币安 CEO:减半之际的比特币创新浪潮

币圈资讯 阅读:29 2024-04-22 03:08:46 评论:0



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作者:Binance Blog 来源:Binance 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

在数字资产领域,最重要的无疑是今年 4 月比特币减半。今年的减半事件史无前例,这不仅是因为比特币网络本身在 Layer-2 解决方案和新通证标准方面取得了重大进展,还因为它是在更广泛的发展背景下展开的,这些发展以全新的方式塑造着加密货币领域。

最近获批的现货比特币 ETF 带来的利息和资本流入重塑了格局,带来了新的机会和更高的需求。比特币历史上首次在减半之前而不是之后达到了新的历史最高点。


在币安,我们始终坚信比特币不仅可以改变货币的概念,还可以彻底改变整个数字领域。随着减半的临近,我想借此机会反思原始区块链的更深层意义,并强调我们历史上以多种方式支持比特币生态系统并促进用户访问最广泛的比特币功能的方式 - 并继续这样做至今。


Binance 一直认可比特币生态系统在更广阔的数字资产领域中扮演的基础性角色。自我们成立之初,我们就一直密切关注比特币的演变,并确保我们的用户能够接触并受益于原创加密货币领域蓬勃发展的创新。

我们也自豪地通过提供帮助保护比特币网络的途径来为社区做出贡献。我们通过 2020 年推出的币安矿池改进了矿工奖励,并通过其云挖矿功能使没有专用设备的用户能够民主化访问。

币安完全拥抱了旨在帮助比特币网络扩展其功能的 Layer-2 解决方案。币安交易所自 2020 年以来一直支持 Stacks – 一个支持比特币智能合约和去中心化应用程序 (DApps) 的 L2,每天处理数百笔交易。

2023 年 7 月,我们增加了对闪电网络的支持,该网络绕过了比特币的一个主要限制,使 BTC 适合日常交易。如今,我们拥有最大的闪电网络节点之一,为主要的 Web3 钱包和中心化交易所提供优质连接。币安用户每天进行数千笔闪电交易,只需几秒钟即可完成。每次交易只需几美分,这使用户能够进行 BTC 微支付,这在主网上在经济上是不可行的。


即将到来的减半活动使人们关注比特币网络上蓬勃发展的创新。这个进化阶段进一步扩展了比特币除了作为货币和价值存储之外的效用,培养了一个蓬勃发展的数字收藏品和资产环境,类似于我们在 NFT 领域看到的。随着比特币区块链的演变,它有可能吸引更广泛的观众 - 热情者、投资者、艺术家、创作者等 - 每个人都被新机遇所吸引。为了支持这种创新的转变,我们一直在努力保持领先地位,为这些发展准备一系列相关产品。

2024 年 2 月,我们在 Web3 钱包中引入铭文市场,同时支持铭刻在比特币网络上的同质化 BRC-20 和 ARC-20 代币、Taproot 地址和未花费交易输出 (UTXO) 管理,这强调了我们支持蓬勃发展的比特币生态系统的承诺,并为用户提供探索这些发展的必要工具。如今,币安的 Web3 钱包是少数同时支持 ARC-20 和 BRC-20 铭文的跨链钱包之一。

总体而言,我们的铭文市场简化了直接在币安应用程序中交易、铸造和管理铭文资产的过程。市场的主要功能包括支持超过 60,000 个流行的 BRC-20 代币以及交易所和 Web3 钱包之间的一键式转账。


随着我们微调产品套件以适应比特币的动态脉搏,我们当然不会忽视基础部分:始终提供我们所能提供的最深流动性和最低滑点,并确保所有用户都能进行最佳的 BTC 交易。


The most important thing of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network in the field of digital assets is undoubtedly the halving of bitcoin this month. This year's halving event is unprecedented, not only because the Bitcoin network itself has made great progress in solutions and new pass standards, but also because it has been developed in a broader development background. These developments have shaped the cryptocurrency field in a brand-new way, and the interest and capital inflows brought by the recently approved spot bitcoin have reshaped the pattern and brought new opportunities. Meeting and higher demand: For the first time in the history of Bitcoin, it has reached a new historical peak before halving, not after. The surge in bitcoin use cases represented by the rise of inscriptions marks that the vision of the network far exceeds its original design. This technology enables users to directly embed unique data and digital cultural relics into the bitcoin blockchain, thus injecting a new dimension into the ecosystem. In Bitcoin security, we always believe that Bitcoin can not only change the concept of money, but also completely change the whole digital field with halving. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the deeper significance of the original blockchain and emphasize the way in which we have supported the Bitcoin ecosystem in various ways in history and promoted users to access the widest range of Bitcoin functions, and continue to do so. So far, the history of embracing Bitcoin innovation has always recognized the basic role played by the Bitcoin ecosystem in the broader field of digital assets. Since our establishment, we have been paying close attention to the evolution of Bitcoin and ensuring that our users can access and benefit from the original. Creating vigorous innovations in the field of cryptocurrency, we are also proud to contribute to the community by providing ways to help protect the bitcoin network. We have improved the miners' rewards through the launch of the Bitcoin mine pool in and enabled users without special equipment to democratize access to Bitcoin through its cloud mining function. We have fully embraced the solution aimed at helping the Bitcoin network expand its functions. Since 2000, the Bitcoin Exchange has been supporting a daily support for bitcoin smart contracts and decentralized applications. Dealing with hundreds of transactions, we have increased our support for lightning network, which bypasses one of the main restrictions of Bitcoin and makes it suitable for daily transactions. Now we have one of the largest lightning network nodes to provide high-quality connections for major wallets and centralized exchanges. It takes only a few seconds for users to complete thousands of lightning transactions every day, and each transaction takes only a few cents, which enables users to make micro-payments, which is economically infeasible on the main network to engrave the upcoming half-life. It has made people pay attention to the booming innovation on the bitcoin network. This evolutionary stage has further expanded the utility of bitcoin except as a currency and value storage, and cultivated a booming digital collection and asset environment similar to what we have seen in the field. With the evolution of bitcoin blockchain, it may attract a wider audience, enthusiasts, investors, artists and creators. Everyone is attracted by new opportunities. In order to support this innovative transformation, we have been trying to stay ahead. In order to prepare a series of related products for these developments, we introduced the inscription market into wallets and supported the homogenization engraved on the bitcoin network and the management of token addresses and unused transaction output, which emphasized our commitment to support the booming bitcoin ecosystem and provided users with the necessary tools to explore these developments. Today, the wallet of Coin Security is one of the few cross-chain wallets that support and inscription at the same time. Generally speaking, our inscription market simplifies the direct transaction in Coin Security applications. The process of casting and managing inscription assets. The main functions of the market include supporting more than 100 popular tokens and controlling the future with one-click transfer between exchanges and wallets. We are full of confidence. As we fine-tune the product suite to adapt to the dynamic pulse of Bitcoin, we will certainly not ignore that the basic part always provides the deepest liquidity and the lowest slip point that we can provide, and ensure that all users can make the best transactions. No matter what kind of currency security this historic halving brings, we will continue to support the most in this field. The new development provides our users with convenient, safe and innovative experiences. With the continuous expansion and diversification of the bitcoin field, we will continue to pay attention to users and help them to take advantage of the wave of digital asset innovation. We will continue to build after this halving or the next halving. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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