TON新生:The Open Network的技术进步与未来展望

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作者:cynicsong.eth 来源:mirror 


2018年,Telegram创始人Durov 兄弟开始探索适用于Telegram的区块链解决方案。当时没有区块链能够支持Telegram的亿级用户群,因此他们决定设计自己的Layer 1 链,起名Telegram Open Network,简称TON。


2019年10月,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 起诉 Telegram,指控其进行未经注册的证券发行。Telegram团队暂停了TON的主网上线,并最终在与SEC的斗争中选择了放弃,停止TON的开发并将ICO资金退还给投资者。

2020-2021年,NewTON团队以开源资料为基础,重启了对TON的开发。2021年5月社区投票决定将长期稳定运行的测试网2更名为 Mainnet。NewTON 团队也更名为 TON 基金会,作为非营利社区支持和发展TON。

这就是现在我们所熟悉的TON,全称为The Open Network。

Of the Network

从故事的最开始,TON就是针对具有庞大用户数量的社交网络所构建的,TON Blockchain是Telegram的区块链。回到当时,在陈旧的技术体系下,主流区块链的TPS无法获得有效提升,如何能够承载Telegram亿级的用户数量与可能产生的每秒数百万比交易?

TON团队的想法是,单个区块链的TPS只能达到每秒数十次,那为什么不多建几条链呢?TON使用分片技术,将处理交易的工作水平地分摊到多条链上,构建一个由多条区块链组成的区块链网络,称之为blockchian of blockchains。

具体而言,TON Blockchain采用了金字塔型的三层架构,每层容纳一类区块链,分别为masterchain、workchain与shardchain。

Masterchain是TON Blockchain协调工作的中枢,仅有唯一一条。该链包含了协议的参数、Validators集合以及对于的share,当前工作的Workchains及下属Shardchains。下层的链会将其最新的区块哈希提交至Masterchain,这样当下层链需要发生跨链的消息读取时,能够确定最新状态。



对于通常的分片,分片是自顶向下的,划分条件往往是账户地址的前缀。例如,如果将Workchain平均划分为256个分片,那么以0x00, 0x01, …… 0xFE, 0xFF为地址前缀的账户,将被分到不同的Shardchain中。而在TON的分片机制中,分片是自底向上的动态过程,更合适的想象是首先将每个账户作为一条Shardchain,再根据他们之间的联系组合成更大的Shardchain,以保证每条Shardchain具备足够的交易数量。

此时我们再回顾TON Blockchain的架构图,看上去是否与网络架构有几分相似之处?我们有理由相信,做网络出身的Durov兄弟在进行TON的设计时,就是受到了网络架构的启发。最初始的情况下,每个网络设备作为单点独立工作(每个账户作为一条Shardchain),由于部分网络设备之间的交流很频繁,于是将其组合为一个局域网(从单点Shardchain组合为更大的Shardchain),不同局域网之间借助上层节点交流(Shardchain之间通过Masterchain进行互操作)。

TON Blockchain,实际上就是另一种形式的网络,此为TON of the network。

By the Network


TON节点之间使用Abstract Datagram Network Layer (ADNL)进行数据传输,ADNL对传统的TCP/IP分层架构中的网络层进行了抽象。为了便于识别身份,节点之间不需要考虑IP地址,而是利用抽象网络地址(Abstract Network Address)进行通信。该地址是一个256位整数,是基于ECC公钥以及其他参数的哈希值,便于节点之间的通信加解密,这为不同Shardchain之间的分割提供了基础。

TON使用Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT)来定位网络中的其他节点,当客户端需要提交交易至某Shardchain的Validator,就可以通过Key在DHT中查找,获取Validator的位置。

最关键的部分在于Overlay网络。由于不同Shardchain各自为政,不关心也没有能力处理其他Shardchain上的交易,所以需要在TON Network内部为每个Shardchain构建Overlay子网络,对希望参与通信的节点开放,Overlay网络内部通过基于ADNL的gossip协议进行通信。

依靠着独特的网络协议设计,寻址、传输、应用分别敲定,TON得以实现无限分片方案,获得超高的TPS,此为TON by the network。

For the Network



从社交网络的层面来看,只需考虑用户使用Telegram时存在哪些需求。Telegram上存在大量进出口贸易,于是有了TON payment,内置于Telegram的钱包更是降低了使用门槛;用户之间有展示艺术审美的需求,TON NFT就是很好的社交工具;与好友共同游戏是最快乐的事情,所以GameFi能够通过社交网络进行快速裂变。

网络服务更是TON的老本行,传统网络的一切都被TON重新做了一遍,称为互联网的未来。匿名的eSIM实现了Telegram创始时的理想:一个保护隐私的社交网络;TON域名提高了可读性,让用户能够在TON网络中更轻松找到彼此;TON网址、TON代理、TON WWW希望为所有人提供去中心化、安全、可靠的互联网;TON存储是Torrent的升级版,用去中心化存储保证用户数据的安全。

TON使用区块链技术不只是为了获得资金,而是希望借助区块链构建一个更加去中心化、安全、可靠的互联网,此为TON for the network。




The author comes from the past year, when the founder brothers began to explore suitable blockchain solutions, there was no billion-level user group that the blockchain could support, so they decided to design their own chain and call it short. After a few months, the team released relevant documents one after another and launched two test networks one after another. In September, the US Securities and Exchange Commission sued and accused them of conducting the main online line suspended by the unregistered securities issuance team, and finally chose to release it in the struggle with. Abandoning the stopped development and returning the funds to investors, the team restarted the right development on the basis of open source materials in. In, the community voted to rename the long-term stable test network as the team and the foundation to support and develop as a non-profit community. This is what we are familiar with now. From the beginning of the story, it was a blockchain built for social networks with a large number of users, and it returned to the time when the mainstream blockchain could not be effectively improved under the old technical system. The idea of the trading team is that a single blockchain can only reach dozens of times per second, so why not build more chains? Using fragmentation technology to horizontally allocate the transaction processing work to multiple chains to build a blockchain network composed of multiple blockchains. Specifically, it adopts a pyramid-shaped three-tier structure, and each layer accommodates one type of blockchain, which is the center of coordination. Only one chain contains it. In this way, when the lower-level chain needs to read messages across the chain, it can be determined that the latest state plays the role of coordination and anchoring, and what really works is a strip system, which can flexibly customize rules on the premise of meeting interoperability standards, such as address format, transaction type, native token, intelligent contract virtual machine, etc. It is worth noting that there is only one. Virtual concept exists as a set but not an entity. In order to improve the processing efficiency, each cycle is further divided into segments, and the highest level of work can be shared among all the segments. Each segment serves only a part of all the account sets. For the usual segments, the segmentation condition is often the prefix of the account address. For example, if the segments are evenly divided into segments, the accounts with address prefixes will be divided into different segments, while the segments in the segmentation mechanism are bottom-up. A more appropriate imagination of the upward dynamic process is to first treat each account as one, and then combine it into a larger one according to their relationship, so as to ensure that each account has a sufficient number of transactions. At this time, does the architecture diagram we review seem to be somewhat similar to the network architecture? We have reason to believe that the brothers who were born in the network were inspired by the network architecture when they designed it. At the beginning, each network device worked independently as a single point, and each account worked as a part of the network. The communication between network devices is very frequent, so it is combined into a local area network from a single point to a larger local area network. In fact, it is another form of network through interoperability between different local areas with the help of upper nodes. This is a blockchain. As a distributed system, nodes need to communicate through the network, but not through centralized servers and architectures. For such a single blockchain, it can meet the demand by spreading blocks and transactions through protocols, but for Multi-chain architecture puts forward higher requirements for network protocols. The network layer in the traditional hierarchical architecture is abstracted. In order to facilitate identification, nodes do not need to consider the address, but use the abstract network address to communicate. The address is a bit integer based on the hash value of public key and other parameters, which facilitates the encryption and decryption of communication between nodes, which provides a basis for the division between different nodes to locate other nodes in the network when the client needs to submit it. The most important part is that the network needs to build a subnet internally for each node who wants to participate in communication, and the communication within the network is based on the unique network protocol, so that the addressing transmission application can be finalized separately to achieve the infinite fragmentation scheme and achieve super high. This is because in today's era when all chains are in full swing, a public chain wants to get rid of it. To stand out from the crowd, we must foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. The advantage lies in its application ecology. The advantage lies in its huge developer ecology. The advantage lies in its technical reliability and operational ability. What is the advantage? How to maintain the ecological activity when various expansion schemes are mature and high performance is no longer the key factor to determine the success or failure of the chain? The answer is network, social network and network service. From the perspective of social network, we only need to consider what needs users have when using them. Import and export trade, therefore, has a built-in wallet, which lowers the use threshold. There is a need to show artistic aesthetics among users. It is a good social tool to play with friends. It is the happiest thing, so it is possible to quickly split network services through social networks. Everything in the traditional network of the old bank has been redone, called the future of the Internet, anonymously realizing the ideal when it was founded. A social network domain name that protects privacy has improved readability and enabled users to be more in the network. Easily find each other's website agents hope to provide decentralized, safe and reliable Internet storage for everyone. Yes, the upgraded version uses decentralized storage to ensure the safety of user data. The use of blockchain technology is not only to obtain funds, but also to build a more decentralized, safe and reliable Internet with the help of blockchain. This is the conclusion. Unfortunately, from the current ecological activity, it seems that not many users need a more decentralized, safe and reliable Internet, which is also the current situation in all districts. Problems faced by blockchain projects: Most people enter the blockchain ecology for gold rush, but they don't really need decentralized services. If there is no wealth-making effect, it is difficult for the project to get sustained attention. Fortunately, the ecology is not short of money. Hundreds of millions of dollars of ecological funds have been set up to invest and incubate projects in the ecology, relying on the largest monthly users in the whole world. We have reason to believe that the future ecology will usher in an outbreak and deserve sustained attention. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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