Stake TAO 的大型验证者更多地从“生态系统发展”的角度而不是仅仅从“财务回报”的角度来考虑 Bittensor 生态系统的长期发展。

综上所述,凭借其强大的包容性、激烈的竞争环境和有效的激励机制,我们相信Bittensor生态系统能够有机地生产出高质量的人工智能产品。尽管并非现有子网的所有输出都可以与中心化产品的输出相媲美,但我们不要忘记当前的 Bittensor 架构刚刚成立一周年(子网 #1 于 2023 年 4 月 13 日注册)。对于一个有潜力与中心化人工智能巨头竞争的平台,或许我们应该专注于提出切实可行的改进计划,而不是急于批评它的缺点。毕竟,我们都不希望看到人工智能不断被少数巨头控制。

What exactly is Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network? It is not an artificial intelligence product, nor does it produce or provide any artificial intelligence products or services. It is an economic system. By providing highly competitive incentive system for product producers, it acts as an optimizer of product market. In the ecology, high-quality producers get more incentives, while less competitive producers are gradually eliminated. How to create such incentives and effective competition in team and group discussions? The incentive mechanism to promote the organic production of high-quality products? The flywheel model has achieved this goal through the flywheel model. Verifiers evaluate the quality of artificial intelligence products in the ecosystem and allocate incentives according to their quality to ensure that high-quality producers get more incentives, which stimulates the continuous increase of high-quality output, thus enhancing the value of the network and increasing the appreciation, which not only attracts more high-quality producers to join the ecology, but also increases the attack cost of manipulating the quality evaluation results. It further strengthens the consensus of honest verifiers, enhances the objectivity and fairness of evaluation results, and thus realizes a more effective competition and incentive mechanism. Ensuring the fairness and objectivity of evaluation results is a key step in turning the flywheel, which is also the core technology, that is, the abstract verification system based on consensus. So what is Yuma Consensus and how to ensure the fairness and objectivity of quality evaluation results after consensus? Consensus is a consensus mechanism aimed at calculating the final evaluation from the diversified evaluations provided by many verifiers. The results are similar to the Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mechanism. As long as most verifiers in the network are honest, they can finally reach the correct decision. Assuming that honest verifiers can provide objective evaluation, the evaluation results after consensus will also be fair and objective. Take the subnet quality evaluation as an example. The root network verifier evaluates and ranks the output quality of each subnet, summarizes the evaluation results, obtains the final evaluation results through the consensus algorithm, and then uses the final results to allocate the newly created ones to each one. At present, there is indeed room for improvement in the Yuma consensus on subnets. The root network verifier may not fully represent all the holders, and the evaluation results they provide may not necessarily reflect a wide range of views. In addition, the evaluation of some top verifiers may not always be objective, and even if prejudice is found, the existence of root network verifier may not be corrected immediately, which limits the number of subnets that can be accommodated. It is not enough to compete with centralized artificial intelligence giants to have only one subnet. It may be difficult to effectively monitor all subnets. Verifiers may not have a strong intention to move to a new subnet. In the short term, verifiers may lose some rewards when they move from an old subnet with high emissions to a new subnet with low emissions. The uncertainty of whether the emissions of the new subnet can catch up in the end and the clear loss of rewards in the pursuit process weaken their willingness to move. It is also planned to upgrade the mechanism to solve these shortcomings. Dynamically, the power to evaluate subnet quality will be distributed to all holders rather than a few verifiers. Holders will be able to indirectly determine the distribution ratio of each subnet through pledge. Without the restriction of root network verifier, the maximum number of active subnets will increase to 10, which will greatly lower the threshold for new teams to join the ecosystem, leading to more intense competition among subnets. Verifiers who move to a new subnet earlier may get higher rewards, which means buying the subnet at a lower price, thus increasing the possibility of receiving more in the future. Strong inclusiveness is also Yuma. One of the advantages of consensus is that consensus is not only used to determine the emissions of each subnet, but also used to determine the distribution ratio of each miner and verifier in the same subnet. Moreover, no matter what the task of miners is, its contributions, including computing power, data, human contribution and intelligence, are abstractly considered, so any stage of commodity production can be connected to the ecosystem to enjoy incentives and at the same time enhance the value of the network. Next, let's explore some leading subnets and observe how to encourage the loss of these subnets. Subnet Subnet can contribute to the development circulation of the subnet by creating an account on the Internet. The background is text-to-speech and the core members of the team come from MIT, Oxford University, Princeton University and other well-known universities. The aim is to create a code-free platform for college students without programming background to easily create the robots they want, focusing on the field, audio books and virtual assistants. With the continuous expansion of the product matrix, the first voice chat robot was launched in June, and currently registered users. The platform has hosted more than one million robots of various types, including language learning, educational and practical robots. This is to gather the wisdom of the whole open source community to create the best open source model. In other words, it does not directly run the model or handle the requests of end users. On the contrary, it is a network architecture for training the model. As shown in the above figure, miners are responsible for training the model, uploading the trained model to the model pool and storing the metadata of the model in the blockchain network. Verifiers evaluate the model performance by generating test cases and scoring according to the results. Blockchain is responsible for using consensus aggregation weights to determine the final weight and distribution ratio of each miner. In short, miners must constantly submit higher-quality models to maintain their rewards. Currently, models under trial have been launched on their platforms for users. In the future, as the trained models become more reliable, more use cases will come online, and as an open source model, they will not only be limited to but also be extended to. Isn't it our goal in decentralized artificial intelligence that other platforms train and motivate open source models through this decentralized method? Subnet can contribute to the development circulation by creating an account on the Internet. The team behind the background is the team, and its core members have rich experience in the field of artificial intelligence. Before entering the subnet, they launched a flagship product, an offline data search engine, which used artificial intelligence. The algorithm optimizes the core components of search engine, including data collection, ranking algorithm and retrieval algorithm. It has been recognized as a first-class information collection tool in the encryption community. Positioning aims to establish a decentralized index layer to support intelligent search and analysis. Search engine is not just a database or ranking algorithm, but a complex system. In addition, an effective search engine needs low delay, which poses additional challenges to the construction of decentralized versions. Fortunately, these challenges are expected to be solved through the incentive system. As shown in the above figure, the operation flow of artificial intelligence is not simply decentralized to each component of search engine. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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