比特币L2项目主网密集上线 新业态背后有哪些诱因

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近期,多个比特币 Layer 2 项目接连宣布主网上线,分别有AINN Layer2、BEVM、Taproot Chain、SatoshiVM、Merlin Chain。此前Waterdrip Capital 创始人 Jademont曾表示,今年至少有 10 个比特币 Layer 2 网络上线。

开年Q1已有近一半该类项目上线主网,无怪有观点认为今年是“比特币 Layer 2 元年”。而比特币生态自去年铭文板块爆发后更为资本所看重,担负着承载数据和应用的底层链项目方如果能抢占先发优势,那么极有可能在风口来临时占据更多市场份额。


一、主网上线的比特币 Layer 2

今年2 月,《Bitcoin Magazine》为比特币L2列出了标准,主要包含以下三点:

1、使用比特币作为原生资产。2、使用比特币作为结算机制来强制执行交易:L2 的用户必须能够返回其在一层资产控制权的机制。 3、展示对比特币的功能依赖性:如果比特币网络失效但相关系统仍然可保持运行,则该系统不是比特币的L2。 


1、AINN Layer2 

4 月 1 日,AINN Layer2主网正式上线。同时AINN Layer2 Dataset 质押活动开启,并将会支持符文协议。

截止撰文,AINN Layer2的TVL为6.2亿美元,质押总人数超过13.57万。

AINN Layer2 (ANVM) 是专注于Web3+AI 应用的比特币Layer2 解决方案,专注于人工智能驱动的模块化结构。AINN Layer2也是利用挖矿激励来运行AI训练的共享算力平台,旨在持续为打造Web3 AI 的基础设施,致力支持Web3 与AI 结合的应用发展。

今年3月,AINN Layer2获得数百万美金融资,Waterdrip Capital 和 Satoshi Lab 等参投。

近期,AINN Layer2在香港Web3春季峰会上与吉尔吉斯共和国数字发展部签署合作备忘录。


3 月 28 日,BEVM宣布主网上线,并同时开启 Genesis Box Free Mint 计划。之后,BEVM 与Binance Web3钱包推出联合空投活动。 

BEVM 是首个基于 Taproot Consensus 构建的并以BTC 为Gas 且兼容EVM 的BTC Layer2,它允许所有可以在以太坊生态系统中运行的DApp在比特币L2上运行。其核心目标是拓展比特币的智能合约场景,帮助BTC 突破比特币区块链非图灵完备、不支持智能合约的束缚,让BTC 可以在BEVM 这个Layer2 上构建以BTC 为原生Gas 的去中心化应用。

BEVM 团队从 2017 年开始就在比特币 Layer 2 进行探索。2018 年,BEVM 团队的 BTC Layer 2 ChainX 实现了 10 万+ BTC 跨链。BEVM先行网于2023年7月上线,截至目前拥有10万+ 链上用户,处理超过 600 万笔交易,且有 30+ 生态项目在其先行网络上部署。

今年3月底,BEVM宣布完成种子轮及部分A轮千万美元融资,参投方有 RockTree Capital、Waterdrip Capital、Arkstream Capita等近 20 家机构,投后估值达2亿美元。


3、Taproot Chain

 3月28日,TaprootChain主网正式上线,并开通铭文跨链的功能。此外将上架三个BRC-20 系代币,分别是 ORDI、SATS、BTCS。同时,平台将开启积分活动。

Taproot Chain是Taproot Labs 孵化的首个支持 Taproot 资产发行和交易的比特币 Layer2 网络,基于 Op Stack 技术打造,为 BTC 原生资产与智能合约 Dapp 应用结合搭建 Layer2 生态平台。

Taproot Chain也是专为加密行业应用层打造的比特币Layer2,结合了比特币Taproot Assets Protocol、EVM 智能合约以及加密资产跨链技术,旨在创建一个能够释放价值近万亿美元的原生比特币资产活力的金融生态系统。

同日,Taproot Chain宣布获得由 Negentropy Capital 领投的新一轮数百万美元的融资。

3 月 2 日,Taproot Labs推出Taproot Chain 测试网。


3 月 15 日,SatoshiVM主网上线,随后项目上线了SAVM代币质押功能。

SatoshiVM 是去中心化的比特币 ZK Rollup Layer 2 解决方案,与以太坊虚拟机(EVM)生态系统兼容,使用原生 BTC 作为 gas 费。 SatoshiVM 将 EVM 生态系统与比特币联系起来,使比特币生态系统能够发行资产和开发应用程序。


2 月,SatoshiVM 接入OKX Web3钱包。

1月26日,SatoshiVM推出非交互式零知识证明工具包——SVMZK,但SVMZK与比特币Taproot 集成仍在开发中。

1月18日,SatoshiVM 在去中心化拍卖平台 Bounce Brand 上完成 IDO,价格为 0.05 USDT,但上线涨近 300 倍,最高接近 15 USDT,目前币价为7.7美元。

同时,SatoshiVM 公布其代币 SAVM 的基本信息及分配细节。SAVM 代币的总供应量为 2100 万,分配比例包括:生态系统 36.5%,流动性 30%,贡献者 15%,Bootstrapping 15%,Bounce Finance IDO 2%,APE Terminal IDO 1%,MUBI 挖矿池 0.4%,BSSB 挖矿池 0.1%。

5、Merlin Chain

2月8日,Merlin Chain主网上线并开启质押活动 Merlin's Seal。

Author Bitcoin Trading Network Recently, a number of bitcoin projects have successively announced the main online lines. Previously, the founder said that at least one bitcoin network was launched this year, and nearly half of such projects have been launched. It is no wonder that some people think that this year is the first year of bitcoin, and bitcoin ecology has been valued more by capital since the outbreak of the inscription plate last year. If the underlying chain project party who is responsible for carrying data and applications can seize the first-Mover advantage, it is very likely to temporarily occupy more market share value. When this bitcoin group chain is merged, we might as well observe and understand the basic information and progress of each project, and at the same time, we also have some understanding of the deep-seated reasons behind the rise of bitcoin ecology, so as to better understand the logic of capital entry. Bitcoin on a main online line listed the standards for Bitcoin this month, mainly including the following three points: users who use Bitcoin as a primary asset and use Bitcoin as a settlement mechanism to enforce transactions must be able to return to their asset control on the first floor. If the bitcoin network fails, but the related system can still run, the system is not bitcoin. At present, the official marks of the main network projects are all bitcoin. This paper lists the main network in the order of its online time as follows: the main network is officially launched on the next month, and the pledge activity is started, and the rune agreement will be supported. The total number of people who have written is over 10,000, and the bitcoin solution is focused on the application, focusing on the modular knot driven by artificial intelligence. The structure is also a shared computing platform that uses mining incentives to run training. It aims to continuously support and combine the application development of the built infrastructure. This month, it won millions of dollars in financing and other participation. Recently, it signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic at the Hong Kong Spring Summit. After the announcement of the main online line and the simultaneous opening of the plan, it launched a joint airdrop activity with the wallet. It is the first construction-based and thought-compatible, and it allows all to be transported in the Ethereum ecosystem. The core goal of running on Bitcoin is to expand the smart contract scene of Bitcoin, help break through the constraint that the bitcoin blockchain is not Turing complete and does not support smart contracts, so that the decentralized application team that can be built on this foundation has been exploring Bitcoin since 2000. In 2000, the team realized the 10,000-cross-chain pioneer network, which was launched in June. Up to now, there are more than 10,000 transactions handled by users on the 10,000-chain, and ecological projects are deployed on its pioneer network. At the end of this year, it was announced that the seed round was completed. Some participants in the round of financing of 10 million US dollars have nearly 100 million US dollars after the investment. In the month, the whole node of the test network was released, and the main network was officially launched on the day of the month, and the function of inscription cross-chain was opened. In addition, three series of tokens will be put on the shelves, and the integral activity will be opened at the same time. The first bitcoin network supporting asset issuance and trading is hatched. It is based on technology to build an ecological platform for the combination of native assets and smart contract applications, and it is also specially designed for the application layer of encryption industry, which combines bitcoin wisdom. Energy contract and cross-chain technology of encrypted assets are aimed at creating a financial ecosystem that can release the vitality of native bitcoin assets worth nearly one trillion dollars. On the same day, it was announced that it had won a new round of multi-million-dollar financing led by the investment. On the day of the month, the test network was launched, and the main online line was launched. Subsequently, the project was launched. The decentralized bitcoin pledge function was compatible with the Ethereum virtual machine ecosystem. The native fee was used to link the ecosystem with bitcoin so that the bitcoin ecosystem could be launched. The actions of assets and development applications before going online are: accessing the wallet on the month, launching the non-interactive zero-knowledge proof toolkit on the month, but still developing the integration with Bitcoin. The price was completed on the decentralized auction platform on the month, but the online price nearly doubled, and the highest price was close to the current currency price of US dollars. At the same time, the basic information and distribution details of its tokens were announced, and the total supply of tokens was 10,000. The distribution ratio included ecosystem liquidity contributors, mining ponds, mining ponds, the main online line on the month, and the pledge activity was started. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


作为明星项目,该项目活动火热,甚至一度造成Merlin网络出现拥堵、Gas费用过高的现象。截止撰文,Merlin Seal TVL已超过36.3亿美元。

Merlin Chain 是由Bitmap Tech(原Recursiverse)背后团队所开发,并集成了ZK-Rollup 网络、去中心化预言机网络以及链上BTC 防欺诈模块的比特币Layer2 解决方案。其核心目标是通过Layer2 网络激活比特币Layer1 上的原生资产、协议和产品,从而丰富比特币生态。

今年2月,Merlin Chain宣布完成融资,OKX Ventures、ABCDE、Foresight Ventures、Arkstream Capital 等 24 家机构参投,但具体金额未透露。

而在其主网上线前后,Merlin Chain也有着多个大动作:

3 月,Merlin Chain 宣布质押映射资产 M-Token上线。同期,Merlin Chain 首个符文资产 RUFI 在 UniCross 上公平启动。

2月,TRON宣布与Merlin Chain达成战略合作,OKX Web3 钱包也宣布接入 Merlin Chain 网络。

此外,Merlin Chain宣布将代币总量的1%(即 2100 万枚 MERL 、代币的总供应量是21亿)通过 People’s Launchpad用于Launchpad,初始价格为 0.00004762 USDT。People’s Launchpad 是由People’s Alliance建立的一个代币发射(发行)平台。

1月 19 日,Merlin Chain宣布启动,一周后,Merlin Chain测试网上线。


4月,比特币L2网络Mezo开发商Thesis完成由2Pantera Capital领投的100万美元A轮融资。 比特币L2开发公司Alpen Labs完成1060万美元融资,Ribbit Capital领投。

3月,比特币上首个模块化 L2 TunaChain 宣布将通过 LBP 平台推出 Tuna Ocean 治理代币 TUNA;Mirror L2 宣布完成首轮融资并开放测试网。

1月,Mintlayer 主网上线。B²Network上线Beta测试网“Haven”。


2024年被称为“比特币 Layer 2元年”,今年一季度已有多个比特币Layer 2成立,近期又有至少5个该赛道项目主网上线,足见该叙事已经渐成风潮。而这一切的背后,有着多种因素诱导。资本总是逐利的,但同时,技术进步也起着底层支撑作用。 


目前市场上比特币 L2 解决方案多种多样,从技术实现角度,大致可以分为:比特币侧链、UTXO+客户端验证、Taproot Consensus、多签+EVM、Roullp 五类。


2009 年:BTC 诞生,首次用区块链的结构打通了去中心化的货币应用。

2017 年:BTC 隔离见证升级,支持了最大 4MB 的存储,解决了 BTC 的链上存储问题。这也为现在的爆火的 Ordinals 协议(发行资产)提供了依据。

2021 年:BTC Taproot 升级,支持了BTC门限签名算法,这也为完全去中心的比特币 Layer2 技术提供了底层支持。


以上种种都为比特币 L2的涌现奠定了技术层面的基础。


Bitget研究院指出,伴随着 BTC 现货ETF通过审批的市场预期共识、BTC 减半事件的来临、以及美联储降息预期的三重利好刺激下,比特币生态持续涌入大量资金,创造了持续的财富效应。

虽然财富效应开始于 Ordinals 协议的 BRC20,但接下来不会仅限于该细分领域,而是会全面扩展到其他创新性协议和板块。源源不断的财富效将进一步吸引资金的持续流入,使得比特币生态有望成为下轮牛市的新引擎。

报告还指出,除了 Ordinals、Atomicals 等创新性资产发行协议,比特币生态当下的另一个重点是扩容方案,包括 Lightning、Rootstock、Stacks、RBG 等扩容方案在蓬勃发展,会帮助比特币提升性能从而构建更繁荣的生态。

而今年2月,Pantera Capital预计比特币生态DeFi应用总价值最高可达4500亿美元,而这仅是比特币生态中的一个板块。 


比特币Layer 2项目持续涌现且能在短时期内集中上线主网,其背后离不开各大机构的支持。

4 月 5 日,ABCDE 联创 BMAN预测,随着比特币从无息资产转为生息资产,规模万亿美元的比特币将进入链上 Defi 世界,比特币生态的 TVL 和 L2 总市值均将超过 1000 亿美元。

今年2月,OKX Ventures 联合ABCDE举办了第二季比特币生态 Demo Day,涵盖 BTC 二层网路、二层服务方案、比特币质押、Launchpad、DA 等比特币基础设施建设项目。

OKX Ventures 发力BTC 生态,已投资 B^2 Network、Bitmap Tech、Babylon、bitSmiley、alexGo、Portal Defi 等项目。此外,OKX Ventures还将拿出 1000 万美元持续投入并支持 BTC 生态的创业者,同时也会提供服务和资源。

1 月份,媒体披露多条比特币L2利好消息,分别有:

资管巨头Franklin Templeton 的数字资产研究团队发文称,不应忽视比特币生态的 Ordinals 和二层解决方案,这些对于解决比特币的经济安全问题以及提高 BTC 作为价值储存(SoV)的实用性至关重要。

Ego Death Capital 宣布推出新一轮融资“Fund II”,旨在筹集 1 亿美元促进比特币生态系统的增长。此前 Fund I 共筹集到 2520 万美元。

ABCDE 联创 Du Jun 在其社交平台表示,准备深度参与比特币生态建设,优选赛道为 Layer2。 同时,Du Jun 表示,“项目上线之日,会公布 5000 万 U 或等值比特币地址,专供此项目发展使用”。

风投机构 SATX Labs 宣布启动第一期比特币生态投资基金,基金将专注比特币二层协议及生态建设,保证主网安全并推动比特币生态持续发展。

Smart Bitcoin Labs在 X 平台宣布,现已成立 UTXO Fund 和 UTXO FundⅡ,基金规模 500 万美元,专注于比特币铭文、Layer2、DeFi 等领域的投资。

去年11 月,Web3 风投机构 AC Capital 宣布推出2000 万美元基金,该基金的战略投资重心为BTC 生态资产投资。

不过,最早的一支大型比特币生态基金是在去年的6 月初,基金由 David Bailey和Tyler Evans 管理的 Bitcoin Magazine Ventures。根据内部消息,这家专门致力于投资比特币生态系统的风险投资基金募集 3000万美元,并且已经超额认购了9000万美元。






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