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作者:William M. Peaster,Bankless;编译:白水,比特币买卖交易网

游戏、加密货币和 NFT 的交叉点潜力巨大。 目前在这个十字路口建设的项目数量也很大。


我收集了我认为的最佳加密游戏。 这些是我的主观选择,但它们是很好的切入点。




Parallel, Axie Infinity, Nifty Island, Fren Pet

我的首选是Parallel。 在我看来,它拥有目前所有加密游戏中最好的全面游戏玩法和代币经济学。 任何人都可以加入并玩非 NFT“Apparitions”卡牌,而更多的铁杆玩家则可以更深入地玩链上资产。 虽然有一个学习过程,但游戏确实很有趣,这就是使整个项目顺利进行的引擎。

接下来是Axie Infinity。自 2022 年Axie Infinity: Origins的到来以及引入新模式、可装备魅力、启动Axie 经验值 Axies 以来,游戏玩法变得更加丰富和广泛。在我看来,现在是回归的好时机。

一个给我留下深刻印象的新游戏是 Nifty Island。 Nifty Island 是一个专为 NFT 持有者设计的虚拟世界平台,推出了多种多人游戏模式,从夺旗到竞赛,非常有趣。 让玩家使用他们的 NFT 作为化身在他们定制的岛屿上举办比赛,同时获得奖励是持续成功的秘诀。

我最喜欢的最后一个是 Fren Pet。 Fren Pet 是一款类似电子宠物蛋的冒险游戏,非常容易上手,并且开创了如何为移动玩家带来有趣且休闲的加密游戏的早期蓝图。 虽然Parallel和Axie Infinity等游戏可能会让人出汗,但Fren Pet的游戏玩法却非常休闲,适合任何技能水平的人。 我认为它的代币经济学也很引人注目。



Pirate Nation, Sorare, Influence

Pirate Nation是一款以Farmville为主题、以冒险为主题的链上角色扮演游戏,您可以在其中探索、战斗和打造自己的方式来赚取战利品。 凭借自己定制的链上游戏引擎和区块链基础设施,Pirate Nation是游戏玩法和技术以一种非常美妙的方式结合在一起的游戏之一。 如果您没有积累 BOOTY 积分,请考虑开始。

尽管 Sorare 在幻想体育领域往往不太受关注,但它是 NFT 领域最成功的案例之一,目前其生态系统中流通着数千万美元。 想想可交易的足球、MLB 和 NBA 卡,您可以每周参加梦幻比赛。 它在粉丝中引起了巨大的轰动,我的猜测是它会继续表现良好。

我也发现真正令人印象深刻的是Influence。 Influence是 Starknet 上的一款大型多人太空策略游戏,其游戏内资源经济具有令人难以置信的深厚游戏潜力。 该项目刚刚进行了预发布试验,全面启动指日可待。 如果您还没有开始准备推出,请做好准备。



Pixels, Gods Unchained, Cambria, Tarochi

Pixels 是 Ronin 上的旗舰非 Axie 游戏,是一款以探索和收获资源为基础的开放式农业游戏,其中的土地以 NFT 的形式维护。 Pixels 凭借令人印象深刻的每日活跃用户 (DAU) 数量和最近发布的 $PIXEL 代币,提供了易于深入的休闲游戏体验。

至于 NFT 领域的一款老游戏,Gods Unchained是另一款持续不断向前发展的 TCG 战斗游戏。 Gods Unchained 由 Immutable 提供支持,有超过 1,800 张卡牌可供选择,提供廉价的交易和一系列不同的游戏风格可供选择。 随着 Immutable 生态系统的不断崛起,我认为这个游戏将会不断老化。

接下来是 Cambria,这是一款 Blast 上受Runescape启发的决斗游戏,玩家可以押注 ETH,然后互相争夺以太坊。 实际的战斗机制非常简单且令人上瘾,因此上手的学习门槛很低。 在开始尝试更大的胜利之前,请务必先进行几轮低风险的练习。

另一款现在值得深入研究的游戏是 Tarochi。 如果你喜欢《神奇宝贝》,那么这款就很合你的胃口。 基于定制的 Paima 引擎,Tarochi 玩家的任务是捕捉、战斗和升级可爱的怪物。 目前,游戏正在进行第一季活动,所以可以说,仍然可以进入底层。



Sky Strife, Primodium

Sky Strife和Primodium是两款尚未在主网上发布但目前可以在测试网上玩的游戏。

Sky Strife 采用 MUD 链上引擎和新的 Redstone L2 构建,是一款实时策略游戏,4 名玩家在 PVP 比赛中对峙,目标是统治对手的基地。 我非常喜欢这个游戏中所蕴含的思想和热情。

至于 Primodium,它是另一款多人链上太空策略游戏,它全面采用了资源管理机制。 如果您喜欢“基地建造者”类型的游戏,那么您也想尝试一下。


Parallel Colony, Treeverse, Capsule Heroes, Project Awakening



  • The author compiles Baishui Bitcoin trading network game, and the intersection of cryptocurrency sum has great potential. At present, the number of projects under construction at this intersection is also very large. More and more novice and veteran cryptocurrencies are paying attention to this field and are eager to join it. I have collected the best cryptocurrency games I think, but these are my subjective choices, but they are good starting points. Let's review them. My first choice is that it has the best comprehensive game among all cryptocurrency games at present. Gameplay and Token Economics Anyone can join and play non-cards, while more hardcore players can play the assets on the chain more deeply. Although there is a learning process, the game is really interesting. This is the engine that makes the whole project go smoothly. Next, since the arrival of 2008 and the introduction of new models, which can be equipped with charm to start the experience value, the gameplay has become richer and wider. In my opinion, it is a good time to return. A new game that impressed me deeply is designed for the holders. The virtual world platform has launched a variety of multiplayer game modes, from flag capture to competition. It is very interesting for players to use their avatars to hold competitions on their customized islands and get rewards at the same time. The last one I like best is an adventure game similar to electronic pet eggs, which is very easy to use and creates an early blueprint for how to bring interesting and casual encrypted games to mobile players. Although waiting for games may make people sweat, the gameplay is very slow. Leisure is suitable for people of any skill level. I think its token economics is also very eye-catching. The amazing game is an online role-playing game with the theme of adventure. You can explore battles and build your own way to earn trophies. With your own customized online game engine and blockchain infrastructure, it is one of the games in which gameplay and technology are combined in a wonderful way. If you have not accumulated points, please consider starting, although in fantasy sports. Domain is often not paid much attention to, but it is one of the most successful cases in the field. At present, there are tens of millions of dollars circulating in its ecosystem. Think about tradable football and cards. You can participate in fantasy games every week. It has caused a huge sensation among fans. My guess is that it will continue to perform well. I also find that what is really impressive is a large-scale multiplayer space strategy game in the world. Its in-game resource economy has incredibly deep game potential. The project has just been pre-released and tested comprehensively. The launch is just around the corner. If you haven't started to prepare for the launch, please be prepared. The game is not bad. It is the flagship non-game in the world. It is an open agricultural game based on exploring and harvesting resources. The land is maintained in a new form, which provides an easy-to-go casual game experience with an impressive number of daily active users and recently released tokens. As for an old game in the field, it is another battle game that continues to develop. There are more than one card to choose from. Provide cheap deals and a series of different game styles to choose from. With the continuous rise of the ecosystem, I think this game will continue to age. Next, this is an inspired duel game. Players can bet and then compete for the Ethereum. The actual fighting mechanism is very simple and addictive, so the learning threshold for getting started is very low. Please be sure to conduct several rounds of low-risk exercises before trying to win more. Another game that deserves in-depth study now is if you like it. Poké mon, then this one is very much to your liking. Based on the customized engine, the player's task is to capture the battle and upgrade the cute monster. At present, the game is in the first season, so it can be said that it can still enter the bottom and be launched on the test network. There are two games that have not been released on the main network but can be played on the test network at present. The online engine and new construction are a real-time strategy game. The goal of the famous player in the game is to dominate the opponent's base. I like this game very much. The thought and enthusiasm it contains, as it is another multiplayer space strategy game, it fully adopts the resource management mechanism. If you like the base builder type game, then you also want to try the encryption game that can be followed up. Finally, there are some highly anticipated encryption games that have not been played yet, but you should follow them after they are online. These games include 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

    Parallel Colony——一款即将推出的人工智能游戏,玩家将为他们的化身提供目标,然后化身将自主地执行这些任务,并随着他们的行为记忆而进化。 祝最好的殖民地获胜!

  • Treeverse —— 由 Endless Clouds 工作室制作的一款大型多人角色扮演游戏,Treeverse 在发布前就获得了广泛关注。 预览已经展示了华丽的图形和流畅的游戏玩法,所以不要错过这个。

  • Capsule Heroes —— Capsule Heroes 是我个人关注列表中最高的,是另一款 Endless Clouds 游戏,特别是 PVP 格斗游戏。 我认为它就像《守望先锋》,但具有更可爱的图形和更简单的游戏玩法,我迫不及待地想玩它。

  • Project Awakening —— 以 EVE Online 宇宙为背景,Project Awakening是 CCP Games 即将推出的游戏。 如果它能吸引到 EVE 玩家群的一小部分,那么这个游戏的规模就很大了!


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